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Sorting samples with AI according to instrument, timbre, etc.


Its been done. Check out the plugin "Atlas". It scans all your samples and arranges them in an awesome linked graphic where you can click through them and it links similar ones together. Game changer for me when writing drum parts. But it works with all sample types really, so I use it to find vocal chops and stuff, pitch them then trigger them with midi.


for OP: it doesn’t matter if it has been done. You can do it for your engineer degree. You don’t need to do something 100% original and innovative and life saving/problem solving. I understand your urge to create something useful. But the reality is that you just have to do enough to advance on the career. Don’t lose the spirit but also be realistic and aim on graduating with simple projects that you can learn from! source: computer engineer and musician


Also check out Sononym, it works similarly


There's also XO by XLN Audio which does pretty much the same thing, that's the plugin that made me suggest this idea.


not bad at all!


That would be awesome


At this point an AI tool to help musicians apply for government benefits would be best




Personally if I could have an AI gadget to help my process it would be something to automatically sync my recorded instrument audio to video of me playing the instrument. you would input a video of you playing the instrument and the audio you recorded. the program then mutes the video file and syncs the video to the recorded audio.


I just found out you can do this in Final Cut the other day. Now I feel like I don’t have an excuse to be lazy.


Dude, i dont know what daw you use but I do that on reaper in like 2 minutes


You can probably do the opposite, record the guitar, and then make the timing of the recording match the video. Vocalign is designed for that, but idk how well it would do for guitar, but I would guess it would be pretty good.


AI that books gigs and makes stupid tik tok videos for my band so we can just make music.


I second this. I don't need ai for my music, I need it for all the bullshit around it.


An easy AI lyric video maker. Also an easy visualizer creator. Just something you can pop the song and image in and it would become audio reactive. Also, if any of you know of easy/cheap (preferably free) options that already exist for these things, please let me know because my process is far too tedious. Thanks!


The musician part of me agrees, but the 3D animator part of me is screaming. This is basically the reverse version of "who even needs composers, just generate your background music with AI". And yes, I agree it would be useful. That's just the new reality i guess but i'm just bummed because i love doing nerdy stuff like audio visualizers, and the chances of getting asked to so seem to shrink by the day. Because if even album art is being generated, who even cares enough to put effort into something like a unique audio visualizer, when there's so many cheap (or free) alternatives that are _good enough_? EDIT: Also i know i'm yelling at a cloud and visualizers can be cheaply made even before AI. In case you are an FL user check out Image Line's ZGameEditor Visualizer or whatever it's called, i don't own it but from the looks of it it seems almost too easy.




Yes that would be cool. Wasn’t there a visualiser on windows ‘95 or something that reacted in a trippy way to music ? I’d love an updated one of those (that you can upload to the gram of course)


Yeah I'm pretty sure there was windows media player having one. iTunes had a visualizer and so did WinAMP. A modern one incorporating AI and maybe drawing inspo from the lyrics as well would be dope.


AI management lol.


Automatic tempo increases and decreases based on variable midi input- ex. I make classical music without a metronome at all because stylistically, it would be extremely complicated to actually manipulate every tempo change. But if the PC can detect tempo changes and then after the fact apply the respective tempo as it moves throughout the midi input, I can use the metronome to add drums and other instruments since all the changes are in place


i know logic has something similar with smart tempo that works fairly well


You mean like Antescofo ?


AI to split drum hits. Train it with drums to try and get separate tracks for each drum based on frequency. I imagine it wouldn’t be easy but definitely possible


I applaud your enthusiasm 🙂 However, unless you have a background in music, such as being able to play an instrument, I think you might be getting in over your head with this. Because of how much you'll have to learn about music before you can even begin to write the code. And if you do have a background on music, that would be the place to start to look for your project. From the experience you already have.


Make something that helps us poison existing ai data sets so we can murder these evil robot babies befor they turn into evil robot adults. Like some sort of hidden frequency shield that makes it so ai can't steal our music and add it to it's reference data


Nothing generative, that's all I care about lol.


off the top of my head, have a look at something like [this paper](https://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~godfried/publications/banff.pdf), and google's Nsynth (spectral synthesis from neural network algorithms applied to input audio data). for a junior year project i think you could totally get some cool and useful ideas from them for a more simple tool incorporating ML and AI.


A lot of ideas bruv, nothing AI-related/specific in my mind now, but I am positive if you can check spotify's open source website, they got open source stuff for audio processing, trying to mix one or 2 of those tools, or different tools other than spotify's then make something accessible for the 'average' non-technical musician, that would be super cool.


I would personally love a program that inputs a MIDI file, where it can see my chords, melody, and bassline. Then spit out suggestions from that to create other sections for my song. For example your write a chorus, and it comes up with a bridge, a verse, and intro/outro. Just inspirational suggestions though, not writing the song for me? Much different from something like most AI I see where it just renders some audio. I'd much rather have a smart program read the note data from my songs and build a profile on my own personal style.


What genre do you make?


