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Karen. Just because she's a smartass like myself.


Seconded. I can’t relate to Karen a lot more than Georgia.


Thirded, I'd be soothed in the afterlife with her smooth vocal fry. 😂 True story: I did date someone who raped and murdered two women in the late 90s. Glad I wasn't the first.


Holy SHIT have they read your story on a minister Edit: minisode. My phone is not a murderino, apparently.


They haven't. I need to resend.




And yes, I sent it in. Additionally, I was a Criminal Justice major, and there was a disappearance and murder of a student in my college (but not at, just in the area and I didn't know her) while I went there and then I missed a disappearance of a college student by a day in the early 2010s. I was in the same area from where she diaappeared from just a day later. Lastly, my husband's grandfather had a secret family. Folks, I got stories.


My uncle drove truck. Instead of staying at truck stops, Uncle X had families scattered along his route. Uncle died. Ma texted me during his funeral. Staff from the funeral home asked at the back whether there were close family who needed to sit up front. There were 3-4 common-law wives with kids. I have cousins all over! Uncle had 15 or so children. Man, I wish I could've witnessed the drama in person!


Oh wow. Ours wasn't that impressive. My husband's grandfather had always been a bit cagey and dismissive when anyone asked about his extended family. He said they were all dead. When my mother-in-law was in college and wanted to continue, she needed to get financial aid and her dad wouldn't sign the paperwork. Several years ago it came out he hadn't paid federal taxes for 20-30 yrs, and the IRS came calling. They had to sell some of his property and cleaned out the press shop he'd owned. My husband helped clean it out and he was definitely a hoarder but there. This is also a tendency my mil has too. Not long after that, one of his aunt's by marriage was filling out the family tree on Ancestry, and someone contacted her saying there was a person who was pretty similar on both their trees. It was my husband's grandfather. It came out that he had been married and had a kid, then one day just left them. He stayed in the same city (1950s-60s). He started going by his middle name. It was a common ish enough name that he could disappear easily. Eventually, his first wife had him declared legally dead. He remarried to my husband's grandmother, had 7 kids, and went on with his life. We eventually got the family together: my mil, two of her brothers, a sister, and my husband, me and my sil and her husband. We met the woman who had reached out, his niece, and her father, his brother. And we eventually hatched a plan for them to reunite. About a year or two later he passed suddenly. What really boggles my mind is that he served in the military. I think his first wife got some death benefit. How the military didn't track him down, I don't know.


Fascinating! I'm SO in. I have given cares to several who are aged soldiers. If you stay off the radar, it may be possible for 1 person to miss military trackers.


Weird flex but this is the right place!!!!!!!


LMFAO my thoughts exactly. Love this.


Haha thanks. I'm a magnet for murder and weird stuff, I guess.


Magnet for murder or a murderer hmmm 🫣 Kidding of course.


I vote for your story to be told! I want all the details. Like, did you break up with them? Were there red flags during the relationship, or after you discovered you dated a murderer? I am so glad you're safe. Peace to the families of the victims.


It was a silly high school relationship only lasted a few weeks. He broke up with me because I wasn't allowed to date (I was 15) , so I was never really allowed to be alone with him. He dumped me because I wouldn't try to get away and sleep with him. I was working for the State when I found out about him. The first one happened only a few years after we dated.


I think they would be too disappointed in us to cover one of our murders. They specifically told us over and over again not to get murdered!


“This week I’m going to talk about the murder of [my name here]. Not to make light of an awful situation, but this girl was a murderino. We specifically said SSDGM. Anyways, on April 21 2024….”


They did this once. They mentioned two listeners that were murdered and the circumstances which they died. I want to say DV but I may be wrong? It’s now been deleted from the episodes.


Holy shit that’s awful. Edit: that they were murdered, not that they paid tribute.


I vaguely remember them also talking about a murderino who was killed in the George Floyd protests (I think?). I don't think it was an episode, it was at the beginning or at the end of an episode.


Sorry I should have been clearer. In a very early episode they talked about-not did episodes on- two women who had been killed this week and I am sure they said “… they didn’t stay sexy and did get murdered”. It’s not been deleted. Hindsight is a good thing.


Are things deleted a lot? I stopped listening for a while and then picked up again, and someone was telling me about a clown Morgue letter from a victim thing but I had just binged like the first 100 episodes again and didn't remember it. 


Unfortunately i run a lot, have a difficult job and have to sleep with a podcast and therefore have listened to MFM the whole way through maybe 20+times so i have picked up on a few changes. I am surprised what they could have edited out, but have chosen not to. I think it’s more when it’s about others they have done some edits but when it’s about themselves they haven’t.


I remember that episode. It was 2018 or 2019 (it was 2019 when I listened but I don’t remember if it was an older episode I was catching up on). [(EDIT: I found the post about it)](https://www.reddit.com/r/myfavoritemurder/s/lBTAT7i65d) I remember them being pretty shaken by it. It’s one thing to talk about these general, distant cases but it’s another to have a personal connection with them. Same with the listener tale about the woman who was attacked in a morgue.


