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Andrew Bynum


It was for sure not in his top 10 favorite things to do.


Andrew Bynum. But i think it's because of somewhat valid reasons. He came to the league too young at 17. Had a major and recurring injury at 21 years old and won 2 championships before he was 25. He just wasn't hungry for it anymore. I loved his aggressiveness pre 2008 injury.


For real. If this was any other profession people would be encouraging him to quit. Imagine a construction worker with knee injuries, who made millions of dollars and contributed to several beloved projects, but kept working and getting hurt. Everyone around him would be like “bro quit your fucking job and enjoy yourself”


Larry Sanders


Long Dick Larry loved basketball he just loved weed more and didn't love Jason Short Dick Kidd bullying him


For real Jason Kidd was probably the worst coach Larry could have had. Imagine Larry with Bud


Kidd was a bully to a nice guy like Larry but won’t bully Luka into playing better defense or not whining to the refs smh


who tf called him long dick Larry aside from your mom?


Your mom and sister both did too


Better luck next year… 😘


Thanks boo 😘


Typical turnabout-using mavs fan.


Larry liked basketball, Jason Kidd is just a sadistic fuck




Ben Simmons definitely


Id bet the fans made him hate it more then anything


I honestly feel like you can even see this in the 1 and Done documentary, dude hated the fans lol


Shit can’t blame him or the fans either


Nah I think he likes to hoop. Don't like to practice


Andrew Wiggins. I don’t know what got under his skin during that last Dubs run, but his talent and athleticism far exceeds his desire


He got a max in Minnesota and that messed him up


No he was really good for the Warriors for a year. They wouldn’t have won another ring without him


He was a good piece for the warriors but the same Minnesota max contract issue is what follows, he got paid & got lazy. After warriors won a ring he also got lazy, it’s like as soon as he reaches the point of taking the next step he settles & gets lazy. Wiggins is just as good as Ant is if you ask any other player in the nba he just lacks drive to be a superstar, he has the physical athleticism to be one.


He is not as good ant, not even close. He is as athletic tho


He definitely is as good as ant if not better - he’s also 5 inches taller. [Kevin Garnett](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/4mEYdvXYMZ) said this about Wiggins, he’s his favorite player to watch but Wiggins just doesn’t care about basketball like that & it pissed KG off. He’s built to be an aggressive scorer he just doesn’t care to show up when it’s time.


“He definitely is as good as ant if not better” Full stop. No. He can’t be first option, he can’t be a second option even. Big whoop kg likes watching him. We all know Wiggins had unlimited potential, but that doesn’t make him as good as ant. He never lived up to it, and ant did.


You know more about basketball & IQ than KG? KG tears someone up if they are trash & that’s well known. Wiggins is up there w ant , the only issue is his drive. You saw glimpses of it w golden state during crunch time, dude has a poster on Anthony Davis & Luka, he had Luka faking an injury after the dunk due to embarrassment, cmon now 😂😂😂


Lmao at a dunk making him better. he doesn’t say he’s as good as ant. He says he’s inconsistent.. no one has these guys in the same tier


Can you name a player with a poster on Anthony Davis, Gobert & Luka? Ant couldn’t even get him… this interview was also before Ant made his mark this year, the pure difference between ant & Andrew is love of the game & passion for the game.


Saw him play as a teenager, his style was no different then. So athletically lifted that it eas too easy.


Yeah it feels like he really added nothing to his game since getting into the league. Maybe got better as a defender overall? but even that has spurts in the overall outlook of his career.


Tracy McGrady said he always wanted to be a baseball player and didn't even like basketball but was better at basketball so that's why he stuck with it.


That's wild bro, baseball is so mid compared to Basketball. 162 games a year? Fuuuuuck that. Spend practically half your year in a god damn dugout. A quarter of it on the road. Nah man if I'm choosing NBA vs MLB or even just Basketball vs Baseball it's not even relatively close.


