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Bro needs it for his expense report.


He picked up on our Minnesota “nice” (passive aggression) *perfectly* … quick study Obligatory: fuck Silver and the NBA


Hey wait a sec that’s a little too directly aggressive. We’d say “I’m not so sure about that Adam Silver” which translates to FUCK ADAM SILVER YOU TWO FACE BITCH


Ope, you’re right. You betcha


Welp (*slaps knees stands up*)


“The kids have hawkey practice in the mornin or else I’d stay for another. Thank the missus for the hotdish”


(45 minutes later still talking on the porch)


This fibber Minnesotas 😉 (I only know that term cause I dated a girl from Wisconsin… we’ve got nothing against you)


now we all Minnesota


Chet you betcha


Yeah no, I think both decisions are interesting. I guess we will see how they impact the series when we get there. -Chris Finch


Damn what a quote


Perfectly displays how insane it was for Murray to be in that game.


Fans would have gotten banned for life. Murray gets away with 100k


Personally, I would rather be banned from an nba arena for life than fined $100k


This fine is the equivalent of $295 to someone who makes $100k a year


It’s not. I hate these equivalences. Lots of people making $100k are living paycheck to paycheck and $295 would be a substantial hit to a monthly budget. $100k to Murray won’t affect him at all. Edit: Some of y’all are acting like single income families in high cost of living cities don’t exist. Yes, living paycheck to paycheck while making $100k as a single person in a LCOL or MCOL city is bad.


Good point.


If you're making 100k, and $300 is a substantial hit to your monthly budget. That sounds like a personal problem because you're absolutely terrible at managing money.


Most people, regardless of their income level, live paychecks to paycheck because most people are bad with money/live a lifestyle above what they should. (At least in the US)


You don’t live in a NY/Cali, 100k will definitely have you check to check if you take care of anyone other than yourself


I love how the paycheck to paycheck statement gets trotted out then it gets asterisk'd to hell as the conversation goes on "Well it would be if you lived in the most expensive cities in the world" "Well it would be if you have 2 kids and no partner" "Well it would be if you had lifelong uncurable medical problems" I mean sure yes for all of the single mothers living in Manhattan with type 1 diabetes, yes 100k is paycheck to paycheck. I just seriously doubt many of them are on Reddit NBA post game threads. Edit: to whomever hit me with the reddit cares bot, lol.


Sir I’m sorry but math is math. That’s the ratio. Now how it impacts someone is totally up to their living situation.


That’s not how marginal utility of money and consumption work.


You're not really accounting for the decreasing marginal utility of money.


Sir, this is r/nba


Yeah what you think this is, Wendy’s?


It would be cool if people acknowledged the willful ignorance on certain topics here. It is not cool to be ignorant. The majority here just come off as idiots. This sub needs to grow up.


The utility of money decreases the more you have. Me losing $10000 would be less of my net worth than someone who’s worth a billion dollars losing $250million, but if I lost $10k I’d be absolutely fucked whereas they would still be worth a shit load of money


Your problem is that you think just using a straight ratio makes it equivalent. It doesn't. You don't understand statistics the way you think you do.


But then the ratio is pretty irrelevant. There's subtext in things that we say and the implication is that its pocket change, when in practice that's not really always the case. However man this is r/nba so I think me and the other guy are probably thinking on this too deeply.


Please edit your comment to make me look dumb because anyone making 100k and living paycheck to paycheck is just an idiot.


As someone from a third-world country where the minimum wage (when converted to our currency) is $3k/year, $100k/year is filthy rich.


Like I know inflation is crazy rn and people are struggling but it’s tough to cry poor making 6 figures when there’s moms with 2 kids making it work with 50K a year


Would that be the equivalent of a dad with 4 kids making it work with 100k? All this mathing is really confusing


Depends on where you live really


And that my friend is why tax brackets exist lol


If you are making 100k and living paycheck to paycheck that's a skill issue bro idk what to tell you


You can buy a Mercedes for $100K You cannot buy a Mercedes for $295. They are not equivalent.


not if you made 30 million dollars a year


I’d rather be making tens of millions of dollars to play a game and then get fined 100k vs what I make and do now


He got paid more money to be a bitch in the game than what the fine was. I think he gets paid like 300k a game


If he was getting paid to be a bitch, he def earned that paycheck


Absolutely insane that he didn’t get a game. Precedent now is you can get frustrated and throw shit on the court as the opposing team is trying to run their offense. Not a tech. Not an ejection. Just a fine.


