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With a direct view of I 40 right outside the bedroom window.


Rent now, starting at 3900$ biweekly


Hahaha biweekly got me!


Does that include landlord gratuity?


Landlord gratuity is a suggested mandatory surcharge starting at 149.99 a month.


Wow, hardly even 4%!! Brings a tear to my eye that landlords sacrifice less than their typical 20%.


I feel attacked


I think if we tore down that one on the left we could drop about 7 or 8 tall & skinny houses on that lot.


You been around much lately? Try a 8 story “luxury” apartment building.


This guy Nashvilles




Greatly appreciate it! Lifelong resident. Lol.


Isn't that whats needed to deal with sprawl?


personally i'm an advocate for mixed use housing, and if desperately necessary, a single large parking garage every 2 blocks. (granted i know literally nothing about civil engineering or urban planning, but this is just what i think would fit best in those areas)


Well you are not going to put all of that into one lot... LOL


Just get people to walk further then. Car-centric cities make the worst cities


I guess you are correct, you know little about urban planning


I feel like the > "luxury" part might've missed your eyes. Having 10 "luxury apartment buildings" doesn't do shit for people who can't afford it. If they are empty, it doesn't help sprawl much at all. Plus, there are a ton of empty apartments downtown already that people can't afford.


Exactly. How many people have been forced to leave their homes either due to rising property taxes or the cost of living skyrocketing. Hell, just look at all the demolished low-income housing across from the stadium. How many people were forced to leave there? I’m not saying we need more “section 8” housing (pardon my phrasing on that), but the city could use some more reasonably priced accommodations. The people, like myself, who’ve lived here most if not all of their lives are the ones who’ve been hurt most. I live just outside the city, but I was very lucky to find the house I have.


Occupancy rate in Nashville right now is about 94%, they are doing just fine or wouldn't build the.


Where are you getting 94% occupancy from? Nashville Business Journal, The Tennessean, the local news stations all have said the downtown numbers have been consistent at around 10-11% *vacancy* for the past couple of years. Can't have 94% occupancy and also have 10-11% vacancy.


What makes me furious to no end is places like Greenhills and Belle Mead tearing down gorgeous century homes and putting up 2 ugly monstrosities in their place. Because those houses deserve better 😌 😪. And don't get me started on what they did to 1st and 2nd Ave downtown.


Belle Meade has zoning that 1 doesn't allow tearing down historic homes anymore. The only thing getting torn down now are post war cottages. There is a beautiful renovation right at the Westview/Lynwood split that's about to come on the market and I'm very curious what it will be priced at. 2) Belle Meade also has zoning that requires minimum house size and only 1 house per lot. Green Hills and West Meade are a whole other ball game though.




1st and 2nd down Broadway as well is now New Vegas. But hey at least we got a glorified parking garage called Music City Center 🤣


I’m still mostly mad about them lighting them up all night and destroying the night sky.


Tall and Skinny buildings are so 2015. We’re housing California tech employees now.


Somebody tell the developers that are currently building 25 of them in my neighborhood. 12’ wide x 60’ house is $430,000




Old Hickory


That’s not Nashville. That’s the suburbs. They aren’t dropping these modern $1,000,000 townhomes outside of city limits. The trends of the past 5-10 years of the city proper leak out to the suburbs and in turn make what was “expensive” 5 years ago in town the new trend outside of town to feign the looks of being closer to the city without being any closer.


They’re getting built all over Nashville (suburbs included) because of the policy that got changed to allow split duplex builds on 1/2 lots a few years ago. $400k is on the cheap side, but more common are the $600-1mil range. Source: my friend group are the developers, builders and realtors building many of them and I make it a point to harass them about it


You’re not arguing at all in same realm. The tall and skinnies are not popping up in downtown or within city limits anymore. They are mostly outside in Madison, Old Hickory, Antioch, Clarksville, Bellevue and etc. The zoning permits you’re referring to were passed in 2017 for Nashville proper and now they have been cleared recently for the outside areas. Wedgewood Houston is the last area I’ve seen the 7 houses on a lot. They are either developing massive Luxury condos or million dollar homes near the downtown to entice the California tech companies to move their HQ’s here to drive up property value before they try to sell massive lots for more office buildings to site 60% empty.


My old Nextdoor neighbor (East Nashville) sold his house and the buyer/developer built a new one in the backyard to split the lot. Three other houses on that street alone were torn down from ‘21-‘23 and there are now 6 skinnies in their place with the last 2 just coming on the market, all crammed into the lots and all in city limits. Yes, big apt developments are happening in and near downtown too, but I think you’re arguing with large brush strokes.


