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how do you plan to prepare them and what will they pair with?


Root vegetables goes great with morels or any kind of chicken or more gamey animal. like duck or quail with a gremolata ( lemon zest, peeled garlic, parsley blended together) garnish on top. Hope this helps !


Where can I we go for this fine duck or quail?


I work at the Madison Club it’s an exclusive restaurant on the lake downtown Madison. I work as a BQT Chef we doing a 55 person Malaysian dinner right now.


Wonderful! That’s really close, I look forward to trying it, thanks!


No way, you just happen to live close by? What are the odds of that on the entire internet? Wow lol blown my mind 🤣


He's looking in your window right now


I have eaten many a tasty walleye sandwich there in years past. I hope that it is a good place to work, because we sure enjoyed our food there.




Might wanna delete this comment since you called out the person and where they work. Don’t want them to get in trouble by some narc.


Good note but we weren’t at work when it happen and if they fire him and they don’t get money cuz he setups everything 😂


Tip one back at the Weary Traveler for me, man- what a great town.


It truelly is a 15 min city surrounded by reality and it makes the culture there so it feels much more personal I truly love it




Madison Wi the biggest Madison 😂




you made me remember when I was a kid. I would borrow books to our local library through the mail, and it would without fail go to a different far far bigger battle creek in a different part of the country before going to us. Sometimes its good to check haha!


Well now we need to know which Battle Creek? Lol Michigan?


I believe the one it always went to was in michigan yes. only approx 5 states too north lol.


Oh snap. Go pack go!


The only *real* Madison 🩵


Good question




Oh shit. I thought this was on the r/madisonwi when I saw that. I used to sell mushrooms to restaurants in Madison all the time. Starting this year, you need a license, though, and I haven't gotten it yet.


Madison, WI, I assume? Also how exclusive? I have broke artist vibes ( have been turned away for improper attire) but also make good money?


Exclusive meaning you have to play 10k just for the “invitation” and then pay 5k a year to stay a member


That explains perfectly, and Holy damn that's expensive.


Def a little cold here yet


What a small world! I just finished a wild trip on boomers and ofc random Reddit post is someone in madison, damn.


Hell yeah bro! hope you had a good trip brother stay safe out there 💜


Yo, I used to work there. Small world. Is Roger still down in the dish pit?


I did a morel gravy over some bbq moose chops. It was like tasting Canada -epic!


This sounds awesome! I have a little bit of moose in the freezer, might try this if I find some morels 😁


My grandpa would flour them fry them in lard and dip them in ketchup. They are a fried delicacy.


You had me until the ketchup.


I had some with an elk steak last year it was 👌


Ruined..ugh too much garlic


We poached them in a beurre monté and served with halibut and potato Pavé where I worked


They also go great lightly dredged in flour and fried in butter. And I’d rather that than them be muddled in some wacky “fine dining” concoction.


When chefs get special ingredients like these lovely morels, they do their best to make them shine in the dish they’re involved in. Out of respect for the ingredient. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it “wacky” lmao, what a weird take.


I actually eat a decent amount of upscale dining. And I’ve never had a dish with morels in it better than just fried up morels. You can downvote all you want. Too many chefs add too much bullshit to every dish and the flavor gets muddled.


Morels are probably the only thing that I will say that about if that makes a difference. Morels are just really special and I enjoy the taste alone.


Morels are not more special than many other things. I'd assume you just have a particular affinity for them out of some internalized sentiment. If we put truffle on everything, morels as part of a dish is anything but wacky


Could be the case. The fact they are only available for such a short season could quite possibly have something to do for my love of them by themselves. I suppose it’s not the case with all chefs. But some chefs have a tendency to over add ingredients. And take away from the flavor of delicate dishes. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it though. You’re essentially gatekeeping a flavor. Chefs should be allowed to experiment with trying new things. I also never personally go to restaurants so chefs can make food for me exactly the way I like it. That’s just not what it’s about.


Truffles and morels have wildly different flavor profiles, which is why very little truffle goes a LONG way. They are not comparable at all. Being unable to taste the difference does not equate to there not being one.


There’s nothing “wacky” about root vegetables and game. Fine dining isn’t necessarily overpriced experimental dishes.


Boil em up , smash them, stick em in a stew!