Nobody thought it at the time, but the league decision to not suspend Murray may be what decides that series. If Denver had won either of those first two games, you just feel like Murray absolutely would have been suspended for Game 3.


That’s hundred percent. They didn’t want the series to get decided by his temper tantrum.


No they knew they fucked up by not throwing him out in game 2 when they should’ve and would’ve ABSOLUTELY been deciding the series by suspending him.


But Draymond getting suspended flipped the series when the Cavs came back from 3-1


Draymond was suspended for accumulated flagrants though. The league would have had to say that him punching at LeBron's junk wasn't worthy of a flagrant and would have had to rescind that flagrant 1 for him to avoid suspension. I think in that case *that* would have looked far more suspicious.


They wouldn't have to rescind that flagrant, because they never issued one. All of his "flagrant" points in that Playoffs were awarded retroactively. That's why the suspension was so dumb.


Well there’s always theories and such. Draymond deserved it too and completely self inflicted just like Murray did. NBA might have just wanted an extra game but got more than they wanted lol


He got suspended for the amount of technicals though, didn’t he? It would be overturning a clear rule as opposed to just not suspending someone.


I thought it was referring to the nut punching incident


What. A lot of people knew it was crucial. It's Minnesota sports they always find a way to choke. They needed that 3-0 now the Nuggets are repeating


You really want to put that on Minnesota to be the first team to lose a series up 3-0?


Feels normal to me, honestly I wasn't even sad last night. Like watching Blair Walsh or Gary Anderson miss a chip to win...... It's expected. Game 4 emotionally divorced me from this team in a way 2 decades of historical mismanagement and failure couldn't


Not just on the court— looked like he threw both the towel and the heating pad at the ref. Edit: wow, to the Nuggets fan who sent me a RedditCares messages for *this* post. Grow up.


This is the biggest issue, this set a precedent that a player can throw a hissy fit and throw shit on the court and not get ejected or suspended.


There's no such thing as precedent with people who don't care about consistency. The NBA gives no shits what you think unless you're going to stop watching.


Wake me when it becomes an epidemic


Bro. Players can throw basketballs at fans faces and not get banned for life.


Bro. You can fist fight an entire arena of fans, then change your name and become an NBA champion. Not get banned for life.


Fans get kicked out and banned for way less. And don’t be a fan going to a game where Westbrook is playing.


A fan would also get arrested if he ran onto the court but the players ARE allowed on the court? What’s up with that? Unfair I say…


The rules are also a bit different for someone who’s making the league millions of dollars as opposed to one dumbass fan. What a stupid ass comparison.


If it was the regular season, he would have been suspended 100%. I don’t really care who wins this series but it’s absolute bullshit that Murray didn’t get suspended for that bush league shit.


Let Finch cook.


A lawyer in his former life Atticus Chris Finch


Attichris Finch was right there






*threads over*


"Well, another day being a lawyer, another day to go home to my child Sport, and the other one . . . Pringus or whatever the fuck."


“Best way to clear the air is to have it all out in the open.”




He’s such a cheeky bitch lmao 


NBA trying hard af to ignore people calling them out for this lmao


Just saying what we were all thinking lol. I'm pretty neutral on both teams and I think that it's very likely that Murray would have been suspended for a game if the series score was 2-0 instead of 0-2 at that point. I know Gobert has a history but when you compare the two offenses the fine amount still does not correlate.


Absolutely agree. There’s no way in hell murray should’ve gotten away with that without a suspension. Throwing shit into active game action is dangerous and just bush league.


I'm still a little in disbelief that Malone can run onto the court screaming profanities in a ref's face and not even get a technical. Not really complaining because I don't think it really impacted the outcome of the game, but it definitely looks like there's a big double standard going on. Edit: a reddit cares report for *this*? Really? Lmao there we go, he actually got one this time!


Honestly I think Malone was trying to take a tech to get the team fired up. That said, I’m also confused why he didn’t receive one.


It totally looked like it and I wondered if he just kinda kept going with his tantrum when they somehow didn't t him lol


Felt like the refs knew what he was doing and decided nope, we're not letting you do that lmao was worse sitting on the side for that game i guess


He absolutely was trying to get a tech and Mark Davis just refused to give him that satisfaction. I also think the pool report ref saying he wouldn't have ejected murray for the heat pack throw tied the NBA's hands a bit when it came to whether or not to suspend him. If you have a ref on the record saying "that's not an ejectable offense" and you overrule him it's not a great look and the NBA always goes above and beyond to protect their precious referees.


