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The Joel Embiid experience in a nutshell


Laying down on his back in awe of the dunk and the injustice of injury.


Genuinely looked like he was welling up a bit... Doesn't bode well at all from his reaction šŸ˜„


>like he was welling up a bit Ah that would explain it. Only one of his eyes was blinking which I thought was weird but I wouldn't doubt if he was emotional about that


He was grabbing at that eye all night, even before getting injured. Something's up there for sure. Almost looked like a sinus headache or something.


They said on msg he's having issues with his contact lenses


He just like me frfr


Get that man some goggles


Goggles embiid would go so hard


I feel so bad for Embiid. He works very hard at his game & is a fun guy. An outstanding player with horrible injury luck. I hope this is nothing serious, and that Embiid can keep playing in the series. What an incredible self ally oop that was!


I am upset about it too. I enjoy watching Embiid In person, it is a great experience. I hope he is good for game.2 because Tobias ain't it.


Not trying to be insensitive here but why is only one of his eyes blinking? Itā€™s like he dissociated from his body.


His eyes were weird all game, someone swiped his face earlier in the game


The guys on Knicks broadcast (gus johnson) reported he's been having trouble with his contacts. They showed a video of the tunnel in between quarters where he was messing with his lenses.


Imagine Embiid with the Kareem Goggles HoF first ballot afterwards


If its not the contacts then i thought it might have to do with his left eye surgery 6 years ago


Look at all that weight and force coming down on one leg... His size just takes a tremendous toll on those knees. Feel so bad for him.


It wouldn't have mattered on this play, but that's part of why I hate the NBA calling T's for players hanging on the rim. Safety should be prioritized over all.


Hanging on the rim is fine, it's a T when they pull themselves up.


Yup, it's actually really clear-cut. The pull-up may look cool and all, but it massively increases the chance of causing the ring to tilt and that necessitates something like a 10 minute delay of game to fix it.


I've seen Tatum getting a tech cause when he dunked his body swung and he hung on until his body stopped swinging. I'm not even a Celtics fan but that pissed me off so much. Even if you could say he was pulling himself up (a tiny bit), it def wasn't in a taunting/showboating way, more just to stop himself swinging. He let go as soon as he stopped swinging and got a T.


Technically the rule is they can hang on the rule if needed for safety reasons but I agree they don't allow players always to feel like they can hang on the rim for safety


Yeah, they call too many borderline ones for techs for my liking. It should be super obvious, egregious examples only. Honestly it's pretty stupid they call it at all, as it's supposed to be considered the same as taunting the other team, which I think it almost never is.


He just has to play like Jokic for a year, man... Dunks are outlawed. Hope it's nothing damn.


Jokic just had two in the first quarter lol.


Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, 'Treatment is simple. 76ers fans are in town tonight. Go and see them. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into tears. Says, 'But doctorā€¦I am a 76er fan.' Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains."


He really canā€™t catch a break man. Feel awful for the guy


Man this gotta be sickening as a sixers fan. MVP caliber player but bugged by injuries


His body really just won't stop betraying him.


Joel Embiid: 7ā€™, 280 lbs This sub: ā€œOmg how can his body keep betraying him??ā€ The guy is a giant. Literally one of the reasons heā€™s such a valuable basketball player is that heā€™s bigger than anyone is supposed to be. It would be more surprising if his body wasnā€™t breaking down, especially with how often he throws it to the ground recklessly.


The few guys that are comparable to Embiids size and mobility that didn't have consistent injury issues are all-time great legends of the sport.


He also moves so much more than a player his size typically does. Jokić never gets hurt despite being roughly the same height and weight because he never jumps more than a few inches.


Itā€™s interesting. Because thereā€™s other big guys who jump a lot like Drummond and Gobert and Javale and Deandre Jordan that donā€™t really get injured often


the answer is that it's not only luck. some people actually are more injury prone.


That knee is hanging by thread at this point.


How is he "healthy" and allowed to play the hardest basketball if he gets reinjured on the 1st dunk he made since he came back..


This was my question. Like I get itā€™s the playoffs and you want to win, but I canā€™t believe they ran him back out there. He was grimacing just about every time he put weight on it, and his shots were all coming up short, so clearly he wasnā€™t right. Donā€™t you at some point have to think about the long-term health of the player and the franchise?


I got torn apart by Sixers fans for basically saying the same thing. This dude isnā€™t healthy. I donā€™t care about the timetable for one injury when his whole career has been plagued with them. The bubble wrap youā€™d have to wrap this guy up with is wrapped in bubble wrap itself.


I guess thatā€™s the question then. Do you just ride him until the wheels fall off entirely, or do you manage him in the hopes that maybe heā€™ll reach a point where he isnā€™t plagued by constant injuries.


