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It would be pretty sick if both the Celtics and Mavs sweep their opponents, get a nice break and return fresh(er?) for the finals.


Pacers pooped in their diaper


How’s Cancun? ☀️🌊⛱️


Why? You planning on being here soon?


Brunson practicing his flopping on a jet ski rn


Cool, you got to the ECF and got swept..put that on a banner


I’ll put winning game 7 in MSG on a banner instead actually


Against an injured squad. See what happens you play a healthy team, get put in your place..


Loser ass talk dude just enjoy your off season lmao


Yea, enjoy the final game of your season lmao


Can both you guys zip it, its embarrassing


Nah, Celtics put on their big boy pants and made every single play they needed to.


So Celtics pooped in the Pacers diaper?


Um. Sure pal.


Crazy how little they are from being up 2-1 🤦‍♂️ stupid mfs


Not really, they did the same shit in Knicks series, that’s why everyone calls them soft, cause when it’s gets close they choke.


Is coach Jim Carrey getting out coached by mazzu???


Celtics with a sweep bout time




If Luka made that pass Tatum did in the clutch nba fans would be all over his dick for a month


We should be all over Tatum’s dick. That was the best pass of his career. That should be on his eventual career highlights reel.


His performance tonight was arguably his best playoff performance yet


Who cares 💀


Does Porzingis return for game 4 or grab another day of recovery?


Start him so he plays with starters. Let him go 7 minutes then bench him still 3rd and let him go 7 then bench him. Then Bring him in last 5 if close.


If he’s not 100%, no. They are up 3-0 and took a game on the road. They need him 100% for the finals. Cs should be able to win this series without him. Close out the series and it buys him an extra 1.5 weeks. Even if his shot doesn’t fall due to rust to start the finals, his at rim defensive presence and impact on guarding the PnR is sorely missed right now.


If he's healthy enough to go, I'd like to see him play. Can't take these games for granted, 2 of 3 came down to the last 10 seconds. Plus Porzingis has been out long enough he may have some rust to knock off. Hard to keep himself game-ready with a hurt calf.


talked all that shit to a knicks team with 3.5 healthy players only to run into a comedy of errors in the ECF with the coach bungling every single 4th quarter of the series. couldnt happen to a better fanbase☠️


Don’t worry the Pacers are the next 2021 hawks, miracle run to a ECF only to be never seen again. Healthy bucks and knicks squad woulda smoked em


What a pathetic comment. Not surprised though.


Rent free


Have you checked your sub?


Mf you just admitted to lurking on our sub 💀


Ohhh nooo the horror. I also looked at the Celtics sub and mavs sub tonight. Everyone lives rent free in my head.


Imagine countering "rent free" with "I've been in your sub." Pathetic af


Just looking for perspective on all the narratives the national media, that know next to nothing about specific teams, put out there. What better place to get it. So bitter.


Im sorry who are the Knicks? I don’t see them playing any games this week….


Arguably, they didn't really play in the EC semis with all their injuries 🤷‍♂️


Pacers are frauds


NBA fans talking about the team with 2nd best offensive rating in the league like they’re scrubs




How many seconds before Tatum buckled his ankle in yhat game 7 and stayed out as a decoy?


They are the #1 seed. They should have the easiest path to the finals. Just cause the rest of the East sucks/is injured is not their problem. They are 11-2 in the playoffs.


And yet they are still playing for a title and the Knicks are not


11-2 in the playoffs




Kinda up there though. Jimmy Butlerless heat No Jared Allen + later no Donovon Mitchell for Cavs Now a Halliburtonless pacers...and pacers are shit anyway the fact knicks had everyone injured is the reason they didn't go through too Celtics will probably win the title this year, and I'm not saying they aren't a good team, but they've also been insanely lucky this year that their opponents stars keep getting injured.


Injuries in literally every finals run ever. But now that it’s a team u dislike you’ll discredit them lol


tell me other finals run where the main star/s of opponents got injured every round? Injuries happen every finals run, but they aren't weighted equally. Like maybe use your brain aye. also ps I don't dislike celtics.


