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Bruh leave us alone we been eliminated šŸ’€


Niang is 8/35 this postseason. I feel like a lot of teams have at least 1 player who is just awful in the postseason. At least Westbrook gives energy on defense.


someone stole the catalytic converter from the minivan


I remember pre-childbirth in 2019 fred was something similar


Yeah I remember when Harris from Brooklyn was scorching hot during the regular season and then just shit the bed in the playoffs. Feels like it happens mostly to 3-point specialists and... my boy Brick šŸ˜­


That's still like twice as efficient as westbrook šŸ’€


Westbrook is 9/40 in the post season, so they're shooting almost the same


And Westbrook is the 9th highest paid player on the team, you can't put too much of the losses on him.


He has the minutes of a starter.


Exactly, he's doing way more than he's paid for.


You can sign me for 1 dollar and if I make 1 in thousand shots I'm giving you more than you paid for. Doesn't mean I'm helping the team.


You make no sense lol


That's literally double Westbrooks lol


Yeah but it's still really bad. Niang was 37.5% from three over the past 5 postseasons. And he's shooting 11% from three this postseason. I don't think I've ever seen such a drop off before.


Yeah but, you're comparing Westbrook to Niang...


dont worry, it's not a Clippers issue as much as it is a "this is who Westbrook always been" issue you're lucky he's chucking at a much lower volume now. his prime was attempting more shots than KD, Wade, Harden, Lebron, Bosh in a playoff series while shooting 13% from 3PT. or the time he missed more shots than the rest of his team COMBINED in an elimination game in 2019


Ah, this makes me nostalgic for the sour stares Russ used to get from KD on the bench ...


He still took the most shots per minute if anyone on the clippers in the postseason. Rate didnā€™t really go down, minutes did


No y'all have been riding this guy since y'all signed him. It's time y'all get clowned for saying he's good


Fr donā€™t this grown ass man have a job and diet plan to focus on.


Plumlee+Westbrook minutes were historic


I want to know the stats for the minutes they played together. having seen Mason Plumlee basketball far too often over the last few seasons, I simply can't think of a worse fit for Russ across the entire league, in terms of play style and skill.


HISTORIC! weā€™ve never seen anything like this


His nickname is Westbrick for a reason. Please donā€™t tell Russell I said that.


You're disrespecting my family.


He disrespects his family with all those bricks


You're attacking my family -Anthony Smith




Itā€™s the ~~Lakers~~ clippers fault, heā€™s not on the right fit team for him. ~~Lebron~~Kawhi is asking for him to do things that donā€™t fit his game and it took his joy away. Russ is still a good player just wait til he gets ~~off that max contract~~ to Charlotte where heā€™s really valuedĀ 


yeah I mean the Clippers rotations were absolutely cooked with Kawhi out/being 10% of himself and Russ being completely useless as the backup PG. Definitely were not able to field the lineups they wanted to lol think Theis was injured too or something because the Plumlee minutes made no sense whatsoever.




Pretty sure they got Theis because nobody else wanted him but he was much better than Plumlee all year except against certain teams where the clippers really needed that size


Plumlee supposedly took a paycut as well. Only reasonable explanation is that Ty Lue felt bad about Theis taking Plumleeā€™s job due to an injury and gave him his spot back. Or he promised him the backup spot so that he would re-sign.


Plumlee and Westbrook was the worst two man duo in the playoffs


and Harden being ass as always as the pressure ramps up late in the series


game 4 and 6 were the two highest pressure games of the series. he carried game 4 and was fine in game 6. game 5 was his only bad game. shut it lmao


He had 16 points on 5-16 shooting in Game 6: donā€™t know if it qualifies as ā€œfineā€ even if he did have 13 assists.


fine != fire


The man is 34, about to be 35. He canā€™t bring the A game every night, but Iā€™d say 16/13 is pretty good when youā€™re suppose to be the third guy but are asked to do a lot more. Iā€™m not a harden guy and he has an abysmal playoff record but I think he stepped up in multiple games this playoffs, the team just didnā€™t do it with him.


He shot 7/28 for Game 5 and 6


He shot 19/30 in Games 3 and 4 while basically single handily winning 4 for you. Heā€™s 34, he canā€™t put the team on his back every game, but I get the disappointment after being eliminated


harden was a 16 ppg scorer all season that bumped his averages up to 21.2 points a game on 62% TS the entire round games 1-4 he was elite and lead the league in scoring efficiency for anyone averaging over 25ppg game 5 was a bad game. game 6 was a bad scoring game, matching his regular season point average but on bad efficiency (still miles better than WB) but also had an elite playmaking game with 13 assists and 1 turnover and he lead the team in steals+blocks you are clowning around if you aren't going to give him the credit as the best player on the team when he was meant to only be a facilitator lol WB fans do not understand basketball man. it's crazy. their downfall from "RUSS SHOULD BE STARTING" to "YEAH BUT RUSS IS COMING OFF THE BENCH SO IT DOESNT MATTER IF HE SUCKS" has been brutal to watch


Don't forget 2-12 in game 5 with 4 turnovers


what do you mean "don't forget" it literally says game 5 was a bad game thirsty mfer


Because compared to his usual elimination game stats, that is pretty good for him!


