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If you didn't know, they fucked up - it should have been erroneous enlistment.


You need a VSO, not reddit


The VA generally doesn’t cover preexisting conditions but the circumstances are very weird enough that you should reach out to a VSO listed on the VA.gov website to get exact information based on the full story.


Medical or Erroneous is not an honorable discharge.


My dd214 says fraudulent enlistment and honorable so I’m just confused


Is it ‘under honorable conditions (general)’?


>but was never diagnosed Yeah that a huge screw up in your discharge. Get a lawyer as that shit happens all the time and it gets called out a lot. [https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/10/05/judge-orders-navy-review-medical-discharges-of-least-3700-sailors-and-marines.html](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/10/05/judge-orders-navy-review-medical-discharges-of-least-3700-sailors-and-marines.html)


How long were u active duty?


Not very long unfortunately


Almost 2 years, something around 18 months ish


We're gonna need some specific verbiage from your DD-214 if we're meant to offer any help. We need the specific type of discharge, the discharge code (RE-**), and the MILPERSMAN article you were discharged under.


Type of separation: Discharged…. Character of Service: Honorable….. Separation Authority: MPM 1910-134/ CO LTR SER N00/255 DTD 01SEP2024…. Separation Code: JDA….. RE Code: 4…… Narrative Reason For Separation: Fraud Entry….. (Hope that helps, I tried finding all relevant info)


Thank you for this information, it was very helpful. Based on this, as long as you were on active duty for at least 24 months, you should actually be eligible for the VA. The VA's main determination is the character of service, and you're good there. Honestly I would recommend giving the VA a call at +1-877-222-8387 tomorrow and just asking them. Have your DD-214 handy as they'll be asking a lot of questions about it. They are actually... unlike the navy... really helpful and friendly. My dad refused to contact the VA for decades after Vietnam on "muh principles" but we finally convinced him to call and now he's super pro-VA, it's fucking hilarious but that's how good their phone peeps are. Another opsion is to find a Veteran Service Office(r) (VSO) near you - they will be at places like the DAV, VFW, Legion, etc. and their entire purpose in life is to help you, the veteran, maximize their benefits through the VA, to include VGLI.


That's wild to me. I self harmed while in the military a couple years back and they didn't boot me, even though I fully disclosed it to mental health. Something defo feels fishy here.


Yeah I wasn’t in the military when it happened though and I never disclosed it at MEPS or bootcamp etc. because at the time I didn’t know about it.


I second a lot of the comments, you should lawyer up. Having behavioral issues as a young child, ones you don't even remember, should not be grounds for separation.




Lawyer up.


What is GAD?


General anxiety disorder


General Anxiety Disorder


Oh geez. How would they have discovered that? Were one of your parents in the military with you covered under tricare at the time? And if never diagnosed…… how is that fraudulent?? Lawyer up.


I said I had self harmed prior to joining (Because I had asked my dad if I had any childhood mental health issues because after I got out of the hospital I was super anxious about them trying to pull this. Anyways since I had self harmed I figured it’d be a good idea to put it on the entire packet medical made me fill out, in retrospect I probably should have never done that…)


Well that’s your fraudulent enlistment then, you did not disclose the self harm on your entry or submarine duty physicals.


Because I didn’t know at the time otherwise I would’ve


You didn't know you self harmed?


No I don’t remember anything from 3rd grade or lower