What r the Celtics supposed to do? They r a combined 4-1 vs Indiana and Cleveland when Mitchell and Hali played. Also swept Miami in the regular season. You’re telling me the 2021 bucks would win it all if Kyrie doesn’t go down? How about 2019 raptors if kd is healthy? 2015 warriors? If you wanna play the injury asterisk game I’ll put one on almost every title ever. The Celtics are handling business


I'm just saying this is the easiest run to finals I can remember ever. not that celtics aren't good or best team, or its their fault. But it is objectively the easiest run I've ever seen, due to injuries EVERY ROUND to the opponents STARS. it's not just 1 round So boston fans should use their eyes and brain and just accept it is. And when they probably win, you won't care since in future no one will remember anything but winner anyway lol


Last year denver didn't beat 1 50 win team to win thier ship.


Brother, they just came back from down 18 on unreal shooting performance from the Pacers. Sure, Celtics are unserious at times, but to say they look like they don’t give a fuck is straight up crazy.


After 6 minutes to go in the 3rd quarter, our shooting fell off a steep, steep cliff. Combine that with a handful of turnovers and like 12 Derrick White blocks… Sheesh. What a mess that was.


I mean sure, Celtics decided to ramp it up and put the pressure on Indy later on, but that shooting in first 3 quarters was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in the game of basketball. To be up 15+ on diabolical efficiency in the paint and a bad 3pt shooting night.


they just came back from down 18??


Cry more pussy boy. Stop living in the past. Celtics raising banner 18 this year and knicks ain’t winning shit anytime soon




Wait, why have you picked THOSE years specifically? do they prove a point that doesn’t exist if you look more broadly? Fuck off with disparaging fans for things that happened before their fandom. Most folks just like the closest team to them. And you know what? that’s okay. Good or bad. It’s all in the spirit of fandom. You get to celebrate the highs, lament the lows, and respect that you’re appreciating something bigger than just this moment. Any fan of any thing should enjoy that.


We’re playing for a title and you’re not🫵🫵🫵😂😂😂


Remindme! 3 weeks


It infuriates me. Pacers just suck at defense and are inexperienced in the playoffs. They have shot the lights out of multiple games this post season. r/NBA doesn't really know ball though. They were calling game for the Pacers halfway through the 3rd.


"r/NBA doesn't really know ball though" ...and you are basketball Jesus? Fuck you.


He's not wrong and what he said doesn't imply that he's above anyone either.


How’d they make it so far


Because they're really good at fast pace games and shoot the hell out of the ball.


Celtics were like that for years. Now look at us. Experience and time cures that. We would’ve lost this game a few years ago


Big issue there though is Pacers seem to be a farm team. I hope this squad stays together, but I'm managing my expectation.


Yeah hopefully for your sake they aren’t a 2021 Atlanta hawks type team and will stick around for awhile. Either way it’s still been a great year you guys


Pacers simply don’t have the discipline necessary to win the greats? Will it ever come? Guess we’ll see next season but this may be as far as they go for the foreseeable future, they don’t have a number 1 guy and it shows.


Have you ever heard of Haliburton? The guy who has been hurt for the past 4 months? We will be back and we will be better.


Same could be said for PG13, got injured and never went anywhere again.


With Halliburton injured and Porzingis possibly coming back soon Pacers don’t have good odds of coming back.


Thanks Magic


No team has ever come back from 3-0, so yeah “not good odds of coming back” is an understatement.




It’s over lol


Carlisle rat fucked his team twice.


Siakim played like dog shit in the 2nd half 


His inner Toronto came out


Go Jaylen Brown and go Celts! I’m just rooting for a Cal Bear (and my Boston friends). Go get ‘em.


It takes a colossal collapse twice for Boston to be up on these guys. Should be 2-1 pacers but they choked 🤷 Not sure what message Carlisle gives but if we make it and you don't, we will avenge you Indy bros 🙏




We are young and sloppy. Can't really blame Carlisle too much (unless he was telling Turner to leave Horford to double or triple team Tatum and Brown).   We are playing a great team that have 4 players that can play great defense which isn't great for us when we aren't hitting 3s so everyone tries to drive into traffic. 


