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Omg that was so satisfying. All the little bitches in the world need a good slapping


This is the expected response to having your hairline exposed before you’ve fulled accepted that you’re balding from all the anabolic steroids you’ve taken to chase external validation - validation that was only fleeting and over time proved how hollow the entire pursuit is, but you’re in too deep and you haven’t gotten that Turkish hair transplant yet and this little twerp not respecting you only serves to remind you that the fantasies you nurtured of being a big strong man who was respected were merely your imagination, and you’re a YouTuber who, really no one respects because you’ve done nothing that deserves respect. So you slap him.


Bradley has a hair transplant it hasn’t grown in fully


But shouldn’t it get sunlight to grow?


It was in the shape of a hat


No sunlight can actually damage it in it’s early days. Hair doesn’t need sunlight to grow, but yes vitamin D is essential for hair u can get it from skin or supplement or diet


Nah dude don’t touch me or my shit if I don’t know you like that.


Even if I know someone like that...don't ever grab someone's hat off their head like that


You are both correct.


Nice to see a balance of opinions from differing perspectives and the recognition that both can be valid.


Beat me by an hour


You need help, bro. Don’t touch people you don’t know. It’s a simple rule.


Bahahaha I would have slapped him twice as hard and I have a full head of hair..don't ever take someone's hat off like that


This rant is a perfect example of a rule 4 "Disgruntled ranters" breach 🤓, yet it has 200+ upvotes! The post itself is an example of a rule 5 "Obvious juicer" breach btw, although not as flagrant. Signed: a bored internet "lawyer"


He grabbed him and stole from him. Who cares about this invented narrative, true or not. A slap, kid got off lightly. I know better men who would have fucked that kid up.


But I guess he won your attention long enough to write aaaaalll this


You should write for a living. That was beautifully written prose. You’d be great at writing hardcore fanfics. Create images in our minds of the filthiest hardcore prose known to man. If you want 👀


Is this sarcasm? He could write a single-paragraph/twin-sentence 300 page fanfic *ouvre* in his "beautifully written prose". Maybe you, and only you, would like it.


And…ANDDD Maybe I wanna read his writing. Maybe I invite other bros and take turns reading? Maybe we’re shirtless while we read! 👀


🤔😐🙂 Ok. You fooled me there. It sounded a bit over the top but there are people for everything, including liking a one sentence 200 word tirade. "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again" Edit: is lube involved or is this fanfric(tion)?


You want an invite? You can bring the lube! Knock 3 times, I’ll let you in through the back door 🚪 👀


LMAO! Using a backdoor sounds fine, so long as it's not mine... I may even consider no lube, to make this fanfic a bloody funfric


Sure thing, Tight Lobster. Maybe afterwards you’ll walk like a crab


Lol! I doubt it! You know why they call me ThightL? Because I press my buttocks tightly against each other whenever I fear hard-ship. All I do in the gym is glutes and more glutes. But I'm a naty, I'd rather bleed than cheat!


nah i think brad took it a bit to far. I agree brad shouldve done something from the disrespect but he shouldve just like picked him up and played with him for a bit to play it up for the content, especially since the kid made a video saying his ears have been ringing since then


Never try to humiliate a man through something he’s insecure about, he’s lucky that balding juice monster didn’t break him in half


Even beyond that don't keep playing with people who aren't playing with you


It’s a fighting move to do something like that. Bradley reacted appropriately.


Step 1 - Fuck around Step 2 - Find out


These idiots fucking around with people for the camera deserve everything they get. To the kid: actually you got off light. You and your friends deserve to get stomped out.




I’m not gonna die on this hill, but Bradley invited the kid who’s known for this shit and doesn’t expect to get fucked with? Crazy insecurity to assault some guy over. Guess that’s why he’s on juice.


It's really not that crazy. Don't touch people's stuff




I think your comment deserves to be upvoted because alot of folks on this thread are missing some important context here.


