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Ariana isn’t my favourite person but man, bleaching her eyebrows did her pretty dirty, she doesn’t deserve that 😭 just does not suit her.


Ariana is horribly miscast in this. But I hope she does galinda some justice


She really is. I dont remember her looking so...gaunt.


She looks like she caught something from Pete Davidson


They make this mistake in the first Thor movie and then correct it for Avengers and every appearance after. Where they bleached his eyebrows and it’s really off putting and unnecessary. Then allow him to have brown eyebrows and he looks great: Hollywood should have learned their lesson.


I feel like those eyebrows are the karma she’s manifested for herself


I'm glad I'm not the only one disappointed in so many aspects l of the teaser - the defying gravity note especially. They could record as many takes as they wanted to get the absolute best version of it, and that's what they go with? Elphaba doesn't sound like she's flying free, she sounds like she struggling to even take off.


disaidra, Wicked opened on Broadway 20 years ago and you expect them to keep the ending of Defying Gravity the same?! For every actress who portrays Elphaba ?! They only get a certain amount of time in the role depending on how long their contract with the production lasts for; so with that being said they can stylize their songs by adding new riffs to them and trying different takes on them. That's the whole point of creativity and originality


Reread what I said - I never complained about them changing the riff


I get what you’re saying, but when you’re recreating a musical as iconic as Wicked, there’s a bit of expectation to not take as much creative liberty with the things that made it popular in the first place. No one expected the actress that plays Elphaba to deliver a carbon copy performance to that of Idina Menzel, but when you take something like the iconic Defying Gravity riff and completely change the notes it turns on and the entire *tone* of how it ends the song? People are going to protest, not because it sounds different, but because it elicits a completely different feeling when you listen to it.


Wondering how intentional the lack of Ethan Slater in this teaser is


like...the way I didn't even notice until you brought it up.


He's *briefly* visible at 0:18 on the right behind Nessa Rose, but yeah.




He’s in this movie?


He’s Boq!


Why didn’t they give Ariana eyebrows 😭


Also, why is her hair so... flat?


Does it matter?


My first thought


Cause she’s a witch my guy


She has eyebrows. What are you taking about?




She just released an interview where she admitted to stopping all her cosmetic procedures, like fillers and Botox. I think what we are seeing is her natural face starting to show through, and certain areas appearing sunken or saggy because they're lacking their usual filler.




I have a friend who worked on the film and she said Ariana was not allowed to see any kind of remake of her body because of how bad her body dysmorphia.


I mean. It's SO easy to just not comment on other people's appearance AND label them as having a serious mental health issue that they should be seeking help for. But I'm sure your genuine concern will do a lot to make the world a better place, so thanks for that. 


It's incredibly rude to comment on someone's weight and even more rude to make assumptions on their health. But it's okay because she's a celebrity right?


I'm a thin person, and I'm sick and fucking tired of people telling me there's something wrong with me. I eat what I want, I don't starve myself, and I'm not hungry. I just have a really high metabolism. I couldn't gain weight if I tried. Ariana Grande has always been thin, and faces thin out as we head into our thirties. My guess is that she's like me. Some people are naturally heavier, and some people are naturally thinner. *And both things are fine.* Stop projecting your personal issues with weight onto other people.


Sounds like you’re projecting your own issues onto my comment. Literally none of that is about you. I know dietitians who agree that Ari is scary skinny. You can be thin and be healthy, you can be large and be healthy. She looks like she’s dropped a drastic amount of weight and it’s concerning. Maybe you should stop projecting your own insecurities onto a stranger on the internet?


I don't like that skinny shaming is a thing that people seem to think is okay. Maybe I've had enough assholes literally shove food in my face or yell at me in passing that I need to eat a hamburger to have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about that. Bullying has that effect on people. But more than that, I don't think that we should be commenting on other people's weight. Ever. No matter how honest your concerns are, this kind of talk (she's thin, so she MUST be anorexic!) only perpetuates a system of hyper criticism surrounding women's bodies. That fact that you're skinny shaming instead of fat shaming doesn't make it okay that you're throwing shade on another woman's body. The guise of "Oh, I'm just so concerned for her health!" goes both ways, but you know already that it's not okay to say something like that about someone who is on the heavier side. So this only seems okay to you because she's thin. I'll add to that that neither you nor the dieticians you know are Ariana Grande's personal doctors or are fully familiar with her actual weight and medical situation. None of you have grounds to say she has a (very serious) mental disorder based off of a few shots from a highly digitally enhanced movie trailer. You must know this as well, which leaves the question of why you feel like you had to comment at all? Edit: I am sincerely disappointed in the number of people downvoting a body positivity post. Do better, Reddit.