If you get them yourself you probably get a quantity that allows you to just eat a pile of them. This restaurant has one pound of morels. That is not a lot. By incorporating them into a dish it allows them to serve more guests wi5h a very limited amount of mushrooms.




Also I'm from this town and morels are not quite here yet so it was probably quite difficult for them to obtain. Maybe a week or two can't wait...


Terrible suggestion


You’re 100% right. Midwesterner?!! lol


They go in eggs,gravy, and beef in my house :) onion and lamb and soups as well


If you fry them in pan oil with some seasoning and bread they're delicious


Who the hell downvotes fried mushrooms ffs


Damn, morels is my remaining “holy grail” of mushrooms that I want to find in the wild. They do not grow where I live, I have to travel a few hours at least to even have a chance. I have never had the chance to try fresh morels, but fortunately they taste amazing dried, which is easily available here.


Just make sure you know how to properly prepare them.


I'm a little curious on this how to properly prepare them thing. All I've ever really done is fry them in butter, are there wrong ways to prepare morels other than not cooking them?


Mostly I’m just talking about cooking them thoroughly. Whatever tastes good to you is awesome! There are tons or recipes out there for incorporating them


Okay yeah. I'm from an area with lots of morels, it's a significant business around BC but I've never heard anything specific about cooking them other than that you always cook them before you eat them


Frying in butter is the way.


Apparently all these comments about properly preparing them are really just about not eating them raw. Seems like people could just say they need to be cooked rather than making it sound like there is some special process or something.


I always carefully remove the poison gland, then cook it twice. The second time, I jump around the kitchen doing what I call, "the morel dance".


Of course, all common and standard procedure!


Yes I would treat them like gold! I’m thinking gently fried in butter as part of a sauce, maybe together with dried morels. There is so much interesting chemistry going on when you dry mushrooms. Basically the mushroom will create defensive chemicals against being dried out, which often results in more intense and different flavors and aromas compared to fresh mushrooms. You really cannot say that fresh or dried are better for some mushrooms, they both have their specific culinary qualities.


My son and I picked 2lbs earlier today in about an hour here in eastern Washington. I sautéed all of them then food saved and froze 6 portions for meals down the road.


No way, where? I just found one in Riverside State park, and I looked all day haha


Up in Elk off the Oregon Creek burn that happened last summer. I have some friends with some acreage up there that borders inland paper land.


Dang I’m jealous. I want to get into the Gray fire scar, but I don’t want to accidentally get into anyone’s private property


I use the OnX hunting app for that. You can add historical fire layers and it will show you all the fires. What years they burned. Whether it was a controlled burn or a wildfire, and lastly who’s property you’re on. Inland Paper (with a permit but I’ve not once seen it enforced) & Stimpson Lumber allow you on their property as long as you’re respectful. I hunt too so it’s very beneficial for me all year around. The cool thing is you can look at all these places from home and plan it out before going to your spot by asking permission or just knowing it’s state or federal land. You can also download the maps to the area you’re going to be in to use off line if you’re going to be out of service. Your GPS signal will always work regardless if you have cell service. It’s a cool app and I recently learned it’s based out of Missoula, MT which is my home town. I do live in Spokane and have for the last 13 years though. Pretty sure you can get a month free trail if you want to check it out.


I’m actually a wildland firefighter in Eastern WA, so I’m pretty familiar with where most of the burns are haha. I use Avenza, which has similar maps. How much is OnX a year though?


If I recall correctly it was about $30 for the year. I subscribed directly though them and got 40% for Black Friday.


You’d be surprised how many people will let you forage on their land if you just ask.


Honestly my favorite way to preserve. Just cook and throw in freezer bag roll up and put in freezer. I also like to partial cook them by boiling for 5 minutes and then store them in freezer along with the water they boiled in. By keeping them in water they maintain flavor then just dethaw and finish cooking when ready to consume.


I’ve tried various methods, what you’ve mentioned, dehydrating, and sautéing. I prefer the sauté method because that’s generally how I eat them anyway. On burgers, steaks, or chicken. I’m the only one in my house that likes mushrooms of any kind so I generally don’t make dishes with them. I sauté the whole batch and make sure to get all of the water evaporated out of them then I let them cool and food save them in 4oz portions and toss them in the freezer. When I want some I just toss them in my sous vide and boom! Tastes just as good as the day I portioned them out. I got about 12lbs back in 2022 that I dehydrated. I shipped about 1/3 of them to my mom down in Florida. She just recently finished them up. My plan is to dehydrate some more if I get a chance to get out foraging this spring so I can send her more.


