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Intuit is such a horrible and awful company. It baffles me how American companies are addicted to them. Internally we use Xero and have been since 2010.


Can I ask what PSA you use, and do you sync between your PSA and Xero? I'm looking at Xero but that plus the cost of clouddepot for the integration (which is more than Xero), is about $360 more per year. I use AutoTask for PSA. In the grand scheme, $30 per month more isn't necessarily a deal killer, but I'm curious what Xero offers over QBO that makes the extra cost worth it.


Not the person you asked but very happy Xero customer here. We are on CW and use Wise-Sync to get invoices to Xero. But the ecosystem is awesome and there are a lot of other tools that integrate.


Sorry, was never big enough for that. When I started with Xero, QBO was pretty useless and since I didn't really want to use them I went directly to Xero. Also, living in a hurricane zone you never know when your stuff will get destroyed (2017 for me) and thankfully my accounting software was in the cloud. I have mostly re-curring invoices that rarely change.


I use Square but I don't link to my RMM. It's fantastic, free other than credit card and ACH fees. I was able to replace Quickbooks 2019 with it. Never looked back.


First day on Xero... This is insane that I can't manually enter a cost on a product, complete bewilderment that I have to record actual expenses to determine cost. 1 week of Xero. This is insane that anyone manually enters a cost, complete bewilderment that anyone doesn't record actual expenses to determine cost.


Not sure if you are being serious? You add a product . Assign the correct inventory account so that it is recorded correctly. That way you are only paying taxes on the net and not the gross.


\+1 for Xero. Our accountants love it and the the 3 times I had to use it were not bad at all.


Hahaha apparently you've never dealt with Dentrix, Sage, or Epicor. QuickBooks is easy


Carestream Dental has entered the chat...


I have worked with them all! Many hours with Dentrix support.


> Dentrix I call dental MSPs the crime scene cleanup crews of the industry. They have become experts in the tasks that no one else wants to do.


> Epicor Well trigger me timbers.


I've at least never had Dentrix or Sage tell me "sorry, this error from our program is actually a Windows issue - call your IT to troubleshoot this".


You haven't actually called Sage support then


Fair, but given that I support an equal number of Sage and QB installs makes me think that’s still a point in Sage’s favour (as low as that bar is).


You haven't talked to Dentrix support all that often apparently...... They're fucking awful.


Having worked with all of these (and still actively work with Dentrix) I’d say Sage is my least favorite, but QB is definitely worse than Dentrix in my experience. At least Enterprise.


Epicor oh god.


Yep. We had one client with that stuff. That was a shit show.


Don't get me started on Sage. Yuck.


Ah, Sage. My previous org had a dedicated Sage support admin and we still wasted a ton of time and effort supporting it. That poor soul was an angry old bat and I don't blame them one bit. Does Sage support 64-bit versions of Office yet?


NO! Still 32-Bit only! So many uninstalls and re-installs!!!


Good old days


Maestro can DIAF


Epicor, eh, they get bitchy about xen server setups. Sage, not too bad as long as it's 64bit and on SSD. But agree, quickbooks is easy compared to the others.




It took 28 hours to initially install it and the install guide was 100ish pages of specific commands and settings. What do you find bad?


or sideaxis or Marcoconnect or chirotouch


Dentrix is a PITA for sure.


Sage is equally as terrible as any Intuit software IMO.


I don't miss fixing Sage after every update. F\*cking garbage ass software.


HP Smart app and HP printer drivers are quickly climbing to the top of my "will never touch or work with" list. Awful software. I almost want to say I'd rather deal with QB annoyances than install HP software or printer drivers.


Avoid, just get the universal PS drivers and call it a day. HP mostly does native PS, so if you setup your print drivers with universal PS you should be good.


They are really becoming a contender. Pushing everyone to use HP Smart is going to cost them in the long run.


The straw that broke the camel's back for me was requiring an HP account to do a local scan document from an MFP and save it to the workstation on the network. That's nuts.


Agreed and HP have had good printers (IMHO) and crap software for 20 years now. Do these guys never ask their customers what they think?


