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who is he referring to


Ben Affleck. He's fucking tired of hearing about *The Town*.


Ben gave him a taste. got the hook into him


Got him hooked nice and proper šŸ“




Lol Bostonians use a soft R for every word except one


Goddamn lol


Jaylen saw the Tom Brady roast and thought "I'm funnier than this guy".


Iā€™m sure itā€™s a few people on All NbA 3rd team


I do think the NBA (media, fans, league) is too quick to claim that younger guys are better than vets who have been doing the same thing for longer. Only time will tell if Edwards can keep up this level of play. Personally I think he can


I actually think the opposite a lot of times, they hang on to established players who aren't having the impact they once were. In this case though, the "Ant is now basketball jesus" takes were ridiculous.


What level of play? Ā We see this play out every year. Ā Thereā€™s a new star anointed every year. Ā Booker scores like 40+ in three games in a series? Ā Or four? Ā Trea young two years ago when the made the ecf run. Ā Ja. Ā Beal when he was younger. Ā Gilbert arenas yo. Ā  I think itā€™s a level of success and not play. Ā And thatā€™s gonna be rough for any star coming out of the west for the next half decade. Ā 


The All-NBA 1st team is basically just MVP candidates. The 2nd team consists of players who are undisputedly top 12-15. The 3rd team is where things start looking dicey because now if you leave out a guy in the 10-20 range where the gap between players is incredibly close and mostly situational, that dude is not going to be part of some 4th team. So, it basically comes down to a player's entire body of work, and/or who needs this selection to make a supermax in the next contract. Brown unfortunately didn't fulfill any of those two criteria this season, but he could've been in a situation like this last season and would've gotten the nod over arguably better players because of this convention adopted by journalists. So I won't he didn't get snubbed but I will say that it's a practice he would be supporting whole heartedly if his contract depended on getting All-NBA this season, because then he'd have gotten it over players at a similar level.


For sure. As just a fan Iā€™m selfishly happy it might motivate him a bit more and also make it just a little more harder to navigate the cap moving forward for Indy. I donā€™t have any doubt voters do take contract situations into play when it gets to 3rd team.


Max Verstappen


Celts gonna hire Adrian Newey in the offseason. League's fucked.


Jayson Tatum


Jason Statham


The other sgs who are highly regarded I would assume, such as booker, Mitchell, harden etc


Harden not anymore. Booker and Mitchell yes.


Brown is good friends with Mitchell and seems to hold him in high regard. I don't get the sense he thinks that much of Booker though and has gone really hard at him in every head to head matchup the last two seasons (and has honestly outplayed Booker in those games). Booker is definitely still better than Brown though.


Brian Scalabrine duh šŸ™„




Off the top of my head I bet Hali and Brunson. Maybe Book too.


No one should say a damn word about Brunson after these playoffs. Didn't he average like 35/4/4? Just looked it up. 32/3/7 in the playoffs.


Yeah, well, he'd have done a lot worse if he were terrible, probably.


Regresa his stats to the mean, and heā€™s pretty mid.


Obviously but the idea is that youā€™re comparing the box score of a 1st option scorer who has the offense run through him vs the second option on a loaded team


That's why it is all comparing apples and oranges though. You can't expect Brown to rack up as many points as a main usage guy but by the same token Brown should get way easier opportunities to score since he's surrounded by perhaps the best talent in the league.


Coming from a Knicks fan I'm a huge believer in Jaylen Brown and understand he gets benefit of having an insanely talented team around him, but I would go as far to say he can certainly put up Brunson numbers if he was a first option. All that said, Brown is an all NBA talent, as is Brunson, but Brunsons impact on the Knicks is beyond the impact of Brown on the Celtics as the rosters are currently constructed. He deserved the nod over Brown this year.


Brown will not put up Brunson numbers as a first option, how is this upvoted lol He is half the playmaker Brunson is and currently has 2x the spacing Brunson did


Brunson was easily a top 10 player in the league all season. but I'll downvote any dumbnut who throws out box score averages without any context


Your name is stupid


What is the missing context?


The box scores wouldnā€™t show Brunson as a top ten player, but if you include the context of Knicks injuries and how much he solo carries their offense then you understand Brunson is more than his stats.


