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OP, have you ever rolled deep down a street with 8+ of your homies while wearing this uniform? Update: As an HM who has spent the majority of his time with the FMF, and has been to way too many USMC events that required a dress uniform- I have never once felt underdressed or outdone by those goobers. Their uniform looks like they are ready to be in a parade; our uniform looks like we are about to be in a dive bar. Give me ours any day of the week.


[This is what wearing dress uniform in the navy is about…](https://youtu.be/dsw_a8jYm5g?si=_SlD9YZv00kHW4wP)


How about [combat shore party](https://youtu.be/glH_JLjhKgI?si=3J00kFtbxte25AK0) in whites and canvas leggings. And with a BAR to boot.




Jesus Christ that's Jack Nicholson!


[or this](https://youtu.be/X1pdy4MFlq4?si=RRnc9wuaxeGyGUN8)


I knew exactly which clip it would be.


I fuckin love that movie.


Yes, I have. It's called Liberation Day in Guam and I wanted to fucking strangle someone.


Brah, I've been in near movie like bar room brawls in those bad boys. Fleet week is a hell of a week


Then what's the issue? That's what that uniform is for. No matter the uniform, 1 Sailor alone is a potential victim, and 10 Sailors together are a potential problem. I love that our uniform makes us look like silly hoodrats who just stepped out of a time machine.


Personally I liked the dress blues and whites, I wore them out in town. It's a distinctly Navy uniform.


I pretty strongly disagree with your take. One of the reasons I went Navy over the other branches was how hard the classic sailor uniforms go. Separates us from the other branches very well.


This has been tried before. In the early '70s the Navy did away with the cracker jack uniforms (both blue and white) and replaced them with a more professional looking dress uniform. And you know what happened? Sailors complained. They hated the new stuff and wanted their traditional uniforms back.


Sailors complained (one reason was lack of shipboard storage, especially for the combination cap), the public complained, congress complained. No one liked the transition.


I think it's also a very silly uniform to be worn for captains mast / DRB. The blues are a lot more dignified. But Im with you. I was once at a ball with army, marines, and USAF all hanging out in their dress uniforms and I felt like a kid in my whites compared to them


The traditionalists will hate this but Zumwalt was 100% right back in the 70s. Bonus that the "business suit" style uniforms dress down into a [huge variety of other service uniform styles ](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/7129/e79bb295d8e84a2f3f3876ffcb870b5b91cc7860r1-1440-1046v2_hq.jpg)with minimal to no extra uniform items. It boggles my mind that the Navy, despite having probably the most pressing need for space to have the most number of uniforms, none of which really share clothing pieces. It really should be * Service Dress Blue suit and tie * Service dress with tie without coat * Service dress without tie or coat * Service dress with short sleeve open collar shirt. * Eliminate dress whites and the peanut butter abominations * Choker whites and cracker jacks are for Washington DC or ceremonial positions. They can act like the Marines with dress blues where the USMC only mandates them as a uniform item for certain roles and/or can't make up their mind if they are issued in the boot camp seabag. If you really want to differentiate officers/chiefs and junior enlisted then E-6 and below make the dress shirt and short sleeve shirt a matching dark blue (hey I brought back Johnny Cashes. Everyone wins).


>Zumwalt was 100% right back in the 70s. What did he say, specifically?


> If your generation is able to work out a modus operandi that permits you to maintain this traditional spirit of dissent while also maintaining the essential discipline of life, the essential restraint upon yourselves as individuals, that is necessary, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind as to what the outcome will be. — Adm Zumwalt Uh…he said keep bitching and fight for beards! He probably had some opinions on uniforms as well


Zumwalt instituted business suit-like SDBs for junior enlisted. My dad (traditionalist, Marine) derided them as “the bus driver uniform.”


I mean they were literally the [Chief uniforms with silver buttons and a different cover device](https://usnhistory.navylive.dodlive.mil/Recent/Article-View/Article/3613889/uniforms-for-changing-times/), much akin to how the female dress blues were for decades.