I am arguing about a specific thing happening near down town and some said “I’m my neighborhood” twice now with their neighborhoods not being that close to downtown. East Nashville could be Maplewood which is a solid 4-5 miles away from downtown. This other guy said old hickory which isn’t in city limits.


tall skinnies are all over Nashville go look at 12S, Melrose, Green Hills, unprotected parts of West End/Hillsoboro Village and they are still be built. Move over to West Meade/Belle Meade and massive houses are being built on spec. There are 2 spec houses on Westview ave in Belle Meade currently listed for 10M+


I didn’t say they weren’t. They just stopped building them this past 6 months to make way for other stuff. You’re trying to insert Old Hickory’s development into a comment about Nashville’s development. You’re not in Nashville.


So the Nations and Charlotte Park are not Nashville? LOL


The one on the left is probably currently housing 6 to 8 families right now. But those tall & skinnies would hold 1 family, 1 single guy from Cali, 3 AirBNBs, and 3 empty foreign investments.


I'm honestly surprised we haven't seen a massive influx of container homes yet.


$500/sqft renos in north Nashville


That are all built like shit.


I was JUST trying to describe this Nashville phenomenon to someone at lunch today. If only I’d checked reddit Lmao


1.3 million and 750,000 is my guess.


Bet I know which one will last longer.


Y'all should see New Orleans...


Is it the same way? Hasn’t thought of NO as a place people were flocking to.


It's not new houses, but you will be in a neighborhood with multimillion dollar historic houses, then cross the street and be in poverty. I don't live there, but I have a friend who does, and it's kinda crazy when I visit.


We lived there, can confirm. We lived on 1st St, along with Peyton Manning’s parents and Anne Rice, but we were law school renters and the house next door didn’t have working plumbing. It was a wild, interesting mix of people


Literally the first place I thought of that was like this all over.


This photo is going viral again? It went viral in 2019. This is in ATL close in the Old Fourth Ward area. I took a pic of this exact location from another angle back in 2019


Cool, but I could still litterally go take an almost exact pic like this off I40 in Nashville


Yepp, look at the corner of 28th Ave N and Herman St


Haw king st or south ave areas


That looks like Atlanta


Because it is.


My neighborhood is like this. I’m the house on the left lol


People in Nashville pay over a million dollars to live next door to a shit plant. Dowisetripla in real life.


The new apartment buildings in Germantown crack me up - that’s a waste processing facility, y’all!


Looks like Edgehill.


Both listed for 3m


Both leak like a sieve


And no one can afford either one


For now...


Is this not a real pic of Nashville?..


Nope. The house on the right is 295B Glen Iris Drive in Atlanta, GA. It was in a New York Times article from 2020 about the gentrification of Atlanta and neighborhood inequality in America.


Had you said it was in Nashville, I would've totally believed it. I see scenarios like this all over.


I see 13 million dollars in that photo


It do be like that sometimes


I remember when I was an Uber driver and I took somebody to their AirBNB... The womancried because their nice BNB was in the middle of the hood.... ( Basically everything-house- around it was in serious need of some real work and repair... )... She was afraid to get out and also began arguing with her male friends/ mate.... They eventually got out of my vehicle but she was on the phone with the BNB and maybe went somewhere else afterwards because she was adamant about not staying there....


It do be like


Was this taken in Atlanta? Regardless, it applies to here, Austin, Charlotte, Denver, Seattle, the list goes on…


That's literally the situation I'm in. My house is a new build, my neighbor's house is 90-something years old but very nicely refurbished. Other neighbor is a dilapidated house that has been abandoned for 10+ years.


Abolish the tall and skinny view blockers




So glad we left.


OMG I love that thing. Way better than the massive selection of shitty suburban ranch houses or cookie cutter suburbs I had to choose from when I lived there in 2001.


My ex's family member had a tiny little brick house, probably 800 sq ft. She was like the first home owner of the family, and had lived there for 30 something years. Sold it for 750k so they could buy the lot and turn it into a skinny house


Can you imagine the humility when showing the house to friends and family the first time. Poor guy has probably twisted his brain up trying to justify.




You should see Texas. Your house might be right next to a business. Zoning is nonexistent


LMAO…So true


Id take it and just polish it up a bit. I left the military many years ago thinking I'd work into a great job, buy a home, start a family. Never thought I'd still have no home. That's how it be.


Columbia be like


Lol. McMansions.


r/nashville is literally people without houses talking shit about other people's houses


You must have a tall and skinny 😖 sorry, guy!


I can’t reply with the pic. Only GIFs for some reason