You can report all of those messages and the accounts who do them will get the hammer. I urge you to do it because it takes two minutes and fuck those shitstains.  Edit: I think it’s a bot I got one the second I posted this. Fuck you silver


I think reddit cares is broken.


Dude I’ve seen at least 5 of these Reddit cares comments in 30 minutes and I received one for a completely innocent comment that wasn’t negative at all. Probably some sort of bot.


Not to mention someone actually stepped on it like that could've legit fucked somewhat up


I listened to ringer and no dunks pods and both came out saying “he didn’t hurt anyone” so they didn’t expect a suspension which makes zero fucking sense


At the end of the day the NBA is gonna do what's best for their bottom line. Can't let NBA players openly shit on officiating, and you don't want to have a bad series go to worse if you can help it. Embiid was out there pulling people to the ground and shoulder checking people up a dozen down 0-2 and wasn't even ejected.


Almost like the NBA influences games so one team has an advantage????


>I know Gobert has a history I mean, you answered your own point. He got a big fine because he's a 5-time offender. It's not real complicated.  Meanwhile, Murray got the max fine possible.


If you look back at Goberts fine history, the first ref criticism fines were for 15k, 20k, 25k, and then the big 100k in March. The fines always correlate with the number of previous offenses as well as how bad it makes the league look. I would have suspended Murray, but there's a clear pattern of taking previous offenses into consideration. That's why Draymomd keeps getting suspended for stuff now.


Also it was 50k for Gobert’s last money gesture this season, the other 50k was for his post game comments. So now his subsequent gesture is 75k, I don’t understand how no one is understanding this part. 


It's narratives.  


Yea this was Murray’s first strike, Gobert is a repeat offender


He brings up a good fucking point.


I mean not really the max fine you can get is $100,000


If only there was some other form of punishment the league could use if a $100,000 fine isn’t enough.


A stern talking to?


What's Dikembe doing these days? We need somebody to wag a finger at these miscreants!


Only Adam Silver’s little weasel ass could make me miss David Stern … *shutters*


lol keeping murray for ratings is exactly what he would have wanted


You miss the guy who screwed your franchise for an entire period? Lmao


Yeah, you just played the game "find the young Wolves Fan" for sure


And after a stern talking to is a harsh reprimand. E: I've seen people talk about getting hit with a Reddit Cares message, but for this? Lmfao.




The old Ja Morant/Draymond Green wellness retreat.


Maybe I’m just old fashioned, but if your multiple offenses — in aggregate — exceed the maximum fine, then maybe you should get a harsher punishment than a fine?


Shhhh don’t let rational thoughts and common sense that literally everyone understood get in the NBA’s way of making money off extending a series


The NBA didn't even mention Murray making the money sign when they [announced](https://pr.nba.com/jamal-murray-fined-5-7-24/) his fine: > Denver Nuggets guard Jamal Murray has been fined $100,000 for throwing multiple objects in the direction of a game official during live play, it was announced today by Joe Dumars, Executive Vice President, Head of Basketball Operations. > > Murray’s actions took place during the Nuggets’ 106-80 loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves in Game 2 of their conference semifinals playoff series on May 6 at Ball Arena. The real issue is that Murray should very obviously have been ejected and suspended for throwing multiple objects at the refs and into live play.


Gobert has gotten $175,000 in fines plus a tech for doing the money gesture. Murray got nothing for doing it.


Gobert got the first $100K for making the money sign during the game and then publicly accusing the refs of making calls against him because of gambling after the game.


Should have just thrown a sack of coins at the ref. Be cheaper


And got his 2nd technical in that game


Umm, Gobert was fined for saying gambling has a part in games being decided.


How many offenses does Gobert have?


You only get fined for making the money sign when you're right.


Honestly I don't even care about the non-ejection. Refs didn't see it, it is what it is. The bigger issue is like you stated he should have been suspended at least a game. An argument could be made for a game per item thrown.