His playoff numbers are spectacular considering the talent they were missing. You could probably count on your fingers the guys in the NBA capable of consistently doing what he did. Heā€™s a superstar, Jaylen Brown while very good is not one.


this is crazy considering his season numbers were 29/4/7. on 48/40/85 shooting splits. in what world is that not a top 10 player statistically? its true that if the injuries werent there his counting stats would probably be less but the fact that he basically solo carried a team on offense for half a season and kept his efficiency that good is enough for me.


Who knows what he could do, but it definitely would help Browns stats if he got the ball every single playā€¦ plus defense


Yeah, but then he'd get doubled instead of Tatum. Brunson is the #1 guy on the Knicks. Brown definitely benefits from Tatum getting the majority of the defenses' attention. I'm not saying his stats wouldn't improve. He's good enough that'd he figure it out and still get his. But I don't think he'd straight-up double his numbers if he got double the possessions because the defenses would key in on him more. But the only way we'd ever really know is if Tatum has an injury. Or if Brown was somehow traded to a team without a #1 option, but that seems very unlikely.


I was thinking Hali, dudes cone on defense. We were hunting him all night until he popped a hami


Brunson has deffo been playing better than him


I would hope Jaylen doesnā€™t think heā€™s better than Book on the offensive side of the ball




I wouldn't be surprised if he was referring to Luka and Kyrie. Smashes his phone every time he sees Kyrie's left dhy hook over Jokic :D


I doubt it. He said "it comes from being who I am and what I stand for." I believe he and Kyrie have very similar beliefs, based on some of the stuff Brown has let leak in the past. If anything - he probably sees Kyrie as an example of another player who didn't get his flowers when he was outspoken.


JB is like the flat earther of lefty finishing. He thinks that shot was fake.


Ant Edwards


I doubt heā€™s talking about Edwards. I think heā€™s his mentor.


Yeah. He even said that Ant will be better than him and destined for greatness. Both come from Georgia and has similar playing styles


But people think Ant is already better and that may bother him


Not a single soul recognized bro at the deli.


Ā«Ā Yooo my people!!Ā Ā» His people : šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


I went to your hood, nobody knew you






Almost as bad as J-Lo going back to her childhood home and the current tenant having no clue who she was


Link? Lol


https://www.tiktok.com/@tanaslaughter/video/7231277956520267034?lang=en Tik tok link, Reddit wouldnā€™t let me post the Reddit link


Lmao this is awesome


Bro that was tragic šŸ’€


I briefly felt bad for a $300 million man


Lol how did nobody shitpost this here yet


what is this reference to?




This needs so many more upvotes bro what did I just watch, the most awkward fist bump I've ever seen in my life...


"Yo my people! ... Wassup babee " lmfaoo


Jesusā€¦ But also, not everyone watches the NBA. Lmao


Kristaps cracks me up


This has the exact same energy as that clip of JLo revisiting her hood and talking to that old guy who has no fucking clue who she is lol


Holy fuck




The Lakers definitely deserved two All NBA spots. It's hard to make the play-In.


How quick we forget they are the IST champions


The Lakers have won every tournament in the league so far this season (IST + Play in)


Put some respek on that nameĀ 


Information Science & Technology Champs!


Luka was 1st team all-nba last year and missed the play-in.


Lebron and ad def deserved all nba lmao hater


Why would you replace the 2 guys who played better? and not the guy who you could actually argue should be removed in favor of Jaylen Brown, Kawhi?


Donā€™t care + LeBron/AD had better seasons than most.


All-NBA has nothing to do with team record even if some voters decide to take it into account.


Both AD and Lebron are better than Jaylen Brown.Ā  Celtics would be a better team if they had either this year than Brown. You can have two players be all nba (one of the 15 best players in the regular season) and still have an average team because your bench is mid.Ā  And you can have the best team in the NBA and only have one player make an All-NBA team (or even zero). Example: 2004 Pistons only had Ben Wallace on the second team, and kicked the Lakers ass in the finals, a team that had 2 all nba first team players. Lakers had the best two players between the two teams, and Pistons had the next 5 best players with their well rounded starting lineup. Pistons deservingly won.Ā  It just goes against the dumb narrative that somehow basketball is not a team sport and itā€™s a one on one sport.Ā 


There's also the factor of strength of the conference. Celtics played in the booty East. Lakers at 47 wins got the 7th seed while the Pacers and Knicks got 5th and 6th. Knicks at 50 wins got second while the Mavs got 50 wins and finished 5th. I do think Brown has a decent argument over Booker however. Not sure if position was a factor but Brown plays F/G so he should have qualified for either spot.


