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I think that was his rate, Instrumentman. IM


Thank you! ❤️


Sorry for your loss You can get their entire service record here https://www.archives.gov/research/military/navy


Oh, wow! This is great! Thank you! He didn't talk much about his time in the service. He had me when he was older and then passed when I was still fairly young. So, he was probably waiting until I was old enough to understand. I have always wondered what he did. Thank you for this information! I really appreciate it! ❤️


Yes! Absolutely get those records! Might be worth updating that plaque with his rank, it would say IMSN, IM2, IMC, etc. The records building had a fire many years ago, but it's mostly just Army that lost some records. I told my mom that they were lost when I tried to get my grandpas Army records. She said "Oh you mean these?" and hands me a stack of old Army evals and awards. She had them the whole time.


That's awesome. Very few USN, USMC, and USCG records were lost in that 1973 fire though since they were only records taken out of the archive and being worked on at the time. Unfortunately they lost around 80% of Army personnel discharged before 1960 and 75% of Chair Force discharged before 1964 if their name is alphabetically after James E. Hubbard. Always makes me wonder if that Hubbard guy is a real person and what his career was like or if it's just a made up name. My grandfather's records were indeed lost which is a shame though I have a cool diary and some other effects from a relative who was a steerage cook in WW1.


I received my grandfather's record. His last name started with "C". Some of the records have blackened edges and show burning.


I got my grandfather's records. Interesting, did 6 months and went awol. Kind of disappointing.


My father's records were destroyed in that fire.


My Dad's and his brother's. Sigh...


Don’t “update” his rate I can tell you from a sailor’s perspective that he wouldn’t like that lol


Nowhere in my entire reply, did I say "rate". "from a Sailors perspective" Do you think you're the only Sailor in here?


You always get this mad on the internet? 😂 typical redditor


Only when people say things that dumb.


My guess is Instrumentman. Worked on measuring equipment if I remember correctly.


Calibrations like PMEL


Isn't PMEL gone now? Never went there but people in my industry bring it up.


Airforce and Marines have PMEL guys but in the Navy its split between our master race of ETs, and then the FCs, ATs, GSEs, probably a few more


Thank you! ❤️


Sorry for the delay. PMEL is alive and well within the USAF. The Navy made most IM cross rate to AT. I work in PMEL now as a civilian for the USAF and a lot of us were prior Navy. One of us was an actual IM.


Instrumentman, the rate was dissolved into an NEC for ATs and ETs and I can say being one is hands down one of the best jobs in the navy.


My ignorance is showing - what is an NEC and what does an NEC do?


Naval Enlisted Classification... its the registry of jobs in naval service for the enlisted The other guys saying the the job of Instrumentman went away and the duties were absorbed into two other NES's, AT (Aviation Electronics Technician is memory serves) and ET ( Electronics Technician)


Thank you! So, what is an NEC for ATs & ETs? And what do they do?


Example: all Wrench Turners are referred to as WT’s. If you’re just a regular WT, your NEC is 0000. Now, you go to a fancy school that lets you turn wrenches in a nuclear reactor. Now you’re a WT with an NEC of 1234. So if they ever need a nuclear wrench turner, they need a WT with the NEC of 1234 to do that job.


Thank you! This makes sense. I appreciate you taking the time to explain it so even I can understand. ❤️


Think of rates as a basic job description and NECs as specialties within that field.


Thank you! That makes sense - more sense than most companies.


AT is Aviation Electronics Technician, all they do is swap boxes on airplanes, troubleshooting consists of hanging the wiring diagram on the wall and throw a dart at it. You change the box the dart landed on. I dont know what ET's do


Hey now sometimes we swap the boxes inside the boxes inside the plane. You wanna get real fancy we swap the tiny boxes inside those boxes. Not to get technical. ETs don’t get tiny box privileges. Further. The artist formerly known as IM is just a “Calibration Tech”. The best job in the Navy.


Hahaha, Im formerly an AD2. Worked Hawkeyes, always tried going into the plane to get some cool air, ( AT's used to complain about the door being opened) and theyd say we have to work with the ac on. Im not salty or anything lol.


Nah why would you be salty when I have to wear a foul weather in my shop? /s


Salty from all the sweat!


Worst times of my life. Taking off my coat to go and calibrate a test cell for you ADs. /s love you bro ♥️


Lol! Thank you! So, ATs must be good with darts, too! Got it! 😜


Thats O level. I level opens the boxes and swaps the cards.


You're thinking CASS & COMNAV. METCAL & 2M actually make those circuits hum.


You're thinking CASS & COMNAV. METCAL & 2M actually make those circuits hum.


(Disclaimer) I got out in 94 F14 radar shop.That was back in the analog days. AIMD was I level maintenance we would receive the "boxes' from O level AT's that tested the aircraft and pulled boxes that tested bad. We troubleshot the box to the card or component level depending on the the particular box. If things have changed since then I apologize for my ignorance.


Another example of an NEC is for the rate of HM, Or Hospital Corpsman, the NEC 8404 is fleet marine force and the NEC 8482 is pharmacy technician. An NEC can be thought of as a sub specialty within the rating


Anyone who has served in the military gets one if I remember correctly I know that all of my family yo to WW2 have one near their grave