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"Small things lead to huge arguments." Nice try Machi, but obviously you don't know our protag- ...Well shit.


Lookin how Senpai drew Machida’s… upper torso…. It looks like “huge things lead to huge arguments.”


Sums up my reaction with this chapter...


"You better brace your relationship homeboy, because it's about to get hit by a couple nuclear warheads" would have been a better warning.


What? I dont understand


Naoto is typically a very sensible person and, as demonstrated in previous chapters, open with Nagatoro. u/IcyFoundation9786 is expressing his confidence in Naoto’s track record, but he essentially immediately fell into the trap Machida warned about


Not only cucking Nagatoro but also painting Machida in the bare nude with ass,titties, AND coochie out for all to see right after the confession and kiss is absolutely crazy lol. Machida’s boobs have gotten quite bigger since her debut in 128. Honestly if Senpai was just honest from the start she probably wouldn’t be nearly as mad seeing as how he has drawn her naked and dealt with Prez’s exhibitionist behavior too.


True. It sure was a big hit in the chest for me, but we are talking about Nanashi too. I trust him no matter what.


I thought I was the only one that noticed Machida's chest size grow quite a bit 😅 Senpai for sure could've saved himself the headache if he had just been straight forward with Nagatoro, but Nagatoro also has to accept that those types of art courses, there is going to be nude models present. They just gotta be upfront and honest with eachother and come to a mutual understanding as how to approach these types of scenarios moving forward! They'll be back to their normal selves in no time... I hope lol


I'm so disappointed. She was the only decently small one besides Nagatoro...




Yeah, but I also get why he wasn't able to just be honest. He's a pretty awkward and nervous guy, the relationship is both his first and incredibly new, and he was just warned about small things turning into big arguments in new relationships. He's just scared of messing shit up, and sometimes that causes you to mess shit up.


Wait, he's drawn Nagatoro naked?!


It was a while ago (before the camp arc began) but yeah. She was facing away though.


I thought it was headed towards Nagatoro getting upset but the rug pull of Naoto being the one to get upset AND voice it???? That was a total gut punch for me 


I think they did that deliberately to show development. I think at an earlier point in the series Nagatoro probably *would* have held that sort of thing against him. She'd have tied any drawing of a nude girl (herself included) back to accusations that he's a pervert, even if she didn't truly believe that. But by now she's come to see this sort of thing as art, not just fap fuel.


Don't worry Nagatoro is very upset


Both for sure. "why did you look without my permission?" "why are you keeping secrets like this?" nude sketching is obviously a normal art thing but Naoto seems to think something is wrong with it or that it's not ok now, and then hides it, which is more important than the nude sketch itself.




He’ll make a spin off. Nagatoro After Dark. Or maybe Do Mess with me Miss Nagatoro






I mean, it’s not an everyday thing to see and draw a naked sketch of someone you know, so i can totally understand why Naoto was struggling and afraid to confess it to Hayase. And with her character, Hayase definitely has to take the first move in order to know what’s going on. They are both wrong in their way of approaching each other, but i am hoping for a cute and lovely way to settle things down in the next chapter


I still think that at some point they should address the topic that Nagatoro has serious self-esteem problems with her body. It doesnt help that Naoto has to interact with voluptuous women and I think Nagatoro has a hard time believing that Naoto would find her attractive above every naked woman he has seen


100% agree I do think she's grown more confident, but to your point, at times she does think of herself as less when comparing her body type with the other girls in the series. I think senpai's going to have to prove to her that SHE is the one he's attracted to!


Honestly, assuming that the quarrel to come is resolved fairly quickly, I think that’ll be the focus of the coming chapters. Her deep insecurities about her appearance, be-it her muscles or her being the *only* female character with small breasts, is absolutely something they’ll need to address, and Naoto will need to figure some way to ease her mind on it


Draw her beautyfully from frontside this time!


Better yet, have the option to draw someone like Machida or the president, but choose to draw Nagatoro instead because she's the one he actually wants to draw.


This will be sweet.


Doesn't help that she seems to be like, literally the only female character in this world with a non-huge chest. Machida grew suddenly...


Petite athletic chicks >>>> big tits


And this is how you do a romcom manga. You don't end as soon as they get together. Life gets way more interesting and complex once people become a couple.




And honestly, probably more difficult to write. Either because you do not have much experience with these topics (something common with mangakas) or they have and they are too painful.


True. It's just so frustrating that so many manga end when they reach the interesting stuff.


Yeah that was why I loved HoriMiya, I can't wait to see where Nagatoro goes now that they're actually together


Man, HoriMiya hit me in the goods. Miyamura's battle with his isolation reminded me a lot of how my life was back when I was a high schooler. I love the romance in HoriMiya and the effect it has on the people around them. I think it's time for me to rewatch.


