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I am actually trying MND along with MFP and logging both to see which one of these two I like better. I must say I like the clean interface of MND better so far. (I have premium subscription to both for now) I did lose 47lbs over the past 7 months using MFP, but I think part of losing the weight is just being aware of how many calories you are actually eating.


For CICO tracking MND is a favorite. The cost isn’t too crazy, the foods are verified for the most part, and I love their recipe importer on premium. It is also one of the few apps that I’m unsure if the premium investment is worth it. I got everything I needed in the free version and was finding success. WW is nice because of the semi-tracking requirement. If it’s a 0 point food, don’t track. I only sign up whenever I get a promo and then cancel at full price. Aside from that they’ve undergone some serious revamps and I’m testing them out again for the first time in years (I got a $10 a month promo for a year). I’ve had weight loss success in both programs as long as I remained honest.


As a former WW user, I'll say MND is eons better than WW. I made a drastic change in diet as well so WW no longer worked for that anyway, but the apps alone are way different. MND also added the community page now so there's literally nothing I can think of that I miss from the WW app. MND is way cheaper, customizable by diet and what macros/micros you want to track and overall much better than WW. Also more stable lol WW would crash or glitch way too often for my liking. MND Pro is the way to go!


WW offer's nothing but the app now and it's wayyyy overpriced for what it is imo. No more workshops, no more meetings, just an app and the current plan, which is basically the flex plan is not good for me at all. My dietary need is to reduce inflammation and WW didn't cut it. MND is awesome and cost way less. There are several diets to choose from on pro, (I'm doing Mediterranean to combat inflammation issues) and LOTS of useful features like micros and nutrient charts, lots of recipes and tips too. Best for me is the ability to not only use my app but also log and view features online. Gives my eyes a much needed break. I have done Healti too and it does older WW plans if you want to stick to a WW plan but MND is what I prefer personally.


I just started using MND but have used WW in the past, losing the same 20 lbs LOL. WW stopped working for me, I was spending money and not getting results, it was frustrating. I needed to try something different. I like the interface better, and I don't miss anything from WW. Seems cleaner. I don't need the social stuff, I want to lose weight.