Baseball’s a lot more chill to play though. Yeah it’s longer, but you’re not sprinting up and down a court and chasing guys around for 35 minutes. There’s a lot fewer injuries and it’s nowhere near as hard on your body. It’s also basically just you and the pitcher when you’re at bat: no double teams, no having to worry about your teammates turning the ball over or playing bad defense. I can see some athletes preferring that type of game


A lot fewer injuries? Clearly you don't follow baseball, lol. To say it's not hard on their bodies is comically inaccurate and wrong.


Besides pitchers, isn't most of the injury issues from the wear and tear of 182 game season and tons of travel? I don't know baseball


Baseball is built around explosive moments (pitching, swinging, stealing a base), so strains and tears are the most common injuries you'll find among baseball players. Not to mention that in terms of injury prevention, Major League Baseball lags behind the other three big leagues when it comes to collecting data and making improvements to reduce the strain on their bodies. Injuries across MLB have actually become more frequent, not less.


Yeah seriously, who wants to play 202 games a year?


Less injuries? You don't play fantasy baseball, do you. Baseball is actually quite a strategic game. Defense absolutely matters. Your teammates matter. You can't hide. Drop a fly ball, or fuck up running bases and it impacts the game.


Yeah I don’t watch or follow baseball, sounds like I was wrong


Nobody remembers him but Willie caully Stein liked art and bad face tattoos more than basketball


you mean trillie caully stein?


Pride of Olathe Northwest - pretty sure he was a WR in high school for the football. Shoutout to my alma mater Olathe North - DARREN SPROLE GOAT STATUS RIP JAMES FRANKLIN


Pride of Spearville, KS, population 791.


Clippers legend Michael Olowokandi


Michael Olowokandi came from money….He one of those that played hoop cuz he was tall


As someone who lives in Portland I now wonder that about Deandre Ayton. Not that he hates the sport but that it is just a job to him. He doesn't come off as a hooper. He has the skills and athleticism to be a really good modern day center playing out of the short roll but he just doesn't seem to care to be better than average.


I think Ayton is one of those cases where he is exactly who you think he is, and he's told us directly as much throughout his career: >> Deandre Ayton was asked Wednesday to define what success in the NBA looks like to him. >> "Definitely getting to my second contract; that's my success," Ayton said at media availability for top lottery picks. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/23854252/deandre-ayton-nba-success-getting-second-deal >> It's a Monday afternoon at the Footprint Center in Phoenix, and Suns center Deandre Ayton is locked in. >> He's not focused on his team's upcoming game against the Los Angeles Lakers the next day, thinking ahead to a playoff run, or worrying about his contract negotiations with the Suns. Right now, at this very moment, the most pressing thing on his mind is which video game he'll play first. >> Ayton, 23, is a serious gamer. Gaming has always been there for him in any form he needs: a best friend, a therapist, his No. 1 fan. Most of all, gaming provides a virtual community that has helped Ayton navigate the challenges he battles in the physical realm. >> "I don't think I could live without the game and that's real talk," Ayton says. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/33898958/deandre-ayton-phoenix-suns-video-games


I think the first excerpt isn’t necessarily bad. It could just be modesty. Even as the first overall pick, he can’t take anything for granted and just assume that he’ll be in the league forever. Still has to work to earn that second contract, then work to earn the one after that too


Yeah that pretty much confirms my suspicions that its just a job to him. I never really paid attention to him before we traded for him. It was one of those I noticed it because he's on the home team observations.


No question he doesn't love the game.


I actually disagree, he seems to love the game when he isn't a center. He looked like he was having fun in college when he was given a bigger offensive role and was able to bring the ball down the court more. Just don't think he likes being a defence first tradional big like he was molded into


He loves NBA2k far more


Mavericks up 39-21 against the Celtics in Game 4 of the NBA Finals


r/nba users who hated/hate watching basketball


I don't like watching half time blowouts.