Congratulations! Damn, I’m almost considering jumping on the next flight to USA 😁


Where do you live? They really grow just about anywhere in the Northern hemisphere


I live in Bergen in Norway. The soil here is probably too acidic for morels, or it is just the wrong type of soil. There are much higher chances to find them around Oslo or Trondheim. There is an [online service ](https://artskart.artsdatabanken.no/#map/303884,7027114/4.847698158339254/background/greyMap/filter/%7B%22TaxonIds%22%3A%5B112416%2C112415%5D%2C%22IncludeSubTaxonIds%22%3Atrue%2C%22Found%22%3A%5B2%5D%2C%22NotRecovered%22%3A%5B2%5D%2C%22Style%22%3A1%7D)where where you (mainly scientists) can report report your findings of any species (plants, fungi, animals - anything) which is very useful to determine in which geographical areas you are likely to find a particular species.


Ugh same. And I've had some objectively rarer (albeit inedible) finds. We don't have many trees morels like around here so I'm just peeking around at gardens and mulch but still no luck


The area where I live (Bergen in Norway) has the wrong type of soil and climate for morels, unfortunately. You can find a mushroom that sort of looks like a morel, [Gyromitra esculenta](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyromitra_esculenta). It is highly poisonous unless properly treated, but is considered a delicacy in many European countries. The problem is that even proper treatment may not remove 100 % of the toxins, so I would never consider trying one. They are not allowed to be sold in Norway or Sweden, but you can get them in Finland.


No apple orchards?


No and I feel dumb for not thinking about it 😆


Good luck, people I know that know where to find them in the wild won't reveal their spots to anyone. It's basically like finding gold


Yep, you have to know in what type of environment you should be looking for them, and you need a lot of luck.


There are plenty of small youtube channels that put out all of their info. That's how I found them today. A very kind creator dropped exact coordinates in the comments.


There’s quite a few species of morels with a massive range of habitat. They’re always popping up where you least expect it. Unless you’re in Antarctica, there’s a pretty strong chance they do grow near you just in very unusual habitats


In high school I lived in this mountain village near where there had been forest fires. There were so many morels we were having pizzas with no sauce just olive oil and morels, that was wild.


Haha, that is the most decadent pizza I’ve ever heard of, but I would love it! I would be more than happy if I found just one or two!


If you are in the west start walking around in the mountains near logging roads. I find them all the time. I actually have some growing in my apartment complex.


I live in Bergen in Norway, they are extremely rare here. If I travel to Trondheim or Oslo the chances are better.


Ok. Well if you are ever in the US west of the Rocky Mountains in spring you should be able to find some.


I would love to go mushroom hunting there sometime, it’s interesting to find other mushrooms too that do not grow here at all.


They dry and rehydrate well :) I barely ever use them fresh, and I’m the one picking them :p


Yes fortunately morels are one of those mushrooms that handle drying really well. I have a whole kitchen cabinet full of dried mushrooms (no morels though). Last summer I picked 10 kg king boletes and added it to the collection, so that will last me a while 😅


Nice. I just put morels on pizza tonight :)


I made a carrot and Morel soup once. It was amazing. Risotto is my favorite though.


r/kitchenconfidential has joined the chat…


I thought that’s what sub I was in for a sec. lol


Beautiful seasonal ingredient. I bet they’ll elevate whatever dish you decide to include them in!


Poorly-prepared Morels killed a few people in Bozeman, MT last year.


Ah, Dave's Killer Sushi. They were raw. Don't eat/serve raw morels. That place had and continues to have tons of violations including fish being kept above temp, lack of hand washing (in front of a health inspector is crazy), improper holding practices. Lied about the whole situation on social media. 2 wrongful death lawsuits, and yet they're still in business and people continue to defend them. It's also insane that they wouldn't know how to prepare morels in Montana, they're fucking everywhere.