Yup, they do. I used to sit on the HP Print advisory council. The problem is that they simply ignore you when you tell them what is wrong with their stuff. This is pretty typical of a company that drinks their own cool aid and thinks they "know what you need" better than you do.


Sage 50 aka Peachtree


I see a lot of people complaining about Sage. I have one customer that uses it. Besides the updates, we haven't had many issues. What's the big pain point of Sage?


I've managed Sage products, (mostly 50, 300, Paperless, and recently Intacct), for about 15 years. I complain about it a lot and we all groan about stuff like "*yeah that's a sage problem*" but we've truthfully had very few major problems over the years. My main gripe is that local admin is basically required, and that Intacct is... not ready for prime time, IMO. It's also way better to install than it was 10 years ago. We can deploy it silently with a script now, which was problematic for a long time.


Yeah, I only have a couple of clients with Sage, but the biggest problem I've had is if a computer crashes while using Sage, I basically have to disconnect everyone from Sage to let them back in (since the mysqld.exe file I need to terminate doesn't mention which user is which).


All my sage clients are done via TS. They RDP into the terminal server which has all the tools they need.


For me, it's the seemingly constant need to rebase.


Not sure if was just the installation I inherited at my last job but PC Law seemed way worse than the usual QB issues I'd encounter. Honorable mention to Autocad licensing.


I've never had any issues with AutoCAD licensing. What's the issue there?


When autodesk made the move to user specific licensing instead of active company seats, oh boy was that a scramble.


QuickBooks and PC Law... 2 applications that soon hope to be able to claim full compliance with the Windows 98 programming guide.


I literally knew from the title alone that this was going to be a QuickBooks thread. We would probably see 30% fewer support tickets if not for QuickBooks, so in a way I'm grateful for the break-fix money.


I went from the MSP world into sales engineering and war stories are great way to remind engineers that I'm not just another sales guy, I've been in your shoes. Quickbooks stories are probably some of my favorite and you can tell who has and hasn't supported it based on the looks you get when it's brought up.


Yep same thought process.  Job security even moreso than microsoft products.


QuickBooks makes up almost a quarter of the tickets I deal with.


It very well might be the same for us. Absolutely crazy how broken this piece of garbage software is. Not that on-prem is the future, but is/was there anything better?


WSUS if you can call it an app. I hate it. Takes ages to get an environment up and running :-)


Apparently you’ve never had to deal with Sage lol


I cannot believe it’s 2024 and Quickbooks still can’t run their stupid database manager program as a system service.


The scan button will destroy a fileserver's data disk security setting NTFS permission to "everyone" Intuit says business owners home folder (mapped drive) should not remain private. No security best Intuit method to avoid support and connectivity issues.


FreshBooks thank me later




Quickbooks online is great, its time to move.


There are certain limitations for QBO an most people went QB for perpetual licensing.  Now that QB POS is being discontinued a lot of our customers are swapping away from QB. Also as bad as QB can be Sage 50 says "hold my beer"


People love to say QBO has limitations, without actually mentioning ones they need. QB desktop now requires a subscription too for support, so not paying every year means no support. Using an application to manage the finances of your business without support isn't something I'd recommend to a client.


My understanding is that one of the big ones is nested builds in inventory. I think there's some in payroll but I'm not sure what the detail are there, I think it might have been something about not being able to control taxes on deductions the same way.


Not to mention they are winding up to kill desktop eventually.


They are going to stop selling it to new customers in June. https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/en-us/help-article/feature-preferences/quickbooks-desktop-service-discontinuation-policy/L17cXxlie\_US\_en\_US?uid=lq2fmnzc


Page cannot be found


Odd, it works for me. Trying searching for QuickBooks Desktop service discontinuation policy


Your link has extra backslash characters so it can't be opened directly on mobile or old Reddit without first removing them. It's because you're using new reddit. Here's the fixed link: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/en-us/help-article/feature-preferences/quickbooks-desktop-service-discontinuation-policy/L17cXxlie_US_en_US


The only thing I see on that page is that they will stop supporting 2021, which is normal since they only support for 3 years. You can still purchase 2024 which will be supported until 2027. Am I missing something on that page?