I love this idea, I’m just not sure how I feel about the execution here. The fight itself makes perfect sense; it’s caused by a failure to communicate, an awkward situation that can be easily misunderstood, and the characters’ underlying insecurities. But the timing of it just doesn’t feel right. This series spent 142 chapters slowly bringing them closer together and building towards the confession. Then, after only 4 chapters of them actually being together, they’re already having problems. Such a quick turnaround makes their relationship feel a lot less stable than I feel like it should be at this point.


I admit that some of Nagatoro is about sensationalizing and fanservice but at least it doesn't get the couple finally together and then say, The End. Keep running with the story, people.


This chapter is a bit iffy, but I feel like Nanashi is going to make a compelling lesson on honesty in relationships, which I think is actually really good


oh hell yeah, this is a mistake i even see adults making. I think the "iffy" feeling is the vibe that Naoto is kinda slipping back into his old "defer to inaction" ways; something stressful came up, and he couldn't bring himself to make the obviously better decision (just explain it was a nude portrait that was LITERALLY part of the curriculum) because the thought made him uncomfortable. If he was thinking rationally, he'd KNOW nagatoro wouldn't get mad. BUUUUUT he wasn't, and now that he IS, it's kinda too late. He left her on read all day apparently, and she's Seen The Thing, so he thinks he's gotta keep the story going. Him trying to change the subject at the end felt REALLY dirty too, especially cuz of how obviously shifty he's being. Not to mention, his art is a major part of them getting close, and him SUDDENLY getting super private about it probably rings some alarm bells in Nagatoro's head


My thing is, both of them are at fault here. Sure, Senpai fibbed a bit, but only to protect his modesty, and to kind of prep himself to assure her about what art school will always entail. But she looked at his stuff without asking first. That's equally as bad. So, I think, after hijinks, the two of them are going to have to set ground rules about themselves here. Then we get a kissing scene in front of fireworks.


Exactly they're both new to relationships so there's going to be a learning curve to take into account moving forward. I see this being good growth for both of them, Naoto loosening up and being able to talk with Hayase more openly and Hayase realizing that regardless of what he draws, Naoto's only got eyes for her (also boundaries).


I was expecting a *You’re getting cheeky senpai!* bit/argument.


Best redemption arc Coming for both of em🙏


I don’t think those are equally as bad. Naoto lied to her. Nagatoro looked at a drawing without permission *because* he was acting really suspicious about it. I fail to see how this is equally Nagatoro’s fault when her actions were in response to being lied to.


“Equally as bad” is a terrible equivalency to make. Not even close.


Manipulating Hayase into feeling guilty for something lesser than a straight up lie from him, I don't think it's equally bad. Naoto just fucked up with that last sentence much worse then her


Think you’re overreacting a little


I'm just saying that he just fucked up more than her and it's not even close to being equally bad. I'm not saying he did it on purpose, but thats what happens. How is this overreacting exactly?


Calling it manipulation is a massive overstatement. Like he literally just said something about her looking at without his permission, he didn’t try to make it sound worse than what he did.


I don't think he did it intentionally, he was probably just genuinely upset that she looked without asking. But this is definitely 100% the kinda stuff that manipulators and gaslighters do. Turning the tables and shifting blame by focusing on their partner's faults instead taking accountability for their own. Again, i don't think he did it intentionally. But even so it looks really bad. And i think it might end up landing him in some trouble with Nagatoro later down the line. The "correct" course of action was to come clean about the drawing and apologise for trying to hide it. After that's done, _then_ you can address the issue of her looking at the picture without asking first. The drawing itself and especially him lying about it is much worse than her looking at it.


Someone can manipulate others unwillingly and unconsciously, not just on purpose, and the first would be the case for Naoto. What was the need of pointing out her flaw when it's not the main point of the problem since Hayase just found out about him lying? High-lighting her flaws to avoid facing his, making her feel guilty and in need to apologize as a consequence. That is the definition of manipulative behavior and happens all the time irl. I'm sure this is far from the real intentions of Naoto, but this doesnt change what happened. He has to apologize and he clearly did worse, doesnt matter if he wanted that to happen or not.


I'm taken back by the fact that he was pretty upfront with not getting first on the mock exam but danced around this, especially since Nagatoro would understand its about art and she's also more or less just about seen every female character in this series nude at one point or another. Also as far as we're aware, she still hasn't seen her own nude sketching that Senpai did a while back ago.


Yeah imagine her surprise thinking she’d see the nude portrait he drew of her and it turns out to be of the woman who antagonized her


There is only one way out. Good old Mr. White strategy. You need to pretend right now that you are losing consciousness. In the school medical office, you need to say that you don’t remember the entire past day of your life, as if your body was controlled by another person. He needs to ask Naga if he said anything strange at this time? Was he acting strange? She will tell him about the drawing. He needs to start crying and screaming that he would never lie to her and draw another woman.




What is this a reference to? Who is Mr White?