Itā€™s not a team award


The left hand meme has to have played some kind of role.


He said either side of the ball, left and right. He thinks everyone in the NBA is worse at basketball than he is at going left


You touched on something that irks me, which is using the phrase "both sides of the ball" in basketball. This is a football term that comes from the offense and defense *literally lined up on opposite sides of the ball*, and you have distinctly different units. It doesn't make sense in basketball yet I've seen it a ton over the past few years. Darvin xHamster used it a lot. I don't follow hockey. Do they say "both sides of the puck?"


Both ends of the ice is used pretty often.


You make a pretty good point. ā€œBoth ends of the floorā€ seems like a better phrase for basketball


Well the fact that the all nba guys are at least debatably better than him with much less talented teams is also a role


If I were to ever sign a $300,000,000 million dollar contract, I wouldn't give a flying fuck who is annointing who.


ā€œWould you rather be underpaid or overrated?ā€


isn't JB buddies with Jay Z? Would be fitting if just tweeted that lol


Well 300 trillion dollar is a lot of money


you didn't realize Brown is making over 10 times the US GDP? it's like Putin or royal Saudi money


GMs HATE this one loophole!


Yeah, global GDP is only $100 trillion. Jaylen Brown watches planets get praised and anointed who he feels are a third as talented as he is.


He sure was right about Pluto.


That Pluto was the real astatic hebrew?


Why make trillions when you can makeā€¦ billions?


Yeh but its the type of guys who give a fuck that get those contracts.


All nba selections are often contract incentives, it would be weird not to care


Name names.


I'm thinking Sabonis.


100% booker who is also on the Olympic team over him.


Booker is clearly better though Last year, Booker was the 2nd best player in the playoffs Jaylen is the 2nd best player on the Celtics


Booker hasn't been annointed anything. Ant Edwards was annointed the face of the league.


First of all, it's really weird that all you do is post Ant slander, get a life lol Second, I doubt he's even talking about Ant. Ant and Jaylen are friends, they're both from Atlanta.


Yā€™all think everything booker šŸ˜­. Booker isnā€™t anointed by anyone,doesnā€™t much talk to the media or get crazy praises atp, and dam sure worth his weigh in gold. Itā€™s not him.


Nah what has Sabonis been annointed to. He's calling out Ant Edwards.


I don't think he would throw shade at Ant considering they're like best friends lol


That's I think cos Ant is a lot more marketable than JB, not necessarily talking about skills in basketball


Nah I think you are projecting your own feelings onto him lol. Youā€™ve clearly got a bone to pick with Ant for whatever reason


Sabonis is the most underrated player in the leagueā€¦ why does nobody recognize how good he is?


He's just hella polarizing. He's in this weird spot where he's really good in the regular season, but not good when games matter most. It feels like people viscerally dislike him more than other players for some reason though.




Whyā€™s he talking about Tatum like that?


Halliburton is absolutely trash on defense, so maybe him




I hate this dumb comments. Celtics are great TEAM and that is why they were 1st seed. Meanwhile Lakers or Suns are horrible teams that need their superstars to carry them. It is logical those superstars then get into All-NBA teams cause they carry trash teammates while Tatum could be jerling off half of the game and Celtics would still win Edit: Yoo celtic fans why the fu*k are you cryjng over all-nba awards when you have a great team and bih chance to win it all? Nobody will care about all-nba if you win the chip!


And the award for best team is the chip


Exactly! Dont know why are fans even crying for all nba. It is even better for teams if players arent all nba cause the comtract will be smaller


Seriously the Celtics strength is that they have Tatum, Brown, and like 4 or 5 dudes that would be the 3rd best player on most teams


I think the Jā€™s could prob handle getting a 7 seed without KP/White etcā€¦


They did it for years when they werenā€™t even as good as they are now


In the east




>Brown > Halburton this year Based on > >Celtics best record with 1 all nba guy meanwhile suns have 2 and lakers have 2 So which one of Durant, Lebron, Booker and AD is Jaylen Brown better than


If he was more interesting like Ant and not some pseudo intellectual maybe he would have been anointed too.


