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Because they're the Celtics.


Better question is why anybody would like them


Lotta bandwagon Minnesota fans round here lately. Never met a Wolves fan in my life.


Bit of a funny comment coming from a Nuggets and Warriors fan.


I'm not a Nuggets fan, only a Warriors fan. I have certain guys in the league like Luka, Jokic, Brunson, Kyrie, that I stan for as well, though.


The fact that you typed this out and still thought it was a good idea to hit send is incredible honestly.


Sometimes I think my cat and I’s relationship is simmering with a sexual undercurrent


Is that strange? I'm a Knicks fan but I have players on other teams that I like and root for when it's not against us.


I think it’s more the non-ironic usage of “stan”.


Well that's fair.


I don't think it is, every fan of any sport I know is like they. What TF you supposed to root for once your team losses?


Maybe save this subreddit for when you’re older.


Go to Minnesota often?


Haven't had much to be happy about. If your something is making you consistently sad, youre not gonna talk about it cause it'll just remind you and you'll be more sad


Sounds like fake fans


Nah, the real ones are too depressed to talk about it. Also just not a lot to talk about. Pre playoffs 2020 led by Malik Beasley cause everyone was injured wasn't exactly the most thought provoking basketball


Ignore u/WhiskyDrinkinCowboy. He’s an idiot and an obvious bandwagon warriors fan (hiding behind a NBA flair, circlejerking the Roaracle and we believe warriors as if he was there even though he clearly wasn’t, etc.) It’s hilarious seeing someone with an NBA flair call someone a “fake fan”.


I mean, even when the Warriors were trash the they still had one of the best fanbases, Minnesota ain't nothing special when y'all ain't winning.


Bulllllshit. The Warriors were a total afterthought until Curry


They were known to be loud even in their shitty years lol


Yeah okay guy, I guess you never heard of the Roaracle. 8th seed Warriors in 2007 had a greater fanbase than any Houston sports team ever has.


Fuck off with your fake worship of Roaracle and the We Believe team when you weren’t even a warriors fan back then. You’re such an obvious bandwagon fan, hiding behind an NBA flair (yet calling other people fake fans). As soon as Curry’s gone I guarantee you’re not watching another Warriors game. I swear it’s the bandwagon warriors kids who always circlejerk the we believe team as a way to hide their bandwagon. Real warriors fans don’t act like you


i’ve been a timberwolves fan ever since garnett was drafted . he was my favorite player . in 2k i never used another team other then timberwolves. It’s our time to shine . we deserve a championship .


I didn't say you, you can see them on ESPN calling Ant the next MJ


i think he is ahead of mj right now . especially if he wins a ring


Have fun getting swept by the Mavs. Every real hooper knows Doncic is 1000x the hooper Ant will ever be.


Clippers and Celtics fans are on pretty good terms because of the shared hatred for the Lakers. But besides that......... i cant think of any other fanbase.


Clippers fan are just Lakers after the Lakers get bounced


This and people from the Midwest who moved to LA and don’t wanna like the popular team.


I don't hate the team, but I absolutely hate the fans. Particularly the Boston sports guy media presence.


Nothing personal, I hate like 90% of the teams


It’s the Celtics they’ve won a lot. There’s a ton of Laker and Knicks fans out there


Either we won a lot or rings before 2000 don't count, so which one is it


It’s a Boston thing, not a Celtics thing


guy above me was talking about the Celtics though EDIT: how is this specific comment wrong


Ya idk, just for me as a Toronto fan I despise Boston in every sport cuz they’re usually better than us and we never beat them




Straw man out of nowhere!


Idk man. Rings get brought out in a discussion, but will subsequently get told the earlier Celtics rings don't count. So that means we don't win a lot right? Then what's the basis for hating the Celtics because they have "won a lot"? I'm not from Boston so I couldn't care less about the Bruins, Patriots, or the Red Sox.




Yeah true that argument is a strawman for this specific thread. If I wrote that as a top comment, would that still be a strawman? Anyway, it's funny that you're calling me out for a strawman, when you sound so heated while putting out ad hominems. I get it now. So you're saying Celtics fans aren't disliked because of their team's success but because some of them act like I'm the one building strawmen. So the team's success or lack of it has nothing to do with it. Got it, thanks for clearing that up.


The fanbase thing is the weirdest complaint to me. Every single fanbase is hatable when their team is winning. I didn't even know that Toronto had fans for a long time, and the moment their team became good there were obnoxious Toronto fans everywhere. Golden State is another example. I guarantee that if OKC will have hatable fans within a couple years.