Yeah but they're going to lose the series so who cares


Hey man you are in every thread just hating so I gotta say I hope real life gets better for you soon


Worry about Giannis Achilles in cancun


roll terps




Hitler fan? wtf is your problem?


Giannis has a 52 and 47 ts in his last two elmination games


Okay? What playing with a broken ass will do to a mf. And he also carried to a ring, isn't fat, and isn't a nazi sympathizer.


What having no bag does to mf you mean


Wins you a ring? Oh okay. Surely with Luka and Kyries bags they must be winning tons of championships playing together.


Giannis vs Luka when facing a tough defense is light and day…..one ts drops by like 10. The other has good efficiency


Blud just put Luka and defense in the same sentence in an argument against known ring-winner Giannis I'm dead Edit: blud is a bum and blocked me so I can't reply bros argument got too sad he had to resort to it :/


Maybe. Maybe not.


Nah don't worry I'm watching the game I got something more out of sight in the books to post soon inshallah.


Just go play outside or shoot some FTs.


I break it down into 3 categories: 1. Ball is life. Majority of guys in the league, even if it isn’t obvious to fans. 2. Wouldn’t stick around to play for a vet minimum contract if offered. Doesn’t hate the game but doesn’t need the game either. I think a guy like Hayward will be just as happy playing video games at home these days. I thought Jeff Green was in this category but he has proven me wrong. Derrick Rose I thought would fall to this category due to injuries but was wrong as well. 3. Actually hates the game. Incredibly rare because NBA is so exclusive and skill-based. Agree that situations like Larry Sanders (mental health) and Andrew Bynum (injuries, entering league early) may fall to this category.


I think some guys might start in category 2 but end up in category 3 due to injuries, toxic fans, bad coaching etc… Like maybe Larry Sanders sticks around the league as a MLE level big for 10+ years if he doesn’t start off with a coach like Kidd


Allen Iverson said football was better to him but was seemingly okay with basketball. Dwayne Wade when he retired pretty much said he didn't want to play anymore after a long career.


Tim Duncan probably didn’t hate playing but I don’t think he cared that much for it. He was just insanely competitive. After he retired he said one of the reasons was he wasn’t having fun playing anymore. He then became Pop’s assistant coach but more as a favor than anything. Never seemed like he actually wanted that job.


I think if Tim could've had his wish, he would rather be an Olympic swimmer


I love the idea that the only real Lebron stopper we’ve ever seen did so begrudgingly because his pool got fucked up


Most guys in this thread are “what ifs” since they never tried hard enough to reach their potential. I don’t think that’s the case with Tim Duncan at all though, even though you’re probably right. He might not have loved the game, but he was still just as hard working and probably more disciplined than a lot of guys that love the game. Just goes to show what kind of person he is.


Kevin Knox and Frank ntlikina. The worst part about drafting them back to back is not that they didn't work out. It's because they didn't work out bc they clearly didn't like basketball.


Definitely Andrea Bargnani. Just played basketball cause he was tall.


This feels like it’s unique to hyper athletic bigmen. Who are kind of born into the role of basketball player rather than choosing it. A few who come to mind: Whiteside, Bynum, Oden (who chose to play video games and party instead of rehab).


Anthony Bennet


Bison Dele


Darko Milicic


Darko Milicic


Patrick Patterson. He always struck me as the type that liked the lifestyle of being a basketball player, but didn't care to put in the work to be a really good pro. Also, Anthony Bennett. He definitely came across as the type of person that got into basketball because everyone told him he's tall and has the build to do it, but he never truly loved the game.


Jokic loves being able to pamper his horses in Sombor, basketball is merely a tool towards that end.