Good catch, I shared the wrong link by mistake. Here is the correct link. [https://quickbooks.intuit.com/r/whats-new/quickbooks-desktop-stop-sell/](https://quickbooks.intuit.com/r/whats-new/quickbooks-desktop-stop-sell/)




You are compelling about the price, not a missing feature. There are other options too, besides advanced. https://quickbooks.intuit.com/app/apps/search/?searchTerm=backup


Lol Sage is something else.


It’s so slow though. Do you just put up with it or did you find a way to speed it up?


To be fair, QuickBooks Desktop is slow, too.


Not nearly as slow as online.


From the title of the post I was going to reply “QuickBooks.” Had a good laugh when I actually read the post.


Worst company ever. Without doxxing anything I can just say I have numerous clients who wanted to "migrate" from old desktop versions of Quickbooks to Quickbooks online because they are pushing that shit on everyone, 3-4 months later after our company tried and then after Intuit themselves tried and failed, the clients are out a lot of wasted money, we are out a lot of wasted time, and they still have no path to migrate to their shitty product. Intuit themselves are shit. They make shit products, they have shit customer service, and their shit does not work. Their "support" essentially says to remove records from your file... EXCUSE YOU? Thats literally the point of quickbooks to keep records. You can delete some out of date clients, but you need the invoice history... thats not something you can just delete! They killed Mint, possibly one of the best and only web apps I used consistently and they pushed credit karma, which is SHIT and doesn't even do the same thing!? I hope this company goes bankrupt and it will simply be ironic as hell. And I hope Adobe follows them right to the grave. /rant


I’ve had multiple clients go cloud and switch back, you are not alone friend


Anyone have to deal with AccountingEdge? Now that will make your brain go numb.


Yeap. Worse than quickbooks when there are issues. But, way less issues than QB


Grumpy sysadmin here who tends to loathe software developers over all the dumb shit I've seen over the years...I've just conceded to the fact that all software and apps are pretty much trash. They're like bands. They start out great, hit a peak, and then it's all downhill after that.


QB is awful but there are definitely worse options out there, like almost anything by Sage, and half the LOB apps in the world


HAHAHA I saw the title and came here to answer with QB. Sounds like we both had a shit day


Sage us by far the worst


We use QB and N-Able. BUT QBO blows and we won’t ever use it. Tried that and didn’t last a single month. We also do not sync our N-Able MSPM with QB. Our bookkeeper prefers to not have some MSP app messing with the financial data. We also use QB because that’s what our accountant wants us to use and can help us with.


And Eaglesoft!


Lmao.. don't forget to restart your server everyday and leave the firewall off.


Honestly if I gained malicious access to an eaglesoft server, I would just disconnect because they’re already dealing with enough shit




This whole thread has been a good read. My picks were all well represented in the comments.


If only I could convince every company we manage to stop using Quickbooks and Sage. What a better world we'd all be in.


Other than not being able to automate its updates, honestly, doesn't give us fits. That being said, we're down to like 3 QB desktop customers or so? So it's not like the old days of several accountants remoting in to use it at once on an old RDP server.


To me, the fact that QBs needs to have full and complete control on all files to all QB users is a huge issue. Basically, there is nothing stopping any Tom, Jane, or harry from downloading the QB file and then cracking it offline.


While i'm not saying that's in any way a good thing, those people have literal access to QB anyway. They can simply run reports and take pics with their cell phone if they wanted. I'm just saying that QB doesn't give us half the hassle it gets a reputation for.


Speaking as someone who supports a client who loves QBs. to the tune of 90 simultaneous users in 8 companies on 3 terminal servers in 5 countries on 3 continents... Intuit is on my list of companies where I need to get a job there for 1-2 weeks so I can find and beat up the engineers responsible for these decisions. That said, I think the problem is that Intuit would really love you to use QB online because there really is not discernible difference in the on prem version from one year to the next.


Do they have a cloud version of the enterprise QB yet? I use QB online, and support a client with QB enterprise on prem. Enterprise does so much more than online. Is there another product I've missed?


Yeah, I'm curious as well. Enterprise has Advanced Inventory, integration with QB POS, and a ton of things that Online doesn't offer.


