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Smart man. If he makes the jump to the nba it should be with a young team with no expectations like Brad Stevens did. Money aside the lakers are a terrible situation for a first time nba head coach. High pressure, championship expectations without a championship level roster and you will be scapegoated at any sign of trouble. Good for him.


By god, that’s Wemby and the Spurs music!


> no expectations tell me with a straight face you have no expectations in the wemby era


Should have said "immediate expectations "


I feel like they may try to take the step next year though


At this point I just really miss Wemby


Ready to root for France next month 🇫🇷


I love wemby


we all do


Just a matter of time until people start hating on wemby for being really good at basketball, like all young players that turn into superstars


Not next year, or the year after really


Never be the guy who gets hired after a legend.


Like Spo?


More like Stan Van Gundy.


Facts Good luck Jerod Mayo


I disagree in these circumstances. Taking on a young roster with a future superstar in a smaller market with a few years to learn and develop a system before you’re really expected to compete. It’s pretty much the perfect job for a first time coach, you don’t have to win immediately but you also won’t be in lottery purgatory forever waiting for your guy.


This is such a loser mindset that is the complete opposite of Hurley’s personality.


Seriously - looking at Vogel and Ham would not make me want to take this job. I get that there's cache to it, but whatever.


Zoom out and look at the previous coaches--Ham, Vogel, Luke Walton, Tank Commader Byron Scott, D'Antoni. At least Vogel got a ring and that still didn't save his job


Agreed. Staying with his current team on the cusp of doing some really incredible will pay way more dividends in the long run.


As much I wish it were different, the Lakers job is the worst possible job for a first time NBA coach. I think JJ would also be dumb for taking it.


Yeah but frankly I’m not sure if JJ is ever gonna get another NBA head coach offer. It seems like Lebron just really likes him. Not to say he couldn’t but in other circumstances may have to be an assistant first. Hurly will get plenty more opportunities.


Saw someone run the numbers on twitter. Once the annual salary is adjusted for taxes etc, it’s only like a 10% bump up


Not a chance I’d take the Lakers job if I wanted an actual shot at building a team and culture as a new coach. You basically know you’re done in a year or two if you don’t get a title, which is an unrealistic expectation for most of the teams they’ve had for the last 15 years.


Like mark D did. You don’t have to balance egos just yet. Get your footing for a year or two in the big leagues with no expectations. And then win coach of the year


But you can also get paid and have job offers from any college team after. The Lakers part of it doesn't matter, it's just the allure of the three-peat.


What’s that? Our next coach is prob a podcaster (not Bill Burr) AND the Celtics are 2-0 in the finals? [What a wonderful day](https://youtu.be/tG8FMBMoLws?si=62uhCmHV1pLJnbLn) 🙃


Congrats. Lakers just hired the dude from Awful Coaching as their coach.


"Hedge the screen!"




Still the most [insane YouTube title I’ve seen all year](https://youtu.be/gY-HLsdf0xo)


Not even close imo: [DARVIN HAM is why no one should ever bring a child into this world vs. NUGGETS GAME 3](https://youtu.be/2Wr8ypTm3PA?si=7yr_IfP8zKt853Vv) or the classic [DARVIN HAM is why life is not worth living vs. NUGGETSS GAME 2](https://youtu.be/I5DP9iGzYPs?si=R3Bgc7rwnpjh42HH)


I'm a big fan of the "We Live in North Korea" series.


I'm waiting for the Mavs to win a game and this dude trying to roast Celtics defense haha. .... though if Kyrie continues to be this mentally boomed by us, we may not get a chance




Bill Burr as a coach would make sure they [don’t pass to the white guy](https://youtu.be/QXhrCm6zdr4?si=o8xSElONCytlPlDM)


Honestly Bill would probably be a great coach for LA. Keeps the energy light, shuts down the media's ridiculous questions and has no problems handing the clipboard to Bron. Being a Celtic sleeper agent is just the icing on the cake. Win-win for everybody.


bill burr would be a great Lakers Coach.


Get the threepeat, Pop retires next year, and go join the Spurs, Hurley.


