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I love Fluttershy to tears, she's precious. I feel like she was underused.


She is the least seen member of the mane 6 by quite a bit, still more seen than anyone outside of the mane 6 though.


I thought that was applejack? lol


Iirc, Applejack actually has the most screen time (possibly/probably excluding Twilight).


Wow rlly???!


I don't remember where I saw it, but there was a chart showing exactly how much screentime each of them had across the series, and Applejack was either 1st or 2nd place. My memory is telling me she was even higher than Twilight, but I'm honestly skeptical if I'm remembering that part correctly. I just tried to Google it, but all results on the first page are limited to season one and/or two.


I just want to corroborate this and say I remember the same. With Fluttershy on the bottom and applejack at the top


Applejack is third, the order is Twilight, Dashie, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, fluttershy.


So good news bad news. The bad news is I think he (Half The Battle) took the google sheet down, but I copied the total screen time for each character a few months ago for a video. Through “A Matter of Principals”, the top 15 in terms of screen time: 1. ⁠Twilight (53,862 seconds) 2. ⁠Rainbow Dash (39,766) 3. ⁠Applejack (38,560) 4. ⁠Rarity (38,508) 5. ⁠Pinkie Pie (37,758) 6: Fluttershy (33,238) 6. ⁠Spike (30,251) 7. ⁠Apple Bloom (20,105) 8. ⁠Sweetie Belle (14,829) 9. ⁠Scootaloo (14,460) 10. ⁠Starlight Glimmer (14,273) 11. ⁠Discord (7,302) 12. ⁠Big Mac (6,687) 13. ⁠Celestial (5,486) 14. ⁠Granny Smith (4,903) From there it’s a weird batch: Shining Armor at #22, Zecora at #35, Gummy at #49, Sugar Belle at #60, Flim& Flam at #67/68, etc…


At least my favorite character got the second-most screentime. 🙂


I always wanted more of Sunset Shimmer…girl was 🔥🔥🔥


Yeah, I’d like to see more of Equestria Girls. It’s sad. It’s so good, but got so much less time to shine than the main series.


Much better in pony form. Something about the human form’s hair doesn’t sit right with me.


It doesn’t drag on the floor nearly as much as pony Fluttershy’s tail does! Hehe. Teasing but I do think I get what you mean.


Most of the human forms have hair that is longer/bigger than what I would expect. The biggest example is Rainbow; they really had a tomboy athlete have hair down to her butt.


Such is the curse of requiring their designs fit the doll moulds 😔 At least in the later EQG stuff they try to give them more distinct silhouettes and play around with their clothes and hair, but it's clear they were still pretty restricted in what they could do. At least we've got plenty of fan redesigns that aren't required to work as a doll <3


That's also why they all had boots and skirts at first. That was pretty much the first thing I noticed when they first announced they were making EQG, that every one of them was wearing a skirt, including AJ and Rainbow. At least they let Rainbow have sport shorts under her skirt, but it was nice when they updated their outfits later and actually let her have pants.


Yeah 100%, kid me was so mad that EQG Rainbow didn't wear shorts lmao, plus I've just always imagined a human AJ would wear either sturdy pants or overalls, so seeing her in a miniskirt is always a jumpscare when rewatching the first film 💀


>kid me Damn, way to make me feel old. EQG released just after my second year of college.


Lol that's how I've started feeling with people mentioning they started watching g4 at the age of 6, EQG came out when I was 12 :P It's nice to see some of the older fans still sticking around though!! You guys always made me feel welcome in the fandom despite being part of the target demographic, but it feels like so many of the old 'horse famous' people kinda drifted away from the fandom (which I do 100% get, but also it's kinda sad to see all these big names not really mention mlp anymore at the same type)


To be fair, her pony form has long hair, too.


Her Human form is nice but I get the feeling she’s a freak and maybe a tad bit manipulating in private


my favorite




Adorable and kind. She solves problems with her words, not her hooves. And she befriended Discord. That might be among the most important things any pony has accomplished.


Except when she’s a Power Pony and she She-Hulks out…🤣


One of the absolute best characters in the whole show


Shes super cute as an adult and in eg but im not a fan of her filly design


I loved her filly design tbh, it showed more body type range (and I could relate as I was always the scrawny tiny kid)


I think, she could’ve had better writing, yes they gave depth to her getting over her shyness but.. I feel like she could’ve been more rounded out in general 😭


She had character development, she went from being a pushover to still being shy but very able to stand her ground. Until the writers needed to put her through the same character arc of course, which would be the main problem with her character, the writers never figured out another plot for her lmao


That's my only problem, I know it needed to be discovered deeper and deeper but damn, at some point it felt like more of a running gag than an actual plot.