People always forget about push off P


Harden 62% TS on 22ppg. Westbrick 34% TS and took more shots per minute than Harden. But go off I guess


Nah Harden honestly played pretty well overall. He did his job but everyone else that mattered kind of left him hanging. Its probably really hard to be aging out of your prime and try and run an offense when everyone around you is just missing in action just about every game of the series. I think he is definitely the least of the clippers worries


What do you mean it's not russes fault ? He is a professional basketball player , it's his job to make baskets . Also it's not like they aren't leaving him wide open , 4-32 , hell I could have hit a shot or two with the looks he was getting


Well, his age isn't his fault. It's not his fault that Lue and the Clips gave him so many shots lol


It's his fault to stink up his team, old or young


I agree, I was thinking of the only possible things that weren't his fault lmao Tbf if an NBA team wanted to pay me $4m a year to stink it up I would do whatever they told me to do


If they wanna pay me $4m to wipe the players asses, sign me up. I got eyelids and can just think of England lol


Fuck all that, if they pay me 4m to wipe players asses, I will be the best ass wiper this planet has ever known. Gonna be so clean you could eat off them


you can't fathom that despite watching him play for a year?


Hes a rockets flair who's frequently in the clippers sub, he was only watching one player lmao


Itā€™s funny bc when Russ was in the H everyone said he was still elite bc of his numbers, but then I saw whenever he went to the bench, the team had a higher net rating despite his 27ppg. I truly believe replace Russ with a guard that can shoot, and Houston could have gone 7 against the lakers in 2020


Both of those can be true. He was still a good (tho declining) player, and Houston played even better when he was on the bench. Houston going 7 with LA depends on the caliber of player youā€™d be replacing Russ with more so than simply just replacing Russ with a shooter. LA didnā€™t trail in that series for like 106 straight minutes. Lakers was also running HOU shooters off the 3pt line throughout that series. Iā€™m curious who do you have in mind? If it was Bogdanovic instead of Russ? Bogi can shoot but LA ainā€™t getting taken to 7 with Bogi in over Russ. If it was say PG instead of Russ, itā€™s possible. Itā€™s a talent and shooting upgrade. Only issue there is PG is very hit or miss in the post season.


I was talking about a player who could shoot that was on the level of a 2020 Russell Westbrook level player if that makes any sense. I think I would even go as far as if you replace Westbrook from that year with Jaylen Brown from that year we couldā€™ve maybe gone six games insteadof five. If we got 2021 Paul George instead of 2020 Westbrook, we win that series in my opinion.


That team has no shot vs the 2020 Lakers. You're def smoking something else


Username checks out


So what that he was 4-32 fg, but at least he is out there having fun.


well before he was dominant inside the paint even as a pg with his explosiveness but now he is losing that athleticism, it exposes his weakness outside


Westbrook has never had an efficient playoff run even with all that ā€œexplosivenessā€


Heā€™s better than harden without half the foul baiting šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ Swap westbrook and harden in houston he wouldā€™ve gone all the way


Wild to say about someone who has had no playoff success on any of his 5 teams


Westbrook has been out of the first round once without KD, right? And that was on the back of harden, right?


Howā€™d harden do with KD? How many finals has Harden appeared in again? How many 32 pt triple double seasons? And Westbrook thoroughly outplayed Harden in 2017, it just wasnā€™t enough


Harden has won a ton of playoff series? Heā€™s been to multiple WCF without KD. Russ canā€™t even win a single playoff series without KD. Russ didnā€™t outplay harden. He kept chucking. 38% FG is horrendous. You were like 10 when the series happened, you definitely donā€™t remember it well


I was prolly younger lol Iā€™ve watched all 5 games tho. russ was doing everything and the team fell apart when he sat. He put up video game numbers and was actually a + in his minutes, the team was like -50 across the minutes he sat


That would be true for basically every superstar outside of Tatum


When he got injured in 2020 it was all down hill. His defensive effort improved quite since then, but he doesn't have the burst of speed he used to have anymore and it looks like the hand injuries have made him have the touch of playing with oven mitts. Dude probably needs to do nerve therapy on his wrists to get feeling back, not even just for playing basketball, just for life. Also I find it infuriating that he becomes inactive when he doesn't have the ball. He doesn't move much, doesn't set screens and repeatedly parked himself in the corner (which limits his potential to drive to the basket, kick it to someone else and he should not be taking threes). Dude is still plenty fast and has the endurance to do that sort of work off the ball and he would add value just by doing that.