Keep this quiet.


No keep putting it out there I can’t live in that hell world


direction concerned placid decide mighty birds swim spotted connect middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At least we can all agree, fuck the rockets and pellies. 


It wouldn't surprise me if OKC ended up in the same division as you guys after expansion.


They really should. Texas and Oklahoma already got a nice rivalry


The new Southwest with OKC added would reach Chernobyl levels of toxicity and I’m here for it


seems like that’s the way to go at this point, this year already set up the potential Chet V Wemby rivalry


This is how it should be. The travel between our states is already pretty easy.


Don’t worry, we’ll be in East after the expansion. (Fuck the rationale of being close to other East teams makes you East, the Eastern teams are teams that are, surprise surprise, East).


Wemby, Luka, SGA, Ja, Chet, Kyrie and the rest of OKC/MEM/HOU top talent This conference is stack, those first 5 guys would make a killer lineup


When I think Big Ws, I think San Antonio


whatcha say chuck?


Something something toothbrush


I don’t know you but I absolutely love you for this.


Oh my god you’re right. And this fuck the Lakers move was showing Pop and the Spurs that he understands the culture


He aint goin to san antonio lol


Storrs ain't got big ol women like San Antonio does tho




!RemindMe 2 years


I wouldn't bet money on it that he ever leaves the Northeast.


He'll probably coach the Nets.


Dan Antonio Hurlies


Imagine a 17-18 season run of Hurley and Wemby on the Spurs, like we saw from them with Pop and Duncan. 😬😬😬


This is my 9/11


If he got the threepeat he'd want to go for the fourpeat


Pop isn't retiring any time soon


He'll be 76 next season, so 77 the season after..... he's up there.


At that age he can make the switch to politics and become President...


NGL, I'd vote for Pop any day. He'd be an awesome President.


The speeches would be epic.


Have Pop and Belichick ever met?


he already said he is coaching until the wheels fall of. I see atleast 3 more years tbh


I mean, it feels a lot like he's waiting for Thibs to burn out. Dude's 66 and he'll never bring a team past the 2nd round b/c he runs them into the ground. And the Knicks will want to hire someone with experience winning titles in MSG, which obviously no former Knick will have. So my official prediction is that Dan's gone to New York two summers from now.


No way lol. Thibs is just building his team up to contention. Zero chance the Knicks are moving on from him unless the Knicks straight miss the playoffs 2 years in a row. He's changed their culture, and the team resonates with him well. If Knicks were fully healthy, the ECF this year would have been 7 game war tbh (with us winning). They just gotta retool some pieces around their core and hope for some luck with health. Brunson is a stud, and they have a solid team.


I mean the Bucks won a chip and fired their coach what? Two years later? I do think he’s pretty secure, but seats get hot fast.


> I mean the Bucks won a chip and fired their coach what? Yeah, but the Bucks are dumb af. Bud is a very good coach, and they were really foolish fire him and NOT get Nick Nurse. Had they gotten someone like Nurse, I'd have understood.


Yeah I mean I’m not saying I agree with it, just that the NBA has a pretty short coach shelf life right now. Very few longstanding coaches, which is probably a big part of why he didn’t take the Laker job. That gig is a death sentence of being scapegoated for being stuck with a roster that’s good enough to make the playoffs but also probably too old and lacking too much depth to make the finals out of the west no matter how you coach.


> That gig is a death sentence of being scapegoated 100% facts.


That would be incredible


I heard that if you win three NCAA Championships in a row you get a free sub from Jersey Mike's.


*50% off. They still have a business to run


I'd love a sub made by Michael from Jersey.


No drinks! No drinks! I can’t do it.


Sick. Their philly cheese steaks are legit.


In a dismal week for non MA basketball, the Northeast secures a W.




Don’t tell Bill Simmons that


UCONN is east of Hartford therefore New England territory Doesn't really matter, Connecticut is less a state and more a highway through the woods with a solid basketball program and Mark Twain's house in the middle.


