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I really don’t like Ride the Cyclone but like there’s a reason Ballad of Jane Doe is that damn popular


I like exactly half the songs in Ride The Cyclone. It's very irritating.




Like half the songs from Dear Evan Hansen


Good For You is a banger


Yes!!! I love Good For You!


DEH is a terrible musical with amazing music


For me, it’s “Sincerely, Me”


Same here - the song’s an absolute banger but I just can’t when it comes to the musical as a whole


I agree with you 100%


Messy story, awful message, horrible hatable characters, but incredibly moving beautiful music that you try to listen to without thinking of the story that it's set to


This is facts. I feel like if I saw this musical as a teenager, I would have loved it. But after growing up and having the unfortunate experience of grieving family, I cannot stand it. I seriously question the folks that defend Evan's behavior. He just seems like one of those people that acts like a constant victim when they've really been the villain the whole time. I will never understand how he can be so selfish to demand pity for his downright sociopathic behavior but not realize that he's inflicting further suffering on that poor family. He gives me the same vibes as those nasty guys that threaten suicide when their partners try and leave. I'm not really a fan of the mental health card as an excuse becuase it just further pushes the narrative that everyone with mental illness is a villain.


what i rlly like about the musical is that it always leads to great moral discussions after its over. Ive watched it with a ton of ppl and they all have very different opinions about evan’s morals


This was my answer too. The moral of this musical makes me want to rip my hair out, but the songs are so beautiful and well-written.


I hate DEH but I think Waving Through A Window is a good song, particularly the lyrics.


Came here to say this.


I was gonna say this too!


I dislike Cats, but 'Memory' is undeniably haunting and powerful.


I love watching Cats for the dancing but don’t like 90% of the music. But Memory is so good I’ll watch and listen to the whole thing for it lol


This was my first thought too


i sang this recently for my husband at home. he cried. i was like yeah it's the only good thing from cats. he's like THAT WAS FROM CATS??? (he doesn't know musicals) it was hilarious


Same. I passionately dislike the play otherwise, but that song is pretty amazing.


Lol I’m the opposite. I love Cats, and dislike Memory!


I don’t hate it per se, just don’t get the hype, but “Seasons of Love” from Rent will never not be on my playlist.


I think the thing with Rent is that it undeniably had a big impact on musical theatre. It broke the barriers between popular music and musical theatre sound. That's what Jonathan Larson wanted and did. But it kind of was a child of it's time and I think many topics don't really resonate anymore. I also think that the show in itself is flawed which is probably because it never got really finished. Jonathan Larson died a night before the world premiere. At this point most shows still get reworked a lot before making further steps. But because of Larsons death this never happened and you feel that within the show. Rent captured the Zeitgeist in the 90's perfectly and I think that is what made the show a huge success back then. But I don't think Rent would work if it had premiered today and because of this change in the Zeitgeist the flaws of the show just become way more clear today. I really like Rent but these are the issues I can't overlook when watching or listening to Rent.


This is how I feel too. It is a product of its time and isn’t supposed to be timeless. Experiencing it should be accompanied by an acknowledgement of the climate in which it was written and how that climate has evolved in nuanced, unexpected directions.


The fact that so many Gen Z "don't get it" means that AIDS is not this epidemic for them like it was when the show was written. Not to say it isn't still scary and it doesn't exist, but it's nothing like it was in the 80's and 90's. This is a good thing. Jonathan Larson would want the fear of AIDS to be so diminished that Rent seems obsolete because of it. That's a world we should keep working for.


I remember the film version of Rent coming out when I was in high school. We were told it was bad and not to watch it ....that the subject matter was taboo and wrong for students. It was one of those musicals that our choir teacher let us watch if we promised not to tell our parents......and one of those moments that revitalized rent for a whole new generation. People my age saw rent and we learned the music but didn't fully understand what it all meant ..... because we hadn't lived through the AIDS crisis and were rural white kids in a small town nowhere near New York and the problems of city life. It depicted a life id never known but the music was so cool.....and every chorus on the planet had been doing Seasons of Love for years already I remember the good times when I just enjoyed rent for what it was......but so much of it feels foreign still and I'll never know what it felt like when it shocked the world the first time. Only what it felt like when it took the rest of us by storm years later.