“I’m not gonna say something stupid but…” - you


Taking things off people is also illegal


Word? I didn’t know this. It changes things. Also, I think they probably liked being slapped. More views.


>To the kid: actually you got off light. You and your friends deserve to get stomped out. Bradley's reaction to situation was appropriate. Stomping someone out over taking your hat is not a proportionate response. You probably have a criminal record if you're quick to violence.


You’re minding your business and multiple guys come up to you and start messing with you. He didn’t consent to being recorded. Taking his hat was both aggressive and a violent action. I agree the response was appropriate. I didn’t say going further was proportionate, I said it’s what they deserve.


What they did is dumb and disrespectful but you're also missing out on the context here. He did consent to being recorded, they were both collabing (Brad and the Ronaldo guy) to make content together.


He took his hat… you think roid raging is justified for that?


Step 3 - Profit


Step 4 - repeat


Step 5- SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!




I’m natty AF and would have slapped the dude silly as well 🤷🏻‍♂️


From what people are saying, they were collabing on that vid. It didn’t happen randomly


Yeah but why would you do something like that to someone you don’t know, that’s 2x larger than you? He just wanted to do something “view worthy”/controversial and got what he asked for, just not how he hoped.


1. He can be 3x bigger, who cares and what does it change, the guy wasn’t going to fight over that cap. I don’t understand how him being big changes anything. 2. Bradley decided to collaborate with a prankster and slapped him in the face for serious when said prankster didn’t give his cap back. Like yeah the face and attitude of the prank bro makes my blood boil too but come on, what was Bradley expecting. In what world do use physical assault against a missed joke during a video project. How fragile can you be.


this sub is full of idiots. it's interesting how you can see that only ~30-40% of users in this sub seem to have any ability to comprehend why society decided to outlaw violence except in self defense, centuries ago.


Even hard-core porn has limits for collabs.


It doesn't matter if they're collaborating lol obviously the hat grabbing wasn't part of it. I wish he would have smack him even harder than he did


I don't agree. I got the feeling from the kid that he was trying to make a stupid joke. The correct response is to get your hat back and then tell him that you're done being around him. Regressing to a slap so quickly just makes me uncomfortable


I mean that’s fine, just realize you’re in the minority. This thread is absolutely destroying the “pranksters” https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/s/cl4X318zCe


Yeah being in the minority of opinions on reddit isn't really that troubling of an indictment


You write erotic fan fiction and post in league of legends subs. Your opinion on this matter just doesn’t mean much to me.


What's that got to do with anything


I have no idea who that is but it looks like a 12 year old child am I blind


The sound of that slap was chefs kiss 🤌.


Daddy please slap me like that🫦


Not a fan of Bradley Martin but that little twerp deserved it. Roids or not, dealing with hair loss as a man or woman is tough.


It's not even about hair loss or roids. It's that disrespect of touching and taking things which don't belong to you


Yes that goes without saying.


I don't think he realized that he had hair loss even after taking the hat. Or that it was an insecurity of his. Cause they were just getting to know each other. The joke wasn't exposing his hair, it was just taking the hat. Something that from his point of view seemed silly. This experience will hopefully teach him something though and he will tread lightly next time. Also after this incident occured I realized that he always has a hat on in all his videos, now I know why.


Who realized? The kid or BM? I think Bradley Martin has spoken about his hair loss issue [before](https://youtu.be/O2dskqcfIy8)?


The kid didn't realize. That video is 6 years old. The kid should've done research on BM, probably wasn't aware.


Got it, Kid seems like a dumbass (I don't even know who he is), I doubt he's the type that does research on others like this lol.


Well hopefully he learned a lesson to be more respectful to others especially those who are older and bigger. lol


He'd better.


I would have done the same thing. So maybe I'm taking steroids and don't know about it...


Are you also really concerned about hiding your hairline


Don't ever touch anyone's head or hat.


Come to the dude's gym, be an annoying little twat, find out the hard way


They’re making a video together 😂 Bradley knows what content this kids makes and invites him to his own gym.