I'm calling it. It'll just be a red herring that shows our couples’ development. She'll probably realize he was embarrassed and then have an EARNEST exchange where she lets him know he can be completely transparent with her. I think we’ll see them build trust rather than drama.


I hope so :( it kinda broke my heart to see something like this happen right after the previous chapter...


I don't think a red herring is the right term for this. I think it will be used to further their relationship after a bit of strife.


I suck ass at drawing of any kind so I've never been to art school or the like but the thought of just randomly nude sketching a classmate seems pretty damn weird to me lmao


Lots of little things pile up and make you fight huh.... Giving us peak fiction the chapter before, and now crushing my dreams....


God Machi is so 𝗵𝗼𝘁 Her cute blushing, her confidence, man~.....


She's a queen for sure


Honestly? I don't see it. She's goth and she has tits, but that's about it. Her personality is obnoxious, she flies into rage at the drop of a hat and she smokes. I honestly don't see what people like so much about her.


Literally all of those things are why I like her


Whatever floats your goat i guess man


Oh boy... The n3t0rare deviants were almost wetting themselves today, huh? And right after the kiss, oof. But yeah, Senpai it off big time when he lied and got himself caught.




See ya in 2 weeks (thankfully)


BOUNDARIES!!!! HECK YEAAAAHHH! I am so happy to see Nagatoro understand certain situations and change to make Hacchi happy. However...HACCHI WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL HER????.


This chapter definitely reassures me that Nananshi has more plans for the future of the manga. This is really awesome seeing Senpai still struggling with the mental stigma of looking like a pervert whilst Nagatoro is showing even more insecurity to the point of actually crossing boundaries again and Senpai actually CALLS HER OUT on it. Combine that with the framing of the Summer Festival happening soon and this is going to really explore their relationship.


I had one issue with the chapter, but I realized that the scan team may have miswrote the month. I do agree that this seems like Nanashi-Sensei is not ready to send these two off into the sunset quote yet. Growing pains in any new relationship will be hard. We all know that Hayase is very territorial over Naoto, and she still has some of her own insecurities that can throw a monkey wrench into her own relationship. But Naoto as well, he is still coming to terms with what it means to be in a relationship, but also having to do what he has to for his career as an artist. Clearly, they're both scared at this point early in their relationship. He doesn't want her to be mad at him for sketching mides, since that's part of what he will need to do in college. But he also doesn't want her to think he's actively seeking it out. So many things he has to juggle with this relationship, it's easy to slip up unintentionally. Hayase too has her own struggles. Aside from the obvious, tho king every woman their own age is a potential rival for his heart, she has issues with her own looks. In the land of low-hanging fruit, she's barely budding. And it doesn't help that now there's another big-boobed artist in her Senpai's world, one who could easily steal him away, in her mind. Both of them are capable of fragging this love story without realizing it, and make things worse. I think the Festival is going to be a catharsis for the two of them. They will need to hash out the ground rules for each other moving forward. There's no doubt that they love each other, but they have to REALLY tell the other what they want and what they're willing to do for them. Also, on a tiny side note, I'm beginning.to think that these festivals follow a lunar cycle. My thinking Is that, the previous year, in the series timeline, the festival that was featured early in the series and episode 7 of season 1 of the anime, took place before school started. Fast forward a year and the same festival is now on a Sunday in September, so that kind of range for a festival date seems to make sense in that context.


I like how before they used to censor private parts in obscure ways, whether it was mist, water, flopping off screen, light rays, etc. Now it's just straight up fully nude mfs with no nips lmao Also I was not expecting this. I thought it would be some calm wholesome reaction to the kiss last chapter ☠️☠️☠️


Nanashi needs to just go fully detailed smh


I’m sure this will be resolved but ngl this chapter left a bad taste in my mouth. Why’d he have to say that? Sigh.


Let him.....COOOK!! But yeah this chapter is like spinach to me: bad from start but getting the taste of it at the end.


Okay, but why did Naoto even bring the painting to the school to begin with? I mean, I get that art club is his thing, and that it doesn't make him any less at fault, but why didn't he just leave it at home?


Im under the impression he was going to come clean and show her when he was ready. But its also very likely he stores a lot of his art in the art room.


Biggest plot hole next to them having zero communication between the previous day and today


This chapter made me mad


I was kinda expecting a twist where, after he gets all flustered about whether he should be honest or not, it turned out to be a male model.


It’s not the deed, but the attempt to keep it hidden


Naoto is the a hole. First rule is you just don't lie, man.


I have never attended any form of art school or anything but thats one dodgy school.


As someone who went to art school, nah that's completely normal, we regularly had fellow students as nude models, no one bats an eye about it because we're too busy cursing at our drawings (and you quickly get desensitized). Nude drawing is one of the basic foundational activities you'll do from the beginning and it's invaluable for learning anatomy.