Thats bs, Jokic clearly loves playing ball, he just doesnt love american celebrity culture


Glen Davis




Robin Lopez


Chandler Parsons


Chris Morris


Actually Anthony Edwards once said in an interview he doesn't Iike basketball that much but I think he retracted later in his career


Lebron James nowadays


No Khawi comments is insane


I don’t think Kawhi fits here at all. There’s no way he transforms from a role player into a finals MVP and top 5 player in the league without a ton of dedication. He keeps coming back even though he has a degenerative knee condition that clearly gets worse the more he plays. He’s already made $250 million. At that point I doubt more money is enough to motivate him to keep going through rehab and going through all that pain just to probably get injured again soon after he comes back. I think he’d be more like Ben Simmons if this was true


I think Jokic gives off this vibe. I don't know if he hates basketball or hates the nba/US culture. He plays like he has to, not like he wants to.


Disagree, he just focuses on the game and his team, not giving pithy, media-trained sound bites. Same as how the Knicks president Leon Rose has not done a single interview since joining the org, and is portrayed as being “difficult” by the media. Yet here they are with the healthiest front office in 40 years.


Lol, healthiest front office in years for the Knicks. The barometer reading was so low that anything is an improvement. Media availability is part of the game. Fans want to know the players personally. They are role models on and off the court. They get paid pretty well to do this. At superstar income levels, nba players are not just basketball players. They are entertainers. I think Jokic is a really great player, but his matter of fact and zombie like approach to the game/fans/media leaves a bit to be desired. Like, he is not the best at being a superstar outside of his basketball abilities. Kind of like kawhi, but not to that extreme


Moving the goalposts and missing my point. How bad the Knicks org has been has nothing to do with whether Rose’s media availability is a reflection of his competence. Jokic’s lack of desire or ability to fulfill his duties as a celebrity and superstar also have nothing to do with how much he loves the game


Nikola Jokic


No, he loves it. People built the image based on his goofiness that he doesn’t care, but he’s a true grinder who loves the sport. His homie, Darko Milicic though. That fucker is so sour about the NBA like they were all against him. He’s not right in his head.


Darko is homie with Strahinja, Nikola's middle brother. And yes, he is a bit sour from all that happenned, but there are always more than 1 side to the story. Many of his sayngs were taked out if context and you have to watch full interviews to understand.There is one or 2 crazy entertaining interviews with him on Serbian, shame that they aren't translated fully. A lot of crazy funny stories as well


110% untrue.


Detlef Schrempf


Oh is that true? Haha. He had a long, pretty good career too.


It’s not true


Dennis Rodman


Pretty sure joker from the nuggets said he just plays cause he’s good at it


Yao Ming, I think he hated playing basketball for sure but had to due to the pressure from the government.


On the contrary I think he loved ball, both his parents are ballers. Just didn’t want to literally play 365 days a year as forced by the govt. I love video games but occasionally I still want to do other shit


Because they don't exist?


They absolutely exist, even NBA players say it. If you're born a 6'9 super athlete but hate basketball or sports in general would you rather work on basketball fundamentals be miserable playing for 5 years while becoming a millionaire or be miserable working as an accountant or salesman making 60k a year for next 30+ years? Easy choice.


Must be extra annoying to those that went the 9-5 route and constantly hear “whoa you should have played basketball!”


| Born 6’9” Big Giant record setting pussy


Great point but gosh darn - run on sentences kill the mood and the point. Use proper punctuation and the point becomes more poignant and in turn, we’ll received. Cheers, Sir.




They don't make it to the NBA if they hate the game


You’d be surprised.


Draymond said it himself most players love what basketball can do for them not basketball


Theres this thing called money


What a horrible gamble to work that hard hoping for money as a pro athlete. Downvote me all you want - there is no current pro athlete who hates the sport 


Its not that much of a gamble if youre 7 foot tall tbh, youre very likely to be in the league and become a millionaire. Spend 5, 6, 7 hours a day practicing for something you hate and be famous and become rich, not really a hard question for anyone really


I mean there are players who probably hate the sport.


I thought for the longest time that Kyrie had a shit ton of talent but actually hated basketball but seems like he found the love again this year.

