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Boy when I saw this title I had to do a double take


Chiefs need that for taking those e-3s out on dates


Immediately where everyone's head went.


Me too, but I thought it was for dog grooming


I didn’t get my grooming allowance with my first check… how are these E3s going to take care of themselves?




Yup i had to read it twice myself


I mean thats not a bad point at all tbh, shit like that isn't even tax deductible i dont think. If they'd go the allowance route , the alopecia crew would be winning.


Covered down the thread: u/OGPeakyblinders >Incorrect, Haircuts for military personnel, or anyone else, are not tax deductible. They are considered normal grooming by IRS and are not deductible even if required by your job. >For what tax benefits do apply to military, see >https://ttlc.intuit.com/community/tax-credits-deductions/discussion/am-i-able-to-claim-military-haircuts-as-a-work-expense/00/62283


Even if it was tax deductible almost no one would have more to claim than the standard deduction


9 out of 10 people that say something is tax deductible dont know what "standard deduction" or "itemizing" even means.


Just like the same people that say they can't work overtime because taxes will take more than they make. I'm like, that's not how that works.


First full year out of the Navy I tried to go the itemized deductions route. Figured I would make out like a bandit because I had spent about $4000 on tools and a toolbox. Wasted almost a full day pouring over receipts to only come out ahead by $32. Not worth it.


Facts. People are big dumb


Or how a progressive tax system works


Buying a house makes itemized better


Bought a house. Still nowhere near coming over the standard deductible.


That's wild. It could be a state thing though. I'm in an expensive area with a lot of tax breaks, childcare, etc.


That's another thing. I don't pay for any child care or medical insurance so a lot of things I would deduct don't apply


Yeah I just did a bunch of reading and the numbers for itemization have changed in the last few years making standard even more advantageous for a lot of people. I'm unsure why they would make a change like that since it would reduce tax income from lower income households (i.e. less than 150k).


You just answered your own question. They want the lower income people to pay less and the richer people to pay more.


Bought a house, spent over $28k in childcare (SELRES so not eligible for CDC spot here) last year between the 3 kids under 7 and STILL no where near worth it for itemized deduction 😂


"No where near" like how far off are you? Because itemized for me is better by about 2k in taxes. Are you not including everything (mortgage interest, car registration, child care credit, payments to non profits)? Because it seems strange that I have something no one else seems to have. Maybe it's the state I'm in?


When we ran the two situations side by side, the standard deduction was $27k and itemized had us at $23k Still doesn’t make sense how with the items on the return.


Greatly appreciate your candor and accepting my question in good faith. Well, best of luck!


No problem! We will definitely be using a tax professional and having them look over the returns next year to make sure we didn’t have any issues or miss anything either.


As a home owner I can assure that statement is incorrect.


It must be a location thing then, because I only started itemizing after I bought a house and it's been what I've needed to do ever since.


Location would only be a factor for state income taxes. Federal is applied the same everywhere. Our personal financial situations, I think, are the major determinant. I use a Tax Preparer and compare between standard and itemized each year and standardized always wins, which is a good thing since I have a problem in that with the exception of big ticket purchases and charitable donations I throw receipts away. Edit: Corrected typos.


Fair enough, I appreciate your candor and being willing to satiate my curiosity. take care!


Agreed. Get more out of the military than it gets out of you.


That's the goal. And why I'm getting elective surgeries and using TA.


Hell yeah Got my eyes fixed and my nuts snipped and almost 2 degrees so far gotta take advantage of it while yah can


What some good recs (to pass on to my Sailors) for elective surgeries?


I got PRK and snipped. Also had heart surgery but that one wasn't expected.


I mean, I have cubital tunnel so I'm getting surgery on my elbow to fix it. I was gonna get a breast reduction but I had a really bad gut feeling so I'm deciding against it. Always trust your gut. I'm gonna try to get carpal tunnel surgery next year because I have that in my other arm.


