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tug boat big strong. tug boat push big ship. big ship clumsy.


Now someone needs to paint a caveman on the side of all tug boats


it affects logistics. The fewer tugboats you have, the fewer ships you can get into and out of port, which would affect not only the Black Sea Fleet but even merchant ships entering and exiting. Russia is importing alot of weaponry, with some of it coming through the black sea, if you make that port a chokepoint, that slows rate at which those weapons or material can get to the front line where it's needed. That and it's a matter of opportunity cost. Even small tugboats are expensive. spending the money on replacing tugboats to keep odessa moving smoothly means less money to spend elsewhere for the front line.


Thank you


So imagine your unit's supply chain relying on a few Humvees and trailers to transport ammo, food, and fuel. Losing those Humvees would significantly hinder your operations. Similarly, tug boats are essential for: * **Towing** warships and other vessels for repairs, refueling, or repositioning * **Supplying** food, fuel, and ammunition to ships at sea * **Supporting** salvage and rescue operations * **Maintaining** naval infrastructure, like buoys and anchors The Russian Black Sea Fleet relies on tug boats to keep their operations afloat. With several tug boats destroyed, it's like losing key logistical assets. This can: * **Slow down** their naval operations * **Limit** their ability to respond quickly to threats * **Increase** their vulnerability to further attacks


Awesome answer...thank you


Given that the Russian fleet tends to favor Mediterranean mooring, the actual impact is probably negligible for their warships. That style of mooring allows a ship to get underway without the use of tugs. Where it will have an impact is from a salvage and logistic angle. You have one less ship capable of towing a damaged ship back to port if necessary.


[https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/why-does-russias-last-aircraft-carrier-pump-out-so-black-smoke-207452](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/why-does-russias-last-aircraft-carrier-pump-out-so-black-smoke-207452) This article highlights the importance of a tug with regards to their carrier.


Tugboats are useful and they're easy targets.