I genuinely, and I donā€™t like saying it because I wouldnā€™t want my body to fail me, donā€™t think heā€™s gonna have much left in the tank as a primary option after this. He has too much of a load to manage, but heā€™s too talented to not be the first option. Just a shitty situation for him honestly.


It is, and you hate to see a potential all time great career be derailed by so many injuries. Heā€™s been plagued with problems all the way back to his Kansas days and now that heā€™s 30 itā€™s going to be much harder for him to recover from the wear and tear. I just think if they keep riding him the way they are itā€™ll be a steep decline very fast instead of more of a gradual one. Itā€™s a tough call either way.


As a Sixers fan, therein lies the issue. Sure, you should consider the longterm prospects, but this sort of thing happens every year. At 30, we don't know how much longer it's gonna go on, so if he can play and wants to, then there's no decision to make.


His age is definitely a factor. Iā€™m just wondering what theyā€™re risking if they keep running him out there with the damage he has in that knee. I canā€™t imagine a guy his size would recover well from a serious knee procedure, so if he keeps playing and really does some damage would that be it for him? Can the risk be minimized, or is this just his lot in life to be stuck with the constant injuries no matter what he does?


Shit sucks, man.


Held by chewing gum


I thought I saw a red spot coming through his leg sleeve on the knee. The stitches popped too?


I highly highly doubt that considering the surgery was like 2 months ago


Oh shit is this the same knee that got injured? Fuck


Yeah...I saw that right when he was walking back to the locker room. I truly hope it's something else :(


This play is the perfect metaphor for Embiid's career. "How the fuck is this guy doing this shit...oh god dammit"


the look on his face was haunting. his mental health was awful during the two months he was off and now this. he has been through so much and wants nothing more than to be healthy for a playoff run. Everyone acts like heā€™s some awful person but in reality heā€™s had the weight of the entire city on his knees for half his life. Itā€™s heartbreaking


> his mental health was awful during the two months he was off and now this. 76ers fans on Embiid's mental health: "Oh no Joel baby what's wrong it's okay mommy's here" 76ers fans on Ben Simmons' mental health: "Die"


Theyā€™re gonna hate this one but youā€™re right on the money.


No, no, heā€™s right


It's like the Gordon Ramsey meme


Everybody in a sixers jersey is basically Hitler by the time their contract ends. Harris/Simmons/Harden.


Probably because Simmons' "mental health issues" didn't come out until he found out they didn't have to pay him for sitting out.


Why would any athlete ever publicly talk about their mental health when you see the way fans react to it lol? Its nobody's fucking business and its bullshit that once he did decide to start talking about it the fans did exactly what they always do and said nah you lying, why didn't you say anything before? As if they didn't just answer their own question.


People just hate Simmons. Every time he sat out after 2021 they said he was faking. Now itā€™s at the point where his career might be over and theyā€™re still trying to say he faked the mental health issues and injuries.


Thatā€™s because one lays his body on the line while the other doesnā€™t even act like he caresā€¦


>Ā Ā Everyone acts like heā€™s some awful person but in reality heā€™s had the weight of the entire city on his knees for half his life. Itā€™s heartbreaking I agree. I am not from Phili but Embiid is a fun cool guy. He loves the city & the team & works his butt off. The injuries he has suffered are so devestating yet he keeps coming back. And is always an incredible player. People forget he was injured for 2 full years before playing. His journey has been very hard.


The fact that Embiid is even a useful nba player much less a superstar is nothing short of astonishing given his injury history


>Everyone acts like heā€™s some awful person I will never understand this. I'm all for talking shit to fellow fans and taunting players mid-game, but hounding them on social media/off the court is psychotic.


Seems like his body just can't take plays like that. At a certain point he has to know his limits


7ft 280 is way too much weight for knees to handle this stuff


I'm 6'5 270 lbs and I can confidently say there is no way Embiid isn't 300 lbs


Im like 6ā€2 245 yea embid has to be in the 300s


Yeah, I'm 5"8" 260, bro is definitely in his 300s, looks heavy af


He could definitely lose some mass. Giannis weights 40 pounds less and is super strong


Yeah, he'd get bullied if lhe lost that much weight.


for example: AD


I mean, just look at Breen's comment. Since he came back, he hadn't dunked. This was his first dunk . Look at the result.   Probably had instructions to not dunk much and so he hadn't yet. THe moment got to him


It's one of the reasons I think Embiid would be an all time great with injuries turned off. Clearly he's capable of unbelievable things that he has to forgo to avoid injury.