I'm sorry you're being downvoted. It's gross how many comments there are in this thread about Ariana's appearance. (I'm not even a fan of hers)


Thank you. I'm not either in particular, I just don't think that body shaming is okay.


Sorry this piece of shit community is treating you this way


No, like it's really really really easy to just shut up and not pretend you know professionals who are backing up your shitty medical advice. Can't be out here saying you're worried about people as you spread rumours about them having an eating disorder, that's not what concerned people do lol. What a loser. edit: oh no :( not virtual downvotes...


Arriana isn't going to fuck you.


She looks rough.


I’ve been saying this ever since she put out that TikTok from the set last year. She doesn’t look well. I’m scared for her.


Based on the tone of people’s comments to this post, I can see why actors sometimes really struggle with their image. Damn, people go right for the throat and the most upvoted comments are nitpicking the actors appearance


Thread locked. Y’all can’t behave, then you can’t participate.




You mean sickening?


The feeling of the novels is coming through hard, which I am so here for, but oh boy are a lot of people going to be confused by it. Mixing the feeling of both the musical and the novels is going to require some deft maneuvering if they don't want to lose people Also that Defying Gravity finish is not it


... is it? I always got a much grungier feeling from the books when I read them (which was like 20 years ago). This looks like a Pinterest glitter explosion.


I guess when you compare it to the musical, that's what I'm getting. If it were being sold as the book story I'd maybe feel different


This 100%, the novel is my favorite book of all time. It's absolutely more Hunger Games-Oz than any of this mess. This is DEFINITELY not Gregory Maguire Wicked. I'm disappointed in the support bright colorful Oz if I'm being completely honest. Completely takes away from what the story is trying to sell.


I just read the book for the first time, and yeah, it definitely had a grungier feeling to me, too.


I think that’s kind of the point of Turtle Heart’s character in the book. It showed the effect of what the Wizard is doing to the people of Oz. The Wizard brought American colonization and industrialization at the expense of the simple lives of all the people, most notably the Quadlings. I wonder if they’re going to go so deep as to mention Ozma and the Wizard overthrowing her. All this to say, I think the movie could express this in a really beautiful way. I’m interested to see if they tell that story at all or if it is going to be 90% musical story 10% book.


I agree with you, but to side with the original reply here: I remember the musical as being fun and very funny. I remember the book as being heavy and emotional. From this trailer, I don't get any funny or fun


Yeah I’m with you on this one


I hate that Defying Gravity finish, too. Is that really the best take? It's so bland like Galinda's hair. It seems strained, and too...I don’t even know. There's no power, triumph or anger, or feeling behind it, just... yeah, I don't know. I mean, yes, you can sing, got it, but can you ACT and sing? Maybe listening to it in context will be better. Jumping from the beginning to the end of the song might be the issue. I am still cautiously optimistic, though.


That Defying Gravity ending sounds ROUGH 🥴


Who decided to use that take of Cynthia? Why would you not use the original riff?!


Agreed, and why did they use that odd take of "I am" (for Elphaba's answer to, "You're green")? You didn't just wake up like this, you shouldn't sound surprised. Sound shy, sarcastic, determined... Anything but surprised.


I imagine the sarcasm becomes very clear in the next line, but who knows


I think she's trying to mock Glinda. At least that's what I got from her delivery.


She’s saying it mockingly


To be fair, trailers are often not made with final cut material. It's possible they will have a better take in the actual movie.


Probably because Cynthia can’t sing the original riff. It’s a tough one to sing and while she has a nice voice, she simply doesn’t have the power or control of an Idina Menzel. Few people do.




Honestly I needed a good laugh 😂


So that she can differentiate her performance from the written one.


i literally jumped


What the fuck happened…


One step closer to November 27th, that's what;


I recoiled when I heard it, it gives me very little hope for the film.


Okay I wasn't going to say anything....but yeah... A oooOOOOAOOAOAOAAOoooooooooooooh..


lol it hurts my ear why😭


Did you listen to this at full volume without headphones by any chance?