Agreed. A valid point a lot of people put up is that in reality it takes multiple instances and time to get over a problem like that. But she is pretty much the only one who goes through the exact same problem that much. The other have as well but at least their are treated from a different point of view. For example RD learning to not be such a show off in mare do well and newbie dash: In the first she is obsessed with the praise of being a hero until she gets humbled down through example; And in newbie dash she feels insecure over the playful teasing and not standing out much among the wonderbolts, and she feels like she needs to impress them to gain their respect and elaborates a plan to make herself stand out the most at the performance (without telling her teammates ofc), yet once again gets humbled but this time by the consequences of her own actions, learning that realizing your dreams doesn't always go as you expect, but it doesn't mean you are a failure in any way. This compared to Flutters who pretty much ends up in the same situation of not speaking out when she needs to, but in different contexts most of the time.


I had a girlfriend with big eyes, long hair and tender voice and everytime i see Fluttershy i think of her. Obviusly she is my favorite pony ever. I love her un every form


i absolutely love fluttershy she is baby also her pony form is adorable and her human form is super cute, but i do think the human design could have been done a bit better


She's a cutie in both forms


I want her hoove in marriage


Not if I get there first


While you two fight, im already on my way with a ring


You're talking way to much so I'll take her hoove You snooze,you lose


Jokes on you, I married her 5 years ago!


No! 😠


best pony




I think anybody could use a friend who’s as soft natured, sweet, caring and nurturing as her but willing to stick up for you. She’s heavenly wife material. When she’s happy, everyone is happy.


I love her so much, and he relationship with Discord is absolutely heart-meltingly adorable


Pretty pony with pretty voice and pretty hair and pretty eyes and pretty hair when she was a filly and did I call her pretty?


Pony Fluttershy has much better development


Best character in the show


Your flair says otherwise /j


My favorite pony. Relatable at times. Great interaction with characters, mad funny when she gets pissed. But she’s just…..charming.


She’s my fav of the mane 6. She has the cutest design and personality and I can relate to her


She’s my number one favorite character in MLP G4 (including EG).


She's literally me


Hello fluttershy.


Pony - yay. Human - nay. I dont like EQ.


My least favorite mane and humane character, but still adorable and enjoyable. Seriously, in most other shows, Fluttershy would be the best. She just so happens to be surrounded by a magnum opus of a cast.


She’s absolutely adorable and I love her, rainbow use to be my favorite of the main 7 in either world, but after I’ve been rewatching it again, damn she’s my favorite, she’s so cute so wholesome, yet she can get serious when needed even if she doesn’t want to


She's the best


She's one of the most adorable things in the universe. S-tier huggable pony, and she really _needs_ a hug.


Simple, fluttershy is baby, she is precious, baby’s get cooki c:




Best pony and human


The most gentle and sweet pony ♥️ I love her!


She's so yay !


She's one of the better ponies to me due to being the most adorable.


She's so cute and precious! X3 I would definitely like to be friends with her if I had the chance lol :3


Bro she makes me cry from how cute she is, those puppy sad eyes i can't.


To perfect and pure and must be protected at all cost


I adore her, shes one of my favourite characters, also comfort characters (amongst applejack and cadence) i really really love her kind and gentle nature since it makes me feel really safe and warm


My favorite 😭💗🏳️‍⚧️


I love fluttershy, really, such a cute pony and lovelly as a human, they underestimate fluttershy beacuse of her innocence and shyness, but the power that she holds and the upgrade that she can when she is with anger its no questinable.


My favorite of the mane 6


Human: Interesting character design, would have preferred more of a “green thumb” kind of look over this. It works well though. No other opinions for I haven’t seen her yet. Pony: Genuinely one of my favorites! A tad inconsistent about her courage and whatnot. I do enjoy the episodes centered around her but I think she is better used as a supporting member or a lead character in a B plot. I also think it is interesting that she’s a Pegasus who is not a frequent flyer. I have no opinion on this choice, I just think it is interesting.


i love her 💛🩷her human version is cute too i always loved she just carried a bunch of animals in her backpsck


The prettiest one (both pony and human), prettier than Rarity even IMO


Happy Cake Day!


Overated. They finished their character arc in the first 5 seasons and then was a flawless character for the rest of the show.