Every time Russ touched the ball I wanted him to shoot, that pull up bank shot on the elbow is money in the bank


Got to respect the guy who built the bank too. One brick at a time. Actually he really could capitalize on this as an opportunity to corner the market and start a company named West Brick. Known for reliability! Id invest.


It's very easy to fathom if you've watched him play at any point in the last 3 years


Cool will you to a post about how you can't win with Royce O'Neale, Jose Alvarado or Dante Exum next ?


I think the point of this post is to show how far Russ has fallen to be compared with those names. Itā€™s probably time to consider retiring And I would comfortably rather have the 3 you just listed


He's a back up guard on the minimum, if he was any better he wouldn't be that. And honestly I'm not sure there's a point in discussing who is the 197th or 201st best player in the league


Fwiw heā€™s not on the minimum, I think heā€™s on like 6m annually. Not that itā€™s a dramatic difference, just pointing it out.


he's on 4m


it doesn't matter if he's on a cheap contract if he comes into the game, gets completely ignored on defense, and refuses to make a play for someone else bricking shot after shot for himself while the other stars on the court are getting doubled 4m players aren't typically black holes the way russ is.


Alvarado has a worst ts than Westbrook in the playoffs


The difference is that none of those bench guys would ever be putting up a shot every 2 minutes like Russ. Every team has backups that opponents will ignore in the playoffs but they're all low usage guys. Only Russ tries to play like he's still an MVP.


All them guys are better than russ


The ā€œApril 32ndā€ line


Russ has won 1 playoff series since Durant left OKC in the summer of 2016.


What was Tobias Haris lol


Had enough bricks to build a mansion in cancun.


He's just earning his moniker of "Westbrick", one brick at a time.


Russ has been trash šŸ—‘ for a while.


OP is just karma farming/trolling at this point Who tf is thinking about Westbrook at this point? Especially when heā€™s a bench player?


I can't fathom how anyone still believes he's a positive NBA player. He hasn't been for a while now, since his Lakers stint. All the clowning Lakers fans got after he went to the Clippers and had like 1 good game was truly pathetic.


Some mfers really tried to act like the Lakers were why Westbrook looked so bad on their team just because he had a few good games with the Clippers.


He tries really really hard though that's gotta count for something šŸ„ŗ


That's literally the entire argument around him lmao it's crazy. You don't see that for anyone else.


thanasas tries hard too


Except he doesn't try at things that could help win games


he has that mamba mentality


Hasn't been positive since he left OKC tbh. He had stats in Houston, but the team was worse with him on the floor


Even during OKC era he was hurting KDs effectiveness. He just ballhogged during his triple double era as well. Dude is a negative.


You *can* hate on him despite the minimum contract but ignoring his stature due to his prime, this would be like hypothetically getting mad at Sam Hauser or Payton Pritchard for being ass after a Tatum injury. Like, sure they could have been better, but maybe focus on the guy making the big bucks who was unavailable, or the performances of the stars who were on the floor. That said he was awful.


Russ plays a significantly more ball dominant style than Hauser or Pritchard though. When Russ checks in, he gets pretty tunnel visioned on trying to finish over everyone and rarely converts. The defense also always changes how they're defending to ignore Russ; they definitely aint leaving Pritchard or Hauser open like that lol


Iā€™m not saying he plays as well as they *usually* do, just that weā€™re talking about small $ value bench guys who are capable of underperforming. If his name wasnā€™t Russell Westbrook, we wouldnā€™t be getting posts long after the Clippers were eliminated blaming a bench player for their loss lol.


I fucking despise this goddamn team


He averageed 1 made FG per game in those games. Wow.


they call him westbrick for a reason


I can


It's hard to defend this mf. And I don't mean in game.


Isnā€™t it like 6-35?


Heā€™s way worse than pj tucker


game 5: Harden: 7/4/7 on 16.7/14.3/100 splits PG: 15/11/4 on 30.7/33.3/83.3 splits game 6: Harden: 16/7/13 on 31.25/0/62.5 splits PG: 18/11/5 on 33.33/20/100 splits And you're out here blaming the back up pg lol


Btw so you know 31% and 33% are almost 3 times more than 12.5% which is 4/32.