Devil Take the Hindmost from Love Never Dies


I would also second this, and throw in the stupidly cheesy Beneath A Moonless Sky, and I really quite loved the rearranged Beauty Underneath with Ben Lewis Webber did for the celebration album.


Oh yes, definitely Love Never Dies as well. Absolutely horrid show, but I love Til I Hear You Sing!!


love never dies is the worst show that has a shockingly high number of banger songs


This one’s mine, as well.


Hate Cats. Skimbleshanks slaps.


Movie or musical, because I agree if you are talking about the movie


Movie for me. The tap dancing was so freaking good.


My friend and I watched bits of the film online drunk for a laugh and my god this scene was so good


Both tbh. The hatred is stronger and the skimble is shankier in the movie though


I really really don’t like DEH but Requiem and Good For You are fantastic in my opinion


Waving through a window is a banger


so big so small still makes me ugly cry


The humour in The Book of Mormon really isn’t my taste. However, I love “Hello” especially the harmonies at the end. It’s one of my favourite opening numbers.


I had a mixed reaction to the show due to the humor sometimes not hitting for me, but when it hits it hits good. I love “Hello” and also really like “Two By Two” and “I Believe.”


One of my other favourites from that show is “You and Me (But Mostly Me)”. It feels like such a classic musical theatre song to me.


So true. Basically I think I like the Mormon stuff (“Turn it Off” also has a vibe) and dislike the swearing and weird lying exploitation in the name of helping side of the plot.


A core problem is that the African half is honestly pretty bigoted. The Mormon satire is relatively fairhanded and incisive, feeling like the product of people who have some meaningful familiarity with Mormons. Least that's my vibe. The Mormon characters have growth and development, alongside that reasonably clean, "We can reject the bad while embracing the good," outcome. And the songs are better, which helps. With the Africans though, the core "joke" is that the mains arrive with certain expectations, and are shocked to discover that Africa actually maps to every popular stereotype about Africa. It's a backwards crapfactory which is slightly redeemed by some of them being alright people. And, while the mormons arrive with what is portrayed as a false expectation that they can fix everything with religion, the resolution is that the mighty whities actually do fix everything with religion. Very odd. There is the additional redeeming quality that the Africans correctly read religion as helpful myth instead of as literalists, but it just isn't enough. The songs are pretty catchy though. Mostly strong score in my opinion.


Entirely agree. I went to see it thinking “Oh sweet, a musical by the South Park guys that’s going to be a searing inditement of the Mormon Church and how cult-like and fucked up organised religion is.” I was so confused when it was pretty even-keeled about Mormonism and most of it was just being horribly racist towards African people??? The Salt Lake City song slaps, but it always gives me white guilt to try and sing along to, or even type it’s real name


Completely agree with the African part being bigoted. That's what made me really dislike it.


I like to think that it’s on purpose, you’re seeing Africa through the lenses of these sheltered and inherently racist Mormon boys. However it’s still by the South Park guys who do not hold back or filter themselves whatsoever no matter the setting which isn’t for everybody.