From what I remember, it is tax deductible because it's a requirement for uniform. However, meeting the standard deduction and keeping all receipts becomes prohibitive.


Used to be. Gutted in like 2016 or 2017 for everyone but O5 and above


There aren’t special tax rules based on rank. Plus haircuts and other personal grooming items have never been deductible. Uniforms use to be sort of deductible, but there were a ton of standards to meet and almost no one did. 


I'm telling you, there is, or used to be. It was the same year they ended the "boomer allowance" credit. Was 2016 or 2017, I'm leaning in 2017, maybe 2018. Maybe I'm crazy, but I remember reading the changes at the time not being applicable to O5 and above.


Asked my LCPO this once. He told me he would shave my head for me for free once a month if I really can’t afford haircuts lol….


lmao $20 for a nex special is crazy


The Dragon Lady may have retired but she lives on in spirit


Did she actually retire? She cut my hair there last year


Could swear there was a post here last year about her retiring but cant find anything about it now so maybe I'm wrong.


Graduated from boot this year In January, shes still there. All of my haircuts were with her


I stand corrected, thanks.


MA at mainside, but still patrol RTC. She is still there.


You know, I wonder if she knows the whole navy knows her as dragon lady? She has too right? I'd pay to see her do an AMA.


Just for kicks, I’ll ask RTC or NavStaGL PAO if they’ll ask her to do an AMA.


Naw I work at RTC, saw her yesterday. She lives


She is eternal.


just got out of boot camp april 4th i can confirm she is still working and gladly shaving heads🤣


Beat me to it.


“It’s free on the boat”


Use a safety razor, the blades are cheap and you can shave your face and head for like $5/month.


Safety razors are the way. I'm still looking for a good handle, but the blades being so cheap (and space efficient) can't be beat.


Try Henson, I've used mine for over a year now and it's definitely more comfortable than others.


I've seen good reviews for that one, and agreed safety razors last for years


Hanson razor, kind of pricey, $75 when I bought it 1.5 years ago. I got 100 free blades on top of the 10 it comes with. I haven't had to buy anything but shaving cream, and it'll be several years until I need more blades. 1 razor is a better shave that any disposable ones. Highly recommend Hanson!


Check out Karve Shaving Co. I've owned a few handles and Karve has been my favorite.


I've been using a Parker 98R for years and love it. My blades of choice are from Feather - super sharp. I also use a Parker badger brush (kinda pricy, like $75) and cream from Taylor of Old Bond Street, but one $20 tub will last several months.


https://maggardrazors.com/ Is good to just grab a kit with a razor variety pack. Found out that I should use razors with the Arabic writing on them, as they tend to be thicker and go through my hair without catching like the thinner Asian and German blades.


I'm a fan of Derby blades, made in Turkey


Been using Sharks lately


Try [leaf.](https://leafshave.com/products/the-leaf-razor?variant=36865116504230¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=21172661009&utm_content=163287003800&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxbZbBsVp5YbtzvfGU1ENIoYYOsV8cuRQVNPmIXJKYYIL7Ve9DOp1JhoCiRMQAvD_BwE)


Razorock Gamechanger is the best DE razor i've used.


If you get a safety razor with replaceable blades, the razor itself is like $20 on Amazon and it comes with like 50 blades. Then you can get 300 replacement blades for $5 bucks. Don't think I have bought razors in like 2 years.


If you wanna be suuuuper cheap there are nifty vintage blade sharpeners you can go get for them too.


Even better, use a straight razor


I have already tried getting this talked about OP. Please see the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/army/s/qPpP1Yxy62


Do you know if anything came of her response?


Not that I'm aware of 😔


That's amazing. Thank you.


Imagine being a Marine and needing to get two haircuts a week.


Fortunately didnt have to deal with that. Did have an LPO that told me I needed to shave twice a day because I have "5 o'clock shadow at noon" or some bullshit. Yeah man why dont I just take a belt sander to my face.