4-32 is 12.5%


check out the big brain on Brad! ;P


Harden and pgs terrible game 5 was literally still better than Russ all series


They should be better since Russ is a bench player. Come on man


Russ had a higher usage rate than harden in the playoffs btw.


That's on Harden for being passive when he's not getting foul calls


Sure harden could have played better but not sure why youā€™re trying to move the conversation to hardens terrible play in elimination games (which is definitely a huge problem dating back to his prime) We talking about Russ going 4-32 from games 2-5


because blaming the loss on a bench player instead of the stars is weak




Russ should start if he's allowed to play his natural position, pg. Ty Lue had Russ being a spot up shooter literally standing still while Harden ran the offense. This would be like asking Zubac to play point guard or brittle Kawhi to actually play games


Russ with the ball makes better decisions than harden in your opinion? Like you rather trust Russ with the ball? In 2024


You're 2 Max players shot better(6/25 combined in G5) than a man on a minimum who shot 9/40 whole series WOW, you should definitely max them again.


PJ Tucker plays defense. I would take Tucker over Westbrick in a NY minute


100% at least Bones is entertaining sometimes, Westbrook is just excruciating to watch. Everytime he took a shot I knew that thing was hitting the side of the backboard


Yā€™all had to have been on cloud 9 whenever Russ checked in


I wanted nothing but Russ minutes as a Mavs fan. Hoping they give Giddey another chance tomorrow too.


Traumatic flashbacks of Harrison Barnes in G5-7 of 2016.


See "Wagner, Franz"


Age comes for us all at some point


Why is this a shocker? OKC Russ was when he dominated playoff games.


looks very bad until u rewatch the games and see why that was. he was out there playing very tough defense in spurts and had a short leash. he doesn't really even try to score unless it's in transition. the only shots he took were when the play blew up, or where the mavs damn near *left the entire arena* when they saw him at the 3. he tries to not fuck up the flow by making them respect the 3 but it just sucks.


He should not be allowed to shoot 3s period. Itā€™s a win for the defense


yea that's the issue though. the play/offense can't progress since he's the weakest link. harden or pg burning seconds off the clock for russ' man to double them or zubac leading to an open russ with 6 seconds left. there's only so many plays to be made from russ in that position


Wrap your head around this, since the 3:20 min mark of the first quater, game 3 between the Clippers and Mavs, when Luka re-injured his knee in a collision with Westbrook (more Westbrook pushing him over); Luka Doncic shot 7/39 from three for the rest of the series. That's 17.9%!!! It was only somewhat better than Westbrooks 12.5% from games 2 onwards. So as much as you may think if another player like Bones, was in and shot better, the Clippers might have won the series, you could also say, if Luka shot league average from 3, it probably doesn't get to a game 6. The clippers losing wasn't only down to Westbrook's shooting, but it was a contributing factor.


If my grandmother had wheels sheā€™d be a bicycle


Yes and Tyrone Lue is getting an extension


Not Tyā€™s fault his best player is hurt every fucking year. Itā€™s hard to do a good job when ur team is kneecapped every yr


its not his fault he had to play russ to keep his dumbass stars happy


Heā€™s playing a player that sucks whoā€™s fault is that?


Literally canā€™t even make layups lol


the funny part is that his FG% at the rim this postseason was better than 5 of the 9 postseasons he had in OKC, including his MVP year lol this is who Westbrick always been


Mate he was put out on the corner without the ball. He played like shit to end the series, but he wasn't put in a position to succeed. He was taking a lot of bail out shots at the end of the shot clock.Ā  If you have Russ you need to have him on ball. He provides nothing off ball at this stage of his career. Taking the ball out of his hands and sticking him in the corner is not only bad for Russ, but bad for his teammates too.Ā  Ā  At least have him set screens or something. But no. Ty and Harden had him sitting in the corner all series, meanwhile Amir Coffey was bringing the ball up on some possessions. I just don't understand it man.Ā  He will never be a spot up shooter. He will never provide spacing, but he can still move the damn ball. I know a full season happened in between, but he was fantastic last year with the clippers. I don't think he lost all of that. Harden just displaced him and the role he had on the clips turned into basically exactly the role he had on the Lakers. It's dumb basketball.Ā  Please Russ, find a team that will let you play point guard or just retire. No sense destroying your body more just to play a role you don't fit for teams that don't trust you.Ā 


Heā€™s never been a top 5 player. The fact he got an MVP still remains bizarre, and shows just how much of a villain KD was.


Harden robbed


The OG pity MVP


I donā€™t believe Russ would be the best player in the G League right now


obviously not


Cmon man as bad as Russ is he would still drop 30 12 12 in the G


Rocket flair Makes sense