Okay, but, are we not bus drivers/package delivery people when it comes down to it? SEALS are just giving the package the white glove treatment.


I drive packages in 18-wheelers now. I will not wear a tie. :)


Touché lol


He implemented new uniforms that lowered the number of items in the seabag, but they were not particularly comfortable and there was a lot of “what about tradition?” that happened. If the Navy stuck with it I think it would be a greatly improved situation today.


You pretty much just described the Coast Guard's dress uniforms. We have Bravos whice are like your blues, take the coat off and you have Trops Longsleeve with the tie, and then regular short sleeve Trops with no tie for summer months.


Hard disagree. Crackerjacks are a timeless uniform that are iconic for Sailors, if you wanted to wear chucks and marine blues you should have enlisted in the USMC.


We used to joke about the unnamed brass who'd think up changing the uniform every couple years 'just because'.


I like my sailor outfit. Because I’m a fucking Sailor. And when I put it on, there is absolutely no mistaking me as anything else. Ever. Across the entire world.


I wish they were real linen. The poly is ultra light, sure… but the naturals look crisper longer… otherwise. No notes. As for the blues… let’s bring back navy birth control. (Rd: fully functional buttons.)


13 chances for her to say "no".


My father, who was a Masterchief/3 war vet, called the pant flap "Marine luncheon napkins", and referred to the 13 buttons as "tongue twisters". Completely inappropriate.


Amazing. Appropriate or not. I’m using it. With discretion of course. ROFL.


Not having pockets and having to undo all those damn buttons any time I had to piss were what I hated about that uniform. Looks sharp af but it’s really tedious to wear.


Pro tip if you don’t want to wear our uniforms, don’t join the Navy.


Ah, yes. The old, "if you don't like one little changeable thing about something, you should get rid of it completely" take


We’re sailors bro, learn our traditions and history. We’re steeped in it.




Ah, history of discrimination and history of uniform have true equivalence


I actually agree to a certain point, although the current whites and blues should/ will never go away as the Navy is huge on tradition…and nothing is more iconic than those uniforms. I would absolutely support junior enlisted having optional access to the chokers and SDBs that Chiefs and Officers wear. There were a few occasions where I had to wear my crackerjacks to formal occasions back in the day, and I felt way underdressed amongst all of the suits. Allowing that option would scratch that itch…and let’s face it…choker whites are hands down the sharpest uniform in the DOD


[https://xkcd.com/927/](https://xkcd.com/927/) Navy needs to rip off some bandaids when it comes to the uniform issue.


If I never pick up Chief I’m good with it if only because it means I won’t have to wear a fucking lousy uncomfortable choker.


Eh, the choker whites make us look like bellhops. IMHO, the Marine dress blues are the best looking uniform in DoD.


Can't downvote this hard enough. I love the dress uniforms. Especially the blues. I will agree that they do not look as "professional" as the other branches, but Sailors aren't historically known for our professionalism. Drinking is even referenced in our own fight song. It's what we do. And professional or not, they do look good. The choker whites, and marines blues are maybe the only dress uniform that's better than the E-6 and below uniforms. Chiefs dress blues are garbage though. Plus, the uniform changes the Navy has made in the past 20 years have mostly not been good at all (looking at you Peanut Butters and blue digis straight out of a Master P music video). Stop changing shit.


might come off distasteful, but the only people I’ve heard complain that our uniforms look bad or ugly are fat. Our uniforms looks sharp if you’re in shape underneath them. Also obviously the more ribbons and shiny things.


No capes, darling. NO CAPES!


[hard disagree ](https://images.app.goo.gl/VGG8tmJ7QDng5hkJ7)


Allow my FMF to come out for a moment: It's not a cape, it's *the* mother fucking Boat Cloak, my guy. If you want to wear it so bad, put some respeck on its name.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M68ndaZSKa8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M68ndaZSKa8) I mean, how can you argue with Edna Mode?


