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Last time this was posted, it was found to be tier rewards from a JA Kickstarter and worth about $20 a piece. That was in 2020 so things may be different now. Correction: The $20 ones were unsigned. Not sure how much the signature would add to the value.


I bought a playmat from Jhon kickstarter campaign where those tolens were sent. I just dont remember wich one (as i bought from both kickstarter campaings) Here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/johnavonart/john-avons-playmat-extravaganza And here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/johnavonart/john-avons-unstable They sent us a reward idk Sold or gave mine, just kept the mats (unstable swamp and city of ass) as far as i can remember, we received a mag about them, i’ll check it then add the reply here


Why'd you acquire them?


Bought a small collection of cards and found them in among them


If you have facebook there is an oddities group worth checking.


I would value them at what you are happy with make sure you add a vintage tag plus anything that may be used to look for a highly collectible peice of magic, then post with your desired price due to no knowledge, you have to remember possible buyers will do the same research as you finding nothing. This shows the value to them also being unknown, so set your price at your ideal win with all offers available.


Yeah John Avon does.