If Seals can wear gas masks while sporting beards in Afghanistan, I’m pretty sure your stubble will be fine.


I completely agree. Never had problems getting a good seal on SCBAs with a beard on deployment either. That LPO was just an asshole.


I shaved twice a day for the first couple years in the Navy because mine comes in bad, I just don't give a fuck now. It's too hard on my face.


I used to have an instruction for shaving standards, but I can't seem to find them anywhere now; I'm starting to think they just wholly got rid of it. Anyway, the instruction stated that you were only required to shave once a day and solely in the direction of hair growth. Anything beyond that was ill-advised and unenforceable. I used to show it to my chief every time he got upset with me because he wanted me to shave three times a day, but my face can't handle that crap.


Marine base I was on it wasn't two a week - but Marine regulations do specify that it has to be done once a week (Navy regs don't specify a timing) and just before the start of the week. So Sunday as the MCX was not a good time to pop in for a quick trim;)


There is no frequency specified in any Marine Regulation. Once a week before the work week is expected by many units, but not everywhere.  The only groups I’m aware of that expected more than once a week are places like 8th and I and Drill Instructors. 


Yeah I was at 8th & I my whole enlistment


I was at a command with ceremonial units so during the parade season we had to have one on Tuesdays and one on Fridays for the parades.


My old chain of command required a chair every 2 weeks.


Not really a solution, but swapping to a safety razor is cheaper than normal cartridge razors. I've got 100 blades for $14 in the past, and I normally just buy 3-400 at a time.


I only used electric razors once I got out of boot camp. Just got a $30 or so one from the nex and it got me through a few years using it. Never had a problem with getting a close shave either. I agree with your point about an allowance as well. But, there’s a lot of things I think the navy should do that they probably won’t.


Man I wish, my facial hair legit broke two different electric razors I bought. I dull the disposable blades in one shave as well, I switched to the safety razors and use a new one every time, still sucks though.


Free haircuts on the ship? Must be a surface thing


I got free haircuts on the sub... it was from an STS in the head but it was free all the same. Wait no I think I paid with snacks or candy. It's been a while.


Yeah supply had a barber shop on a carrier


We had one on the frigate too. Of course, there's only one seat, one SH on the ship, and you have to choose - ship's store open or barbeshop open.


My boat sent one of the guys from a-gang to barber school when we were in the yards. He gave free haircuts in the mid-level head underway after that.


You're expected to bathe yourself, do you want a soap allowance too?


I’ll take it if they’re offering


With back pay


I read "back pay" as meaning "that hard to reach spot" and chortled.


I would like back pay, like pay for how fucked my back is.


Sorry, not service connected.


*Chortling Intensifies*


Back pain? Yeah, we can help you with that;)


People like OP are so annoying. We all know that the extra $20 isn’t gonna go towards razors and the shitty sailors STILL aren’t gonna get a haircut.


"Sorry, chief, no can do. Money's tight this week." "No the fuck it isn't you're just an idiot."


That extra $20/mo is going towards the heated cup holders upgrade for their Camaro LT!


Things don't change unless you voice your discontent.


I had a guy like that once. He also refused to bathe whenever he got out of work because (real quote) "That's *my* time." Dude would wear the same dusty ass, crinkly uniform in bed all day.


Soap doesn't cost $50 a month...


Jokes on you, I’m bald


You kinda gotta get a haircut once a month as a civilian, too, unless you have some shaggy ass 'do.


Agreed lol


What razors do you use? BJs and Costco and Sam’s club usually have big packs of Gillette for the low low. Rn, after coupons, the 16pack of Gillette fusion5 16ct is $30 at BJs. And that’s after taxes too! $26.99 before taxes. ETA; I understand that you need a membership for that, but maybe you can ask your friends if they have one if you’re around at BJ’s !!


Good move. Thanks!