Pacers style matches up better


I would love a Boston / Dallas final. Luka is my favorite player in the NBA and I’m a Celtics fan. Obviously prefer we win that series but I’ll be so happy for Luka if y’all win. Just sucks that Kyrie then gets a ring too lmao. Dude was a goon when he was here


What are you doing?


I lived in Dallas for a while and love watching Doncic play. Nothing wrong with that


Try to separate the eras if you can. I've had to eat a lot of crow with Kyrie this season, but I stand by my opinion of that era Kyrie, dudes head wasn't screwed on correctly then. He seems to have drastically matured and has been walking the walk, instead of being pretentious talk. Compared to me, he's still a young man and regardless if it's my team or not, I love this version of Kyrie. He's playing to all his non basketball strengths.


Didn’t Minny give up a double digit lead in game 2? Last I checked both games came down to the wire. Worry about the Wolves.


I mean we all know there's a difference but what would worrying about the wolves tonight do lmao. Truly hope y'all beat whoever makes it out of the west because it would be tragic to cakewalk like this just to lose the dance my man.


No more undefeated at home talk thankfully


Yeah no one plays us and goes undefeated at home. Hell we don't go undefeated at home!


That's life.  I hope everyone has a nice 3 day weekend


Good last play from pacers tbh




Celtics are just better than we are. More experienced and have more guys that can finish down the stretch. Also, stfu Knicks fans. Y’all ain’t making the ECF anytime soon.


As a Knicks fan I really don't like when our fans go into your sub or talk here. You got to the ECF. That's great. We need to be healthy to compete and get JB some help. Either one of us would've gotten smacked by the Celtics anyway.


existence puzzled faulty full domineering rude oil market frightening fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They literally didn't considering the Celtics won all three games lol.


It's rough because we are young and have nobody on the team that can consistently draw fouls. That's a huge part of success in today's NBA.


Yes and no. We win game 1 and the celtics would have come at us way harder than they did tonight in game 3. They are just better we are young and inexperienced but have potential for the future. Wish rick knew how to call a timeout though.


Celtics were poised down the stretch compared to Indiana. That’s what separates good from great. That’s what held back Boston in prior years


100% I hope the pacers can grow from this series. We just aren't there yet.


Pacers got one of the most fun teams I’ve seen in a while. Looking forward to future battles. Y’all going to be alright.


You guys have a bright future. I don’t think it’s a fluke


Y’all have played harder more consistently in every game than any other opponent against the C’s so far. Y’all can hang your hats on that


LMAO rent free


Nah, you guys are paying rent hand over fist.


You (and other Knicks fans) are all over these threads talking shit. Which, you know, fair play and all, but not exactly what you can call “rent free” when someone talks shit back.


Can you blame us? It’s been so fun watching you guys get exposed




Can you not read or you just dumb and not know what common phrases mean? I said “fair play and all”, so obviously I don’t blame you for talking shit. It sucks getting bounced. I get it. Just saying can’t claim “rent free” when you’re all over talking that shit. As far as us “getting exposed”, we were never expected to go as far as we have. Second youngest team in the NBA with a lot of room for improvement and all. So, yeah, similar to you guys last round, sucks to lose but did better than anticipated (over this run). I’m not too upset about that. Wish we’d play better here, but still happy with the run all things considered.


No one expected you to go far cause no one saw you guys benefiting from 8 injuries. You don’t deserve to be in this series in the first place so just enjoy it while you can


I surely will. Make sure you enjoy this split second of being perceived as a potentially relevant franchise that can blame your failure on injuries while you can too. Won’t be long before the franchise returns to being the entirely irrelevant, utter disappointment they deserve to be. A place I get the distinct impression you personally know all too well on all levels. Take care.