Also pizza along said highway. The best pizza


If he can get the 3-peat he’s only 5 straight more away from breaking the record


Who is Pete


It's a 3-Pete: Pete, Peter, and Petey Peeta on the outside looking in


But he won the hunger games


In all seriousness I don’t even understand why that’s being used as an excuse lol no one is replicating that UCLA team and a two-peat is pretty incredible already. He just was not convinced to leave the safest job in the world (and likely a pay raise due to winning) for whatever is going in LA.


Probably a raise just for being considered for the LA Job too.


Translation: Not enough money


Or he just witnessed firsthand what a shitshow that organization is.


It really isn’t the job that it use to be, people need to realize this


For top end guys, yes. For career assistants, it's still a HC job


The job just chewed up and spit out a career assistant too. It's still a job for a career assistant, but probably not top of the list for them either.


Considering Ham was able to go back to being an assistant right away I think it's still a great choice for them with the salary bump.


In the immediate, sure. But we’ll likely never see Ham as a head coach again and his one shot being somewhere else might’ve turned out different.


Ham will get another shot once Milwaukee fires Doc lmao


Idk, Ham seems like a prime target for ol’ Glenn to blame after a second round exit


He made more money as a lakers coach than most of us will in our lifetime I think he’s fine regardless of he ever gets to do it again lol


Eh, its the NBA. Give Ham 3-4 more years of having great coordinator years and a team will give him another shot for sure. It generally takes 2 abysmal failures to go in 'never hc again' territory. If you are liked it may even take 3!




Lakers had a slide show for Hurley. And they forgot to replace JJ Reddicks name with Hurleys.


JJ: that's it, I'm taking my talents to ~~Under Armour~~The Golden State Valkyries!


If only the Lakers had Ari Gold instead of Jeanie Buss


No it still would be…for the correct amount of money. It’s January 2025 and the Lakers are 3 games below .500. LeBron’s postgame comments - “I don’t feel like we’re getting the right guidance from our staff…” We now go live to Dan “I’m Not Getting Paid Enough To Deal with This Shit” Hurley at his press conference —>


I honestly question how he'd do in a major media market. Dude is a massive whiner/complainer. He was whining about disrespect during the NCAA tournament because he got a 6PM local tip but the other game at his regional was later. Ask anyone in the Big East who deals with his shit week in week out. He's obviously a great coach but I think his schtick would play better on a team with a lower media presence.


Well, with the Lakers, he would have gotten prime time anytime, all the time.


Dr Jerry Buss had a 66% regular season record, missed the playoffs only 2 times from 1980-2012 and went 10/16 in the finals. Since his death in 2012, the Lakers have a 44% regular season record missed the playoffs 7/12 times and won 1/1 finals.


I mean those are the jobs that are usually open.


Yes. But also, people propped up the Lakers job these last few days to justify any reason Dan would go there. When in reality, Pelinka, Jeanie, & LeBron just haven’t made it a desirable place to be anymore


I just can’t imagine his coaching style in the nba. I feel like some pro players wouldn’t be down with it. 




He was voted by players to be the coach players would least like to play for for a reason. He's very demanding and not everyone likes that. Doesn't mean he's a bad coach but still kind of means something. He's at least on a team where it's a good match between him and the players.


It will come up again 2 years later without the shitshow of being scapegoat by lebron and lebron's farewell tour. I don't think any top coach would enjoy that.


The Lakers job is so clearly unstable that it's going to be very difficult to hire an actually good/established coach.


When the face of the team will be retired in 2-3 seasons


I think that part is honestly less concerning, as Lebron leaving would mean more power for the coach. The problem is that we haven't had a coach stay onboard for more than 3 seasons since Phil Jackson.


The only problem with that is when lebron leaves teams they usually spent so many resources building teams for him they are pretty hollow once he is gone.


they have a decent asset base right now. Not great but not awful. Very average


Problem is they also don’t have what I would consider a championship roster so they are going to have to dip into that to get more talent.


Pretty much.


They gave the numbers they had!


I think assets wise they'll actually be okay. I believe they just owe their 25 1st round to the Pels then they're good.


