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The only dawless setup i can think of is a maschine, but still greatly improves with a computer. My advice is try to go for the daw, it’s fucking limitless and you will need it if you want to go pro.


Not really sure if you can mix and master on any device in a dawless environment, you can get compressors or saturators (Elektron analog Heat+FX, OTO BOUM, etc) but that's pretty much it. For what you're looking for, some groove boxes like Elektron Octatrack or MPC one might be an option as you can record external audio, and sequence other hardware as a brain of operations.


Thank you


It sounds like your into a lot of the same stuff as me (guitars, bass, keys, getting into drum machines and synth stuff) and I’ve been thinking about going the MPC or similar route myself to bring all the elements of my live performance together while I play guitar. I also have a tascam 414mk2 multitrack to play with LoFi stuff but haven’t gotten around to diving in yet and put it on marketplace cause money, but it could be something fun for you


The SP will be fine for you.


No, it’s not enough for what I’m trying to do.


Mixing and mastering without a DAW? That's *expensive*. Not just because of the gear itself but the required power and materials/parts for maintenance *excluding* speakers, headphones and acoustic treatment. So my first question: What is your budget?


Yeah, not trying to go pro or anything. I’ve done acoustic treatment in my studio, have some nice monitors and headphones, and I’m not looking into getting like rack compressors reverb etc. I would say about $2500 is the upper limit on what I would spend to have my setup complete


Forget it. You can't do anything with such a low budget when it comes to mixing and especially mastering without a computer and a DAW program. The cheapest mixing consoles with memory function (and an okay samplerate) already cost $5000 and up.


An Akai Force can do that. I own one, I mainly use it as a sequencer for other gear and for sample playback. I don't use it to record but you could do that, although it only has two inputs so you'd still need a mixer. Realistically today it's hard to get away from a laptop 100%, but the Force will probably get you 90% of the way there.


An MPC would probably get you pretty far in that if you just make sure the material you record is already something that sits well into the track, but mastering is something you won't really get out of a setup like that.