Some AI that can extracts Arrangements from songs, and maybe creates templates based on that. Maybe something that works semi-live? Like, make the tool listen to the song, let it tell you what parts you need to make, and then automatically put the arrangement from the playlist. And most importantly: change it on the fly - without having to manually drag everything around separately. Other than that: Anything that creates content for daily posts automatically. Like, I sit in the studio, in front of a PC, and I make music. Nothing’s happening. My life producing is boring as shit and anything that isn’t, is something I wouldn’t post on my artist accounts… that’s exclusively for music related stuff. Maybe something that creates and optimizes for the different Plattforms especially short-form-Video. Like, I upload a song, and it creates the stuff, with automatic SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I make music for the the music, god damn it. Not for fucking marketing.


The problem with AI music tools is that there are specialists in pretty much every part of the music making process. There are humans that make samples, mix, master, compose, know music theory, design plugins--and they enjoy these things, and they put their own personality and expression into them, and it does make a measurable difference. I think a big potential area for AI in music is taking the processes that are already automated and improving them. I'm thinking mainly of audio repair--denoising, declicking, declipping, turning low quality mp3's into high quality wavs, etc. Most people will never do this stuff manually so it wouldn't take the fun and expression and value out of their music to leave it to AI, plus it'd be really straightforward to make huge data sets to train on. As one of AI's biggest haters, I'd still be open to tools like that.


A virtual instument that uses AI to sound like a live recorded instrument (adding small nuances and variations/imperfections on it's own).


the only real "AI" thing ive used in music was for stem seperation with UVR5, which is open source, so maybe making some sort of stem seperator would be a cool thing to make, not sure how doable it is though


That's not the right way to think of things : singers and intrumentists don't need AI to sing or play their instrument. What you need to do isn't to make a tool for musicians to do what they already do, but you need to create something that allow them to make something new that wouldn't be possible without AI. In visual art, you get things like [that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rDqoQcRFBY&list=PLNc2khduGiOqjHzt-Ibj5Per0EEm7xcyw&index=15). Those videos were never seen before, you need to make something that was never heard before. Or if you can make an AI that makes the bassist be on time for band practice, do that.


Transcribing music! TAB exists for guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, etc but not for the piano. Finding transcriptions/sheet music is often impossible.




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AI is the bane of Creative work.


It would be a game changer to have an algorithm that would apply a timbral shift to any arbitrary sample to add realism to playing samples such that each playback has REALISTIC variation without compromising the tonal richness. For instance, I’ll sample a nice snare hit from a record but I only get one to work with. Each playback is a carbon copy and without some modulation or layering can sound overly repetitive. An AI algorithm should be able to be trained to approximate and reproduce variation in timbre. Then given one snare sample, that algorithm should be able to produce similar variation to that of a real snare being played. If such an algorithm were produced, each application of it would have to be specifically trained to what instrument produced it. Such an algorithm could also likely be used to create a new type synthesis.


Honestly, the best thing AI can do for me has nothing to do with actually making the music. Marketing and promotion is the biggest need. From creating marketing materials to running ad campaigns and whatever else needs doing.


What about something to help with maths? An app thst calculates tempo then recommends settings based on tempo (reveb/delay times, attack and release). There are things out there, but if you add more complexity based on musical context and mixing goals.


some sort of system that could show how authentic ur lyrics were could be cool. showing how often a line u wrote is used or how similar rhymes have been used by published songs


AI Drummer. Like a midi generator that can drum like famous drummers and just analyses the song and just drums on it like a real drummer would.


Ooooo, I like this ;) Great idea! Could be replicated with other instruments, too. ie: bass, keys, sax, etc, etc, etc


If there could be an AI tool to help decipher "what comes next", that would be incredibly helpful. That's often the most challenging part of songwriting and there are "AI-based" plugins like Instacomposer that will spit out a ton of options and Scaler 2 has a "suggest" feature, but none are really reacting to what has come before it. Sort of like what Dave Matthews is doing in this scene from House around 1:15 into the clip... [House Plays Piano With Patient | House M.D. (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjAs9a-CBnU). I have no idea if this is feasible or how many songs a system would need to be trained on to be at all useful, including the user's own original work.


I love AI. As a producer, composer, arranger and performer, it's like having a great musician who knows a lot about ALL the genres there are out there. I like to ask for ideas and then develop them myself.


You can make a plugin that uses ai.


I think it’d be really cool and helpful if you could take a melody and have AI create chord progressions (or several options of chord progressions) around it using conventions of tonal harmony (i.e. I - IV - V - I)


An AI plug-in that can decipher a pre-recorded drum beat and match the song tempo to it, flaws and all. It is really hard to do this manually. It would be great to have it synced so one can add midi instruments.


MIDI humanization


Ableton 12, has some good built in features for this. Just thought I’d mention if you weren’t aware.


Being able to find music like mine based on a file I upload and tell me specific sub genre’s it is and the key it’s in. There’s an ai that does it but it sucks


Something like chordify but hv the summary of the chord progression, like vi-ii-V-I etc


AI mixing my wav. Files to a polished radio ready mix with different styles to choose from. I add in drums. Guitar. Bass. Vocals And it EQ s and adds effects and then mixes it to sound good.


I would say something that takes your current sample library and suggests sounds that would work well together. Like what claps might layer well? Kicks? Hats?


Some sort of add on that could let me favorite some presets on plugins that usually don’t have that feature would be amazing, tbh


If any AI/App can find the exact chord of any song, that would help millions of musicians. Or a noise-cancelling app that will not include instruments as a noise. Other noise-cancelling apps still fail to do this. Or if there are some gadgets, those are very expensive.


For me the list is long for ways AI could help me make music.