Lol right between the two franchises it was def the Knicks who had the insanely lucky fluke of a run


This is how you're spending your Saturday night


I watched the last 3 minutes of the game and highly enjoyed it, yes


Rent free. You realize you're saying you don't watch the games right?


New York sports fans stay losing lmfao


I wouldn’t say that . Yankees are cooking , rangers might make it to the cup . Knicks are a finals contender when healthy . Rodger’s is back for the jets . I mean that is good .


He’s right tho


I have to recommend listening to Tangerine Dream during NBA games in the background. I don't know how to explain it, the synthesizers sound amazing with it. Firestarter 1984 soundtrack especially goes with it. For anyone who saw Air last year the Ben Affleck film about Air Jordans, you may have heard the song 'Shop Therapy' which was taken from Firestarter ost but went great with it. Tonight I listened to the song 'Burning Force' at the end of the game and it just made it even more exciting with the score being so close. Celtics won! TD Garden might have another banner soon. Tangerine Dream Garden. I have nothing against Indiana Pacers though because that was another Larry Bird team.


lmao are you high. I am and this sounds so fucking nice


Sounds groovy with a nice indica blend 


Pacers just failed in every single aspect of end game management


The last play was smart, should have worked.


Only thing I would’ve changed was having Nemby not taking the ball out considering he was the only guy making threes all night…




And the Knicks do? We beat your ass


Yeah dude you really killed our 3rd stringers Is your fan base actually this delusional lol


Winning a series is winning a series. We supposed to just lay down and lose cause you have players injured? Knicks fans are some of the whiniest out there


No winning a series is not winning a series. The details matter and to ignore this is simply braindead behavior.


This comment makes zero sense. Knicks had injuries. We won 4 games. We won the series


No the comment makes absolutely perfect sense. denial is extremely powerful apparently.


What am I denying?


Or you just met the best team in the nba that knows how to close and finish in big moments. It’s ok to admit we just have the experience


Well yeah. The Celtics closed and had experience. The Pacers made those mistakes that led to Celtics capitalizing with their experience. Hence why I made my comment . Could you not imply that from my comment?


You’re implying the reason they lost the game is because they failed in end game management. Our defense was arguably the bigger reason you lost. Simple as that


Bruh they’re missing their best player and shouldn’t even be in the conference finals. They almost had as easy a path as you guys with all the injured teams they faced.




Has nothing to do with the magic. It’s a blatantly easy path as everyone knows. If you want to be in denial about it or act as if it’s a great accomplishment then carry on with your delusions.




Weak title is a weak title and that’s real chief.




So what are you asking us to do? Lose games? The pacers are legit. We have played 13 games and lost 2 in the playoffs. We have handled the injured teams how you would expect. The warriors in their record setting year lost 9 games in the playoffs. We beat a fully healthy pacers team twice. We are also missing a top three player. What is your point?


Wait a top three player ? Like what on your team right ? Because know way is Kristaps top 3 in anything overall .


This guy came at me earlier for telling a Knicks fan we beat them in the series. He attacks me because I didn’t outwardly acknowledge that the path was easy. But then, goes and uses the same tactics on you because you beat a Haliburton-less Pacers. Seems like a troll


Yeah I don’t get it def a troll. I laugh at this west vs east argument. This series could be 2-1 either way I have a newfound respect for your team you guys just don’t quit. He’s probably just salty because he’s from Florida and will always play second fiddle to the heat and got burned by the cavs


I can’t hate the Celtics man. They r just a well oiled machine with likable stars. I am genuinely curious how the salary situation works and how u have the space to fit so much talent. You play who’s in front of you I don’t really get what he is wanting people to acknowledge. Injuries suck but u just have to take care of business if ur a better team


We basically have this year and next year to win. We have one of the less wealthy owners in the nba and he respectfully went balls deep on this roster. I have no idea how we can re sign White with the new cap rules. We will give Tatum the max this off-season. The pressure for us to win this year is off the charts and if we don’t it’s going to destroy this fanbase lol


You’re playing teams that are missing their top players is what my point is and what everyone else’s point is for the most part as well. I don’t see how this is difficult to comprehend or understand? It’s been an extremely easy path. No way to even debate that fact.


