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top 4 player under 25 though absolute joke


Crazy list lol. The guys been an all nba first teamer and near MVP guy since his 2nd year in the league when he was what, 21? No disrespect to Ant but Luka’s just been that guy for a long time and is still getting better. I don’t even particularly like Luka but the only under 25 arguable with him for the future imo is Wemby.


Even Wemby I don’t see being all nba first team from year 2 onwards, maybe he will be though


First team I doubt but I think there’s a chance that 27 year old Wemby ends up better than 27 year old Luka does just bc game breaking defensive impact is huge too. We’ll see but that’s why I said it’s just debatable


Yeah I agree. But people somehow underestimate Luka being a top 2 guard in the league from his second year


Luka isn't really flashy. He kinda just isos into the paint and then baits double teams. His speed of reading the game is ridiculous.


???? Isn't really flashy? Dude has like the deepest bag ever, makes the craziest passes in the league, hits crazy trick shots in between plays, calls out great defenders and cooks em, etc. The only thing he's not flashy about is his athleticism.


Those hesis, decceleration into acceleration are anything but athletic. People are used to watching Luka play around in the regular season or watching highlights/ lowlights of when he’s tired or he’s taking it easy before crunch time


I guess we are watching a different player


Wait so his nickname is Luka Magic and you're saying he isn't flashy?


There was a chance Zion was going to be better than Luka too. I agree that there is a chance for Wemby to better that Luka I don’t know how likely that is. Luka can run an offense and create high percentage opportunities for himself and others better than anybody in the league. I don’t see Wemby doing that. Do you see Wemby being a better player than Embiid? Luka is better than Embiid IMO even if he isn’t the rim protector that Embiid is.


His defensive impact is phenomenal. It's already at a dpoy level. he's better than gobert in terms of individual defensive stats this year. In one or 2 years we are going to see him dominate defensively


We saw him dominate defensively this year. He's going to be an all timer no doubt, but his offense will be the difference between whether he ends up in the pantheon like Luka seems trajected to or if he ends up a really great player but not someone quite as high. He's got the tools and the right attitude, just has to put it all together


As many have said, it’s just going to come down to health. Wemby has shown every characteristic that’s conducive to development plus a frame and motor skills that would put many, many NBA greats to shame. Luka is generational but we’re putting that against the potential to match the mythology of Wilt but in the modern NBA. i’m not even sure how I’m supposed to feel about the idea of it.


His offense is not at the level yet where you can think he will match Wilt's level of dominance. He has so much potential, for sure, but he needs to make a huge leap from year 1 to year 2 before you can start putting him in a breath with Luka, much less Wilt. For the record I do think he will make a huge leap because of all the talent he has, but with him it is all based on potential where you have half a decade already of Luka being one of the two best guards in the league *every season*


Tbf fair to Wemby, I think just off expectations of a 5 v a lead guard, his struggles are going to be different than Luka's, plus, I still don't see San Antionio giving Wemby Carte Blanche the way the Mavs did for Luka.


There was no Carte Blanche for Luka either. Rick was seemingly an asshole to him and they didn’t let Luka run the offense until the second half of his rookie season. Luka forced their hand.


Rick loved Luka and still does. He was a dick to some of the other lets say less good players which Luka didnt like.


He came into the nba euro league mvp euro leage finals mvp euro league champ lol. He came in with a almost hof career


Yeah, he's 2nd best player in the world after Joker but somehow he's 4th under 25...like wtf?!


I am still sad we didn't get the Luka Joker playoff showdown


Me too, i wanted two best players and friends in WCF.


That same shitty website has him at top 2 player but top 4 under 25. Some whack shit


Top 1 bro


If he wins it all, it's still a toss up imo. Jokic has still never played with an all-star


That's a crazy stat


Jokic is also not under 25


My mistake, thanks for pointing that out


He's young at heart.


No all star. No all nba offense or defense. Only player to ever win an MVP without a single teammate having one of those and he has now done it 3 times. Luka is my favorite player but jokic is that guy.


Lukas not far behind, his biggest "failure" has realistically been playing this good whole Jokic is changing the game, which isn't a failure tbh. Dallas FO has been shit except for picking him, until late last year. Brunson is a great example. Luka is THAT DUDE, I think he would have at least 1 MVP if it wasn't for Jokic


100% luka will win an MVP and it won’t be his best “statistical career” when he does.