Brown lost a lot of fans over the Kanye, Kyrie stuff


He lost me with the whole "the Mayans invented basketball" thing. While also misspelling Naismith. Can't stand weird shit with racial undertones.


He also thinks that [the Olmecs were African.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CVMOXksFvSw/?igsh=MTBuejRkcWwxcXVpMg==) which is pretty insulting as a mesoamerican myself. Just straight up stealing history for his Black nationalist agenda.Ā 


That link is so fucking embarrassing. Claiming the Mayans and Olmecs lived close to each other. They were 500-plus years apart. The Olmecs were lost to the Mayans as they are to us. They do share cultural heritage.


Are you sure he didnā€™t think it was Aaron Neismith who invented basketball? Whoā€™s to know?


I went to make this same joke then I found out his last name is spelled Nesmith lol


No fucking way he said that, clown


He said it, but not verbally. https://x.com/JaredWeissNBA/status/1649437089098870784


misspelling it on a shoe is so much funnier


He has a Mayan temple with Olmec heads. This mf canā€™t even get his Mesoamerican civilizations in order.


what a dumbass. remember when people were like "This guy is too smart for the nba"


He lost a lot of fans because he was originally touted as one of the ā€œsmartest guy in the leagueā€. So when it turns out he was a pseudo intellectual, people instantly jumped ship on the hate train. Some guys in the league are dumber but everyone already knows that so they get a pass lol


It feels like he thinks heā€™s smarter than everyone because he had a few semesters at Berkley. Kind of similar to Aaron Rogers actually


Yeah they are condescending in the exact same way lol


I'm one of them. Still appreciate him as one of the guys of my favourite team but he isn't one of my favourite players anymore.


Yeah if only he was openly homophobic instead


A dudes personality shouldnā€™t decide if theyā€™re all NBA or not


I'm surprised that you don't have more upvotes. So many people here follow these players on everything that they do, it's weird as hell.


The NBA is the soap opera of the sports world.


discourse around the celtics/cavs series was mostly about injuries, and how outclassed the cavs were by the celtics but the primary reason they were so outclassed is because literally nobody on their team has a chance of defending jaylen brown. even the guys who are supposed to be their best defenders he has been on such a ridiculous heater run, anyone who plans to compete in the east absolutely needs a plan to defend jaylen brown. in the same way twolves tuned their roster to be good against the nuggets and jokic, teams in the east should be looking for brown stopping players and brown stopping schemes okoro, nice enough player. can't stop jaylen brown at all. JB carved him up. so first priority for them should be to get a player who can stop JB


That is the beauty of it if you focus, tatum brown carves you up. If you focus brown tatum carves you up if you focus both white holiday or porzingus drop 25 plus


And if all that fails, Horford will randomly come in with 7 3ā€™s


or Hauser, and Pritchard


yeah its very tricky to build a roster that can capably handle all the celtics weapons brown is the most dangerous of all and there's few people in the league who can handle his strength and speed


yes and no brown does not have the tightest handle so going into double teams he can turn the ball over. He is the 1b option don't get me wrong but Tatums presence alone opens up so many lanes for him on another team as the main option, I don't know how great he would be


i hope we never know


me two brother me two


If you bring him to the Pistons, I bet I do


You force him to a tough shot that he can make is frustrating to a defender.Ā 


so is him putting you on his hip and just taking you to the rim he seems like he's good enough at this point where it's more or less impossible to try and defend him with someone smaller or weaker than him but you can't just put a PF on him because he's really fast too he might just go around them or step back faster than they can react https://videos.nba.com/nba/pbp/media/2024/05/23/0042300302/293/15851a7e-c837-7f3e-127b-640cb3a84ef0_1280x720.mp4 https://videos.nba.com/nba/pbp/media/2024/05/23/0042300302/211/044feffc-740b-a47a-4af3-dfa137cc3947_1280x720.mp4


Brown is not more dangerous than Tatum. Please stop. You can double Jaylen and frazzle the shit out of him. Doubling Tatum will close off Tatum but he can handle it fine because he sees it endlessly. Problem with doubling Jaylen is now youā€™re heavily exposed to Tatum, the Celtics best player. So the reason Jaylen always looks so dominant is Tatum is the defenses primary objective.