Maybe this was the plan. It's called laying a trap.


I mean, do they know each other? If they don't what the fuck did he think was gonna happen?


Bradley literally invited him for a collab. How can you think in your head that these two don’t know each other after seeing “Bradley roid rages against Ronaldo” how would they not know each other. You think a YouTuber is gonna go see another big YouTuber and take his hat if they didn’t know each other LMAO? We’re talking about a fortnite streamer here buddy. Imagine Ronaldo was The Rock and Bradley was Mike Tyson. “Do they even know each other” ??? 🤓🤓🤓


“I didn’t know like actually” You didn’t know to not take people’s stuff?


“Bradly Martin slaps little twink into submission“ feels like a much better clickbait title


Actually, he was quite calm.


Damn! I was set to be against him but got to support him on this one 100%


Ugh. I get we are supposed to lol at Martyn but you just don't touch people or their shit w/o permission, simple as.


I'd do the same, but harder. Especially with a camera pointed at me. It's not about roid rage but this is hella disrespectful


Oh, so THATs why he doesn't take his hat off 😂


Kids nowadays raised with no consequences and then life slaps them in the face .. wake up bitch, it’s called respect 🫡


Roid rage? No. I see nothing wrong with his response here.


I 100% support the slap, but came here to say HOW CAN HE SLAP?


Guy had his property stolen and was defending his property with a reasonably proportionate response. This is entirely legal and guy acted swiftly, enabling a timely return of his possession with thief soon learning a valuable lesson not to disrespect another person's property.


Like I said, I support it.


If they dont know each other he was asking for it. If he had proper father he would know disrespecting older people get u so far.


Did this happen recently?


I think today or something


Good on him for smacking him


bradley just made sure to eat his chicken rice and broccoli




Roid rage? OP, how stupid are u.


Y’all are fucking stupid, Bradley invited this kid and knows what he does. He’s as stupid as all of you


To me it’s simple: if he would’ve slapped another roid monster for the same thing then sure, go ahead. But if you slapped the shit out of this kid because he’s 100lbs soaking wet, then you’re a pussy. Take your hat back and tell him to fuck off.


Bro 2 pricks in one video. First of all what u takin mans hat for unless u proper friends shit ain’t funny. Second of all, this guy slapped someone over guy who took his hat, and who was gonna give it back. Cos I think they were making a YouTube vid. Third of all this cunt says sorry after gettin bitch slapped. At that point just leave, how u gon stay there after that?


"I didn't think that was bad."


if they dont know each other ok, but if they are both friends i find out that he is so sensible is just a silly joke.


I mean, i hate Bradley, but he's not wrong this time... at least one, right?


Idunno, man, you can clearly see he's seething after a thing like a hat being taken. He's got issues atleast just say fuck off or say something other then full on hard slap over such a small thing its cringe especially cos everyones saying he knows him and invited him over to film a vid Bradley wouldnt do anything like this to someone bigger hed just speak up but the lil dude he'll immediately slap such an insecure bloke


Maybe don’t touch people’s things, don’t touch their head or take their hat off?


Honestly, the only thing I might--MIGHT--have done different from high school to nearly middle age is I might have very fucking seriously told them I'm not playing / to give me my shit back before I physically take it.. but that's really it, there's always been lines that you have to draw as a guy about physically fucking with us and taking clothes off me, something I value out of my hands, or food off my plate has always been the surest way to get there.


That’s how you gotta do it sometimes . Guarantee no more funny stuff with Bradley


Idk what Bradley expects, he wanted to make a social media gym and that invites the worst most annoying people to come film content


I'm all against parents slapping their kids. That's one of the worst things you can do in child-raising. Parents should provide a strict but save and loving environment for their children in order to raise good people. But it's very okay to let them know that not everybody is your parents and that eventually you will get slapped by somebody if they fuck around.


The oddest thing about this guy is his level of insecurity. From the money to the muscles. Even with all of that he still wears that hat constantly and doesn’t show that receding hairline.