This is brought up in every thread, but I don't believe $100k is the max from my reading of the CBA (there is a max fine of $100k for statements made during a game, but acts are considered separate): > (c) If in the opinion of the Commissioner any act or conduct of a Player at or during an Exhibition, Regular Season, Play-In, or Playoff game has been prejudicial to or against the best interests of the Association or the game of basketball, the Commissioner shall impose upon such Player a fine not exceeding $100,000, or may order for a time the suspension of any such Player from any connection or duties with Exhibition, Regular Season, Play-In, or Playoff games, or he may order both such fine and suspension. >(d) The Commissioner shall have the power to suspend for a definite or indefinite period, or to impose a fine not exceeding $100,000, or inflict both such suspension and fine upon any Player who, in his opinion, (i) shall have made or caused to be made any statement having, or that was designed to have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of basketball or of the Association or of a Member, or (ii) shall have been guilty of conduct that does not conform to standards of morality or fair play, that does not comply at all times with all federal, state, and local laws, or that is prejudicial or detrimental to the Association. The d section is a max of $100k for statements made. The c section is max of $100k per act done. They could have easily given a $100k fine for the act of throwing a towel at the ref, $100k fine for throwing a heat pack on the floor of a live game and $50k for the statement of the game being rigged with the money sign. Even if they can only give a max of $100k for acts in the same game, sections c and d are separated for a reason and they should be able to fine up to $100k for acts in addition to up to $100k for statements.


Then that makes *this* excessive. Thus making this a good fucking point.


Repeat offence


Viewership numbers and stock points, which The League actually cares about.


i mean 3 infractions, the max fine should be 300k in that case


Per incident though I'd assume. No reason to lump then as one punishment when they were to separate incidents


That’s the joke


Home boy needed to be suspended


There are higher punishments available. Such as suspension.


Well I wonder if throwing things onto the court during play deserved some kind of higher punishment?


is his point that the integrity of the league (insinuating that refs are bribed) is more damaging to the league than throwing items onto the court?


I’m not so sure about that. Rudy is a repeat offender which the NBA has demonstrated they take into account count.


they make this shit up as they go along lmao there is no rulebook for this shit and if there was, they never followed that shit to begin with.


The clear precedent set now is you're only going to be suspended if you're up in the series. Draymond was suspended while up 3-1 **in the finals** Embiid was not suspended while down 2-1 Murray was not suspended while down 2-0


It's cute that you think Silver will operate with anything approaching measured consideration of precedent


I mean yeah refs are soft as shit they're absolutely terrified of that $ hand


Such a terrible precedent the league set by not suspending Murray.  But of course, precedent also doesn’t really seem to matter to them sometimes, so I guess they probably aren’t worried. 


They didn't want the Nuggeys going down 3-0. That's it. That's all there is to it.


Well now that the nuggets are up 3-2 and the series is effectively over, we can always go back to this what-if 


It's what we're best at, in all honesty :-/


Yeah I’m a nuggets fan and I was expecting him to miss a game


Last year Draymond jumped off Sabonis ribs after stomping him lmao Murray was never gotten suspended


I mean they didn’t suspend Embiid for purposely making one of the most dangerous plays in basketball, and then later that game he still injured that man. That’s when they really set the precedent for not suspending people


Precedent means nothing to them. They'll claim precedence when it benefits them and just ignore it when it doesn't


Finch is not a bird brain


Did Chris Finch just become my favorite coach


Crazy Murray didn’t get suspended a single game. For throwing stuff at the refs from the bench


During a live play


Murray should've been suspended for throwing multiple items onto the court. The towel was blocked by an officials leg, but the heating pad was thrown when there were like 7 bodies by the basket fighting for a rebound. KAT came within an inch from landing on it, which would've likely caused a major injury. Utterly despicable behavior that a 100k fine still doesn't do justice for.


The towel and heat pad were actually aimed at the Ref to boot.


I mean, he wasn't exactly accurate with anything in game 2.


No point in saying this because it’s pretty fucking obvious the league knows Murray should’ve been suspended, but just because the league knows its own rules doesn’t mean they’ll follow them. They didn’t want another sweep in a playoffs that has already seen a ton of short series, so they intentionally and artificially extended this one by letting a blatantly suspension worthy infraction slide with little to no punishment. The league is entertainment first, competition second, never forget this.


Stone Cold Adam Silver 3:16


Yeah I’d be pretty pissed too because I think most of us agree with the Murray being out game 3 this series would not be tied 2-2 right now.


I think them having a 4 day gap between the games also really helped. Nuggets looked gassed after the Lakers games, they look way better now.


Jamal Murray probably deserved harsher punishment (though 100k is the max fine allowed.) But Gobert is a repeat offender, with this specific offense, so the fine is higher than it would be for a first offense.


