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Impressive, saucy.


Full agreement. This guy gripped and ripped 300kg with no belt - and it looked textbook.


Anatoly would do this with his eyes closed


Not sure Karpov could do this he wasnt a chess boxer


Saucy, anything but impressive though.


I disagree, how tall are you?


176. Are you about to say it is impressive because of how tall he is? I think tall.ppl get enough attention on reddit but besides that, there is no end to amount of juice he can use to compensate and its certainly no record. Juicers are not impressive anymore. Theyre common, its cheating and most of it has been done before.


post deadlift vid please


Ok, can you do the same thing he's doing if you're juiced?


Im 40 and I have never juiced. But my guess would be more, I can do 240 without steroids. Quite frequently people are doing around 400 or more with moderate amounts of juice assuming nothing else gives way. But that's not the point, juice is cheating, not impressive.


Bro, 240... how much do you weigh? I was pulling 405 for sets natural, and at 152lbs. Juice isn't always about cheating, can it be cheating sure, in tested sports. Are socials rife with liars claiming natty, yep! Gear usage is often about seeing how much farther you can push development. Sometimes, people just like to see the growth continue to build when you keep putting in work. Sometimes people's body types like liquidate mass, regardless of protine intake which was Over 220g daily, with a dialed in diet when I was natural. Still would stay 8 to 10% at 3200cal. Gear at a legitimately low dose (test prescribed trt dosage, deca 60mg for joint padding), allows me better protein synthesis, more energy, less catabolics, more food diversity, and allows me to keep making size progress without having to eat a lb of food 6 times a day. I don't blast, and get huge, just slow steady progress, and I'm happy. Plus I'm 40 and feel like I'm 20. I'll gladly trade a couple years off the top, to feel like I'm 20 years younger for 30 more years.


Juicing is juicing. Franco columbo used to deadlift 400 on olympiablevel roids and he was 5 foot flat. Were talking KG, not poumd btw. You say u do 400 natty, not credible. I never trust someone who decicrates their temple with juice.


Videos on my page, enjoy your cope. Natural, I pulled more than 405 for sets at 152 lbs. I said 405 because that's the vids posted. You can clearly see when I went from natural to not in body composition. There's use and abuse in all things. I choose protien synthesis and growth, others choose drugs, alcohol, sugar, slovenly behavior, laziness, processed foods, the list goes on. As long as you bathe in spring water, hunt your own food, dont wear mixed/modern materials, grow your own non gmo vegetables/grain, don't take vaccines, medicines of any kinds, live in populated areas, eat proceseed foods. You can absolutely say you don't desecrate the temple. Otherwise, shush, you just pick a different poison.


so ur saying you juice for the deadlifts? can also be fake weights. I care not for videos. Im not here to brag, not sure why you even posted. I just said the OP video was not impressive simply because the guy is on juice, we've been seeing this crap for nigh on 100 years now. Its like being impressed by a television


No, deadlifts are my weakest event actually. Atlas stones are my strongest. I juice for slow steady gains over what my body/frame will build. While providing me with pain reduction. After years of military, and weight training on top I hit a point where no matter what I'd do, the mass would not change on the dexa. Spent one more year playing with new training regimens, diet configurations, higher cal, high carb, 40 40 20, keto, carnivore. All that happened was more weight, and water retention. Pbf would go up marginally mass would fluctuate a pound here and a pound there. Went to a doc, tested and got prescribed trt, mass started coming again. More weight, more joint pain. Added low dose deca, joint pain went away/got significantly better. I cruise on test, and add deca as the pain comes for 12 weeks, pain goes away rinse and repeat. I've played with other ones, didn't like them. Sure, they could be fake weights. Out of curiosity what's your lifts? Bodyweight? And physique? I'd like to see what peak natty looks like from the expert.


ok bro. bye


You must live a miserable life


Well no, but why would you think that? Because I don't juice?


LMAO you DL my bench pr sad af


you're retarded and don't know the first thing about how hard it is to deadlift that lmao


Number is natty with years of consistent strength and powerlifting training but physique and muscle mass on a 6’6 dude that big probably not.


Number is very close to the Swedish record, for tested athletes. And while they may or may not be on gear, they get dressed in gear.


Nobody in powerlifting is natural 😂😂


Holy shit double overhand too. Im over mixing grips at 300 😭


Hook grip, probably.


It’s hook grip.


Juicy but that was beautiful


You don't need to be saucy to hit this for a DL.


This was just Beastly to see. Wow. Big man lifting big things!


Wresting shoes?. Do I need this for lifts??


Wrestling shoes are very thin and keep your feet very close to the ground (kinda like not wearing shoes). Having very flat shoes is good for deadlifting since it keeps you close to the ground and gives you more stability than your typical running shoes.


I thought I Sweden they hang you for using roids


Fuck no


Bro just stood up


I can feel the earth slammed from here. Fuck even after getting slamdogged in the backside I’m still feeling the earthquake of a slam


That’s a lot, AND he didn’t do it sumo! Respect!


Viking genes




United nations lol




3 seconds of googling would help you




Ever heard of UN lead missions? Blue helmets for example? Those are fighting for the UN.




The UN has its own staff leading the soldiers, combined of different nations yes. But the nations have zero mandate.




Wrong, stop this nonsense please. Soldiers and officers from specific countries are assigned to UN missions as staff and combat units and under the flag of the UN these missions are ran and therefore under UN command. They indeed don’t have their own pool of soldiers and officers, they are always assigned from other countries. But once attached to the UN mission, they are UN.