I don't think it's normal for high school though lol


Machida is not a minor and she volunteered, so it's ok.


I think it was probably limited to students who are over 18. The art gang are all ronin who have previously failed art school entrance exams, including Machida. And Naoto is 18 and already in his senior year.


Yeah, I was having trouble with this. I think it just feels weird because they've been in high school this whole time, and they are growing (age wise) throughout the series. I've never been to art school so I don't know what's normal. I didn't know it's normal to draw fellow students nude, movies always showed it like a hired outsider of some sort. And it just felt weird having a nude scene out of nowhere when usually this series would use that as some sort of event and build up to it (not just her saying she would do it a while ago)


I personally think that this is good mood charger and the way couple grow stronger bonds. I expected similar situations from 774 and this is great. The best thing that Senpais line "you should not look without asking" was more like "I did some stuff that could make you upset, and that's why I wanted to hide it at least before I will explain". But Naga reaction was really unexpected. I expect she run away, or be mad. But after his words she just star pouting. For me it looks like she accept that she was to hurry with reaction and will believe in Senpais care for her


That’s not what Nagatoro’s reaction was. She was disappointed that instead of Senpai being sorry for lying to her and hiding things from her, that he instead acted defensive and somehow tried to make it her fault instead.


Nagatoro:...... FINE, PAINT ME IN THE NUDE!!!!


And this is why communication is important


The way these new chapters have been mirroring my relationship with my new girlfriend is... Striking to say the least. I'm an artist & photographer and nude models or varying degrees nudity in art is just normal and has an artistic quality in my line of work without being horny about it. This is exceptionally true in regards to the practice of drawing nude models because I don't get a rise out of that at all and it's just for training (though I haven't done it in years). This did cause a bit of conflict very early on which we did have to work through because she just saw it as all horny, which I had to explain isn't the case even though I never put an emphasis on the subject in the first place. Relating to this chapter REALLY hard. Small things did indeed lead to huge arguments.


How do you feel if your girlfriend nude modeling or your girlfriend photographer naked Man.


It's a job dude. If that were happening it's called communication and trust. You realize people do these things in real life, right?


So Naoto’s dishonesty about what he drew shows a bit of distrust in Nagatoro’s ability to handle the situation. But setting that aside… Nagatoro has a jealous streak. It’s been played for laughs up until now, but if they’re to be a real couple that’s a trait she’ll have to learn to control.


Oh for fucks sake. 150 chapters later and Senpai is still overreacting to other people's advice, usually bad advice. Sure, she's not lying in that new couples tend to fight and break up early happens even to adults. What Senpai should know at this point is that him and nagatoro are different. They have gone through a lot together, it's going to take a lot more then THIS to make them fight and break up. He didn't have to lie, a simple "hey this is awkward but I have to draw someone who's naked, we all do. I knew it was coming but didn't know it was today; I didn't ask or choose this but it's part of the class and will probably happen a lot down the road. I'll talk to you after, I promise this is all above board."




This manga can be so wild out of nowhere man


Now I know Sensei is more than probably cooking and working on something like building trust (and not lying to her) and setting boundaries and stuff but deep down… *Reeeeeally?* c‘mon, is it really necessary to do it *that* way?


He's keeping us on our toes, and it's going at a very fast pace for some reason. I love you Nanashi!


I don't feel so good nagatoro bros


I was wondering if Machida was going to hold up her end. This is at least the whole class doing it and not just him, but.... I know Nagatoro gets jealous, Senpai, but please be transparent with Nagatoro, especially since, as we see at the end here, she WILL respect his boundaries as an artist when he asserts them. Trust her with the truth.


According to the calendar in senpai's art class, the nude sketch was on Thursday, meaning the confrontation with Nagatoro was on Friday, so he's got two days to fix this before the summer festival on Sunday. I believe he can pull through 🙏


Whatever fight those two have will get resolved easily. My main concern is machi's body (and mind?) is now a prez copypaste. What a nerf.


My prediction is Nagatoro will be upset over Senpai drawing Machida full frontal nude, so Nagatoro will try to one-up it by doing the same. I just hope this won’t be a way to create conflict when it shouldn’t be a conflict. Senpai’s an artist, of course he’s going to have to do nude drawings.


in dark souls terms: "great chest ahead"


You know what's funny? It's a drawing class and the mangaka failed to draw the nude model properly ! (and no, I'm not talking about nipples and cooch, I'm talking about body proportions. I **know** It's a manga, but still ... )


After all the discourse I went back and re-read from about 125 this morning. My thoughts - Machida seemed to like senpai a little. He at least had her attention a bit. She was a bit jealous that he had a girlfriend, even if he wasn't willing to admit it. I never got the feeling that she wanted to get between them. Orihara is also a bit jealous of senpai getting between her and Hayase, but that's more that Hayase is her idol and rival. I'm sure there's fanfics and doujins for that, though. Hayase was 100% aware of the bet, even if she forgot about it by the time Machida paid up. She didn't raise any objections to him drawing Machi. "Forget about Nagatoro" wasn't anything like a play to steal him. Machida has a very high opinion of his skill and didn't want him producing shoddy work when she was giving so much as a model. Reasonable minds can differ on most of these points, but this is my opinion.