She's not shy she has social anxiety, which isn't shyness. Very different things... and misleading to kids who related to her


Her human form is the only good design imo. I love her though, she’s a wonderful character and one of the best ponies


Squeaky but in a good way




Very pretty hair/mane


One of the adorablest beans, she must be protected at all costs


Ma Little girl💕


she gets annoying at a certain point but shes kind so whatever lol


LOVE HER! Genuinely considered getting her cutie mark tattooed on me, I just haven’t decided where would be the best place


I haven't watched Equestria Girls. It gives me uncanny valley vibes. Pony Fluttershy is my favourite. She's so cute.


Given she's a huge nature lover, I'm surprised she's not a barefooter.


Literally me if I were on a popular tv show


It doesn't matter what form she's in, she's still lovely. She's always sweet, and has heart of gold. I want to hug her


Her pony form is the cutest among the Mane 6, her human form not so much


Adorable. And that's about all I have to say about that.


Cute, compassionate, Only real flaw I see is she’s real shy and that can get in the way of a lot of things


they're both cute and kinda shy


Love her


need all hugs, she is so kind srs


Best pony. And I love how they designed her hair in the human version.


Not my favorite, but shes really cute!




Absolutely perfect


I love her either way.


Is adorable


Too cute and gorgeous for her own good She makes my heart flutter


Perfect. No notes.


Probably one of the best members of the Mane 6, she has a lot of different sides to her personality, lots of character depth, probably one of the best along with Applejack


Fluttershy my beloved 😍


I really think the human design could look a lot better, but that's for almost every equestria girls design imo. Pony shy is one of the prettiest designs for me, next to rarity and cadance. I also really like her in general, I feel like I can relate with her being as we're both really quiet and constantly asked to speak up. (I'm NOT a loud talker lol)


Just me who is a fan of fluttershys original outfit? Like her dress was simple but also cute


I love her in all her forms


I hate her human 3/10 design she comes off like she would be more comfortable wearing overalls, not a dress . But they gave her a dress also there is something lacking in all their human designs Her pony design is perfect, and her personality is perfect, and everything is perfect in the pony form 10/10


Best member of the G4 Mane 6


my opinion is that she's great


Pony: best character Human: not fluttershy


If you could only save one Pony, it would be Fluttershy, She’s that beautiful and sweet. Human Fluttershy is equally sweet, but she loses something about her character. Furthermore, she looks like she’s freaky in private.


Don't like the pony version. And don't know the human version, so no comment on that.


I love all of the mane six, and fluttershy isn't my all time favorite, but I'd argue she's the best and most popular mane six. (She's my 2nd favorite lol)


Love the pony so much. Her and Appljack are my favorites....I think she looks weird as a pony


The human one is meh, I love the pony one


She's the one I have the biggest crush on, especially the human version


I really like her mane


I'm a big Rarity fan, but, Fluttershy is still perfect.


Best pony (along with Twilight)!


They are both cute


flutters is my favorite pony out of the mane six, and her human design is my favorite out of the main 7 equestria girls ^^


She is Sexy hot cute kind nice caring loving


Fluttershy's cool 


She's good looking in both Human and Horse form, one of the few I can say that about. Like, even Sunset Shimmer is only a standout in Human Mode, but "meh" in Horse Mode. Fluttershy can pull off both. 👍


Sweet Queen!


She’s my least favorite of the mane 6 to be honest. I think they’re all likable, though. Being the worst out of a group of all great characters isn’t really that bad. But I think a lot of her episodes feel contrived and she, more so than the other 5, seems to cause the most issues. She’s really cute though and I like a lot of the gags relating to her. Flutterguy was fire.


Fluttershy is adorable. I don't watch EQG though. On my rewatch of the series, she's not nearly the doormat she was memed to be. She actually is portrayed in multiple episodes (even prior to Iron Will) to be assertive when she needs to be. She can even be kind of a bitch at complete random in a few episodes. Which is really weird when it happens. It's so out of character for her.


Fluttershy in pony form has that feel to her that no one else has you just want to hug her but the more nice thing about her is rhe fact that she is not an animal freak like himan fluttershy is she cares for them and knows whats best but human fluttershy stuffs the animals in her schoolbag which is stuffy and not much room for movement Tbf i dont like human fluttershy she is pretty irritating for me at least and doesnt really show any growth




i have her cutie mark tattooed on my hand, i think that says it all


Smells like wet animal fur.


Fluttershy will always have a place in my heart I remenber being a little kid and being called fluttershy by my friends. It was the first time i didnt felt ankward and bad abt being shy nor got bothered about bullying :)


My absolute favorite of all time 💞


I've been binge-watching MLP and I'm on season 7 now. I'm so proud of Fluttershy and how she's grown throughout the show. From being afraid of everything and everyone, and being a pushover, to standing up for herself and the people she loves.