I'm seeing $48.99 for the 16 ct, with $10 off and $5 off coupons (could only use 1 of those). Is there a better deal going on?


My app here in Norfolk says they’re $41.99 before coupons. I guess prices may vary on location 😭


Lol haircut once a month? When I was attached to 2d marines as an HM it was every week, at least.


That's wack.


Ive just always considered it part of my BAS


Use to cost a dime! 67-69 Nam era. Cigs were a buck a carton


I thought this was going to be the stupidest thing I’ve clicked on tonight, but it’s a fair point when you consider it’s over $500 a year just for hair cuts (assuming (52 weeks in a year X $20 a haircut)/2 for every other week= $520 without tip). Add razors and an E-1 is basically spending an entire check on being in standards.


Learned to cut my hair during Covid and not just a 2 all over either. Used to be fairly long on top with a a mid fade. Had one miserable haircut that I had to pay to fix, then one "oops" that I had to go low to fix. Id say the haircuts were ish for about the first 5-6 and after that, new people I would tell I did it myself were shocked Never cut hair a single time before. Buy yourself a nice electric razor and it will last you through several enlistments. You have to replace blade cartridges but the time saving alone is worth it for me.


I’m in Houston with no NEX. I can’t find a shop that’s less than $35 🙁


Doesn't Joint Base Ellington Field have one?


Yeah, they have a Coast Guard NEX. It's where I get cigarettes when I'm visiting my parents.


I also thought there used to be an Army one on the North side but maybe I'm thinking of something else because I can't find it now.


Yea but no barber 💈


I shave my head with clippers and razors last me way longer than they probably should. But I don’t disagree with this at all. We are required to be in a standard, doesn’t mean you can’t be happy with how you look. Obviously this would benefit me way more than you, but I think this is a fair point. Maintaining a standard isn’t cheap. Throw that on top of food, gas, electricity, etc, it gets expensive.


Nex barbers are a gamble. I’m in San Diego paying 35 a cut twice a month to look and feel decent. It’s balls


I'd rather have to not shave my face while 30%+ plus of the fleet gets a pass. I'll pay for a haircut.


Just buy a quality electric razor and it’ll last years.


Doesn't work for everyone bud


It does if you buy the right one. I’ve proven more than a few “my hair is too thick/coarse/whatever” guys wrong.


Eh I've bought 3 fairly expensive ones and either the screen ripped or the blades pulled out with my hair. It's not like I don't want to use one, but they just end up being a money sink for me.


Spend 60 bucks now on a good Mane and Tail trimmer in the pet section of Walmart. Give yourself a buzz cut once or twice a month. Never pay for another haircut again. This plan also saves the money you were going to spend on shampoo because you can now wash everything with barsoap. I did this for just shy of 20 years. Get the mane and tail trimmers instead of the people ones. They have the same attachments but stay sharp forever.


Haircut once a month is normal for everyone that maintains a certain style. It’s part of life.


Fair point. I would say that you could save money on razors by buying an electric razor. Also, while deployed, you can get your haircut on the ship, which would save more money.


How do you make a 4 pack of razors last two months? That shit only lasts me a week😭


I watched a news story a few weeks ago about the “pink tax” for women in the military. Most of our uniform items cost more than men’s. Buying feminine products. The Navy wants to start the “menstrual panty” program where they issue reusable period underwear so females don’t have to spend so much money on tampons and pads. I don’t know a single woman in the Navy that wants to use these things. More tax dollars wasted.


They should pay my car note too if they want me to be able to get to work.


Fuck yea.


