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Whenever I hear Bob Costas I remember when Vince McMahon wanted to kick his ass during an interview lol


The man has either witnessed or covered basically every major moment in the history of modern American sports. He's like a sports journalism version of Forrest Gump. Mention any historical sporting moment since the 70s and Bob was probably there when it happened


Ah yes the good old days when 15 minutes of pregame weren't spent with 4 idiots spouting hot take garbage at a desk.


I work in broadcast--been a Bob Costas fanboy for years. This intro isn't making the cut for a Best of Bob Costas complication, but it should. In just over two minutes he summarised the NBA season leading up to this game and why these two teams are about to play for the title, and did it using nothing but rote information. anyone tuning in with zero basketball knowledge was given everything they need to know right in those first 2 minutes and twelve seconds. I can't rightly explain how hard that is to do