Awwwww their first "fight" Nagatoro honey I understand you are jealous of girls with big boobs but Senpai already made it clear he loves you for YOU petite and all.


Remember - this is their first relationship


Oh... Unnecessary drama :(


I don't think it's unnecessary. A couples first fight is as important as everything cute that happens


And every good couple should know how to settle arguments. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE has insecurities and a couple should know how to deal with it properly.


And how do they learn? They are young and inexperienced, they have to learn somehow.


tbh this is KINDA needed. let's be real, things were going TOO smoothly. if we kept up that momentum we'd have Achieved Copulation 4 chapters from now. and this is the EXACT kind of mistake an insecure kid like Naoto would make in his first relationship. heck, ADULTS do stupid stuff like this


I don’t think it is. They’re new to a relationship and will mess up. It’s not a classic misunderstanding trope, it’s Senpai deliberately withholding information when he had plenty of time to be forthcoming about it


tfw when there's a bad thing that happens in the story (everything is supposed to be perfect and always happy and nobody does anything stupid ever, just like in real life)


There is always drama in these first relationships. And that's great, because if there was none, this manga would have ended with the confession, like many others.


Okay but Machida and Naoto do have good chemistry together. [Middle two panels here](https://mangadex.org/chapter/0c5ea1b2-3c9a-421e-af01-5bf6817103f5/14) is teasing him at worst or flirting, depending on who you ask (can also be both). Either way, she enjoyed doing this to him. I can understand why Nagatoro would feel upset. It's all in her head on the one hand (NTR happening) but it's also not, because Machida is hot, likes being around him *and* Naoto admires her.


Yeah like maybe I’m weird but I would be kind of upset by that too.


I'ma just copy-paste the 5 paragraph essay i wrote in the 4chan post ahh teenagers. Honestly, I'm kinda shocked she didn't get angrier, considering how PAINFULLY obvious it is that Naoto is lying here, and there's NO WAY she's buying it. This is by FAR one of his biggest fuck-ups, like obviously he should've just come clean about it. She knows drawing nudes is part of general art education, it's not like it's her first brush-up (rimshot) with it; he DID one of her, and President's tits are just flailing in the wind most of the time. GUARANTEE this is going to be an "I'm not upset about the drawing, I'm upset about you lying" arc. A bit overdone, but oh well, guess things WERE moving too smoothly after all, we needed SOMETHING to slow down the train or Sex Arc would be in like 3 chapters. At the very least, this definitely IS the kinda mistake someone like Naoto would make with their first partner; he's probably telling himself he's "protecting her" or some bullshit, but he's really just avoiding conflict. I know I made that mistake a lot in my early relationships, heck to this DAY I still struggle to talk about things I KNOW will upset my partner, even if I ALSO know it'd be better to just be forthcoming. Sure, when this INEVITABLY blows up in both of their faces, it could very well rocket them outta their honeymoon phase, but you don't really get that lesson INGRAINED into you until you've had it happen to you a few times. Once again, let's remember that we're talking about immature high schoolers here, ones who have proven time and time again that they struggle being honest with themselves and others; if anything, this is the point of their relationship where ANY pair of teenagers with no prior experience WOULD be making these kinda dumb, entry-level mistakes. God knows I've seen people in their 30s pull nonsense like this with their partners on a regular basis. TBH, I'm actually pretty cool with this in retrospect; a bit of conflict is important for spicing up the story, otherwise it'd kinda get tiring to just see "good stuff good stuff" week after week. Sure this COULD'VE been solved right away if he just told her at ANY point, but let's remember something: what's the ONE habit of his that seems to always get in his way? # Hesitation. As frustrating as it may be to see play out after multiple consecutive months of nonstop winning, we gotta understand that this nonsense is COMPLETLEY in character for the guy. Also, Nagatoro's initial response is SUPER interesting to me. She didn't just play along with an OBVIOUSLY bullshit story he concocted, she SUGGESTED one for him to use. Heck, she didn't even give him the chance to SAY anything! That says to me that she's (consciously or not) trying to avoid facing the writing on the walls, because doing so would bring her down from the high she's been riding since the confession. Odds are, that's ALSO what Naoto is doing to some degree, or at least how he internally justifies his own inaction and dishonesty. from the way i see it, the ONLY way Naoto can save this situation SOMEWHAT cleanly is to just come out with it on his own. Sure, it'll sting. Sure, she'll be upset he waited that long. But to be FAIR, he hasn't DIRECTLY lied on his own yet, he's simply gone along with her story. Which is... still lying. Let's not pretend it isn't. It's too late to take easy street, this is GOING to be a problem, and it IS his fault. But this option would be FAR better than any alternative I can think of, which all involve her either finding out from someone else, or just not being able to pretend she believes it anymore. I don't think anyone could think that she REALLY believes that story deep down, and every second he waits to tell her the truth is probably eating her alive. The sooner he can free her from that feeling, the sooner they can move past this, and in fact the BRAVER he'll seem. She KNOWS about his tendency to hesitate, heck she was probably so quick to suggest a cover story for him because she knew he'd probably stutter and stammer for minutes straight, and at the very least she didn't want the result of that mental struggle to be a blatant lie from the guy she loves. She's trying SO hard to make him "not the bad guy", but it's clearly not working.