Never played with an all star doesn’t tell the truth, Jamal played at an all nba level in his last few healthy playoff runs and these nuggets teams have been built perfectly for Jokic’s game. Luka on the other hand has played with “all star” porzingis who got kicked out of NY and been to 1 all star game in 2018. Kyrie on the other hand was looked at as a cancer and team killer


I can’t think of a current (while playing with Luka) All Star Luka has ever played with either. Also I can’t believe that Gordon never made an All Star team when he was with the Magic.


"Nah but FTA is better, trust me bro" Can't believe those clowns


I’ve said this since he was drafted - but him not getting drafted first was criminal. The front offices of both teams need to be tried in a court of law for negligence. 19 year old euroleague MVP? Nah DeAndre Ayton looks better. Absolute clowns


Why do people keep saying this? I swear nobody has actually read that Ringer article — they factored in intangibles and charisma which brought his score down. I mean, they ranked him the highest for current performance. Luka’s my favorite player to watch right now so I get it, and the criteria they used was a bit ridiculous, but their reasoning is laid out at the start


They shouldn't have titled it "Best players under 25" then and go with some other title.


if anyone has intangibles its luka man,jfc.talking about charisma as it is basketball attribute.and is ant charismatic?no he has so fucking terrible world views its kinda sad.


If the criteria is the problem that’s still a problem big enough that the article shouldn’t have been written.


5 triple doubles this postseason. Rest of the NBA with 5.


Tatum putting in work with 1 😤


Well Tatum is only 19


Once he turns 20 and 21, he will cook.


Next year


Not my dumbass actually googling this to double check


Record holder is Joker with 10 in 20 games previous season. Luka might have a chance to go over because he's likely to play more games, currently 5 in 14.


While bleeding from both knees.


He came back to life after game 1 against OKC. Still below his season averages tho


After he posted that he reached Top 500 on OW I swear to god he’s been locked in.


He can finally dedicate his time to basketball now that the grind is over.


Him and me twins fr (but for Street Fighter)


Damn, that’s me in overwatch and sf


Thats the crazy thing This is like 80% Luka


After Game 4*


They had a list that had his lower averages and it was still like only Lebron and Jokic that had close to 25 and 10 and 8 lol. So even being hobbled it's still crazy numbers just not his averages


Shoutout to the person who didn’t vote him first team all-NBA, resulting in him not being unanimous. Haha.


Ironically its a guy from Europe who voted him outside the 1st team


SGA was rated above him in the MVP race lmao


Sga was a bad mfer in their series. He's not better than Luka, but dude had a monster season and is a certified stud.


Every mid range jumper he shot was just instant swish


I can't wait for everyone to act like Mavs fans weren't getting mass downvoted for saying it was stupid for voters to put SGA over Luka on their ballots




It was stupid when he jumped Luka in the MVP ladder despite not playing any games since the last ladder in which he was trailing Luka.


That was stupid sure.. but we are talking about voting…


> But mvp isn’t for whose the better player? But it should be.


Sure but it isn’t?


Carried his team? Thunders were one of the deepest teams in the league 🤡 They only had 7 more wins than a Mavs team that was decimated by injuries 🤡. These are terrible arguments for Shai being higher than Luka on the MVP race. I think Jokic was very deserving, but it should have been a tighter race between him and Luka with Shai being third. If Luka wins this year, he probably would win MVP even with a worse season. It’s all about the narrative.


100% we saw Shai's help being good and deep in the playoffs 100%.


comperable stats?10% more points almost 50% more rebonds and assists is comperable?gtfo


SGA was by far the best player in the series. Luka might have been hurt but that doesn’t mean SGA didn’t out play him. Overall Luka has had the better career. But looking at the last two seasons they are extremely close it’s a coin flip to say who is better than who.


Bruh, SGA in the Thunder has won exactly one playoff series, Luka has been to the conference finals twice and is YOUNGER. Their numbers are not even close, the only thing SGA has on Luka is defense, every other metric Luka is on a totally different level.


Luka has turned on the defense button since around the all-star break. Not a world beater, but no longer a liability.


You had me in the first two halfs.


If the Mavs make the finals then no, it’s not close.


Weirdly, SGA was the better offensive player in that series but I thought Luka was better than him on defense.