Because what actually good/established coach wants to deal with LeBron, Pelinka, Jeanie, and the Rambii?


Actual translation: This was a coordinated shakedown between Woj and the Hurley family (known associates) to get Ned Lamont to open his wallet and pay Hurley what he owe. Best coach in college sports right now, he deserves it.


He might be a top 2 college sports coach but also not be the best basketball coach at UCONN.


We'll see, Geno whiffed on this generation of recruiting (Paige just hasn't been available as good as she is, and we said no to CC). The next 4 years will be huge


watch what uconn does next and see how wrong you are lol. this was all about getting more money for the hurley family without having to move. get you a friend like woj


Yeah, I buy into this theory. It would explain why this seemed to come out of nowhere.


yeah it seemed pretty obvious to me the whole time. if you look at woj less like a journalist and more like a publicist for his sources a lot of what he does makes sense… if you know who the source is. in this case his close relationship with the hurley family made it easy.


I think he just uses the Lakers to get more money out of UCONN knowing he was going to stay. He prob gave some thought to the Lakers but there's a lot of instability with that org, especially at the head coach position 


Seems this way to me too, as Kentucky was supposedly offering 12.5m a year as well. Guy was just making sure Uconn knew he had multiple huge offers if he wanted.


Also: Rob Pelinka is still in the front office. You ain't getting anywhere with BIG ROB energy


Maybe he was #1 on their list but it just doesn’t match the reporting at all lmao. You don’t throw middle of the pack top 10 money at the guy you supposedly put a full court press on and were targeting from day 1


This is actually top 5 money tho (and a bit above the current 5th highest coach). I think that's pretty good considering he doesn't have any NBA coaching experience.


Top 5-6 isn’t enough to pull a guy out of arguably the best and most stable job in CBB tho. You gotta go above market


Sure, but you also don't pay a guy with no NBA coaching experience more than Pop or Kerr lol, that would be ridiculous. The offer was fair and he declined, that's the end.


Something is just off about this whole process. JJ is reported as the front runner, they're zero-ing in on him but they haven't even formally interviewed him yet. Hurley was their top target and the offer isn't even top end money (for what Woj implied it was going to be closer to 90+ mil)


The Shams vs Woj agent angle really is hilarious. It’s not outside the realm of possibility JJ was the guy this whole time and Woj just wanted to help his boy get a pay bump


Probably. The fact borrego is still in the mix says something


Embarrassing Shams just the icing for Woj


>middle of the pack top 10 money I get the point you're trying to make but that sounds like Top 5 also.


I feel like it’s not just about winning a 3rd championship.  Probably a lot of factors.  Big difference coaching nba vs college, maybe he wants to be a college coach and have that legacy. 


Hell no, the lakers are just a terribly run franchise with a bleak future. He didn’t want to be lebrons next scapegoat, good on him for not chasing the money.


Also, are we pretending that Hurley won’t get more offers in the upcoming years? Why yall acting like this is his best/only opportunity to coach in the NBA? Seeing the trend in salary inflation, he will probably get more money in a few years.


More money and likely much more attractive jobs, the lakers aren’t contenders yet there is massive pressure to be one. I don’t think they have much in the way of picks either, so probably 5 years of being mediocre.


Congrats on giving Kawhi a max contract ✊


Woj is really tight with Hurley so he probably got told directly that it would have taken a ludicrous amount of money to get him to abandon the threepeat chance


"at least 120 for 5 years and there is no way Bronny get a roster spot, not even as last bench warmer"


“We only have one spot on this roster for a nepotism pick and it’s going to Andrew”


Yeah, it would've had to be like 20 mil per season


Or maybe Hurley wasn't really feeling the mandatory Bronny playing time


Felt like the Lakers wouldn't get it when I learned he walked out of the meeting without a deal. Whenever you hear 'oh I need to think about it' or 'I need to make a tough' is typical excuse bullshit to not take the job.


More of a 'time to use this as leverage for a pay bump with current employer'. Hell, that's what I'd do.


Also he's in the middle of contract negotiations for UCONN, he was going to get paid regardless.


