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Will this have a big effect on shipping prices since anyones a target basically?


It’s already impacting freight rates because the reputable white glove carriers are rerouting around Africa.


Check out Lloyd's of London, they are by far the largest oceanic shipping insurer on the planet. You can find a lot of data on shit in their site.


tried to look up the mmsi to see its recent port ops and actual ownership - and lol all I'm gonna say is for how much the PRC plays in global export/bulk carriage and shipping, they sure have been playing a HUGEEEE role in keeping sea lanes of communication free /s sucks to suck assholes


Unfortunate, but not surprising. I think we should do what we did during the Tanker War in the 80’s, and only protect ships with a US registry. It would A) limit the amount of ships the Navy needs to escort, and B) increase tax revenue from ship registrations.


Are we going to see the return of torpedo nets, but for drone boats?


How much longer until Maersk hires some mercenaries to take these guys out. They are costing them millions.


They would need a lot of mercenaries. The “Houthi Movement” is estimated to have over 100,000 members. Obviously they’re not all armed, but the group is not quite as rag tag as people think. They’re a joke compared to any real military, but a small group of mercenaries is not going to take them out.