Disclaimer: I have very strong opinions about the battlecry in Wicked, because it's one of my favorite parts of my favorite Musical ever. Also, the rest of the trailer looks relatively cool. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT RIFF? I HATE EVERY NOTE OF IT! WHO DECIDED THAT WAS OKAY? THE ORIGINAL IS ONE OF THE MOST ICONIC LINES IN ALL OF MUSICAL THEATER WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THAT? I'M LITERALLY WAITING A FULL ACT FOR THAT LINE, AND YOU JUST BUTCHER IT LIKE THAT? Like, for a whole new generation, this will be the first touching point with wicked. And to not use the iconic og line is absolutely, tremendously, unbelievably dumb and idiotic.


At some point someone on production needs to stop and ask themselves "do we really know better than the original composer?"


I was watching the Super Bowl with a bunch of other theatre folks, and the trailer came on after kickoff, and we all reacted very similarly to this when we heard it.


I think Erivo is supremely talented, but I’m not sure what is going on with her vocal production lately. Has anyone seen her clip when she sings When You Wish Upon a Star in the live action Pinocchio? It’s horrible.


>WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT RIFF? I HATE EVERY NOTE OF IT! WHO DECIDED THAT WAS OKAY? THE ORIGINAL IS ONE OF THE MOST ICONIC LINES IN ALL OF MUSICAL THEATER WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THAT? I'M LITERALLY WAITING A FULL ACT FOR THAT LINE, AND YOU JUST BUTCHER IT LIKE THAT? Like, for a whole new generation, this will be the first touching point with wicked. And to not use the iconic og line is absolutely, tremendously, unbelievably dumb and idiotic. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!




Anyone else a bit upset that the teaser the climax of defying gravity in the VERY FIRST look of the film? Like it’s iconic in a way. that’s a moment and note that people are gonna be looking forward to and with a lot of anticipation. And it’s gone, cause we’ve heard it. And if that’s not the cut they’re using,why put it in the teaser? Like it looks good and I’m excited but I was not expecting to hear and I’m sad it’s not going to be a surprise in theaters now


I hope it’s not the cut they use. It did not sound good.


It sounded *awful.*


I liked the beginning


We can all have our own unique opinions on certain things.


They'll change the cut now that everyone's saying that.


Saying what?




It's bizarre. The filmmakers have hamstrung themselves by splitting this film in two parts. Now they're putting what must be the last scenes of Part 1 into the trailer... They're spoiling the end of the movie and not really expressing the lighter tone of Act 1. In my opinion they should have focused on Dancing Through Life or Popular for the trailer, saving Defying Gravity for the film itself.


Oh my god I forgot this way only part 1. Jesus.


the thing is, even if they change it for the final film, im still gonna be conscious of it. so now during what will presumably be the final 5-10 seconds of the film, im gonna be thinking "which take are they gonna use? i hope its good" rather thsn being totally absorbed by elphaba's triumph, y'know? like dont put the climax of the movie in the trailer, its like when they put the memory note in the cats trailer but even worse.


That only affects people already familiar with the story enough to know where that note lands, which will equally affect immersion.


Anyone else sick of the trend of pretending musical movies aren’t musicals?


Sick is an understatement




Am I the only one who has heard extracts from 'Defying Gravity' in the trailer or not?


Yeah, but it's used as background music. Did we see anyone singing or dancing to clearly indicate that this is a musical? James Bond movie trailers all have background music. That doesn't make the actual films musicals.


Really wish Ari’s hair was warmer. The hair/bleached eyes really don’t stand out against her skin 🥴 that plus the dark black eyelashes just make her look so pale oof. Cynthia looks AMAZING in green though holy shit


I don't think either of them are right for this 😬


Cynthia looks old and Ari looks uncanny valley.


I love Cynthia Erivo, but she's 37 and Ariana is a 30 year old who looks 20. Like, couldn't they cast two people who at least look the same age? Especially since they're supposed to be roommates in college?


That's exactly it. And I actually don't mind the casting of either, I just don't think they should have been cast *together*.


Exactly! Either cast someone with Cynthia who looks like she’s in her 30s, or cast someone with Ariana who looks like she’s in her 20s. Pick one!


Ariana could pass for 20 or 40, she's in uncanny valley with that no eyebrows, bleached out ghostie look


ngl my first thought is that it looks really pretty but I'm afraid of how it'll actually be acting- and singing-wise


This is exactly how I felt. It looks visually stunning, but I'm incredibly skeptical of the casting.


I feel the same way!