Coolest uniforms in the military. I prefer the blues because of the piping, cool button fly, and lack of stains but fleet week wouldn't be the same without them


You're entitled to your opinion..... I mean eating lead paint chips as a child probably hindered your ability to see how fly that uniform is but again... I am not going to hate on you for your development disability.


Yeah we look goofy. Like we’re playing dress up. We have the 3rd best looking uniform out of the branches.


3rd like of all the possible uniforms? 


Third out of all the branches dress uniforms. 1. Army 2. Marines 3. Navy 4. Space force 5. Air Force


1. Army    Sure thing bud.


The pink and greens look great. The dress blues look professional but military. We wear a small cape bell bottoms and a cute little hat.


Space Force?  Better than AF?  Stop eating paint chips;) Space Force looks like shitty B5 cosplay.  Even their GOFOs can't get the uniform to fit.


AF looks like flight attendant uniforms. No thanks


Maybe I'm just too much of a massive digit. But I like the whites. I perfer the style of the blues but I've never thought the whites were ugly. Sure they're a bitch to keep clean but the whites are fairly comfortable if they fit right. Plus I like the history of each piece of it. The sweat rag neckerchief, the upturned brim of the hat, the emergency floatation bell bottoms. No idea idea what the cape was for but I like that too. Nevermind the fact it's the most recognizable uniform in the world.


The cape was for back in the day when guys used lard and grease in their hair to slick it back. The cape caught the runoff and kept the rest of the uniform clean


I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the uniform has no functional mechanics to it. Everything is just an affectation


Thats... that's the point of a dress uniform tho...


Seems like we’re complaining about the wrong shit, again. We don’t need ANOTHER uniform change. Shits expensive. Keep complaining about beards, or bad leadership, not a uniform which has been traditional and iconic for years and still looks damn good.


Our dress uniforms are the best JE uniforms in the military. Get out of here with that mess. It's tradition, functionality and sexiness all in one. We tried going to all chief uniforms before I believe, and it was terrible. ... If you want to hate on a uniform, replace the NSU back with the NSU blues with summer and winter variants so we can look like shipwreck again. Or make a universal camo pattern across all branches but the Marines will never play along.


Plus, I don't want to look like. Chief;) Chokers are sexy AF, yes, but only if you're super fit - whites/blues slow some room for a dad bod. Agree with you on NSU.  Notice the CPO and officers kept the winter and summer uniforms along with their khakis.  Because khakis aren't that good looking and NSU's look worse.


Idk, I definitely love the uniqueness of the Sailor uniform and I respect the tradition. Yes other branches have different uniforms but almost every foreign Navy has a sailor uniform like the one pictured, it would be dumb if the United States broke that tradition. If people don't like Naval traditions then they shouldn't join the Navy in my opinion.


Pride Tradition Honor


I love the Navy Dress blues. Dress whites would be good if they reverted back to the ww1 era ones where the flap was the same colour as the blues.


I just don't like the cuff and flap stripes and stars on the whites. The all-white previous version had been around forever and looked better IMHO.


I've been out s long time, but I was always proud to wear the traditional Navy uniform in public. It separated us from other services and other Navies when out on liberty in foreign ports. I did not like the 70s uniforms which were similar to the Coast Guard uniforms and was glad I joined after the Navy changed back to traditional sailor uniforms.


captain wants everyone in dress whites for line handlers....


I absolutely hate my BMCS with a burning passion. Biggest goddamn asshole in the Navy. But goddamn I still respect him for his snap response the morning of pulling in with "If CO wants dress whites for line handlers, he better sign this stack of uniform replacement chits" (with a big folder with them all pre-filled out with relevant NAVSUP Manual P485 paragraphs referenced). Deck stayed in our coveralls.


Never pass down orders you wouldn't follow yourself


Ugh, fook that shite


I don't mind the whites, but rolling up into port on the deck in them needs to go. Probably an unpopular opinion, I just think it's unnecessary.


Unless its Pearl. Manning the rails in dress whites/blues while passing the Arizona should be mandatory on my opinion. Otherwise, I totally agree.