Jamal was fined $0 for this offense


NBA didn’t even acknowledge Murray did the money sign lmao


Might be higher than an initial offense sure, but it’s less than the 100k Rudy got the last time he did this same thing earlier this season


the first time also included postgame comments.


See this is why we need the itemized receipt man


I mean, it's one money gesture, Michael. What could it cost, $10?


Yeah but that 100k has a rant to the media on the itemized receipt as well


smart of Jamal to just dodge media so he couldn't get in more trouble


You can’t repeat if you’re never fined


Murray 100% should’ve been suspended for a game.


let them know coach Finch


Didn't Curry throw his mouth guard THREE TIMES and got ejected, but not suspended, in each of them? So whats the precedence for suspension, and was it ever been called rightfully?


Just seeing a lot of Wolves and Lakers fans whining about how Murray wasn’t suspended a game lol.


Draymond stomped Sabonis last season and didn't get suspended Murray would never be suspended for a towel in the playoffs like come on


I think draymond did get suspended from that. And the warriors were down 0-2 when they suspended him lol.


It's more important that they crack down on the money sign being made to Scott Foster, because he absolutely takes money 


Top tier banter from Finch


The NBA is just basketballs version of the WWE at this point


Tomorrow: *Chris Finch has been fined $10,000 for his comments about player fines.*


“Itemized receipt” is crazy 🤣


Finch saying what we all want to fucking know.


Especially with how the series is playing out. Dude should have been suspended for a game but Silver didn’t want his MVP getting swept.


Even more obvious is the fact, that gobert was ejected from the game and fined 100k the last time he did it, just a few weeks ago. You’d think if someone got ejected and fined the max possible amount for an offense and he relapses immediately his punishment would be higher than the last time - instead: no rejection and 25k lower fine!?! All because they didn’t want to suspend Murray for 1-2 games with the same + worse offenses, which would have been imperative if they followed their own previous rulings. In this regard the NBA is crooked, I get that the NBA is rigged crowd is annoying, but the process of those rulings and ingame points of emphasis is an absolute intransparent mess and crooked to the teeth.


I need someone else to throw something on the court and see what happens


It only shows that Jamal Murray should be suspended for Game 3, not only paying a fine worth $100,000.00


Next time Rudy wants to make a money symbol, just give him a box of heating pads and towels. Will be cheaper and actually impact the outcome of the game more lol.


It's honestly wild to me how lax the Murray punishment was. Throwing shit on the floor while the ball is live is so egregious that I still can't believe he wasn't suspended for a game.


Just remember Tim Duncan got kicked out a game for laughing. Meanwhile you have this MF throwing shit. He should have been kicked for 3-4 games easy.


The actual reason is that the max fine is $100,000. If they decide against suspension this is the max Murray could be fined. It's as simple as that. Murray should have been suspended but you can't compare the fines. And if we're comparing the incidents, Murray flashed the money sign for a half second on the sideline. Gobert originally flashed it right to a main camera pointed at him and then explicitly complained about it multiple times. Then he did this. Murray's money sign flash would not warrant a $75k fine on its own.




But don't wolves fans want Murray in the series? Makes it more interesting.


Minnesota sports has given me plenty of ‘interesting’. I don’t give a shit about ‘interesting’ anymore


Calling shit evenly both ways would be my top preference


You, uh, you just wake up after a week long nap? I got some potentially really bad news for you, depending on your feelings about a historically cursed franchise (and state)


It’s crazy that in the same game he threw the heat pad, Murray also threw up the money sign and received zero fine for that


I thought Murray would be suspended and deservedly so. But if I was an opposing coach I'd probably not comment on it. At least not during the series.


League has no integrity


Thank God, Wolves are focusing on important stuff. Ahead of game 6, they should do another press release and statement about Murray's fine after game 2. To really show that they have their priorities set on the right things.


Gobert clearly fouls someone. Then insinuates the league is rigged, while showing up the refs. I fucking hate it. Even players of Rudy's caliber are doing it. NBA needs to 10x the fines for this nonsense, get it out of the league.


Murray got a discount for being a first offender. Gobert is a repeat offender.


It's really weird to get worked up about this and maybe a sign he and his players have got distracted. Why should he be giving two seconds' thought to exactly how big the fines are for Murray and Gobert? It's not going to help him if Rudy got $50k instead.