It looks so gooood!!!! Not happy that it’s in two parts 😔


A disastrous decision. This looks incredible, but splitting it in half will kill it.


Wha…..? Oh that pisses me off!


I think you need to keep Defying Gravity as a finale, and putting it at the end of film one seems like the best way to do that.


That's the reasoning they gave, but movie musicals (including movie musicals by this director) have dealt with the massive act 1 closers that most musicals have without needing to split them into two movies...


They're also adding more from the books. Not sure what, I just hope it's not the philosophy club.


Lol I love dropping that on unsuspecting people.


I haven't read them (tried at one point and got busy and didn't manage to) but I hope it's done well


I read them in college and liked them enough to keep going, but on a re-read, Wicked struck me as a bit pretentious. I would recommend Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister.


The book annoyed me, but I read all the Baum books, and felt Wicked (the book) was not in keeping of his world. So it annoyed me.


I just hate that author because of the slander against my favorite historical figures in one of his other books.


Which one?


I think it was *Mirror Mirror*. They just made Lucrezia Borgia the bad guy, even though there's no historical basis for portraying her as any worse than anyone else in that time. ​ Edit: ... omg someone actually upvoted this -- so by the way, if you're interested in the best, most historically accurate piece of fiction about the Borgias, and actually, another really great Dark Academia musical, *Cesare: Il Creatore che ha distrutto* is my favorite thing in the world, please look it up.


Case in point— Oliver! Long movie. Offered an interval. Some theatres used this to take a physical break so patrons could spend a penny and go get refreshments. But then they showed the Second Act. And it finished. Complete. It won the Best Film Academy Award too. Last musical to do it (in 68) until Chicago.


Part 2 will be a box office disaster.


Why's that?


It probably depends on how part 1 does, imo. If people love it, then part 2 will probably do great. But if it's just okay or people don't like it (and so far the response seems to be trending that way) most people probably won't care enough to go see it. The non theater people really won't give a shit, and it'll probably lose at least some of the theater people who don't want to watch one of the most famous musicals ever be done poorly. I think a lot of the reason people go to see movie musicals, even when they look bad, is so they can form their own opinion. That's the only reason I watched cats. But if they've already formed their opinion on the cast and writing and all, then why would they go watch the second one? Why not just wait for the special few to tell us what's different and then listen to the soundtrack for the last clues we're missing, or at least wait until it comes out elsewhere? Again, if it's good, that won't be the case, but it's not even out yet and people don't seem to be huge fans of it


Oh what? That's such a terrible decision. I thought we were past that lol.


What's such a disastrous decision?


>It looks so gooood!!!! Not happy that it’s in two parts 😔 But *I* am


This looks….so bad.


Glinda looks sick


Sick or ‘sick’?


Like she needs to go to the hostpital cause she about to pass out sick


The scenery looks great and all but I’m not happy with the casting ngl. I didn’t expect much after all the announcements and this teaser didn’t really change my mind about it. Why don’t they just give us a pro shot?


When I tell you I jumped at that “Defining Gravity” note-


off a cliff i hope - cause that riff was HORRIFIC


Considering the hellish journey that occurred to get this movie made, I expected so much more from the teaser. It feels anticlimactic.


Right??? This is what we get? After all that? Bonkers.


I was surprised by the volume of negative reactions. I’m pretty stoked for it. I thought the set design was fantastic. They’ve created a really rich world that draws from the book and play. They invested in some substantial real-life sets. Blending concepts from the book and play will be tricky, don’t know how that’s going to play out. But hey, it shouldn’t be a beat for beat replay of the musical, it should be its own thing. I think Jeff Goldblum is very well cast. He is a combination of intellectual, philosophical but also a little whimsical and spacey. His cadence in the start is so good and when he uses the mic his voice is so menacing, like a Star Wars villain. I think he will come off so strong and scary, but when he’s found out, he will be himself and he will really feel like the wizard w/o his facade. Regarding the singing of Elphaba’s note, I am not crazy for it. That said, it’s not criminal. Yes the cast recording version is classic but, many actors have done different riffs on it in the 20 years it’s run on Broadway. To alter the riff is a stylistic choice. The one way is not canon. Also, why downvote people for simply having positive responses? I had to scroll all the way to the bottom for positive takes and they had been downvoted.