It is worth pointing out that the festival is just around the corner. So Nanashi may take a couple of chapters in order to adress this conflict. And when we get the resolution, they'll both get to enjoy the Festival fireworks for the first time since they're official. I get the sense the Art Club friends or Naga's friends may get involved somewhere along the line. Or maybe Sunomiya's cousin will support Senpai in finding the right words after a rough first argument ensues. Either way, I'm kind of thrilled (and frightened) of what Nanashi could have cooking up for us.


u/100yearsLurkerRick had a few great ideas in the 4chan post, my fav being the idea that even IF Naoto resolves this quickly and just tells her the truth, Nagatoro's probably gonna start exhibiting insecurity over her body. What's the first thing she notices in the drawing? The Large Tracts Of Land I'd love to see a subversion of their normal dynamic, where instead of Naoto's insecurity preventing them from getting closer, it's Nagatoro's driving a wedge between them this time. Plus I've had a long-running theory that her antics, while definitely a genuine part of her personality, are there to act as a mental shield, so she can ignore her feelings or any other things that are bothering her, and I like being right Either way, definitely agree that the Nudist Family will help out to some degree. They... clearly have a bias towards nude drawings not being a big deal, but they're still always on their side, and shockingly good at leading Naoto down the right path


She's given signs of inadequeacy, yes. I think Senpai first major road-block will be to reassure her of the fact that it was specifically because of Machida's bet that she voluntereed herself to be painted in a setting full of students doing the same. The critical point is that Senpai casually lied, just because he was afraid of hurting her feelings. I'm fairly confident Senpai will try his best, I'm just hoping he won't love-bomb her in a desperate attempt to resolve this conflict as soon as posible. That would be THE absolute way to making it worst.


>I'm just hoping he won't love bomb her in a desperate attempt to resolve this conflict as soon as possible Ey. Uh. I'm sure ya didn't mean to, but you just completely bulldozed me in 90% of my relationships after I fuck up for the first time. Dealt me super effective psychic damage right there. Thanks for that. Fr tho I'm HOPING you're right and they don't go that route. If they do, I'd probably explode from empathetic cringe. Honestly, what I think Naoto REALLY needs to make up for at this point is making her worry. Oh and the last bit. DEFINITELY that, it was GENUINELY slimy of him to try to make her feel guilty like that. She literally gave him an out, and he basically threw it in her face so she'd stop questioning it. I'm SURE that's not what he consciously meant to do, but his lil "oh..." at the end tells me he realizes he fucked up by saying that. You don't respond to "sorry" that way unless you know you don't deserve that apology


Haha. Sorry for inadvertedly dissing you, I spoke from experience (yikes)


I find this chapter a pretty bad idea of creating a situation. Last chapter they finally kissed, making everything official, and one later, Senpai, who already drew a lot of nudes, is afraid of having Hayase knowing that? Looks pretty unattural. Instead making a wholesome date of official lovers after the kiss, Nanashi decides to throw a lame motivation to a fight


Who were the other nudes he's drawn besides Nagatoro?


Prez and her sister? And I mean, it's not like he had some motivation to hide this information from her. She knew that nudes are part of art, and he already drew someone naked before. My critic was, it was pretty out of character that Senpai decides to not tell Nagatoro about making somethin that he already did, especially after the kiss


He's seen Prez nude (not by choice) but he's never drawn her nude before. That was the whole catalyst for Nagatoro volunteering to model nude in Prez's place. Hana (cousin, not sister) is a freshman and has never gotten nude in the series so far.


I see. I have memory issues.


But Senpai never HAS drawn nudes beside Hayase. Not in a “model” way. The only nude girl he has ever drawn was Nagatoro


as someone who did all this back then... nude drawing would never be from one of the student. Jesus... that would be a terrible thing to do. xD




Ohhh shit we got trouble in paradise already. Can't wait to see how they're gonna get past their first couple fight.


So what's the over under on how many chapters it will take to resolve...


1-2 max


To be honest, I would've thought that senpai wouldnt be to bothered by nude sketching anyone alteast after beeing prez's protige. Idk, seems like a small pseudo drama ark is about to hit.