How insane is it the Woj gets paid millions of dollars to post this dumb shit on twitter


smearing his greasy, thin lips on every team's dingleberry-laden asshole writing the most sycophantic, Adsense nonsense to be able to report NBA news a few minutes faster than the competition -- what a waste of air. A CSI team could identify a disfigured NBA execs corpse based on the lipstick found on their butthole and matching it to either Woj or Shams then matching it to the time of death closest to their ball-fondling tweet. Woj has the hairline and smirk of a guy who has put at least a dozen high class prostitutes through college.


It’s a no brainer, I said this when the talks began. Unless he’s making 20m a year, why would he leave uconn? He has the opportunity to three peat, make every decision, and then pick wherever he wants to go next year or later on. Why would he go from that to the fucking Lakers. He just saw what happened to darvin ham. Even if they win, media will say Lebron made every decision and him and AD will get all the credit. And if they lose, which is the likely scenario, his coaching resume is then stained by the media. All this did is catapult him into National recognition even further, giving him even MORE leverage to decide his own future down the road. Teams are going to be offering him opportunities in the league for the rest of his life. No need to rush it


The same job will be available in 2 years for probably more money and none of this lebron shit. It's an easy decision.




No, this isn't the Jerry's Lakers of our childhood. This is the second generation learning how to run a small business. 🙄


This is the Nepo baby era Lakers


Really wanting this to be JJ mostly because I’m genuinely curious about what would happen.


so is JJ gonna quit podcasting after all


He was Probably told we drafting and starting Bronny.


Translation: He doesn’t want to be the 5th head coach in a decade. At franchise with no assets and old stars.


The Lakers have a chance to do something monumental by giving Perk that coaching gig.


Translation: he was not very impressed by the Lakers but is doing them a favor by not saying it out loud


That's one way of saying "I don't want to be another scapegoat for that shitshow."


Good decision by Hurley


Basically *"I don't wanna get fired because LeCoach doesn't wanna be coached."*


My God, Woj, please at least pretend you don't have the Lakers' collective penises in your mouth while you typed this.


He is committed to the grind. Mad respect


Funny way of saying “he didn’t want his career ruined by Lebron”


Lakers have bad ownership and a bad front office They ONLY thing they have going for them is 1. location and 2. treading on their heritage as a marquee franchise They have to hope once LBJ retires, some other superstar is desperate to live in LA year round and can cover up the stench of the front office decisions Maybe Ant Man? but that won't be for years down the road




That first half feels like a big ol’ PR lie.


who the fuck cares about US NCAA lol


That makes the most sense. You don't get a chance to three-peat everyday. 6 years 70 million will still be there in the future from some NBA team.


Can we call this headline for the bullshit that it is? One of the two sides backed out, neither did it to pursue an NCAA title.


Comeon man for sure thats not the reason. He wants more control of the team and he senses he will not get it thats why he bail.


The Lakers are a penny pinching franchise, is the real reason. Tom Gores made Monty Williams the highest paid NBA coach in Detroit (where cost of living is much lower) and the Lakers didn't even come close to matching that contract.


I mean he just does not want to coach middle school premaddonas


They ain’t winning 3 in a row lol


Isn't he losing like 4 starters from uconn? There is no chance he's going to win a 3rd straight title. So this was just a nice bargaining chip to use for his contract extension.


Pretty sure he lost 3 last year including his top scorers. It was a different team that he won back to back with anyway


Transfer portal has completely changed the way coaches built teams. Top quality players in the portal probably have UConn as one of their top picks. They’ll just reload.


but what about their educations 😢


Why would he want to go to the Lakers where no player will listen to him and he'd be on Lebron's chopping block 24/7


Horseshit. If that were true he never would have accepted the interview.


Eh, he probably wanted to hear their offer. Best case, the Lakers throw all the money to him to get him to sign. At worse, he now has more leverage with UConn in order for them to try and match it. All the while he gets more media attention, making his next contract wherever that may be even more lucrative.


UConn was stalling on his contract. IMO, he didn’t really want to leave, he just used the Lakers.