Itā€™s like when we had Manny batting #3 and Papi in the clean-up spot. Canā€™t walk Manny bc then Papiā€™s coming up.


Brown got a lot of doubles in game 2 and handled them really well. He's not the same guy this season, the team has just been so good that few noticed the improvement.


Ya, teams still double Tatum all the time and always put their best defender in him and now JB is just one on one vs guys like Nebhard or whatever and he just feasts.


The west has Jokic, in the east we got Jaylen Brown


no way you mentioned jokic and brown in the same sentence


Some fans of teams in the East really trying to hype up this Celtics run as if it's not the easiest in over a decade. Not even trying to hate the Celtics here but they really saying you have to build your team around beating Jaylen fucking Brown lol


I mean sure thatā€™s an embellishment but whatā€™s true is there are not a lot guys in the NBA that can contain him so if you donā€™t have one of those guys your defense has to plan around that


I've been a jaylen brown doubter since 2020 but he's finally completely won me over. He's just completely unstoppable now that he's switched up his shot diet and improved his handles, playmaking, defense, and finishing


He's a great second option but I don't think he'd be able to be the best option on a top team. He benefits greatly from Tatum being there and being the focus of most defensive game plans - plus Tatum generally draws the other team's best defender. It's a great setup for the Celtics and for Brown, and he's definitely improved, but we can still acknowledge that he's not in the top tiers of players.


Is it really that outrageous that 15 players were better than Jaylen Brown last year?


Outrageous is a strong word but I don't agree with it


This season, yes.


Better back it up with a ring this year. The path couldn't be anymore gilded for the Celtics.


Why downvotes when speaking facts


Because this comment goes against the circle jerk Celtics fans are having rn


This guy sounds so persecuted for someone who makes 300m. This has nothing to do with "what you stand for." You suck at dribbling and are inconsistent.


Getting a 300mill deal is pretty anointing.


Before he was drafted, I saw several articles and interviews with/about Brown and people releatedly called him very intelligent person, lifelong student, shit like that. So imagine my surprise, when he turned out to be a fucking idiot.


He thought he was hot shit for going to Berkeley but he majored in bullshit just like every other athlete


I like that this is the only place where this quote is getting more traction then the other one


what/who is JB talking about


Ball doesn't have a "side" bro, it's a SPHERE. **GOTTEM**!! BAM!


Mofo thinks he's better than Luka.


He's just glad he got paid the supermax before this season. Getting snubbed this year doesn't hurt him financially.


Breaking News: Narcissist says narcissistic thing


I'm not complaining while I'm complaining you know ...


When you are the highest paid player in the whole league and don't have a lefty


Hey man if he needs to miss out on All NBA for him to switch the flip and by a key piece to winning a championship Iā€™m cool with it!!


Heā€™s becoming what Kyrie was like 3 years ago, while Kyrie is seemingly maturing


Right? Iā€™m not a JB or Boston hater, but this quote is pure loser mentality. Keep focusing on yourself, instead of worrying where other peopleā€™s focus is. Thatā€™s what champions do.


When he says either side of the ball he must mean offense and defense not using right and left hands.


This is what happens when you sign a record breaking contract. Nobody is saying he isn't a very good player, but expecting a $300M man to not turn into that fat old guy at the YMCA whenever the ball goes to his left hand isn't a big ask.


Anthony Edwards would be getting sucked off over his aura if he said thisšŸ’€


Perhaps defeating the defending champs and MVP at their place after being down 20 is SLIGHTLY more impressive than teeing off on a wretched 6th seed? Maybe?Ā 


I love how one shitty game after 4 games in 7 days means the Pacers are ā€œwretched.ā€ I guess if you only watched their 2 games against Portland this year and not their play against the top half of the league youā€™d probably think that


By either side of the ball does he mean the left and right side?


You're the highest paid player in NBA history. Shut the fuck up.


If Embiid learned how to shut the fuck up, he wouldn't have won a pity MVP award that everyone knows belonged to Jokic.