I really have no idea what in the text would support that reading. First, while the depiction of Africa does map closely to our stereotypes, it does not map at all to the expectations of the protagonists. They're shocked to learn this information, information which is presented fairly neutrally, and are forced to adjust to the new reality. Second, there's not some moment later in the text where they realize that Africa is not what it seems. They learn specifically that the Africans don't literally believe, as I said, but this is the only claim that is challenged. And, third, the plot literally doesn't make sense if you take the pertinent information as unreliable. The problem that is solved, after all, is the backwardness of these beliefs. The religious lessons are tailored to making Africans be less bad. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are just really variable in this regard. They have the capacity for funny and incisive commentary, certainly. Hell, Book of Mormon has multiple paired cases within South Park, with the Mormon stuff preceded by the Mormon episode, and its nature as a musical seeing precedent in episodes like Broadway Bro Down, the wrestling episode, and in their previous musical. In all these cases, they did strong and funny work. The same can be said for, I dunno, their John Edwards episode. Great episode, that. But they've also produced a massive pile of transphobic slop, with The Cissie, positioned in the middle of that slop, being the closest they come to a reprieve from said slop. They made a whole episode about how we have to adopt a "centrist" position on the Iraq war, which consists of just doing all the wars and maintaining the people criticizing said wars. Then they made a film saying the exact same thing. They made an episode about how the right of the Boy Scouts to discriminate against gay people should be not just accepted, but respected to the extent that people should keep supporting and funding them. The trash is endless. They push a lot of awful politics.


In case you didn’t know, that song is a parody for The Wizard and I / Defying Gravity from Wicked.


belting out sal tlay ka siti is such a joy


Same! I’ve never been interested in watching it but Two By Two is still in my playlist!


Generally loathe Be More Chill but Pitiful Children and Michael In The Bathroom are both bangers


the beeep bop booop beeeeep in pitiful children itches my brain so well


Eric William Morris has my heart


Same here, I absolutely hate the show, but The Squip Song is so good. Be More Chill Pt. 1 is also good, but the Broadway version ruined it with the Keanu Reeves impression.


i feel like im the only one who likes the keanu reeves thing... it's just so funny and stupid i can't hate it 😭 it reminds me of "the chosen" on smosh


Omg I did not expect to see a Smosh reference on here


I wish I could hear the intro of the Broadway version with the off-Broadway SQUIP.


Guy that I’d kind of be into is a certified bop


Pitiful Children is the only song I've heard from Be More Chill, so I don't know anything else about it. I'm just curious, why do you hate it so much?


I absolutely love so many songs from Be More Chill, listened to the soundtrack religiously for so long (Michael in the Bathroom especially but also definitely Pitiful Children, Two Player Game, Halloween, The Smartphone Hour), and then was so vastly disappointed by the show 😭


I never was a fan of rtc (but I don't hate it), just never really into the plot or anything. but I will constantly have What the world needs on loop!


RTC isn’t my favorite either, but Noel’s Lament and Ballad of Jane Doe are frequently playing on my way to work


After working in a Disney park for almost seven years, I hate Frozen with all my being. That said, Let It Go is an *amazing* song.


I think Let It Go was so initially overplayed and overhyped that ‘society’ of course started hating it and nobody listened to it for a long while, but we’ve been in that stage for so long that I think it’s circled around to being underrated again. It genuinely is one of Disney’s best


Idina Menzel does so much heavy lifting.


Not a park employee but a competitive skater. Every day at the rink that song would play, every single little girl having a skating birthday party would be dressed as Elsa and would play Let it Go on a loop. Drove me *insane*. It is an incredible song though, and the Broadway version is even better.


We also love a good on stage quick change


Show Yourself from Frozen 2 consistently gives me full body shivers.


I honestly think Disney did Frozen a great disservice by shoving it down everyone's throats so aggressively. It's a genuinely good movie with a great soundtrack, but we're all just so sick of it we can't appreciate it.


they only shoved it so aggressively because people liked it so much. the initial marketing was actually really minimal. it was just SO POPULAR upon release that they began to really capitalize on it.


I can't stand Mean Girls, but "Apex Predator" is a banger.


That’s funny, I’m the exact opposite. I love Mean Girls, and I’m not a fan of Apex Predator.


World Burn is also good, but something about Apex Predator is so fun to me.


Apex predator is a phenomenal song that the movie butchered!


World Burn is the standout song from Mean Girls imo


That one comes second for me. I don't like any of the others.