Nobody objecting to the change in the riff - Cynthia is as free to riff on the ending as anyone else playing Elphaba. It just that the riff she’s chosen isn’t performed very well. She’s capable of better and it’s weird that they couldn’t get a better take from her


I had VERY LOW expectations for this movie, on account of the director, but aesthetically this looks MARVELOUS! I can't wait to see more of the acting, script and singing.


For me the director is the only thing that was giving me hope lol


Yes this! Him and his DP know how to make musicals. Also glad the main trio are proven singers (although I was originally nervous about Ariana).


Yes!! I loved Alice Brooks’s work on tick tick Boom as well!! She’s great at making the camera part of the choreography.


they know how to make modern hip hop contemporary musicals, I was very worried about what they'd do with this. Chu likes to take liberties with source material.


What do you mean? Jon M Chu’s work on In The Heights was amazing.


He's never done anything like this. All his work is very contemporary, and I didn't like the casting for In The Heights.


The director doesn’t do the casting?


You’re joking, right?


Yeah the leaks of Ariana singing sounds good


It feels so…futuristic 😂




If it’s in two parts and ends with that take I’m dead. 


I just can't imagine Ariana as Glinda, even after seeing it here. I feel like her voice is way too deep. When they first announced her being cast, I assumed she'd be Elphaba.


She has the looks for Elphaba, but while she has an amazing voice, I don’t think that it has the body needed to pull off some of her bigger numbers. Her voice is more suited for Glinda imo, but you’re right, it’s going to be hard to try not to compare it with Chenowith’s performance, since their voices are so different. If I had to cast Ariana for a role in Wicked, I think she’d be best suited for Nessa. But Nessa isn’t really a big enough role to advertise Ariana with I guess.


[what could have been.](https://youtu.be/smNKpPMqS24?si=7brXdHkpDfmuEgyX)


The trailer feels a bit too serious…? I remember I was laughing watching this musical live until Elphaba sings defy


This is only a **TEASER** trailer. The official trailer will likely be released within the coming months,


I mean of course, but usually teasers and trailers of the same movie will have the same style and tone, which is also why I'm just surprised.


I LOVE 💚Wicked.... but this looks and sounds like a hot mess... that ending riff from Defying Gravity is sooo popish and cringe. 😞 Y’all gonna ignore her defying gravity “aaahhhhhhhhh”? That was horrific


I know unpopular opinion but Lea would’ve killed this. And she still looks relatively age appropriate for the part vs Cynthia looks like she should be a teacher at the school


Ooof... And they plan on releasing two parts of this mess?


This looks beautifully made, but Ariana looks ill and Cynthia looks like she should be teaching at the school, not studying there. I actually don't mind the final riff, I've heard way worse. It's fairly obviously an acting choice and not a screw-up.


So colourful and vibrant i love it


Me too!! ​ By the way, am I the only one commenting really positive things instead of spamming shit around here


Why are opinions that differ from yours "spam"?


How it can have cost so much money to make yet look so cheap astounds me.


As I understand it, *The Wonderful Wizard of Oz* (novel) is out of copyright, but the 1939 film is not... so elements that are from that MGM film adaptation and not in the original book can't be used. So, the silver slippers are out of copyright but the ruby slippers aren't. Therefore Elphaba (The Wicked Witch of the West) shouldn't be green, as that's an invention of the MGM film. How do they get around that? I've always wondered


Actually Leucurus, it depends on what shade of green the Wicked Witch is. For example if the shade of green used in one's adaptation is lime green then that's fine, everybody's happy on the other hand if she has acidic copper green skin as she's portrayed as in the movie, then there would be a legal lawsuit issued out.


Does anyone else find it kind of tainted now?


Oo-oo-! Me-me! Oo-oo-oo: Me-me-me-me-me-me-me. I do;


Looks good so far




That almost made me cry!!


Me too! I can't wait for November to roll around.


looking shit


saw this on filmselect, idk if it was just there, but the comments had me scratching my head about how it was "now" a racism allegory and how they "diversity hired" for elphaba


The casting of Cynthia as Elphie ❤️ is just wonderful. Yes, the finish for Defying Gravity wasn’t in the same lane as Idina, Jessica Vosk, Alyssa Fox. Despite this, Cynthia’s style is beautiful in that some of her most powerful work is complemented by her relaxed, yet simple delivery. I don’t expect her performance to be over the top/campy that we know Wicked to be, I think it’ll be more of an emotional tour de force that we’re not expecting. Ariana as Galinda though, I can see it. I mean she does have the benefit of knowing and studying with Chenoweth.