ā€œWhy does this guy only shoot jumpers for his sizeā€ Well thatā€™s why


Embiid seeks contact almost every other play, AD is the one who you could really actively avoids it


Seemed like such a stiff way to land


Yeah but the team has always been shit unless heā€™s doing stuff like this on a nightly basis


Unbelievable highlight ruined by the injury


This is the play you show at the opening of a documentary about his career.


On some TL;DW lmao


Top 10 highlight of his career, but at what cost.šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


Prob top 5 tbh and maybe top 3..playoff atmosphere makes it more insane.


And on MRob who is great defensively.


That look on his face. He knows. Fuck this is awful.


Looked like a dude who couldnā€™t believe it and knows heā€™s done. Brutal.


He's going to go down as the greatest "what if" story in the history of this city, at least for this generation. A great career that could have been so much better.


First ballot ā€œWhat Ifā€ hall of fame


it would be a battle between him and derrick rose.


Embiid is super talented, but let's be real he's a 30 year old center. We've likely seen his best...he's 200 days younger than Andre Drummond. Derrick was a 22-year old reigning MVP. I don't think it's particularly close.


Heā€™s increased his ppg each of the last 3 years and was likely going to win a 3rd straight scoring title. He averaged like 40 in the month of December and had a 70 pt game in January. Every time someone says he canā€™t get better he doesā€¦he just donates parts of his knee each time. Deals with the devil ainā€™t free


I mean I just don't see a 30 year old C putting up better numbers than he is now. "We've likely seen his best" was probably the incorrect wording since the numbers are still marginally improving, but I don't think he's making some massive jump from where he's at now...it isn't the 22 year old guard who's the reigning MVP even with a questionable jumper. Like the "what if" for Derrick is if he starts shooting the ball at the clip he did in Minnesota/New York later in his career while still keeping that athleticism without the injuries...prime D-Rose shooting damn-near 40% from 3 is a nightmare. The "what if" for Embiid is literally just "what if he gets a run through the post-season healthy." Poor wording on my part, but you get the point.


Dude is so good that the what if version of his career is going to be like at least an MVP, and 3 scoring titles


He is up there with Lindros for sure


Lindros had GOAT potential tho, like a monster among monsters, like Mario Lemieux potential if not more since he never got cancer




Lmao right, itā€™s actually the look of a guy who would go on to play most of the rest of the game


Did anyone think it was weird how one eye wasn't blinking?


Been wiping his eyes heaps and trainer was putting eye drops in for him earlier. Probably issues with contacts.


thats the rage building.


It was the product they put in his eye before when he had troubles with it and since then he didn't closed that one


Really feel for the dude, that was a serious haunted look on his face.


Seriously man. I feel so bad for Sixers fans. This shit sucks. It's frustrating as hell to just feel like for once you'd like a real shot to see what your team could look like unencumbered by injuries.


All that weight landing solely on a recently injured leg/knee. Didnā€™t see a clear replay if it buckled on him but weā€™ve seen this before. Looked like he knew too. Sorry Philly. Get well soon Joel


It could also be ā€˜Wow that was a close one.ā€™ Players with injury histories like his often have understandably anxious initial reactions.Ā 


Cut my life into pieces


This is a brutal sport


Awkward landing, knee bleedingĀ 


Limp my gimp ass to the locker room weeping


Ok this was a good thread. Mostly on meter and everything. Good job yall


Ngl my dumb ass was trying to fit this into song lyrics till I registered what it said


Suffered knee pain


Lotta blinking


His eye looked fucked up when he was on the ground too, was just winking with one eye man shit looked fucking creepy as hell


He was having contact lens issues since before the game even started.


Heā€™s had weird eye contact issues since around an hour before tip-off. Itā€™s been a really weird side story tonight


Not even aware he wore the contacts to be honest, he should just join the goggles gang if thats gonna be the case, mf already wearing sketchers anyway


yo this is outta pocketšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He had a concussed look which was weird


He absolutely did but apparently he had eye problems going into this game too, he looked completely out of it, scary shit


That was the fastest I've ever gone from ecstacy to despair.


Itā€™s like finding out you just got done fucking your long lost sister.


Yeahā€¦totally universal feelingā€¦


Tbf OP is Finnish


Thatā€™s horrible. Such a cool play before it too :/


Didn't even look like that weird of a landing on the replay. The man's knee is just shot




I can't imagine 300lbs landing that quickly through an ankle and/or knee. Especially, when it's locked like that.


Yeah the knee just gave out on a fairly normal landing, damn.


idk a one foot landing isnt good for a regular sized dude let alone a monster like embiid


He landed full force on his weaker knee. There wasnt even direct contact on that knee. Just body weight.