Thats not roid rage, thats a lesson learned


I see no roid rage, only justice


I guess I’ll be the only one to say dude went way over the line slapping the shit out of him, despite it being an all time perfect slap. He’s probably just super insecure about his receding hairline lol. Been there bud but you’ll get over it.


He is rich he should get a hairtransplant and wear ahat until it heals since no one ever sees his scalp


For real. It's what all the rich dudes do and I don't blame them.


Definitely. I think he made a vid about having thinning/receding hairline since he was young. The cap is basically part of bros head now. Woulda thought he’d just shaved it all at this point.


Any of you saying respect or shit like that honestly fuck you like youd slap thw shit out of some one 1third your size for a joke and dont tell me that bradley is in the right on some he stole his hat it was clearly a joke and you can see him stepping up to give it back but nooo mr 225 has to prove his masculinity on a kid like wtf and i assume theyre working together filming


Why not? Need to learn respect no matter your size. Small dudes don't get to be disrespectful just because they're small.


After reading up more on it aka the last comment wich op didnt reply to If theyre were filming together and already made some small talk or banter then bradley is wrong But if they started filming him without his permissions or just came and took his hat wich they know he is insecure about his hair then yeah totally deserved I might seem very peeved about this But its bradley martyn i have an issue with situations with shit like this were its even between good friends were the bigger just punks the other guy Wich really fucking sucks as the feminists would call it toxic masculinity know what i mean


I don't think anyone should take someone else's hat, regardless if it's a prank or not. This has nothing to do with hairline or insecurities either, it's just enraging to be disrespected for no reason. How hard would it have been for the little guy to keep his hands to himself?


Sometimes you take a joke too far and now it’s an insult or humiliation. FWIW “slapping the shit out of”him woulda left this YouTuber laid out. Also what do you have against punctuation?


Oh yeah sorry about that new phone and the key board is really annoying But tbh if brian shaw did this bradley wouldnt have slapped him hell even someone smaller like khabib What im saying is its just bradley punking a small guy so he can feel better about himself The guy literlay got closer so that he could give it back or that bradley can do the same thing and take it off his head


No. Don't joke like that. Being smaller doesn't exclude you from getting slapped if you disrespect.


This shit so cringe 😅


Slapping a dude 1/3 your size is some bitch shit. BM is always getting aggressive with little guys. Guarantee you he never responds like this to people with a half chance of being able to beat his ass.


Dude is a dick. Theorizes about beating people in “a street fight”, and actually only hits dumb high school kids


Don’t you dare speak the truth around here


Id love to see him do that to brian shaw or hell fuckin henry cejudo


Gotta love these out of context videos


What extra context do you need?


By reading some comments (allegedly) it seems like they were filming a video together, more specifically: Bradly invited them to film a YouTube video. However from this video it just seems like these kids approached him at a gym started filming him without his permission, and started harassing him. But then again, I don’t know because I don’t have any more context than that.


Reminding a cheeky cunt of his place is not roid rage, he was asked 2X to return it.


Ive seen this video too many times, I think I might be on roids now


This is irrelevant, but who in faze clan is recording this? I can tell by the logo of the sweatpants at the end.


That’s a “roid rage”!?!!


Damn Bradley Martyn made the little kid answer the phone


Actually hahahh.


tim pool energy


he looks like a jacket cowboy cerrone


I mean he could have done way worse.


Why does he keep saying actually


This is amazing!


He didn’t visit Turkey yet


Deserved slap. Definite roider


Lift the weight had me ded


Don’t touch people’s stuff.


If your going to prank around get ready to be slap


Bitch got slapped


Yeah, if one of these idiot pranksters ever came up and pulled some crap like this on me, they're getting slapped around.


It would be awesome if this was the downfall of influencers… keep inviting collabs then assaulting one another, suing for damages, destroying their “brands”.