You may not like this answer, but suggesting that the government pay you extra for having to "groom" yourself is a bit narrow sighted and silly. Let's be honest, you'd still "groom" yourself in or out of the service -(we're not the only employer that has similar standards); and while you are expected to maintain a certain look, such as being clean shaven, no one is forcing you to use the most expensive pack of razors or replace them as often as you do. Personally, I switched to a single blade safety razor. Those razors last at least a week and cost about $0.10 a razor. There is a learning curve though. Another buddy of mine had an old school straight razor so he never had to buy razors again. You can also invest in a good electric razor and normally get away with it. No one is forcing you to get your haircut at the NEX and not every NEX shares the same price.. but I agree the price of a haircut at the NEX is a bit ridiculous. 4 years ago it was $11 for a haircut, now it's $16 or something. Even then, you can go out in town, and admittedly, MOST Sailors do, and spend a LOT more when they do. Not because the Navy says they have to, but because for many Sailors, looking fresh is almost ritualistic.. and I promise you they are spending a LOT more than $20.. hell, I've seen people tip that much at some places. Finally, the Navy pays (enlisted) a uniform allowance. That allowance is meant to assist in uniform upkeep, new items, and arguably "grooming". That said, I am sure you have an argument for an increase in uniform allowance since the cost of everything, especially the cost of uniforms and dry cleaning have skyrocketed.. and while Sailors rarely use their uniform allowance on actual uniforms, the argument is still there. Either way, expecting an additional allowance for grooming is silly. It's similar to arguing you should get extra money (or pay for hourly employees) for having to drive to and from work.. Yes, you "have" to go to work, but no one is forcing you to live 2 hours away.. Or arguing the government should pay for your phone because you are required to have a means of contact. Though you can make an argument for these things, it doesn't mean it's a great argument or that similar arguments can't be made that you'd have or do these things anyway.


That's a thorough perspective. Thank you.


Fine. Deal. $400 is now deducted from your base pay. Every command you check into from here on out, be sure to route a special request chit to receive your $260 Basic Grooming Allowance.


Our PX wants $15 for a "military cut." Like, dude. Y'all wonder why no one is ever in there.


Yeah It's like $9 by me.


Thank the Gods I cut my husband’s hair, and Costco has razors real cheap. Lol.


It would be wild if for instance, we had equal grooming standards as women. Or we could grow beards.


It's actually supposed to be considered in the uniform allowance because grooming standards are part of the uniform standards. Maybe it is, probably not, but the uniform allowance doesn't actually cover the uniforms anyways so even if it is, it wouldn't matter. Probably get an extra 5$.


Wait till you hear what female shipmates deal with.


Lmao the guys on here complaining for a $20 haircut, but have never paid someone $55 for “just a trim for the dead ends” like the female population if they attempt to go to any salon/hair stylist. Not even counting the monthly amount for hygiene products that are required. (Probably breaking even or more expensive than the razors) Learned really quickly as a young adult how to trim my own hair, and how to give my partner simple trim too. Watched what the stylist did (absolutely nothing other than take an inch off and maybe cut upwards so it wasn’t a wonky line) and just have been trimming my own hair since and now my husband’s too. I still occasionally go in and so does he, but it’s absolutely worth learning how to do it yourself nicely so it’s more of a luxury than a necessity.


Really bad choice in title. Really bad.....but funny.


In line with the argument, I brought up to the air boss a while back that if we are being expected to have TEAMS and SLACk and other group office messaging platforms, then we need to have a technology stipend. The fact that everyone has a smartphone is a coincidence but if it’s essentially required then you can’t punish us for not having access to one.


> The fact that everyone has a smartphone is a coincidence but if it’s essentially required then you can’t punish us for not having access to one. If you don't have a smartphone where you're reachable remotely, you can do what the Navy did in the 60s... but you probably won't like that solution either.


Exactly the point I'm trying to make.


However that’s extra and a new problem. Grooming standards haven’t changed. I would see what the cost of razors is at the nex and compare it. As a personal note, I use safety razors. A pack of 100 is $9 on Amazon.


Cell phone allowance for sure- because they are totally "optional".


What do you mean? They are optional.


I'm for a stipend for feminine hygiene products, but that's it. And only because I believe that we as a society should make it free for all.