Pipe down, u got 1ring in almost 40 years


Since Dallas became a team ( 44 years ago ), we have 4, and you have 1.


I'm Lakers fan lol. I didn't know you couldn't change your username


you've been here 17 days, just delete it and make a new one


I'm quite fond of this account lord pussy. thanks tho


Because you've won so many times. It's not much deeper than that. I hate the Lakers more though. They are in the same boat where they're pretty much almost always good, but their fanbase is way more annoying and they always get bailed out by FAs.


What I absolutely hate about Lakers is that, as it is the LA team with good history, they are almost never punished for their managerial fuckups, which happens quite a lot. Its like the league has a gravitational zone around there. Star players want to end up there and bring other star players with them, media attention is always there etc. Boston is the other team with a whole lot of rings, but I dont see them having this kind of an effect.


Yup. I think it might change though. Jeanie isn't a rich owner, whereas Ballmer can buy half the teams in the league. Clippers have one of the best indoor stadiums in the world now. I wouldn't be surprised if FAs in the future rather pick Clippers over Lakers. It's still LA. Sure you don't get the Laker brand, but for a lot of other things, Clippers beat them out.


I guess this is also why Lakers fans are always putting us down. For the first time in our shitty history, we present a real challenge to their monopoly on the most attractive city for FAs. Now, the fact that this coincides with FA being dead is quite unlucky for us, but there is sensitivity there.


I'm neither a Laker or Clippers fan, I cannot catch any west coast games in Europe. With that said, you gotta diffrentiate between player's perspective and a fan's perspective. Since the Clippers have been shit for a long time, it's no surprise if a young fan wants to latch onto them. Their father is probably a Laker fan. Their friends are Laker fans etc. But from a player's perspective? There are so many positives with going to the Clippers. Best owner, best arena and you can quite easily become the best Clipper of all time quite fast. Take LeBron. He's not even in the top 7-8 greatest Lakers. 1-5: Shaq, Kobe, Kareem, Magic are nobrainers. Then you have Wilt. Worthy is a greater Laker, no doubt about it. He played his whole career for them, 12 seasons and won 3 chips. Jerry West, whole career as a Laker. 14 seasons, MVP, 1 chip. Baylor, again whole career as a Laker, 14 seasons. Top 5 in MVP voting 6-7 times. It's just a tough tough crowd to break into. LeBron will always be a Cavs player for 99% of the NBA fanbase. He could have been the greatest Clipper ever though by winning a chip for them instead of the 7-8-9th best Laker. I see his reasonings, but personally if I had the choice today I'd go to the Clippers 100%. Because of the rivalry Lakerfans will always shit on the Clippers, until Clippers go on to win. In 20 years I think we will view the LA teams quite differently.


The Lakers are the NBAs team that how they built their dynasties. They rigged numerous trades for the Lakers in the late 70s and early 80s that created the showtime era, and then Jerry West rigged the Kobe era gifting the Lakers Paul Gasol when he was the Grizzlies GM.


How was the Gasol trade a rig lol? They got back a shitton of picks.


Oh yeah... remember that CP3 trade that was rigged in the lakers favor? Get this shit out of here.


It's really easy to run a successful team when Kareem and Kobe force their way to you in trades and Shaq and LeBron seek you out in free agency. That's four top-15 all-time guys that they were gifted for being in LA and the "Laker mystique." The Celtics, meanwhile, had to convince KG to accept a trade and their greatest free-agency acquisitions are Gordon Heyward, Al Horford, Xavier McDaniel, and an old Dominique Wilkins.


This we can all agree on. The Lakers should be hated by every other fanbase.


Based on general sentiment on this subreddit, the earlier rings don't count which means the "Because you've won so many times" argument doesn't hold weight. If we're not winning a lot, what's the point of hating the Celtics lol.


Mate, it counts when we want it to count lol. You know how this works. When we want to trash the Celtics for some reason or another, they don't count. It's up to the hivemind's convenience.


That's actually really sad lmao


It's just a joke on how narratives and reddit works sometimes. It's sad but it's true man.




Fair point. But I raise you a “Fuck the Lakers” sir


Fan reputation, very old team that damn near every other team has a rivalry with, the fact that they lost in the finals to the warriors in '21-'22 with Tatum underperforming, being good in the regular season, having recent playoff success without winning the whole thing, notorious polarizing media figures. Off the top of my head


Racist fans reputation doesn't help


Deservedly so. Racism in Boston sports is absolutely a thing historically and although obviously it has decreased substantially it has not at all gone away completely. It's something that should undoubtedly be addressed, however unfortunately people are not usually bringing it up it in good faith with the aim of actually improving the issue at hand but rather just as a reason to fuel their sports hatred, which is unfortunate for poc/black celtics fans like myself


I’ve never heard about this, what’s behind it?