> Speaking as someone who supports a client who loves QBs. to the tune of 90 simultaneous users in 8 companies on 3 terminal servers in 5 countries on 3 continents... Ever run into an issue on TS where a user goes to print and gets an error saying "the file exists"? That's been a two year fight with Intuit, with them most recently telling me their enterprise version doesn't support TS, despite the documentation saying otherwise.


Isn't that fixed by deleting the QBPrint file? I know I used to see that error in the past for a particular client and I think I remember having to go in and delete that file. Maybe give everyone full rights to it and see if it's a permissions issue. I recall using procmon to see what was being accessed and what was being returned but it's been a few years so I'm not positive.


Yeah. Does it happen to all users? All printers? and can you print to PDF locally? What happens if you try to print from a console session and not RDP? if you have more than one printer, does any of them work? Printing on RDS is a pain in the butt, especially if you are doing it through printer redirection. It really is best to have a print server with stable drivers. QB does not really like redirected printers, especially if there are slight differences between the driver on the RDS server and the local. In the end, we found that the issue was that the printer driver on windows server did not actually support being on Windows Server. Changing the printer or printing to a print server solved it.


Thank you! You may have put me on a path towards actually fixing this. It seems to happen very sporadically, but as far as I know, it's all users. Can't say for all printers, however, but printer redirection as a possible culprit may make sense.


Depending if they aren't supposed to be seeing those reports you can tune those permissions a little, but you can't so easily tune the file permissions without breaking quickbooks.


QB works fine outside of.running it on a DC which you shouldn't do anyway. Bes, sbs backup exec and lotus were worse


Sage is awful as well.


Their timberline is slightly better but no it's not the worst and I know you're using hyperbole


> QB works fine outside of.running it on a DC which you shouldn't do anyway. Hey now, DCs are built to run Exchange, Quickbooks, SEP manager, RDP (for the boss on a super secret port), and file shares. All the better if you can run them on a refurb poweredge with no warranty. I just punched my monitor for some reason...


Is it weird for me to cry in the shitter... While I'm dealing with this exact issue?


Intuit has a list of about 20 things that make your installation "unsupported". Last time I checked you were "unsupported" if you were running on anything virtualized.


The fact that QB uses the same ports as a DNS server is...mind numbing.




All accounting businesses globally are moving to cloud only, so government tax agencies can directly view everyone's accounts and use AI to automate detection of anything they don't approve of. In many European countries, it is not even legal to use an offline accounting system now. They have "realtime invoice reporting".


My Terminal Server setups with quickbooks have consistently been pretty solid. But I build them with the ram slots maxed out, large raid 10, and a large battery backup.


QBO seems ok


move to Xero - you will thank me... painful to do it - but the joy it will return to you a 1000 fold


imagine time is worse


I have to agree. I recall in 201x's when I was engaged by them to deploy their Enterprise product, it was terrible for a client of mine. The person who named the version "Enterprise" needed to look up what that word implied, itw as messy, luckily the client had me attend all of the project meetings with his people where I would bring up the list of issues from the deployment for month after month. Pretty much every issue/problem/defect was acknowledged as "yes it does that". The poor client had invested quite a bit in the deployment and didn't want to back out. About 3 yrs later we talked about the project and I expressed my surprise he persisted with the project, I felt he was throwing good money at a poorly designed product. He admitted it was a big mistake, was thinking he should kill it off but felt he'd lose face. We are now both brutally honest with one another.


try Fishbowl.... integrated with QuickBooks


Hold my 🍺 Visma, netsuite, any industrial printer driver, uniflow, schneider building access system. But to name a few….


Alterdata software


Any EMR.


Quickbooks and CCH Prosystem Engagement are definitely at the top of my list


DONT. GET. ME. STARTED. I work IT for an accounting firm. We just finished an Azure migration and using AVDs for allowing our "Accounting Server" to be accessed by our accountants. It works great for ALL of our accounting software EXCEPT QuickBooks. We are fighting a ridiculous UAC prompt issue, where QuickBooks constantly wants to check for administrator privilege in order to run. It would not be an issue if we only had one version I occasionally need to check in on, but as an accounting firm, we use versions going back all the way to 2013. It kills me inside.


I would have to flip a coin between GFI Archiver and Lastpass