I could listen to Karen say the alphabet in a foreign language for hours. She's got the most soothing voice.


I could listen to Drunk Karen say anything for hours 🤓


Karen. I LOVE Georgia, I am a Georgia, but I do think Karen brings a little more levity to situations, and I'd appreciate that if I was murdered.


My thoughts exactly! I love Karen’s soothing voice and I’d be honored to have her talk about me 😂


Georgia, so Karen could react. I think that would work better for my life.


Karen, but because it was attempted murder and I SURVIVED! I wanna hear her cry as she reads my story. 


Reading your comment as I watch I Survived for the sixth consecutive hour


Have you ever thought about submitting a hometown?


Lol I was jk, hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question 


As an Irish Catholic physic epileptic myself, it would be wrong if I had Georgia tell my story.


Irish catholic psychic epileptic, if this were the name of a cocktail what would be in it 😂


Jamieson's, red wine and Fresca set on fire


Catholic Physic Epileptic would make a great flair


I’m going to have to go against the grain and say Georgia. I’m a cat loving, anxiety-ridden woman in my 40’s with a questionable relationship to alcohol, so it fits.


I’m all of those things but 26. I’m too much of a Georgia for her to tell my story, that’s why the reactions from her would be better than her telling Karen.


I’m with you too…


Karen!! She’s the best storyteller. I love them both, but Georgia can sometimes “yaddayaddayadda” through some pretty important, or interesting/thoughtful stuff.


Two of my friends already know if my death is unique or interesting, I want Karen to tell my story lol


Oh my GOD you’ve included them in your advanced directives 😂


Hmmm....maybe we all need to write letters to be sent to them in the event one of us does get 86ed? A "in the event I am murdered and the killer isn't caught, turn the murderino tractor beam my way" kind of thing? "Sometimes I go in the woods and this may have indeed been my downfall"... Apologies...I was repeatedly told not to do this... A form letter maybe with check boxes they say not to do but we still do. I dunno, definitely some work shopping needed


Exactly! I am in animal rescue. And I've done home visits on people (not alone), but always tell 3 other people exact location I'm going to and when to call for help if I don't respond with a specific pre discussed message. Obviously... the secret message is not anywhere on my phone lol. I'm also from Central Illinois. The murders of Karen Slover and Jessica Roach (two separate unrelated incidents) occurred when I was a child/pre-pubescent and it greatly shaped my life. Add in that we have had a few random missing persons in the small towns, searches for Stacy Peterson in the area, and the highly publicized search for Yingying Zhang and later heavily publicized trial for her assumed murder.... yeah. I've thought about what could happen....


If it was an I Survived, Karen, 100%. Otherwise, Georgia so I can hear Karen react and incorrectly correct pronounciations.


This is the way. 


Karen, always.


Karen. Georgia is always covering cold cases and I'd like my murderer to be have been discovered in a grandiose and very satisfying reveal by Ms Kilgariff


Either one but please don’t say I lit up a room/I’d give my shirt off my back to anyone/people gravitated toward me etc




Karen because she doesn't like to tell unsolved murderer stories.


Karen. I feel like she handles things with a bit more…taste? Idk. Plus, I know Georgia means well when she says it, but if she ever referred to me as a sweet baby angel I’d come back and haunt everyone.


Also, I’d come back to life and die again if Georgia referred to my murderer as “hot.”


Karen, just bc she’s closer to my age, and “gets” a lot of what living in the 70’s was like.


Depends if its UNSOLVED or not


Karen tells a better story! Sometimes I think Georgia is reading her story for the first time live on the pod.


Karen. Don’t want Georgia losing her spot on the paper and saying “da da da da daaa” lol.


I’d have to pick Karen because we are the exact same age, and somewhere along the space time continuum we were once best friends, and I’d know her voice anywhere, and she would invoke the PERFECT 80s song for the moment ✨ And Georgia’s Oh NOs would be salty sweet punctuation 💗


Georgia. Because I feel like she’d understand me as a person better, I feel like she’d talk about me with respect and genuine care (I’m not saying Karen wouldn’t do that, but I’m just somehow more drawn to Georgia with this!)


Karen, Georgia grates on me terribly.


Karen because she can actually read and doesn’t have to clarify what she just read, by repeating what she just read.


Karen. She’s my person and we have the same birthday… so… 🤗


Karen, the woman is a born storyteller.


Dang.. thats a hard one… can I have them take turns and both tell it?? Lollll


Maybe if you are murdered by a multi decade serial killer and they make it a two part?


Their choice. I want Karen and Georgia to tell the stories they are most drawn to. Terrific question! I spend entirely too much time trying not to get murdered. This is the first time I thought it would be cool.


Karen. Only because I live in Denmark and would love to hear her pronounce my name and city wrong haha


What an odd fetishization of tragedy. I can be entertained by true crime to an extent but this question is really crazy and maybe should have stayed in the drafts


As Karen says, if you don’t like it you can GTFO. 


I’m sorry you were upset by this question.


It really isn't that at all, but whatever makes you feel morally superior I guess? 


Just weird to daydream about getting brutally murdered so that your fav podcast can highlight you