Not a fan of DEH, but I love You Will Be Found. Gives me hope.


I don’t like Waitress, but Never Getting Rid of Me is a banger


Lol I love almost all the songs from Waitress but this one 😂 No shade, I just think art is funny.


Two sides of the same coin


‘Til I Hear You Sing from Love Never Dies It’s like picking a piece of gold from a pile of poo


Scrolled way to far to make sure this one was here


Yes!!! I remember that coming out on a prom disc from a newspaper back in the day.


What sucks, is that it's terrific opening number. So it sets up that you are about to watch a great musical. Unfortunately it goes downhill from this point onward, with the exception of the titular song "Love Never Dies". I still question how financial backers of this musical were perfectly ok with "The Beauty Underneath".


Hamilton isn’t really all that appealing to me but Burn is one of my all time favorite musical theatre songs


Same but with Room Where It Happens


Yeah not a fan or Hamilton either, but I really like Wait for it.


Same but with you'll be back and say no to this


I’m not of fan of The Greatest Showman. But I do like the songs Rewrite the Stars, A Million Dreams, and This Is Me. I don’t like Love Never Dies, but love the way Ramin Karimloo sings ‘Til I Hear You Sing.


I hate the movie. Love the songs and choreo.


I will rewind/rewatch From Now On a truly embarrassing number of times for the percussive choreo alone.


>I don't like *Love Never Dies*, but love the way Ramin Karimloo sings "'Til I Hear You Sing". Seconded. Ugh, I still absolutely *love* watching Ramin sing that song on YouTube.


Came here to say - the greatest showman is terrible but the songs are great!


I could barely get through Evita but I absolutely adore Another Suitcase In Another Hall.




I saw the revival where Rachel Potter played that role, and god DAMN was she spectacular. I wanted a musical about her.


Not a fan of The Prom, but You Happened is so catchy and cute


I like Love Thy Neighbour


I would give my life for Andrew Rannells, he nails everything he does


i prefer it’s not about me


First time I have seen “the prom” mentioned here but I love the song “It’s not about me”


i don't hate Come From Away, it just wasn't my jam. like... idk, it lacks subtlety? which can be nice for sure, but I prefer a show with more subtext and character development to dig into. it's a good show! just not one i've felt the need to revisit having seen it once and listened to the soundtrack all the way threw a few times in the following days. i guess you could say i just probably wouldn't pay to see it again. but Me And The Sky is one of my favorite Broadway songs of all time. the pacing, the build up of emotion and triumph, the gut punch at the end?? chefs kiss perfection. perfect shower belting song. a+, no notes


Does Anybody Have a Map? (DEH), I Didn’t Plan It (Waitress)


Waitress is one of my favourite musicals, but that song is one of my least favourites.


I like the bassline and the chorus has a really interesting and hooky melody


It's mine too, but my favorites are it only takes a taste, I love you means you're never ever getting rid of me, and she used to be mine.


I also love Never Ever Getting Rid of Me! That's got to be my second favorite. My favorite is When He Sees Me


When He Sees Me is my favourite as well, definitely an underrated song from Waitress


We saw it recently and we loved the show, buuuut... the affair apologist stuff is very much a detractor


wasn’t huge on Kinky Boots - the story wasn’t really memorable but Soul of a Man and History of wrong guys go hard


I think Avenue Q aged kinda badly, but I admit For Now is a song i think of more as I age.


I saw an AMDRAM of this a few weeks ago and this song has helped me not have meltdowns: all of the shit that's happening? Only for now.


I’m not a Lloyd Webber fan, but the man can write some brilliant songs.


Exactly how I feel. His musicals frequently feel depressing to sit through, but I love so many of the songs.


Rent is meh..but I’ll belt out Take Me or Leave Me


The titular song from Phantom of the Opera


Same, but Masquerade


She Used to Be Mine from Waitress (in general I love the music of waitress but can’t stand the plot). I dislike Six but I can’t seem to stop All you Wanna Do from popping into my head occasionally.