I got tons of respect for SGA he played extremely well and was the best player in that series I don't think he can reach the level of Luka though


SGA is a 6’6 Kevin Durant. Jalen Williams and Josh Giddy are Gen-Z James Harden and Russell Westbrook. Time is a flat circle.


Is all about narrative. Luka didn’t even make the playoffs last year, and their team finished a 5 seed this year. So people have been comparing him to Harden and saying he’s overrated. If he wins the title this year he’ll be MVP next year. If he even makes it to the finals, it will change the narrative a bit. People like to say „it’s a regular season award blah blah“ but narrative 100% matters. The MVP race this year should have been much closer between Luka, SGA, and Joker, but joker won in a landslide as his playoffs performance last year really convinced people that he’s head and shoulders above the rest.


After missing a number of games


And he’s great too. He ain’t white Jordan though.




shai deserves his flowers for sure, better than ant but not american i guess.






You’re not, and that’s coming from a Mavs fan.






If you say so chief… I wasn’t being super serious with that answer, but it *is* a way to tell you you’re wrong… Sga played great but he simply couldn’t elevate an incredibly young team enough. No shame in that. I was mainly just being a dick with that scoreboard comment though


Stupid AF, Luka has Kyrie as a #2 and sga has Chet


I love how you replied to a comment that says I was being facetious (not serious in case that’s too big a word for ya) telling me I’m stupid af… I know it was stupid, it wasn’t a serious take friend.


Yea but Luka was definitely hampered by injuries round 2. Still is, but he wasn’t playing like he is now. Can’t even say it was because of the defense either considering the Wolves have the best defense in the league




SGA was the best player in our series but Luka was/is also injured. Clearly wasn't playing like his usual self. Btw SGA got a lot of respect from me during that series.


Acting as if Luka isnt a big part of that defense. Easily better defensive series than SGA who was the weak point on that end for OKC many times. Playing out of a wheelchair and constantly trapped/dubbled as well while Mavs mostly conceded SGA 1vq midrangers (which he indeed was automatic at).


Thought Brunson is better though right Stephen A


top 5 playoff riser all time


I think he technically doesn't count because of how good he is in the regular season.


He only averages like 33ppg in the playoffs smh.


Which obviously makes him a playoff choker, can't even get more points than in the regular season...


Need to bench him so he'll want it more.


It is magical watching him play


Even while he’s clearly injured, his impact is nuts. That’s Luka Magic!


Shoutout to gafford and lively


Amazing what happens when he's not letting the refs get to him anymore. Letting the refs frustrate him are the only good defense on Luka.


Tony Brothers coming in hot


followed by scott foster probably 😬


thats on wolves too,respect for playing proper basketball


With multiple legs injuries too


People just assume a triple double and unless it’s a 35/15/12 they just say whatever


Lebron syndrome, expectations are already so high that he has to be incredible to surpass them


Jrue can't guard him. Finals gonna be interesting


theres no way ur counting out the wolves already, both of the games have been insanely close.


But heartbreaking and both at home. They have to win 4 out of the next 5 with their players looking dejected, gassed, Ant getting oxygen in the 4th quarter and KAT getting benched. I don't know if this will be a sweep or not, I tend to doubt it, but I find it insanely hard to see how Minnesota climbs out of this one


I will agree with you, after the series is over. I have seen way too much shit over the years. Makes you wary.


youve been downvoted but i totally agree. yes this is a different team but i have seen luka lose 2 games at home against the clipper, eventually losing the series. ptsd is real


Yeah twolves put all their effort only to beat the Nuggets.. Never had aspirations for a chip lol.


It's over Kyrie is the closeout king


I mean, down 0-2 losing both games at home and Luka & Kyrie looking like playoff dawgs. It's fair to say I think the Mavs advance. But of course there's still plenty of ball to go and I'd be happy to be wrong. Pacers are down 0-2 as well and no one is giving them a chance


I mean just look at the last series. Nuggets took it to 7 after losing two at home.


And then lost the series lol. I'm not calling for a sweep here


Who will guard him? Jrue is 6’4 200lbs, Luka will literally bully him if 6’9 Jaden Mcdaniels is struggling


jrue is a smarter defender tho. yes you cannot guard him but if you can limit him just a little bit, thats already a plus.


jrue is a smarter defender tho. yes you cannot guard him but if you can limit him just a little bit, thats already a plus.