I can agree with that


You speak of the old Magics. We HAD bangarang uniforms. The Navy Winter Blue working uniform with garrison cap and peacoat or sweater was the sexiest look on the fucking planet. Add to that you could wear it with or without ribbons and it became a duty uniform or working uniform. I met my wife wearing mine.


Ah, leave the OP alone. He sounds more like Jarhead material.


We have Dinner Dress uniforms for things like weddings, balls, and other black tie functions. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/US-Navy-Uniforms/Uniform-Regulations/Chapter-3/Male-Enlisted/Dinner-Dress/Dinner-Dress-Blue-Jacket/


As much as we pay for the uniforms I definitely agree !! All white dress uniforms knowing how hard they are to maintain is just ridiculous and the hat omg 🤮. Especially having to wear them to check into commands .


Hard disagree on the chokers. They can go right back to Hell where they came from.


True, dress whites look like garbage but the blues are kinda nice imo


Never had any problem pulling random sniz in my cracker jacks, foreign or domestic. They served me well and wouldn’t trade them for anything else.


No way, keep them. Replace those god-awful NSUs with a tie-less open collared version of the working blues.


The Dixie cup was never to collect rainwater.  Who told you that. It's a makeshift flotation device.  Same as the dungaree pants having bell bottoms.  We even did this in swim training in basic. If your ship sinks either you're in aige raft - with water collectors, or you're floating until the sharks get you. And a salt-soaked hat isn't going to give you water anyway.


Also, there's nothing wrong with that uniform - though SDB are way better looking.


More of a hot take than anything, but I completely agree honestly. Other branches have nice, functional, trim uniforms while we're out here looking like the fucking pillsbury doughboy cosplay contest.


The Johnny cash uniforms were peak navy. We’ve been downhill ever since.


That was the only uniform I loved wearing when I was in. And I wore it once.


New uniforms should not be a priority. They work. The cost to redo would likely be ridiculous and impact the individual in terms of financial hardship. We need to reduce the number of uniforms, not increase/continue to change them. It has no impact on the warfighting ability to make another alteration. Personally the NSU and one of the two dress uniforms needs to go. The NSU serves no real purpose. In no situation does it make sense to wear NSUs over cammies. Fewer dress uniforms means less that the individual sailor has to maintain, and reduces big navy contracts/spending on these uniforms. The same is true of the USMC. Cammies and dress blues should be the only uniforms.


It makes zero sense to wear cammies in an office setting or on a ship




I wear my dress uniform 3-5 times a week for ceremonies. I’ve gotta say, I’ve felt this many times. At joint service events, all the other branches look sharp. Our chiefs and officers look sharp. All the E6 below sailors are just standing in formation in the back of the hangar in our costumes. I think it’s more of an attempt by the navy to separate the appearance of E7 and higher. It’s especially important to make sure we don’t look similar to “the most exclusive fraternity in the world.” The irony of the navy having uniforms that aren’t uniform is quite perplexing…but tradition I guess.


I agree but you’re gonna get a lot of people who doesn’t want to change because it’s tradition. It’s kind of why we do things backwards as fuck in the navy. People would rather hold on to tradition instead of improve.


if you don't like it, you can leave it.


Doesn’t work that way.


Going drinking in dress blues... never a good time. Buttons... EVIL BUTTONS! install velcro. ;)


13 opportunities to say no


I like the junior enlisted dress uniforms better than the service ones, but in a joint environment, they are lacking big time. Every other branch's dress uniforms (including those hideous space force ones) give a professional look. Us, on the other hand, look like we're wearing Halloween costumes.


checking into gaining command in a week, in whites. I would never wear this horrendous attire otherwise.


Then wear your blues.


Summertime, my guy!


It’s never inappropriate to wear blues though.


Per uniform instruction, whites/blues are seasonal. In addition, its command discretion which uniform will be utilized to check in.


Per the uniform instruction, only the whites are seasonal.


Lol these comments. Some of u REALLY like dressing up like the fucking village people huh?


Navy has the WORST uniforms all around. Only good one is coveralls