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it’s only ok if you bring that fact up every time you have a big fight with your kid. remind them who you really loved. /s


“Mars the dog was much better behaved” 😂


This is the correct answer lmao.


My wife recently found out that she was named after a pet rat, and she is not impressed


Tell Whiskers I’m sorry about her luck.


There was a similar plot line in *Frasier*, where Frasier and his brother found out they were named after his mother’s lab rats.


Start slowly gaslighting your friends and family into thinking she has been named Mars along. It may take awhile but I’ll be worth it and you’ll be in the clear.


Our dog at the time was named Seymour Asses. Everytime someone asked what name we picked for our son before he was born, we said "Seymour Asses Jr."


Reminds me of the Air Force base my fiancé is stationed at. Seymour Johnson!


god this just made me laugh way too hard HAHAHA


Not weird at all, I think it’s very sweet!


I have seen someone use their dog's name before. It was Indiana.


We named the *dog* Indiana!


Seems fine to me! It’s not like you’re naming your kid after Sausage or Moose or anything goofy like that. Edit to add: Hilariously, I just happened upon [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1489ufu/no_no_no_i_refuse_to_believe_this_is_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I personally would never name a child after a past pet of mine. Even if you’re not intentionally naming them after an animal, it still might seem like you are. And the connection is to your old pet starting out, and it’s just weird


I had a friend in high school named after a dog that was named after a fish. Her mom just -really- liked that name and reused it repeatedly. I personally wouldn’t do it.


Okay i give up what was it?!




My first dog was named Sam and I have loved that name since I was a child. It also the only boy name that my husband and I agree on but he knows that I used to have a dog named Sam. I think it's totally fine!


An acquaintance named her adopted child after her dead dog. Same name. I found it a little icky and I say that as someone who loves her pets as her kids. Especially because the child was adopted. It felt worse. Demeaning. If you just love the name you do you though


I’d feel very insulted if my parents couldn’t be bothered to come up with a name for me and just gave me the same name as a *pet*.


When I was a kid, I used my favorite girls' name, Clara, on my cat. Clara the cat is long gone now (she'd be 34 if she were alive today). To this day, Clara remains my favorite girls' name. I'd use it for a child (not that I'm having any).


Nothing wrong with that lol, you even said you rarely used Mariela for the pet so


My SIL was dead set on naming her 3rd son Jake after her childhood dog. The baby ended up being a girl and named something different. At the time I thought it was odd, but I think just because she phrased it as actually naming the child after the dog as opposed to re-using a name she really loved.


My cat is named Jane and I would totally reuse it on a baby girl! Nothing weird about it. Spot or Tank might be weird tho ;)


My sister told me to change my dogs name to something else and use the name if I have a son


Excellent name. I will include this absolute gem of a tune : https://youtu.be/FDkUApLcTYY


I had a friend in college who was named after her mother’s beloved horse that had died 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really wanted to do this with an old pet named Lily. I don’t really love the name for a child anymore. But I still LOVE the idea. I love my pets so much and they’re not around a long time so it’s a way to honor them, I think, as long as you also like the name and it’s appropriate for a human.


Totally. It’s kind of like letting the love live on.


My wife and I are using her kitty that passeds name as a middle name for our child


Have you ever heard of Bindi Sue Irwin? Apparently she is named after a crocodile and a dog.


We have a dog named Bindi Sue after the Bindi Irwin!


Bindi Irwin doesn't seem to mind. I think it's sweet.


Do you remember Steve Erwin, the crocodile guy? He named his daughter Bindi after a dog he once owned.


My sons name is the same as my childhood dog! In fairness, my mom named the dog after her father because she knew she wasn’t going to have another kid to pass the name onto. I, in turn, named my son after the dog.


As long as you’re not naming a kid Snuggles or Fluffy, go for it! Mariela’s a great name!


My apartmentmate from grad school (we are BFFs) had a foster dog named Lincoln and then she named her son the same. I think it is totally fine.


I think it’s fine. Our dogs always had proper names but we almost exclusively used silly nicknames.


My 6 day old baby is named after my childhood pet. My cat was the happiest and most loved part of my childhood so I wanted to give my daughter that legacy. No one has said anything bad about it, plus hardly anyone knows where the name came from unless they knew me from childhood. We double barrelled the name with my partners mums name so it’s not exactly the same.


How would anyone even know unless you told them...?


No it’s not ok.


We did this! My husband loved the name as a kid and always said he would use it if he ever had a daughter. Then when he was like 10 and got a dog he said he wanted to name the dog after his future daughter. The dog passed away about a year before we got married, and we now have a daughter with the same name. And he had this dog for like 14 years so basically everyone knows the name situation.


Yes it’s okay to use. There’s nothing wrong with naming a kid after a pet, in fact it’s quite a sweet thing to do. I plan on using my cat’s name, Zoe, as a middle name for a daughter in the future. She’s pretty important to me and I could never get another cat after her. So it’s not weird or anything, but of course it depends on how much that pet means/meant to you.


My daughters nickname is purposely the name of my first cat that passed. I couldn't name her the exact name as he was a male but it works with her full name and being a nickname lol now it's more gender neutral anyways so I probably could of gotten away with it


I don't see why not... my Mother had the nerve to name her puppy after my deceased beloved grandmother. So I don't see why it wouldn't work the other way.


Naming your child after a pet is a bit weird. But giving them the same name is perfectly fine. As long as the name is usable for a human, eg no Fido or Spot.


Not weird at all! Name your kid what you want!


Too weird for me, sorry. But there’s nothing stopping you from doing it, and it seems a lot of people here do it as well. If it was a childhood pet that had passed a long time ago, it’s still a little odd but a bit more understandable for me with that distance. But naming a kid after a still living pet (that you still use the name for) is not my cup of tea. Maybe I’m merely sensitive as a ‘dog name’-haver - to be named after an actual dog would be mortifying to me, but not everyone is the same.


I think it's adorable!! It's a normal human name, nothing could really go wrong.


Can't be worse than being named Apple or Blue!


Nothing wrong with it


I don’t think it’s a good idea to name a human person after a pet. It feels disrespectful to the kid. And that’s coming from someone who loves animals and considers pets as full members of the family.