There’s a reason players consider Jrue the best defender in the league and not McDaniels


Jrue is 33 he is not the defender he once was


should of been mavs vs nuggets in the WCF smh


I think I'm going to be forever annoyed that we lost that series.


See you guys in next year in WCF.


That series goes 7 I think. Although I also thought Mavs-Wolves would go 7 so what do I know atp lol


Don't jinx it


Nah. Nuggets match up way better vs the Mavs than vs the wolves. Even chuck and dray were saying it after tonight's game. Mavs have nobody for joker, let alone 3 guys like Rudy, Kat, and Naz. But they do have AG for Luka and KCP for Kyrie. Matchups are king in the playoffs. It's genuinely crazy how much Denver losing to the spurs changes.


And the Nuggets don’t have good enough perimeter defenders to slow down Luka/Kyrie. Plus their rim protection would be getting exposed by Luka/Ky PnR and lobs to Gafford/Lively more than the Wolves are right now. You think the Nuggets just roll over the Mavs? I don’t see that at all to be honest


I literally just told you who the Kyrie and Luka defenders are. AG is phenomenal against Luka just ask Mavs fans. I don't think the nuggets roll them over, but the matchups absolutely favor Denver if that series happened.


And I disagree if you think that AG and KCP are going to slow them down. I don't think AG is any where near as good of a defender as Dort and Luka is much healthier than he was in round 2. I don't think AG is a better defender than McDaniels even and Luka has been great this series. If Murray and MPJ were as inefficient vs the Mavs as they were against the Wolves I think the Mavs win in 6. But if both teams played well, like I said, I think it goes 7 games. Jokic would have a great series. As would Luka and most likely Kyrie. The question would be how well Murray/MPJ and the Mavs roleplayers did


>don't think AG is a better defender than McDaniels AG is better for Luka/Lbj stronger bigger guys. Significantly better. He struggles with explosiveness. KCP is great for shifty but not strong guys like Kyrie, Steph. >Jokic would have a great series Joker would completely annihilate them to the point it would be too much more likely then not. Overall I'd give Mavs punchers chance but can't say Nuggets wouldn't be favorites. 4:2 imo would be most realistic. Doesn't matter now, go Luka!


yeye,as we had punchers chance vs wolves and were up 2-0 heading home.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Go Mavs!


I mean Mavs are one Luka injury to end the season away from losing 4-2, 4-3. Even these games were really close. Ant, KAT, Jaden were all struggling this game and it was a 1 point game with a great Luka stepback 3.


Almost every team ever is one injury to their #1 guy away from losing a series they would normally win? The Wolves are one Ant injury away from getting swept. The Nuggets were one Jokic injury away from losing to the Heat in the Finals last year. What kinda point is that?


Bro how thick you have to be to not realize that Luka is playing with an injury and what I mean is that there is a decent chance that he might get worse to the point of not playing.




what's the most in a playoffs?


Jokic 10 i think last playoffs, in 20 games total. Previously Wilt with 7.


Those numbers sound ridiculous.


I think they said Joker had 10 last year


Imagine a team of Wilt-Magic-Luka-Jokic and me.


Lmao Westbrook not being on this list shows you how much he was statpadding


Only Magic, LeBron, and Jokic have more playoff triple doubles than Russ lol. This makes no sense


It's much easier to score in the regular season for a player like Westbrook. In the playoffs you aren't getting 10+ lay ups a game, Westbrook is just one of the worst shooters for an all NBA talent probably of all time. Outside of players like Gobert honestly...but I'd probably let Rudy take a game winning shot over Westbrook because watching Westbrook brick a 3 by 2 foot and bouncing off the back side of the glass just enrages me for some reason. Especially playing next to Durant and Harden lol.


Username checks out


But he's fat and overrated according to some people


Real question. How would the nuggets have solved the Luka equation?


I think the Nuggets have a chance of outshooting the Mavs. The Wolves... not really.


Such a damn shame we aren't seeing that series right now.


They don't they just outscore him


Blitzing and rotating, hoping the ball doesn’t end up in kyrie or hardaways hands


Nah hardaway has been ass for like 5 months, they would want hardaway to shoot lol


The craziest part is that he is not even the best under 25 player in the league. I'm guessing the top 3 under 25 is currently averaging quadruple doubles in the playoffs. No? /s


That’s your Mount Rushmore, and it’s not even close.


Empty stats though, let me know when he does it as an MVP on a team that is winning big games