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>Hey divorcelli… your thoughts. It thinks?! Also I don't know why you'd need the "victims" consent, They consented to public discussion of their experiences when they consented to the report being published. Unless Max didn't tell them about the report and just asked about their experiences, In that case I feel like you would need their consent?


At least we can agree on waffle fries 🤝


I don't know what these different types of fries you waffle on about (HAH get it?) are tbh. The only fries I know of are like the sticky ones. not like sticky as in sticky but like sticky, like a stick is sticky. Stick-Like.


Im about to blow your mind, but some people even eat sweet potato fries, its a wild world out there. What do you think about Kramer from Seinfeld acting in the role of mr girl?


I haven't seen Seinfeld. your media references are way too old for me, Seinfeld was made in 1989, There were dinosaurs on earth back then. And also why is there a "potato" qualifier in front of fries? Are there non potato fries?


Sweet potatoes aren't actually potatoes.


Then why are they called potatoes?


Same reason Koala Bears are called bears when they aren't actually bears, Guinea Pigs are called pigs when they aren't actually pigs, white chocolate is called chocolate even though it's not actually chocolate. in other words, i have no idea.


White chocolate is chocolate, It's the best kind of chocolate.


it isn't


You are right. People also confuse them with yams too.


Yes, they can be made with other root veggies (carrots, turnips, jicama, yucca). You could make the argument for using other veggies like zucchini or summer squash, but they’re less strachy and have a high water content.


> They consented to public discussion of their experiences when they consented to the report being published. We have multiple cases where the "victims" stated Max had misrepresented their interviews and quotes to such a significant degree it isn't representative of the experience they were describing or their own emotional state. In at least one case we have one of the "victims" provided information to Max only for Max to read them - and then published them without asking for their consent to publish them in the report. So in this case, if you are concerned with the ethical ramifications, you'd want to verify consent since all interactions and information published have been tainted by these


I also have various casting ideas. Kevin spacey would be a great narrator. I think Winona ryder could absolutely crush it in the lav role.


Kevin Spacy as the narrator, Kevin James as mrgirl, Kevin Hart as Destiny (both short), Kevin Bacon as Lav, Kevin Costner as Chudlogic.


Kevin smith as Smeth, in the Smeth destiny report report


Waffle fries


I'd say it depends. I don't see an issue making content out of it unless your goal is to minimise the severity of the allegations in an attempt to make money. Like Chudlogic did with Destiny fans.


What if my intent is pure. But the audience overwhelmingly doesn’t take the allegations seriously. Also, if were to get sued for using the victims likeness in a film. Would a discovery in the law suit have to include all of the original source material mr girl used for the report? Possibly answering the question of the issue of consent in the Report™️. Keep in mind I wouldn’t even have to win or lose the lawsuit, discovery could happen even if the lawsuit gets dismissed.