Why are people downvoting comments like this? It’s a thoughtful detailed take


Thank you, and idk, maybe I’m just not snarky enough? I stand by my opinion, either way I’m glad it seems to be sparking a lot of interest in people!


Yes because that's what Elphaba is 'relaxed, yet simple delivery'. Cynthia's casting is terrible.


That Elphaba really said "I'M THE QUEEN OF RAP YOUNG GLINDA RUN POP"


We need to bully the cuts they chose enough so maybe they can choose different ones in post.


Ok, so a bunch of Debbie downers in this group. It may not be perfect, but it’s a movie, not a pro shot. It doesn’t look anywhere near Cats level of terrible. I think it will be a decent movie. They cast people who can sing, which is key


Some reeeeal energy vampires on here! I thought it looked amazing, I liked the look of both Elphaba and Glibda, and I liked the riff.


Funny they prove your point by downvoting you. I think it sounded wonderful, like a really gritty emotion filled battle cry.


if it’s not gay then idc this is how i approach everything now super bowl? not gay, don’t care Marvel? not gay, don’t care election? not gay, very war crimes, don’t care


Are you ok


I couldn’t remember the casting and I don’t follow main stream pop culture very closely. So when I saw this still shot I thought why is Glinda a waif 12 year old? I really love the vibe of the stage Glindas I have seen. We will see.


That riff for defying gravity was awfulllll


Aesthetically it is gorgeous, exceeded expectations! One concern: Are Dorothy’s shoes silver? I had heard rumours that they paid for the licensing to get Ruby slippers. Lowkey a let down if that’s not true.


They're silver in L. Frank Baum's book. MGM made them ruby to show off technicolor.


Yes, (with all due respect) we all know that. As said in replies to other the other commenter: 1) the ruby slippers are one of the most iconic costume pieces in all of cinema. No matter the colour they are in the book, they are ruby in the movie, and that is a far more well known image than the book imagery. It’s a little bit of a let-down if they’re not used especially considering there were rumours of them being red from advance trailer screenings 2) in the stage show, the shoes turn red when Elphaba puts the spell on them, and given Dorothy is wearing them that would take place after the spell has occurred. I know I’m being downvoted here but I’m literally right. Nothing I said has been incorrect. I understand why they are silver in the movie, but I still hold out hope this might be a fakeout and the movie has ruby slippers. I am so excited for this movie either way fyi!


Since the movie is in two parts, they wouldn’t be red in this half, so I think maybe a fake out?? It’s hard to say, sometimes these adaptions will change the most random stuff


In at least some renditions of the musical they turn red on nessarose's feet before dorothy


You’re right, the shoes won’t be red in the first movie at all, nor should they if they stay faithful to the stage show. However when we see the shoes in the trailer they are worn by Dorothy (which odd that we see her at all given all that she would only appear in part 2 but whatever). By the time Dorothy wears the shoes they would have turned red via Elphaba’s spell. I guess we’ll have to wait to 2025 to know for sure.


Part of me always wonders if they do stuff like that for rage bait too - lots of click bait “you won’t believe what wicked movie has changed” “100s fans angry about change to important piece of wicked” so it generates clicks and views but by the time the movie rolls around no one actually cares hahah. Marketing can be devilish like that


You’re definitely spot on with that


They're silver in the musical (and the original Baum story)


Yes I know but actually in the musical they turn ruby red once Elphaba puts the spell on them to make Nessa walk. The ruby slippers are FAR too iconic from the Wizard of Oz to say “well actually they’re silver in the book 👆” and let that be


I re-watched the trailer and noticed that there is a scene with Dorothy, tin man, lion, and scarecrow together. I forgot that they're in the Wicked book, so it looks like the movie is going to alter the storyl ine to fit the book as well as the musical, and they were explicitly silver in Wicked the Book (I forgot that, but just looked it up lol)


We all know they’re silver in the books. My point still stands that the ruby slippers are truly one of the singularly most iconic costumes pieces in all of cinema, instantly recognizable. I just hoped they would be red for the movie, especially considering they do turn red in the stage show


I think the movie looks gorgeous but can’t lie, I’m not a huge fan of when actresses over riff the final Defying Gravity note. Sometimes it sounds good, this one doesn’t, sorry. It sounds weirdly off key. I watched this with my parents during the Superbowl and when it was over, the first thing we all immediately said was that we didn’t like that note lol