Nah it's bad landing. The DRose landings. Dunking with that force then landing on 1 STRAIGHT knee. Embiid is 280 lbs. That's too much force for one knee to handle


Yeah, more players need to do what Steph did and learn how to land.Ā 


I remember watching a video comparing DRose and Westbrook's landing. Basically Westbrook during his prime was a dunking machine but his landing mechanics is so good hence he avoided any major injury on his knees. Lands on both feet to distribute the force and always bent.




Somebody send this video to Zion ASAP


good question of if not getting hurt is a skill you can acquire, durability not via luck but by training and practice


Just too much weight. Human Knees canā€™t handle it that long. 275 lbs and landing on one knee? Thatā€™s just not smart, He really canā€™t be dunking like that anymore.


Zion, Jimmy, Embiid so far Edit: completely forgot about Kawahi and Giannis too


Kawhi questionable, Giannis out, Randle out for the playoffs




its always the ones you most expect (minus jimmy and giannis)


BASKETBALL GODS WITH NO REGARD FOR HEALTH SO FAR THIS POSTSEASON Edit: so fucked up that he got hurt after such a sick highlight play.


The winner of the 2024 championship is: the team with the best medical staff!


For real lol. The East is already weak now Giannis, Embiid and Jimmy are all out.


Yeah Randle too. Iā€™m sure iā€™m missing someone but thatā€™s four of the eight playoff teams missing either their best or second best player. Unfortunate stuff.


Always has been. Pro sports have a 100% injury rate. brb I'm going to figure out how to make knees and ankles injury proof. Billion dollar opportunity.


Honestly he shouldn't have attempted this in the first place. One foot landing is basically asking your weak knees to get fucked up.


ah fuck! That sorta instant reaction on landing doesnā€™t bode well at all


Thatā€™s the reaction of a man who knows heā€™s done. Like when Jeremy Lin on Brooklyn [knew his knee was done](https://youtu.be/fr8uCNMqJpw?si=rApZIV21OG_IZKwu) in the first game of the season and started crying. Itā€™s hard to watch. Sucks for Philly fans, ruined a great series Edit: bro I swear I just hit send on this comment when the second half started and Embiid is already back out there. Wtf


I feel like his knee is more structurally sound than he thinks it is. Post injury you always get jolts and soreness and part of recovery is learning what is ok and what is not. I am sure it hurts even more when you are a 280lb guy


I don't even know what to say


Weā€™ve both been robbed of a good series.


Currently back in the game lol


I hope he's OK. I was worried that he had hit his head because he was out of it.


The way only one eye was blinking was kinda weird


Same, I deadass thought he had a concussion since he was in a daze.


Facial nerve issues from facial fractures and surgeries


He looked so dazed on the ground, scary stuff


I think itā€™s more of a ā€œItā€™s really never going to get betterā€ 1000 yard stare.


Lebron will be the healthiest superstar by the end of these playoffs


Gary Harris




why was he blinking with only one eye? that was scary


Broadcast said something about his contact lenses bugging him


he was having problems with his contacts coming into the game, think itā€™s just that plus the shock. hate to see it


why did he do that bruhā€¦


I mean, if a single big dunk is enough to shred his knee then he shouldn't be on the court. Feel for him.


there's big dunks and then there's alley oops to yourself in traffic


He should have tried to hang on the rim for a sec before landing so heavy like that


Seriously one of the more impressive plays I think Iā€™ve seen but dude you have to manage your health Really sucks for Philly. Weā€™ll see how the rest of the series goes


If he shouldnā€™t be doing that then he shouldnā€™t be out there.


he can still score 40 without dunking he's literally been doing that


lol a self oop in traffic is the definition of a risky play. breen noted that it was his first dunk since returning


There are certain plays that are more likely to injure you. Embiid can play at his level without doing dunks like this.


doing a self alley oop is definitely reckless


he just needed to hang on the rim or not land one legged or not dunk lol he could have hit a middie from there perfectly, it was such a weird decision


That look on his face when he was laying on the floor. Hate to see it.


He saw Jesus while he was lying there


fr that was oddly terrifying look


this is probably Embiid's best and worst play of his career


We live in the worst timeline


Itā€™s The Process ā€¦ of Pain


Shits just sad to see, he cant stay healthy


Katsuyori Shibata headbutt type beat


He's fucking back in.






Monster dunk after a clear travel


This was an awesome play but I literally came here and searched "travel" to make sure I wasn't insane


It's crazy no one is even mentioning the insane travel in this clip.


I wonder how many people in this thread know that he played after this.


Lot of weight coming down on knee. Let alone a bad leg. Tough


I screamed out loud, waited a beat, then screamed out loud again.Ā 


This is the most Joel Embiid headline ever written


Props to him attempting to play through injury when itā€™s evident he isnā€™t ready but this was a stupid idea knowing the condition of his knee.


Not a sixers fan but def feel for this guy. Hope he recovers and keeps playing high level ballĀ