There's so much to unpack, the answer to your question probably is more suitable for a PHD dissertation than a reddit comment lol. What I can do is provide you with a few resources (if you're interested) pertaining to racism in Boston that may help your understanding of the issue **Articles:** ["Harm Report: Connecting the past to the present state of Black Boston"](https://cdn.sanity.io/files/32xg9jfb/production/d6b4b30b9a6968647eed14a0e0ed907935a5adce.pdf)(profound 2024 research study by Embrace Boston, this covers a LOT) ["Why Is Boston Racist, and What Does This Mean for Colleges in the Area?"](https://harvardpolitics.com/why-is-boston-racist/)(2023, from Harvard Political Review) ["Boston. Racism. Image. Reality."](https://apps.bostonglobe.com/spotlight/boston-racism-image-reality/)(2018 Pulitzer prize finalist in local reporting from the Boston Globe, a 7-part series) ["How Has Boston Gotten Away with Being Segregated for So Long?"](https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2020/12/08/boston-segregation/)(2020 article from Boston Magazine) **Videos:** ["How do Black Bostonians feel about their changing city?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzYPRqtBNfU)(short 2023 video by GBH) ["Conversation on Reparations and Addressing Injustice"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqKlGFIdJro&list=PLMQKK3_a14M2cg3ebKVbMxwlNr82ALN_Y&index=8)(deep dive into reparations and more, live from the 2023 NAACP National Convention in Boston) ["How Redlining Shaped America’s Enduring Racial Segregation"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6u015wlVjI)(2019 video by GBH about segregation in Boston)


https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1cv3pcm/bill_russells_daughter_compares_scottie_scheffler/l4n8sa2/?context=5 Asked this question a few days ago, go ahead and read the replies.


This is my reason and I think part of that fan base is and not all of them but a good chunk is


Bill Simmons


Bill Simmons tries so hard to be anti-celtics tho, we don’t even claim him


That’s not true at all. He’s a massive homer


Because FTC


Because fuck em. That's why


Because Jayson Tatum seems like a nice guy instead of a psychopath


Because they're Lakers East.


Their fans


It's literal generational hating. People are instructed to hate the Celtics from birth by their boomer dads with PTSD from their teams getting dicked down by Larry Legend in the 80s.


My dad loved Bird and the old celtics teams and I was still raised to hate the celtics. I feel like most people are raised to root against Boston, New York, and LA. Those cities have just won too much in the big 3 sports so they're easy to root against.


This must be it actually. Those three cities are rarely the underdogs and we know it's way easier to root for the underdog


Brady/Belicek and Brad Marchand are both pretty iconic for inspiring haters too, definitely some cross-sport contamination. 




Because every media person seemingly comes out of the New England area and when you watch a game they’re falling all over themselves over the Celtics.


We must be watching different games because all that I ever see is Stan Van Gundy, Doris Burke, and every other commentator gushing about how great the other team is while they’re down by 20 against the Celtics.


Are these media people in the room with us right now? 


My brother in Christ they are the Celtics. What more reason do you need?


Because people from Boston are simultaneously arrogant, stupid, insecure and aggressive. It’s like a quadruple combo of the worst character traits a person can have. 


Massachusetts has one of the best standards of living and most educated populations in the country. Kinda sounds like you just circle jerking here.


Arrogant, stupid, insecure, aggressive, educated, and high living standards can coexist quite well😁


Everyone I've ever met from Ohio hates it.


Boston is a bastard man


Not hating but there nothing exciting about the team to watch.


Real question is why Celtics hate everyone.


We don’t


Fuck Boston


I dont hate them but it is just i dont like them




Gotta hate somethin’


Tied for most rings for any organization.


No the Celtics have won all their championships in Boston and don’t claim championship from other cities


If it makes you feel better I hate the lakers more because I hate how much everyone wants to Jack off the western conference.


I don't hate the Celtics. I hate their fans.


Hate us cuz they anus


Their fans


It’s just a social media bubble.


Being in the most successful sports city over the past 25 years makes you some enemies. Boston has been responsible for ending the seasons for damn near every sports city in North America. Fans don't forget that, especially since it's relatively recent.


It’s the fanbase. The word Masshole exists for a reason.


