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The first number in the time signature is the number of beats in a bar, the second number is the subdivision. 3/4 and 6/8 are essentially the exact same time signature, 6/8 is just counted with double the amount of hits within the same time. If you want a bar with more beats, you need to increase only the first number, for example, one bar in 6/4 is equal to the length of two bars in 3/4. If all of this confuses you, I recommend turning on the metronome and hitting play to hear the effect the change in time signature has. The metronome always puts an accent on the first beat of a bar, so that will help you understand the rhythmic pulse of different time signatures.


I can’t change numbers separately , I only have 3 options: 4/4, 3/4, 6/8. And thanks for suggesting metronome, I will try using it .


Huh, I could've sworn Garageband allowed you to change it freely, but I went to check and you're right, there's just those three options. Unfortunately you're going to have to just work with those, or find another app that allows you to change the time signature freely.


Yeah, I am starting to consider other daws now


GarageBand doesn’t think of time signatures the way DrAgonit3 and the music teachers do. It will divide up the measure marker to the number of beats, but I think it can’t really tell 8ths from 1/4 notes. If you set it to 6/8 time it will give you 6 very fast beats as a count-in, which I find to be both useless and annoying. It’s probably better to pretend your song is in 3/4 and adjust the tempo. Also if you set a change of time signature somewhere in your song it will be virtually impossible to edit it and it won’t move if you cut out or add measures before the time change. And if you change the time signature after you start recording all kinds of weirdness ensues. Also if you are going to use the auto-tune for vocals you need to choose the correct key BEFORE you record anything. If you try to change it later GB will think you are trying to transpose the whole song up or down based on where the new key is in the pull-down menu. That means if you choose a major key it will transpose upward and if you choose a minor key it will transpose down. Caution, user discretion is advised!


Thank you for explaining and for great tips)


You have really high expectation for a phone game for kids.


How are my expectations high? I literally mentioned basic music theory


Well, cause it's a phone App. lol


Garageband is also a macOS app and is pretty fully featured for a free app.


You can run all iPhone apps on Mac, no?