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There was a tweet about Draymond Green describing his incidents like they happened in his werewolf form and I cant get over it


Awhhooooooo. Lmao.


Draymond , you blew my house down do you know what happened? " well, it was a full moon and I can't control the moon, I can control where I'm at during the full moon and I don't apologize for where I meant to be but once it's the full moon , y'know"


Kerrs statement "I'm not aware of any full moon occuring here, I don't pay attention to lunar cycles, if it did happen though there's obviously a good reason, my little draybear doesn't get violent for no reason. He was obviously provoked if the incident did happen."


That brotha needs help controlling his wolf form


Post the Brazil Timvorewolves gif


These dudes are always like this, apologizing in the weakest, most passive language possible. Apologies always like: “Regrettably, an incident occurred where my fist struck another person’s face. This is certainly not who I am and I am saddened greatly by this and will seek to grow stronger and improve due to it. God bless.”


Jason Concepcion is very funny.


wasn't that n3twork?


The Maester himself.


I will now forever and always refer to these types of people as werewolves lmao


Awhhoooooo! Werewolves of Oakland! I saw Steve Kerr walking with the Green Doin' the werewolves of Oakland I saw a werewolf punching a teammate down at Chase. His dick was perfect


It’s kind of true. He has his media personality, well enunciated weird psuedo white nerd responses to questions and then he has his full gloves off looking for conflict, ready to scrap at any time side lol. What is the real Draymond??


Fellas is it white to be articulate


Draymond is legitimately a piece of shit human being




Nope never knew that. Fuck man he is unbelievably reckless. I really hope he’s done a lot to help people because damn has he brought a lot of harm to this world throughout his life.


That and his dick. The car one I thought was so insanely dangerous. The only defense is that he was younger but really, that's no excuse for endangering people's lives like that.


Being young isn't even an excuse. We all have to sit through those horror stories in driver's ed class of what happens when people drive recklessly.


I still remember red asphalt. =(


I’ve seen quite a few players do that and just Snapchat/streams in general while driving. So stupid. Didn’t Trae Young do it all the time?


I wonder if he'll air another mini-documentary about how it's not really his fault


They should make apologies for all those and taking full responsibility for all his actions part of the condition to end his suspension.


Get ready for a daily podcast during every day of his suspension. If he's being punished then he's gonna punish us too.


> Get ready for a daily podcast during every day of his suspension. No ... I don't think I will.


And we’re gonna have to watch him be rewarded with a spot on national TV for the next 30 years


If it weren't for basketball, he'd likely end up in jail. And before the fucking white knights show up, no, I'm not saying that because he's black, I'm saying that because he's an immature violent asshole with ego issues. 9/10 those people end up in jail, regardless of skin color.


I have this intense fear of people getting knocked out and hitting their heads on the ground and either dying or being fucked up for life. When I saw the video of Draymond punching Poole, I almost felt sick. I really disliked Poole as a player and person at the time but I felt so much for him after that. Getting completely sucker punched like that from someone so much bigger than you, coming at you full speed, is unbelievably fucked up and probably very traumatic whether he ever admits it publicly or not.


Just being assaulted at work and everyone trying to cover it up is traumatic. Who does Poole even confide in when none of people in the organization gave a damn when he was Superman punched while in their facility.


Mighr be one of the reason he sucks now. Might have scared him/changed him.


Why dislike Poole as a person? Outside of basketball, he seems like a normal guy.


Are you seriously asking that? Dude used to act like a child out there on the court. My bad actually I didn’t see your flair.


warriors fans haven't seen the tape, it clearly didn't happen the way the media framed it, someone must have provoked them into liking a shit team


Or worse, a lot of the situations and incidents he finds himself in are only possible because he's an NBA star with money and "status".


I mean if you’re saying that if he didn’t have a secure job he’d be in jail that’s kinda true for a lot of people. But obviously if he was working at a bank I don’t think he’d be in jail. It’s not like he’s out fighting people in the streets constantly still. This shit all happens on the court and people act like he’s liable to kill someone.


Your commenting on a story in which he got arrested for assaulting someone outside a bar...


7 years ago… people seemingly have zero understanding of the criminal justice system. The guy gets in fights in a competitive and physical sport. OBVIOUSLY he’s beyond the norm. But Ron Artest legit fought people in the stands. You guys are acting like basketball is the only thing keeping Draymond from being a gangbanger and not that he clearly has some control over his life.


7 years ago isn't that long ago my guy. He was in the NBA at the time of if the incident. You're acting like this happened when he was 12 years old. He's proven again and again that he's an overly emotional, violent asshole that can't control his ego. Those people often find themselves in jail... Because they're overly emotional violent assholes that can't control their ego.