Pranksters deserved to get slapped. Bradley stopped deserving any respect once he became a podcaster




He don’t know that’s bad to do, he says. Join reality maladjusted little Gen-Z shit-tard. That kinda shit has never been tolerated if a dude has any balls at all..


Ik had je sowieso ook geklapt.. doe normaal


Calling this roid rage is ridiculous. That slap was 100% deserved and should be the normal response to these “pranksters”.


Calling this roid rage is ridiculous. That slap was 100% deserved and should be the normal response to these “pranksters”.


I’m torn. Maybe the slap was a little excessive, but he’s dealing with the type of YouTuber prankster pricks that will keep escalating and wasting his time. A quick slap to make them cut the bullshit saves time.


Feel the power of a 260.


When you get the full context it makes Brad look like he’s in the wrong. You hear the song “payphone” playing in the background because Brad just turned it on. The guy who got slapped online has a connection with that song where people basically make fun of him for it because he sang to that song on the internet before or something. So Brad turning on payphone was basically like making fun of him, in a joking way I guess. The guy was there to film content with Brad. So then as a retaliation joke, the guy takes Bradley’s hat. So we already have a tit for tat situation. It wasn’t really, this guy just taking Bradley’s hat for no reason and trying to mock him. With this context, it does seem like Bradley having a severe overreaction of assaulting that guy in the face and calling him bitch and stuff. Probably is of a hormonal influence. Later on though, Brad must’ve known he overreacted because he let the guy slap him back in the face later in the gym.


What Floyd should have done


Is it fake or not?


Energy….. now he has to do that shxt next time someone takes it we’re see tho


Little bitch deserved it lol


Bitch slapping a broccoli head is living the fucking dream.


Stealing another man's hat is incredibly disrespectful. Handled properly.


I’m gonna put this on Martyn…quit collabing with little kids and you won’t have to deal with this type of bullshit.


I broke a guys wrist once for stroking my head. Came up behind me, placed both hands on my head, and snap. Those who are poopy panting in the comments, you're all wrong. You don't get to touch someone without first gaining consent. Irrespective of whether they're PrANKiNg or not, they need to learn appropriate human interaction. Silly little brocoli haired YoUtUbERS. This is exactly why self-defense laws are integral within our communities. Fuck around and find out.


This is not roid rage this is Newton's third law - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Most of what people describe as roid rage is just an excuse for bad behaviour.


Fucking with people you don't know, you're LUCKY that's all that happened!


Who is this little shit? Good response to this disrespectful brat. Love this


Tik tok pranker deserves a good slap roids or no roid LoL


i want to see bradley slap dom mazetti, probably too small for brad to slap dom.


They're good friends and have a ton of vids together tho, you could probably find a staged slap in one of those.


slap on body maybe, but on face cheeks I didnt remember any of them. Broscience is just dom verbally abuse brad (lol), "bros vs" is nothing sort of slapping face if i recalled.


Dom is WAAAY bigger, Bradley wouldn't do shit.


No roid rage at all. Dude violated and earned that slap. He's fortunate it wasn't worse


Good. Little shit needs to back off.


Seems like quite a few people defending Bradley here. He runs essentially a tiktok gym full of fake nattys. He is making a video with a guy known to do this sort of stuff. The guy does a pretty light hearted prank all things considered, and he responds by slapping the guy who is half his size. Bradley got exactly what anyone would expect to happen in this situation, and he responded like the insecure little bitch he is.




Lmao what he think was gonna happen


Perfect response


Bradley's a bellend, always was. Ohhh, someone took my hat off 😭 insecure about his hair? 😂


Btw a grown man with such insecurities🤣🤣


Honestly this is a pretty fragile response. Bro felt insecure so he lashed out physically. Baby shit


Maybe partly true but I have taken hats off of peoples heads when I was a kid and almost gotten my ass beat for it. Some people really dont like that shit.


Something an obnoxious hat stealer would say


Nah, some people just need to be smacked to act right


Cringe sheltered zoomer influencers provoking others in the name of prank and "having fun" gets a reality check = Baby shit. Ironic