I think they getting downvoted because people assume if I’m in the position of being a chef I know how to cook mushrooms which I do I cooked some nice button mushroom and stuffed them today :)


Not sure why you’re being downvoted—you’re right, that did happen. I have no doubt this chef is very well trained in how to properly prepare morels to avoid that kind of issue, though!


Weren't those prepared by trained chefs as well?


Didn't they try to ferment them or something in a sauce


Just read the report on it and it seems like one day they just straight up served them completely uncooked on sushi and the other day they put them (again uncooked) into a sauce after it was done cooking.


Ya it was fucked up. Not all "trained" chefs know what they are doing, not all chefs are good chefs


Very true but we are trained to try eveything before serving it. Shit even before platting it before it goes to the customer. It’s like we make a alloli or garnish or sauce and try it to make sure it’s good. so u have to make sure everything is cooked cuz ur also eatting it and this is a exclusive member only place they are very laid back but picky at the same time super odd but I love it😂


I think Montana has a lower standard of “trained” in general. Never got above a C in English before I moved here. Though everyone is more concerned with being friendly and living without the crippling anxiety cultured by the east coast/bigger cities.


Now that is cool!!


How much did 1lb cost?


Surprisingly cheaper then ramps which were 100$/ lb (which is a leak (or onion basically)) and the morels were 50$ /lb but we only buy produce for upcoming events we are cooking for.


$100/lb for ramps!? 😳


Wow thank you for the insight!


Yes no problem I posted it here cuz I knew people would love it and I see people asking “how should I cook x mushrooms” and just wanted to help people out I cook a lot of trumpet, yellowfoot, button, morels


I new I was lucky for living in idaho and getting 16$ dollar a pound morels from foragers, but 50 is crazy! My purveyors will get me morels for 32 a pound I don't even pay that lol


I’m in Maryland where you can get a pound for $25


🎶 _Fried morels and fine hotels and all that in the middle_ 🎶


Them shits are growing everywhere right now


How much was the pound? We paid like 4 grand for some black truffles one time where I work


Make sure your chef cooks them properly


We just made a tray of morels stuffed with blended moose meat and cream cheese.


Sign me the ^fuck up


>>moose meat [This you?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Long_Dark#/media/File%3AThe_Long_Dark_Key_Art.jpg) But actually, how does Moose taste? I didn’t realize they were eaten much!


The best way I can describe it, it's a dark red meat and a little beefy but lean, it's the love child of elk and grass fed beef. In Idaho what little tags that are issued they are on a lottery fun fact you'll never see a moose go to waste on the roadside That's a hundred lbs of free meat


I don't get that reference. It's a little gamey, very lean.


Ah, the reference is from a game called “the long dark”, a winter survival simulator. There are a few predators in the game. Wolves are easy to deal with, bears are scary, moose are deadly and fueled by rage. In the game, taking down a moose is quite an achievement for new players.


Morels are the best! Fried with some butter? Mmm....


In my country some restaurants still serve gyromitra esculenta, what a trip.


If only I knew where to find these in Colorado!


If the seasons gonna happen, it starts pretty much this week/next


I got more than that sittin in my fridge. Ramps too, red not white.


Fine dining and breathing.


I have property in Kansas and in April we are inundated with them. Happy to mail you some someday.


Thought these were baby hedgehogs


Don’t be a bitch and put a few in your pocket


Even the word morel sounds tasty as fook


Oh I made a morrell pasta that was super good the other week. Gotta start looking for more


Put one in a pint and leave it watch the worms grow


A former neighbor of mine here in Iowa picks them. He is able to go to every Iowa State football home and away games. He sells them to customers that include fine dining facilities.


Please cook them thoroughly. Thank you. https://www.healthygallatin.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Report_FinalSummary_FBIOutbreak_7.19.2023-Final.pdf


Telling a chef to make sure they cook something properly. The audacity.


To be fair the link they posted is about how 50 people got sick from eating morels at a restaurant, which was also prepared by a chef. But I assume a fine dining restaurant is a bit different than “Dave’s Sushi” in terms of training and education on food preparation lol


The head chef of the 3 restaurants has supposedly received a James beard award.


Oh yikes 😳 are they still open after killing multiple people with the same chef?


They are :(


Jesus…that’s awful


Food industry professionals usually don't know shit about fungi.


Reddit in a nutshell


What is it