But all the talking heads on TV insist he's a good guy and just needs to get help! He's always been this dude and shown people who he is. For some reason people don't wanna believe it though, idk why


It's almost like not holding him accountable leads him to believe he can do whatever he wants


Silver doesnt care about accountability, he cares about money. If he cared about accountability he wouldve cracked down on the warriors decade long stretch of moving screens and taking cheap shots on players years ago.


If only there was someone besides Silver who could hold him accountable. Like idk his head coach. Or maybe the guy who pays him millions of dollars


Kerr had no reason too, those actions gave them an extra edge to win games. He had an advantage in getting his two top 5 shooters of all time open on every possession. And the GM/Owners made so much money they couldnt care less.


Yeah he knows how his bread gets buttered. There's a reason the team shipped out Poole and not Draymond, and honestly they weren't wrong to do it. Zero accountability from the league




Right. There's no sanctity to this game or this league; it's all a business. Draymond's antics have historically gotten eyes on the league, until they reached a point that it harmed the league's image.


It's worth noting that he is a employee of the owners not their boss. If 20 something other teams didn't live Silver he would be gone.


As a sub let's put together a mega thread of every incident and send it to the league office. I'll print it out and send it certified mail 😂😂


Being represented by Klutch is a sneaky way for Draymond to extend the protective umbrella of Lebron, and therefore the league, over him.


If shit hits the fan more then Klutch can easily drop him. Players have an “image” clause that they have to keep up.


Lmao. This "klutch mafia" conspiracy shit is always hilarious. LeManInTheShadows strikes again


I mean you're just as ignorant as people claiming there's some huge league wide conspiracy if you can't see that klutch and rich Paul have a lot of influence over the league and it's players


You see what you want to see buddy. I'd ask who in the league is protected by Lebron and Klutch but I don't feel like reading layers of unconnected bullshit without proof.


I mean you knew this when the warriors were more concerned about who recorded draymond punching poole rather than punishing draymond, then they shipped poole out lol


Steve Kerr: “I didn’t see the video tapes.”


The police report should not make it out beyond the walls of the police station. And it did, and that's a problem. When things are kept internally, its almost easy to handle it. \-Kerr probably


"its almost easy to ~~bury~~ handle it."


This pattern of behavior is unacceptable, and it's past time for the NBA to take real action against Draymond Green. His repeated violent outbursts have consequences, and it's time to stop enabling him.


People have been enabling Draymond his entire life it seems. So, yeah, here we are…


I mean he's 6'6 230 with anger issues lol, you try telling him he's in the wrong


Definitely more than 230


Draymond Green practices smacking people's nuts


This happened 7 years ago and I'm constantly surprised people don't bring it up whenever he loses his mind and does something nuts. His violence doesn't just stop on the court.


I wasn't aware of it until researching him today


Choking is his weapon of choice.


Those situations he couldn’t put himself in were at bars. He had to learn separately about on court incidents. Duh


I mean is he out there getting arrested now? Many players do go through things like that and Green hasn’t since.


Draymond the type of dude to tell his wife look at what you made me do after hitting her


Classic heel move


Dude has some serious anger issues. He hasn’t done shit to improve.




82 games.


you're 100% correct


The discussion should just be about how stupid that is


This sub is so fucking soft and dramatic man. Yesterday there was an upvoted comment saying the NBA needed to stop Draymond before he got someone killed 😭😭😭


This sub would have a conniption if they seen some of the shit Ron Artest used to do lmao


Bro it’s absurd. Got a sub full of young men with the sensibilities of 50 year old suburban moms


The pearl clutching is hilarious tho lmao


Why don’t you two just fuck already?


They’re already jerking each other off lmao


Mf a frequent poster on r/tinder and r/bumble talking crazy like that?




You'd love to watch that, wouldn't you?


This actually has upvotes lol... This subreddit is insanely soft, my God


Downvote you? Who is defending him right now? Stop it. If you want to be bold, say "downvote me all you want, but I think draymond did nothing wrong"


Half the replies are disagreeing with their comment but okay


talking about *kicking a guy out of the league* is pretty bold it’s only happened maybe a handful of times lol


I mean, he did learn from that, he learned to do his punching and kicking on the court so he can avoid legal troubles.




Draymond walked so Ja could run


"Reading this stuff is making me want to choke Gobert." - Green probably


Narrator: *he didn’t learn from it and move on*


Narrator: He in fact did not learn from this


Man comments accusing Draymond of assaulting his kids and wife with no evidence are unhinged. Meanwhile we have known wife beaters, sex offenders, and people pursuing/dating children in the league that are not being talked about.