Totally F***ed from Spring Awakening. I've listened to the soundtrack numerous times, I just can't get into it. But I find myself singing that song all the time. It's so catchy, and I really like it


Hair isn't my jam, but I love how earnest and heartfelt "Frank Mills" is.


Dead Mom from Beetlejuice


Don't like BMC, but Michael in the Bathroom is one of my favorite solos


Zydrate Anatomy from Repo


Legal Assassin is a guilty pleasure, can't lie


I like "Testify" also. But yeah that movie is pretty stupid lol


Grease doesn't really work for me (maybe because of overplay), but Hopelessly Devoted to You is a solid song.


Ride the Cyclone is the world’s messiest show (seriously…that script….good god) BUT Talia is gorgeous! And Sugar Cloud and Space Age Bachelor Man are delightful


Master of the House from Les Mis. I don’t hate the musical, it’s just kinda dull to me (even though I love the history around it, kinda odd), but Master of the House is a banger


Me and my husband always get cast as two characters Back on Their Bullshit together for our community theater and me and him as the Thenardiers is my dream role! I love this song lmaoooo My other dream role is I'd love us to play Rooster Hannigan and Lily St Regis


Mr mistoffelees, jellicle songs for jellicle cats, memory, and macavity from Cats (movie)


I’m gonna have to disagree on Mr Mistofelees, they absolutely butchered that song, its pacing is awful. Also may I ask your opinion on the movie version of Skimbleshanks?


I cannot stand Grease 2, but boy do I love Cool Rider (until she starts spelling out “cool rider” at least)


Grease 2 has an awesome soundtrack, I LOVE Reproduction!


Also “Do It For Your Country” is a great sing along and hysterical to watch !


We're gonna score is a total bop.


i hate mean girls but i think sexy is rlly good and fits the character well!




Company. I find the rest of the show as entertaining as a bad imitation of a Neil Simon play. But then Being Alive just rips your soul out of your body to end on the strongest possible note.


We had a performance of Company at my high school right after losing a classmate. I honestly think we could have counted dry eyes on one hand at the end of Being Alive


I love all the music from Company, but I was disappointed when I saw it, because I think the book doesn't fully accomplish what it's trying to do.


I just can't get into Hamilton (and ill be real I can't stand LMM) but MAN. That guy can write music. Room where it happens is my fav. Hes so good at what he does. But I just can't stand him. I have to give him credit though, hes clearly passionate about his craft.


Room Where It Happens is so good. Such a cool, dark, swing, lounge-style vibe that really leans into the political thriller aspect of Hamilton more than most of the other stuff. I wish the rest of it was more like it. I REALLY don’t need that many songs about which woman Hamilton wants to fuck and how LMM is sooo hot you guys


"Look at those eyes!"


I don't hate JC Superstar, but it's far from my fav. I love the song Gethsemane though.


Memory from Cats. I thnk its an extrordinary song, but i have never liked the whole show, or even any of thw other songs.


Dear Evan Hansen - Waving Through a Window Cats: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats West Side Story - Gee Officer Krupke Chicago - Cell Block Tango, All That Jazz


pretty woman is still not my musical at all (nor movie, but I haven't seen it), but I really like I can't go back!


I don’t really like SpongeBob but I like Daddy knows best. It’s a freaking banger


I don't exactly hate these musicals, just don't really like them, but my favourites from Last Five Years are Goodbye Until Tomorrow / I Could Never Rescue You, I'm Still Hurting, and See I'm Smiling. Also, Seasons of Love and One Song Glory from RENT.


Many of the songs from Cats.


Love Thy Neighbor from The Prom (mostly bc of Andrew rannells in the movie) Women and Sandwiches from Freaky Friday


I was scared of Little Shop when I first saw it but “Suddenly Seymour” is one of my favourites


Miracle Song, from Anyone Can Whistle.