Pays off to have a roster that is deep and to get the number one seed doesn’t it? Last comment literally admits to this being easy. Im still trying to understand what your argument is? I just said our defense took over. I’m sorry the celts can’t change other teams health. Do you actually believe we are going to get crushed by the west team in the finals?


I do believe the mavs will win, but Luka is on one leg so we shall see


Here come the excuses lol


I think it was a multifactorial combo of both. Rick Carlisle made some really stupid decisions


I mean fair but I can’t point to a reason that your coach messed up. What would you have changed? Genuine question not trying to troll. Should he have taken a TO?


I think the TO is a big reason. Honestly tho, a lack of attention on defense, which has been the Pacers Achilles all season, and the blame could be extended to the players as much as Rick. Cooked by 37 year old Al Horford from the 3pt line. Terrible over help and rotations that led to many Celtics 3s. If anything after all this, I would argue OUR defense is the reason we lost, lol


Yeah that's pretty much it. Yall played hard, but Carlisle also has flubbed 4Q decisions this series Respect to you guys though. That defense cane alive down the stretch in a big way


Carlisle 🗑️🚮


Celtics are Dawgs they are ready to take on anybody.


I switch to espn for postgame and it's... Some NFL bullshit? Wtf is this garbage espn is really pissing me off


ESPN is 🗑️


Game 1 Haliburton was taking a moment to savor being up 1-0 in the Conference Finals. 4 Days and 2 minutes later he is down 0-3 and injured. Life comes at you fast.


That win was the result of 18 mins of championship level defense, we need that for 5 more wins to become champions  We can we it all with or without KP, there are no excuses left, we are all in from here on out


TBH if the Wolves advance and you don't have KP I don't think you are heavy favorites, there would definitely be an excuse there.


Obviously not a groundbreaking revelation, but we’re at that point in the post-season where the less experienced teams are struggling to maintain their composure and discipline in clutch time. Going up 15+ won’t matter if you make costly mistakes against a team that has the experience and discipline to capitalise on them — and will, every time.




And the Pacers wouldn't even need that shot to go in if they managed their lead and didn't turn it over multiple times. So yeah, OP's got a point


Ironically the one who choked was the coach not the players.


Ngl I thought jrue was kinda overrated until that ending play that was crazy no wonder they traded


existence seed smile cause carpenter psychotic yam ask pet squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bucks got a champ with him. He is never overrated


He’s been brilliant since game 2 of the 2nd round


I’m surprised Rick Carlisle hasn’t submitted 97 grievances to the nba yet.


The fans have a solid 20 grievances against Rick this series.


I'd settle for calling 2 timeouts when they were desperately needed.


Just giving up in the last 10 minutes of regulation of game 2 also makes my list


I honestly didn't feel like we had a chance in game 2. It was closer than expected but we can't even beat these guys when we are up 5. No way we beat them down 12 or whatever. 


Ben shepherd got his cardio in 


Tatum 36 10 8. Played clutch af down the stretch. Gonna win his first title this year at 26. Losers still gonna hate 😂


Draftkings better not play me. They haven't checked off my parlay for Tatum's 10 reb


Yeah the headlines will be “.. but he still isn’t playing to his full potential. Somethings missing”


One of the best superstars in the league. If he was on a small market team ppl would suck him off


He's a top 10 player itl. If he drived as much as he should he would be top 5. One of the best finishers in the NBA but he's a sucker for jumpers.


Very reasonable take. But sometimes when his jumper is on like tonight he lights it up so I can’t complain.


I don’t think Celtics ever had an easier path to the finals than this. They have avoided choke allegations for too long. If they choke this ring then JT/JB needs the Harden treatment too


I don’t get this. They should have the easiest path. They legit won the conference by 14 games.


so Celtics winning conference should magically make the teams they plays stars get injured? This is the easiest path mainly because of the injuries not who they are playing