It is because he's now in a relationship. Also, it will be his job if he'll be attending art school, so he must discuss it with his girlfriend and being honest.


Am I imagining things or did Nagatoro get cuter….


Ruh Roh


“You looked at it without my permission” Awwww 😞


Ahhh time to set some boundaries, fun stuff But yeah this is normal, I'm not expecting some drawn out argument over it especially right after the confession and kiss.


Holy shit, didn’t expect *that*. Pretty dicey “first fight” but let’s see how it plays out. I can see both sides being partially at fault


Damn, that took a sudden turn in the end... Very interested in how they're going to solve this moving forward but at the very least Hayase looks a little bit more trusting, she apologies because Naoto probably has an explanation.


Ohooooo first "real" fight incoming? I can def see both sides in this. Like, it's his business and there's nothing to say if he doesn't want to mention it, but also it can be a betrayal of trust in a relationship to not tell her in the first place, but it's also a violation of his privacy to just look through his stuff without his permission. It's a messy situation across the board.


Breakup time




What a cliffhanger! Damn, now I gotta wait... two? three? weeks with that hanging over my head!




Thank god for small miracles.




Oh no, they don't trust eachother yet 😬


My heart… and she apologized!? Maaan this a bleak turn of events




Hurry, ask to draw her to reconcile before its become real bad!


This is a hopeless situation. You should have initially said that you would draw a naked girl and turn it all into a joke, mentioning that you would still think about her. But this is an alpha strategy. Senpai is not capable of this. Instead, he revealed himself to be a shaking virgin who is afraid of Naga. Now her friends will quickly tell her that she needs to leave him...


Local Man fumbles Bad Bitch, more at 11.


Just watch. Shes gonna ask to be drawn the same way.


[just skip to 0:26](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=90lvPh8zbwc)


I kind of scared now, after reading this chapter.


WHY would Naoto take the nude drawing to school? Just leave it at home. Or if it will cause problems and you know it. Shred it. Well I guess its just contrived plot. Let's see how Nagatoro lashes out.


I swear, half the freakin’ characters in this manga are exhibitionists or well on their way to becoming exhibitionists.


Chapter 150: Their first fight as a couple. This ought to be interesting.


I see this as a set up for Nagatoro to be drawn naked again, but not hiding anything this time Thats how these manga tend to work


We took forever to get here and now some serious relationship threatening drama comes to put us on edge. This is not going to be easy to resolve, especially after he handled it that way.


Well shoot our boy is dead...


Something I hate with this is that it's keeping the female form but still censors the nipples and labia. I don't really mind ommiting angles and conveniently placed arms to hide them, especially in a teen manga, but hiding it while the rest is fully visible is kind of disrespectful and unnerving toward women.


So this is why Nanashi is alone and drawing hentai...


In my opinion, now was the best time to fully open up to Nagatoro and explain why he had lied. He didn't lie to hurt, but rather to protect, even though it was completely stupid. If you want to change a person's mind that you're a liar, do something honest enough to be believed. Senpai still has nude Toro drawing she never saw. Just show it to her and explain the difference between her and another titty monster who poses for an entire class. It's really there because Senpai values modesty in girls and doesn't accept idea of Nagatoro posing nude for someone else. Just explain to your girlfriend why she's special and what exactly it is that attracts you to her. It's easy to say "Nagatoro has body issues," but few people understand why. Even in his confession, Senpai was talking about Nagatoro's humanity, not female attractiveness. Even Machida suddenly turned into titty monster just so Nagatoro would once again have to come to terms with fact that "bigger is better". And I completely understand her logic, because the only compliments she's heard about her body are "nice muscles bro, you train hard". How can she have confidence in her body when even her boyfriend has never complimented her body? Also his “job” is to "paint other boobs", even though not long ago he was so vocal about how he only wanted to paint more and more Nagatoro’s drawings. And first she sees after they go to relashonship is drawing of other boobs that he trying to hide. Anyway, I want to "experienced" Machida eat her words about big fight. Even though this looks like conflict that could lead to tears and more stupid words, there's nothing stopping Toro and Senpai from just having honest conversation with each other here and now. It's not like it's their first day together, they've been through enough not to act childish. And for God's sake, don't get whole crowd of Nagatoro and Senpai's friends to once again suggest how to handle situation. Let these chicks fly out of nest and make their own decisions.  P.S. It's really disgusting to see comments that say Nagatoro did nothing wrong, gain downvotes. Even if you think she was at fault, I'd like to remind you, Nagatoro has already apologized for it, although she might not have, because it was obvious gaslighting by Senpai. Perhaps her apology wasn't good enough to convince you? Maybe she should have cried and begged to forgive her for touching his things? Anyway what about Naoto? Did he apologize for his "not lying" because "Nagatoro knew about bet"? Bad are not the ones who lose, but the ones who can't admit defeat in time


Please communicate, you two. I don't want another Gojo and Marin situation where neither tries to talk (that's even worse when chapters are currently monthly with very little development)


There only one thing i can say about this. ........ Senpai you better have poly relationship with those waifu immediately


So I’ll take it the next chapter is yet to be released?