So from what I’m gathering, they’re a bit like the Manchester United of the NBA? Overly successful to the point where everyone now hates them, arrogant fans, and controversy on / off the court? Or am I missing the mark here still


probably because of (some of) the fans


They hate us ‘cause they anus.


I don’t :)


All we do is win that's why


Big teams like the Lakers and Celtics are hated on by jealous fans of insignificant teams


It’s a living “We don’t think about you at all” for BOS/LA meme. This thread making lakers and Celtics fans agree, what a time to be alive


Because there are more inspiring storylines to root for. Celtics had multiple golden opportunities to prove themselves and came up short when spotlights are the brightest. I think they were way easier to get behind back then. Now they have built this incredible team only to put them in a realm of lose-lose situation where if they win, they don't prove anything, and if they lose, it's considered a failure. It's just hard to be excited about the current iteration of Celtics.


Multiple? We didn’t really start contending till 2022 with the jays (Tatum had just turned 24 a month before the playoffs started) and even then we were a subpar team until midway through the season when we turned it around


You've made it to the ecf or better 6 times in 8 years. You've been contenders for a while now, whether you want to admit it or not.


We were fake contenders for like half of those. East is really just not that good. An ECF with the IT team is not the same as this Tatum team.


No that was overachieving. IT Celtics and also Tatum’s rookie year without Kyrie and Hayward and AGAINST PRIME LEBRON LOL. Did you really expect a rookie to lead a team to the finals?


Uh…. Trust me if we win the title, it’s def not a lose lose situation lol


Have you ever heard of Boston?


Because they brag about having the most championships even though half of them are from whe there were half a dozen team in the league and they had all the best players.


Because Jaysen Tatum is Andrew Wiggins son




Russell isn't top 10 he played with 12 HOF Carl Braun, Bob Cousy, John Havlicek, Tom Heinsohn, Bailey Howell, K.C. Jones, Sam Jones, Clyde Lovellette, Andy Phillip, Frank Ramsey, Arnie Risen, and Bill Sharman Hondo and Cousy are legitimate top 30 guys of all-time as well, and some of the best offensive players of their eras. It's absurd how much credit people give a guy who never scored more than 23 points in a finals series.




>your daddy Lebron. How do you all write this and not cringe.


LeBron is a fraud as well, that's why John Hondo is a greater player than him all-time.


What fan base doesnt hate the other teams? Everyone hates everyone. Its that simple. Or do you think there are some magical teams out there loved by everyone?


What fan base doesnt hate the other teams? Everyone hates everyone. Its that simple. Or do you think there are some magical teams out there loved by everyone?


What fan base doesnt hate the other teams? Everyone hates everyone. Its that simple. Or do you think there are some magical teams out there loved by everyone?


What fan base doesnt hate the other teams? Everyone hates everyone. Its that simple. Or do you think there are some magical teams out there loved by everyone?


It’s hatred for Boston by association.


We hate bird


Other than when Colts play New England, Pacers play Celtics I don't think of Boston at all. Well, sometimes I chuckle imagining your cousin FROM BAHSTON fighting over chairs being used to preserve snow cleared parking spots.


See RED AUERBACH & his Entitled Attitude from the 60's & 70's . The NBA Revolved around the CELTICS & the LAKERS . Too Many Bad Mystery Calls .


1. I feel like we face them just about every year lately 2. it’s specifically because of obnoxious boston fans 3. fuck boston


Why not?


Because I support the heat FTC


Because they dared to easily secure 1st seed and had the audacity to dominate all season despite having overrated shitty "stars" like Tatum and Brown. I mean who tf does that? Did they forget to wibe check?


Eh rings ernie rings. Nah its normal to hate the Cs by all acounts the Celtics are one of the main rivals to like 18 teams and some fanbases are kinda triggered the celtics fans dont even think about them. And in terms of neutral fanbases who are atleast kinda neutral is the Clips because the shared hatred of the Lakers.


Every franchise gets hate. You're just sensitive to Celtics slander because that's your team


Nah, Timberwolves are my team, just seen loads of it over twitter recently


You got fanbases siding with your team. Literally no fanbase sides with the Celtics when their team is eliminated


Who's siding with the Nuggets?


Just look at your first round matchup. I guarantee you, not one fanbase outside the Lakers' sided with them. Twenty-eight other fanbases would have hated to see the Lakers advance by the mere fact that they are the Lakers. If the Celtics and the Nuggets (or any other team maybe aside from the Lakers) faced off in a playoff series, 100% chance neutral fans are picking the non-Celtic team.