As others have said use a safety razor. You can get 100 blades for under 20 bucks on Amazon. Also, you can buy a pair of hair clippers for under 20 bucks. use the number one guard and just shave your head every two weeks. Now, if you don’t want that particular haircut well then that’s a different story because now you’re talking about style and convenience.


Biggest L take I've ever read. Welcome to being an adult.


This right here^^^


Should we buy your TP for wiping your ass, too? You can technically cut your own hair.


I mean if you're offering.


17$ for a Nex haircut here on FT Belvoir


Wet shaving with double rage safety razors is cheaper and better once you get the hang of it.


I bought 400 razors for $40


Won’t be surprised if they make being bald a requirement lol


Go to the barber school and get free ones


I totally agree, however the counter argument you are going to run into is: go to the RSs.


I remember when the barbers at Quantico charged like $10. That included a razor shave to your head and a shoulder rub.


$5 outside Lejeune, Kaneohe, and Pearl back in the day


Same at headquarters Marine Corps


Just ask the Commandant. He lined me up for free


He used the same barber. Saw his green govie with the personalized government plates reading 1775. Was Krulak at the time


I thought every marine platoon was issued a set of clippers and had a lance designated Platoon Barber.


I'm not risking that shit. No fade. Crooked line. Little patches everywhere.


Good enough for 1st Sergeant, good enough for me.


I've been out since '01. Don't give a shit what the first shirt does


Has anyone else’s NEX barber stopped doing beards at since Covid.


Shave your head like I did. $30 for hair clippers that will last multiple years! Buy razors at Lidl, 5 blades and each will last 2 weeks. $7 for 2 months.


It's part of uniform standards and you get a uniform allowance, granted the uniform allowance isn't enough to cover razors and haircuts along with keeping up to date seabag items. Write your congressman and tell them it needs to be raised.


This is actually a good point. Title is a bit odd tho at first look lmao


I cut my own hair, it's faster, I'm already at home ready to shower, and it's free!


Spent $10 on razors and $30 for a safety razor 3 years ago and just ran out last month


We should get a gas allowance too! If we are expected to go to work , we need to be paid for our gas! We need a transportation allowance too! We need a cellphone bill allowance as well if they want to remain in constant contact with us! We need water allowance too if they want us to stay hydrated everyday!! I can barely function with my base salary!!!


I'm pretty sure "grooming allowance" is just CPO mess dues


Y’all get free haircuts on the ships???




Ummm you should see how much it costs for women to get hair done. 😭😭


My hair grows incredibly fast, so even with a #3 on top and a #1/2 fade on the sides, I need a haircut every week and sometimes twice a week. I used to go to the NEX because it was cheaper, but now it's more expensive than my local barbershop. So, I have my wife cut it every week. She's actually gotten pretty great at it, lol. But if we miss it one day I'm getting shit on by my CoC for a mm of hair touching my ears or my neck looking slightly messy.


The Merkur - Progress 500 is one hell of a safety razor. Bought one six years ago and haven't looked back. Those blades come in packs that are so cheap you'll never look back. And this one is adjustable. It's $70 but with the price of blades you'll soon forget you paid that little for an awesome razor.


Do it yourself. One YouTube video later I've been cutting my hair ever since I left the Navy. You be surprised how quick you could pick up on how to do a sick fade.


I pay 8 dollars every month for Nex barber. For shaving, I only use Manscaped Handyman.


Just identify as someone who gets to grow long hair and a beard problem solved


Honestly I’m lucky if I pay 20$ for a haircut every month. Haircuts in California are always at least 35. So I wouldn’t complain. But my suggestion, just learn how to cut your own hair. Buy clippers


I just got once every 3 months and use my scissors to keep it up. But my command is pretty lax about the rules.


I actually learned how to cut hair for this purpose 😅 I do my sons hair and when I felt confident started on my husbands and now it’s free! Then he made a friend who cuts hair realllyyyyyy nice so he does it, saves us so much money!