Only You Lonely You from Bad Cinderella


i heavily dislike the acting of Be More Chill, but “Loser Geek Whatever” and “Voices In My Head” are some really good songs


Anything you can do, I can do better from Annie Get Your Gun


Hushabye Mountain from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Still Hurting/If I Didn’t Believe in you from The Last Five Years You’ll Be Back from Hamilton (In fairness to Chitty, I haven’t seen it since I was a kid, but boy did I hate it then. I definitely need an adult rewatch sometime.)


I don't like Camelot, but "C'est moi" is fun


Half of the songs from the Greatest Showman are bangers but they don't fit the story and the story itself is ass. It's not a jukebox musical but it feels like one because the songs rarely do anything for the plot (if there was one...)


You will be found from Dear Evan Hansen. Beautiful song but i can't stand the show


I think a lot of the songs in 'CATS' slap, but the musical as a whole is just... unwatchable


I do not like Rent at all but Take Me Or Leave me goes harder than I would like to admit


Till I Hear You Sing from Love Never Dies. That show is godawful but that song is divine.


I'm not a Grease fan, but some of the songs are catchy AF.


Another ALW: Love Changes Everything from Aspects of Love…


I can’t stand most of the music from hairspray, but Run and Tell That hits every time.


Grease is the cringiest scourge of the universe, but "We Go Together" gets me going. I know it's objective trash but I can't help but love the chang chang changitty chang shoo bop. Sorry. 🙈


I don't hate this musical, it's just not my cup of tea. But I really like the song: "Do you hear the people sing?" From Les Miserables


I can't stand You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, but honestly that book report song goes hard


Until Tomorrow Night from Smile freaking slaps but the musical in general makes me hate the world


Someone already said Waving Through a Window so I’ll say So Much Better than Legally Blonde


World Burn from Mean Girls!


Heart of stone from Six


I hate the Mean Girls musical, but I do like a few songs from it (namely "I'd Rather Be Me" and "Apex Predator").


When You Walk Through a Storm from Carousel.


Lullaby of Broadway from 42nd Street


Basically everything except the Cony Island stuff from Love Never Dies.


Skimbleshanks The Railway Cat from the *MOVIE* Cats. I love the stage musical, and I think it’s amazing, and all the music from it is amazing too. But the movie is dogshit, except for Skimbleshanks.


Rhythm of Life from Sweet Charity.


Not "Big Spender"?


Most of the music in Hamilton isn’t really my style but I will always listen to You’ll Be Back.


I love fairytales, but every time I've watched it, Into The Woods has lost me somewhere after the first third or so. But I always enjoy every second of Agony.


I dunno if love is the word but I like La vie boheme and Tango Maureen from Rent


You guessed, it’s all for the best


Oh my word yes!


Amazed at all the different songs being named from DEH. Anyway I hated Honeymoon in Vegas but still think I Love Betsy is a phenomenal opening number.


Easy Street and Tomorrow from Annie.


Didn’t love Mean Girls when I saw it on tour, but I love Apex Predator. The Greatest Showman has an incredible soundtrack, but I’m not sure I’d ever watch the movie again.


The Night Belongs to Snarl from Firebringer. It's like, the ONE Starkid musical I don't like, but that song rocks.


I hate Hamilton but I love You’ll Be Back


You can't stop the beat from hairspray 😭


Dear evan hanson is genuinely so bad,, but i love waving through a window, anybody have a map, requiem, good for you, and sincerely me 😭


There are worse things I could do- Grease. It's an incredible song from a musical I absolutely can't stand.....at least the film version.........now Grease 2 is CAMP


Firebringer is the weakest written Starkid show but the soundtrack saves it from being entirely skippable by being (almost) all bangers


Not a fan of Hamilton. Primarily because I don't like the music genre. However, You'll Be back is the funniest song. "I will kill your friends and family... To remind you of my love."