How are you able to access it?




Its actually so huge that Senpai calls nagatoro out for this and nagatoro actually backs down realizing she should not have done that. Its showing how much Senpai is properly vocalizing his feelings and standing up for himself now, and Nagatoro realizing the stuff she used to do (like looking at this stuff without permission, which she frequently did before) is not the right way to do things. Rather than exploding on him for hiding it she backs down realizing that she should not have looked. He shouldn't have hid what he drew from her but she also shouldn't have snooped through his stuff. This is a total flip on their dynamic early on. And sets it up perfectly for them to properly set their boundaries with each other


Hmm didn't read it like that at all. It looked like she very clearly caught him lying (both direct and through omission) and when instead of apologizing he doubles down she looks more disappointed than anything. He realized he has secrets he wants to keep and she realized that his art, which up until that point was something they could honestly and openly bond through, does indeed have areas that he wants to keep private. But it's quite obviously a beginner's mistake and none of this was communicated well at all.


hahahahaha I had totally forgotten about the nude bet! LOL a classic couple argument! Well played Nanashi! Machida's ex boyfriend may show up soon too. Let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! This is far from ending!


I’m so confused by this chapter. Wasn’t Nagatoro there when Senpai and Machida initially made the bet? Dosen’t she know that while Senpai didn’t get first place, he *did* place higher than Machida? Why would Senpai lie/keep it a secret from Nagatoro if she already knew? Moreover, if she did knew, then why would Nagatoro be mad at Senpai for drawing Machida? It just doesn’t make much sense to me I’m all for Nanashi making this story, as like many other commenters pointed out, this is Nagatoro and Senpai’s first relationship and just because they’ve grown a lot throuout the manga that doesn’t mean they don’t still have things to figure out. A fight or two will inevitably happen and they need to set boundaries. I just think that the way Nanashi is setting up this story feels a bit contrived and forced. It’s probably gonna be resolved in a chapter or two, so I’m not too worried about it :p


This probably isn't where anyone here expected the conversation to go, but am I the only one here that thinks taboos regarding breasts are incredibly hypocritical? Think about it for a moment. Showing nipples on bare flat breasts: Fine. Showing bare huge breasts: Racy but allowed. Showing bare huge breasts with nipples on them: Obscene. Why is it that no component of these is obscene on its own but somehow the combination is?


Senpai stood up for himself! I’m ngl with everything that happened I totally forgot about the bet


While I dislike the trope, he set it up for both of them to learn about honestly. Senpai lied about the drawing, but Nagatoro goes behind his back. If either of them was honest this whole thing would be a non issue.


Damn... Machida's figure is a lot more disappointing than I thought. Used to think she was decently flat. But I guess Nagatoro is the only one with a nice figure in this world....


Ah yes, I love myself some forced drama right after huge romantic progression. Couldnt nanashi have given us a handful of wholesome chapters before this?


I wouldnt say forced. This is pretty much how relationships often are. Now we will get to see how they make up and it will be wholesome. We will see them grow as a couple from this.  Naotos flaw has always been avoidance, and Nagatoros flaw has always been breaking boundaries. 


OMG that last page was so cute I could dieeeeee!!


Honestly a smart conflict for where we are, finally using past plot points (the nude sketch that was promised) in a way that will also challenge the strength of their relationship. I see people getting worried but we’ve had conflicts like this that get resolved quickly. The chances of this getting lengthy and melodramatic are basically 0, because that completely conflicts with the established tone of the story. It’ll be like 2-3 chapters max. Plus, we know these two are capable of being very open with each other so it’s not gonna go down that kinda path (especially when this is caused by a lack of communication in the first place). I like that we have 2 different faults at play here that are given plenty of reason, one, Naoto lying being derived from his own relationship to nude sketching and a fear of upsetting Nagatoro through that, and the other, Nagatoro breaching a sense of privacy by going through Naotos stuff as a result of suspicion of said lying. I really like both of them being flawed characters strengthened by each other. Predicting that Naotos gonna make some sort of comparison between him sketching Nagatoro naked to him sketching Sana and Machida naked. Would easily eliminate any insecurities if an honest apology doesn’t. another good step forward in the story. This is honestly probably the only manga I’ve read as it comes out where I’m excited for every chapter. I think that’s a testament to just how well written it is.


Ooooh relationship dramaaa I'm excited! Real shit!


Oh no, it's the dreaded NTR arc. Those were brand new expressions on Nagatoro's face, no idea what she's thinking.


People freaked out when Tsumiki let a vampire drink her blood, so I'm surprised this isn't causing more pandemonium