I honestly love Fluttershy, I really resonate with her struggling to be assertive and stand up for herself, as someone with diagnosed anxiety, and even though Rainbow Dash is my all time favourite, I still love Fluttershy. Much better in pony form though.




Best pony and my favorite


shes a repetitive constant character in my opinion there’s no huge development changes and i swear she always resorts back to being the same even when she slightly develops, love her to bits but she’s easy to forget due to her lack of attention on just her in the show


She's my waifu and my wife! (Pony version, I don't really care for human Shy or EQG.) I love her so much, unlike anything else in the world! She's been my favorite and been my waifu ever since 2010/20111 or so, when I got into the show. I think about her daily. I have lifesize plushies, cuddle size, and smaller plushies and other custom figures, art, keychains, and other merch of her. My laptop has her cutie mark. I have her bedspread on my bed, and we snuggle every night to sleep. She means everything to me, and I have loved her just as much now (if not more so), as I have in the past 12/13 years of my life that she's been my favorite. I believe that she'll always be the same to me until the day I die. She's also encouraged me in so many ways. I used to be just as shy as herself in S1E1 in the past. I started a wildlife garden of mine, and I have the same dream as she has (starting a wildlife sanctuary, of which I kinda already have one now). Even my favorite color has always been definitively yellow, since as young as I could ever have a favorite. I was kinda obsessed with the color yellow, really (well, not obsessed but REALLY into yellow as a color and everything yellow, like daffodils and yellow tulips). I love animals too, and especially nature. I am an avid hiker and love going on hikes and backpacking trips multiple times each year, and I usually always carry a plushie of her along. Over the years (since I started in 2014), I have hiked well over 1,500 miles with a Fluttershy plush or figure with me (and took photos of her there). And last year, I summited a mountain with a lifesize (well, almost lifesize) plush of Flutterbat because I wanted her to share the experience with me of my first true mountain summit (it was South Sister, Oregon. Third highest peak in the state; we camped at the top). So, she really means a lot to me and I love her so much. She's amazing and words cannot describe her. She's incomparable and one in a billion. Nobody/nopony can even come close to her. Even her flaws, if one can call it that, make her beautiful. I am also amazed at how many people love her and waifu her, and I have so many friends who also strongly waifu her too. But she deserves it–she's that special.


I like her! I don’t think she’s overrated like I used to. Instead I believe everyone else is underrated and needs more love


She's my favourite of the main 6. She's a great comfort character for someone like me :')


talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique


I think Fluttershy is the sweetest of the Mane Six She also has the prettiest eyes out of all of them, too. You'd be able to tell it was Flutter from a far away shot as long as you saw her eyelash line enough. I also like hee design in Equestria Girls I think each were humanized very well, and there looks suited their characters well Fluttershy's design definitely fit her in Equ Girls


Why does Fluttershy seem to forget basic things like, that she can fly? S1:E7 she almost falls down the mountain on the way to see the dragon because she either forgets she can fly or doesn’t realize she could opt to fly. Are they accidentally or intentionally making her bimbo-ish behind the guise shyness? Or is she just so paralyzed with shyness that she can’t function? Thoughts?


I like her a lot. She’s really sweet and it’s endearing and cute how shy and soft-spoken she is.


Overhyped wallflower.


She's fine ig. Definitely the most boring of the main cast to watch, imo. She can be pretty enjoyable when she's got a bit more spunk/sass or when they use her for more than "I'm shy, don't breath near me or I'll die", but it happens too rarely for me to have an opinion other than "eh". Fluttershy is the definition of C tier for me. She's fine. She exists. She does nothing wrong, but because she didn't really do a lot to begin with. Edit : I'm talking about normal Fluttershy. I don't care enough about EQ to have an opinion on the human one.


I dislike her tbh. Her pony form mainly. Human Fluttershy never really made me angry or anything.


I like her, though I find her popularity is pretty overrated. I much prefer how fanworks depict her over her canon stuff, esp in the later seasons, since I find they make her a lot more compelling to me personally. She's def the 'weakest' of the Mane 6 for me, esp in most of her solo eps, but I particularly enjoy her moments as a supporting character rather than a spotlight one, particularly when paired up with Zecora, Applejack and Rarity <3 EDIT: Damn the Flutter stans found my comment ig


don’t ask me anything about the human forms, i hate them all. but i love fluttershy she’s my pookie


She's always kinda been mid to me. Cute but kinda boring at times. I like her design but maybe she's just too soft for my taste idk.


I don’t have any opinions I found her a tad annoying at the start though but then again everyone except applejack was awful at the start of season 1