Jesus Christ guy. This is one of those threads we’ll all make fun of in the future.


Some of these comments are straight up deranged


Right?! I get that Draymond needed to be and should have been disciplined because he’s gone way overboard, but the response in this sub has been peak pearl clutching. Adam Shefter “assault” type stuff.


Scary thing is I’ve known dudes who beat their kids/wife and even they didn’t act like Draymond in public. Dude must be going full Brock Lesnar behind closed doors.


>Scary thing is I’ve known dudes who beat their kids/wife and even they didn’t act like Draymond in public. The most charismatic and likable people tend to have psychopathy. They don't make emotional connections to their actions so it's very easy to have completely different public and private personas and act however the people they're around want them to act. It doesn't necessarily mean that they're less shitty than Draymond. They're just as bad (maybe worse. We don't know) but Draymond just has zero control.


Which is why this won't stop. The team and NBA will let him back at some point and you know what? Another incident will happen. The NBA and/or the team just need to cut ties with him. Also... how soft is the NBA that no player has stepped in and punched the crap out of him. The guy takes out Nurkic and none of Nurkic's teammates stand up for him?


Nobody wants a suspension. It's not soft to prioritize your game checks over a stupid retaliation


Like I said, soft. Might also be smart but back in the day green would never have gotten away with this


That's stupid because there were players getting away with worse "back in the day" lmao


the last time I can remember a player who regularly got in hogs feelings and retaliated like you're saying was Gilbert Arenas. And he's not remembered as the hardest player of his era, he's remembered as a generational dumbass.


It's not soft, it's common sense. If your coworker gets fired, are you going to storm the managers office and punch the manager? Old school players weren't getting paid what these athletes are now, so they had no problem retaliating. It's different when you're only losing a couple thousand dollars due to fines and suspensions rather than millions.


No but if my co-worker was getting choked out, I might well intervene. Or if my guy was getting punched in the face. And prioritizing game checks over standing up for your mates is kind of the definition of soft. Like losing 5 checks matters when you've made and will yet make millions. Jeez, listen to yourself.


I’m crying at “punched the CRAP out of him”


Pardon my French


I like how you're admonishing violence and calling for more violence in the same statement.


I think the world(or at least USA) is just softer in general, off course but my moms is a bus driver, she showed me a video of a kid on the bus who was wild as fuck, elementary kid, cussin everyone out, wouldnt sit down, walkin up and down the aisles, punchin and hittin other kids, pullin on girls hair. no one did anything, lil tyrant just runs rampant, when i was a kid if someone laid hands on me then we scrappin, period. times have just changed i guess...


[Tough guy Draymond](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uXBuWOpKjLk)


Spartan Dawg


Does Steve Kerr condone ~~Hamas~~ Draymond




Ahhh good ol' Rick's. The gift that keeps on giving 7 years later. I had to walk around the block to get home that night because the corner Rick's is by was almost impassable.


hasn’t hit a private citizen since


Man I loved Conrad’s, RIP. Idk y’all I met him at a McDonald’s at midnight in college and he was chill /s


What are the odds of this dude being a wife beater? Wouldn’t be surprised tbh


Ricks is a wild place


Mr. Big Crime


To be fair, he did learn from that. He learned to only do it on the court to avoid legal issues.


> It's something that I'll learn from and just move on. "learn from" Riiiiiiiiiight ... very believable. I'll believe that Kang and Kodos will land on Earth before I believe that crap statement of Dray's.


But did he apologize? If he did, it wasn't intentional and therefore was not a crime.


Rick doesn't like any disturbances at his place. Either you layoff politics or get out.




he needs to try that in a small town 🦅


What would happen?


he would probably be arrested


Wtf are you talking about? Joe Biden?


Im saying Dray is a percocet fiend, which is a very strong and highly addictive pain killer which leads to profuse sweating as a side effect whether it be from consumption or withdrawal. Due to his physical violence on the court, i am saying he has no regard for human life, similar to joe biden, who is an advocate for the genocide of innocent people in palestine.


Bro you're a weirdo....


Meh, Draymond says a lot of stuff.


Draymond shouldnt complete his suspension without an apology that explicitly admits that he did this all on purpose. Its a nonapology and an insult to everyone else's intelligence to argue that it was an accident.


I think he would be out of the league if he didn’t play for the Warriors. NBA loves Steph and puts up with Draymond.






Ron is the kind of guy that knows he has issues and wants to change. He has his outbursts but at the very least he feels remorseful and apologetic about his actions. Draymond at this point is just unhinged and think the world is out there to get him. One guy is 100000x easier to root for than the other.