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“I got you today”


“Fuck the Celtics” -Jayson “Kobe” Tatum


*Checks flair* Ah.


It’s actually hilarious how the Heat bozos on here obsess over Tatum. Notice how they never post his stats from series against them? He’s averaged 25+ points per game in all three of the CF and shot pretty decent as well.


Celtic fans do the same to Jimmy last year It's a cycle of teams that hate each other


I live in maine and feel like most Celtics fans are absolutely terrified of Jimmy, if anything I think they respect him a bit more than his average level of play would demand


I’m a Celtics fan and I love Jimmy.


Celtic fans like to point out that Jimmy has the same sort of duds(maybe even worse at times) that people claim Tatum has, but other fanbases don’t generally fixate on Jimmy’s like they do Tatum’s. Butler has a total of 5 series averaging 25+ in his career. Tatum already has 11 such series. And Jimmy get mythologized for playoff runs in a way that isn’t all that accurate. 2020 he wasn’t even ther leading scorer entering the finals. And in the CF, which was their closest series in the East, he was the team’s 4th leading scorer and didn’t lead the team in scoring a single time in 6 games. Dragic lead 3, Bam 2, and Herro 1. But Dragic and Bam got hurt in finals, and more people watch finals than other series, so “Jimmy carried them to finals in 2020” became the narrative. Then in 2023, he went nuts in first round. Totally his credit for winning that series. But CF the story really was the role players shooting crazy.


Flair up


I don’t even know how to add flair on a subreddit and never have cared to figure it out. Instead of discussing flair. How about you discuss the content of my comment instead?


Lol flair up bitch


I will when Embiid makes a finals


Oh good one! Like anything you can say can hurt my dead soul anymore than the Sixers have over the past 10 years. Flairless ass bitch.


The content of your comment is pretty lame and we have to add the flair thing.


No one will take anything you say seriously if you don't flair up.


I have had plenty of comments taken seriously on this sub. And if someone is dismissing a comment based on flair they are a bozo anyways.


>jimmy carried them to the finals in 2020 became the narrative That was literally never the narrative. In fact the media kept calling us the most fun team to watch that postseason because of how well the team as a whole played off each other. The chemistry and talent of that team was probably the best we’ve had. The “Jimmy carried them to the finals” applies way more to last year up until Jimmy got injured in the middle of the Knicks injury. Which clearly affected his play against Boston


Actually after the finals and years since the narrative has been that he carried them to the finals twice. Tons of revisionist history about the 2020 run.


Tbh it‘s not about tatum for me I don‘t actually hate him … I just hate the celtics and most of the time it‘s the best way to get on y‘all nerves so tatum is just a casualty for achieving my goal


Yeah which makes sense, since the comments are mostly disingenuous nonsense from Heat fans.


Most of those “bozos” only do that to get the reaction you just gave lol


I’ve been getting the better of them most of the playoffs and it’s been glorious


Getting the better by taking their bait?


No, getting better by dunking on their bad takes and antagonizing the sub by calling out how quiet it is after every Celtics playoff win


The same way you’re obsessed about Luka ? You’re the same as those ‘bozos’ bozo


I wouldn’t call it obsessing when he’s the only fucking thing to talk about in the entire Dallas metro area


I didn’t see a Tatum post on the mavs sub lulz


Who gives a fuck…..you know I’m right


Well it’s a lie then bozo. Kiss kiss. Enjoy your team


You know it …. Enjoy your 5 minutes


I’m not obsessed with Luka. The Luka posts(crossposts) in my profile are the first I made in the over 2 years I have had this account. And I only did them to antagonize the ultra biased anti-Celtics bozos on r/billsimmons


Dude you’re trying to prop up Tatum whilst the same time trying to shit on Luka. You’re a big Celtics homie as they are anti-Cetltics bozos


Celtics fans appreciate superstars bro. No one is shitting on Luka. He was probably defending his boy Tatum while using Luka who is aganist him in the finals obviously


I know. Just messing with him a bit for calling others bozos.


LOL they have obsessed over the Celtics and Tatum on that sub for years. I only popped in a couple months back pushing back on their nonsense. The notion that it’s comparable is hilarious.


Tatum is cheeks dog


No, he’s not. He’s struggled this series to score, but he’s a great player. 2021, 2022, Abby’s 2023 he had one of three highest scoring playoff games each year. He has 11 series averaging 25+ points. Guys like Butler and Paul George have 5 such series in their careers. Three 1st teams in a row. Only 5th player to lead his team to a finals leading them in points, rebounds, and assists.


I’m playing he’s good, Celtics have a lot of likable players. Even their head coach is like able. Fuck Boston though


it's pronounced homage


Check the highest +/- in the finals ever. Ain’t Mike. Ain’t Kobe, Ain’t Bron. It’s the Truth and Prime Shaq.


what does that imply


it just means one team checked out. its a team game, and if you’re ever blown out by 30+ someone will have a bad +/-. now check, has a team ever been blown out by 30+ in a Finals game and still won the Finals?


Celtics blew out the Lakers by 35 in the first game of the 87 finals and the Lakers proceed to win in 6


Multiple teams have done that.


Nothing really.  But people think of MJ/Kobe/LeBron as some of the best two way players of all time, and all of them have 4+ rings and multiple FMVPs. So you'd think they'd each have a game where their +/- went NUTS. But instead somehow Paul Pierce in two finals appearance and monster Shaq have the highest ever. 


Pierce deserves every poker game with strippers and rent a girlfriend that he wants


Celtics would have won it all if shaq stayed healthy


2008 Celtics spanked the Lakers


No Bynum. Too much Vlad Rad


Well we didn’t have plus minus for 4 of MJ’s finals. Maybe he does have it. Im sure the real list prob has guys from the 60s Celtics, Kareem, Magic, hakeem also


So wheres Jimmy Butler?


Somewhere hurt. We don't call him sideline Jimmy for nothing.


.. this is the first series he’s missed against yall since he joined the Heat


I guess the “dawg” in him doesn’t help with pain tolerance. Edit: /s for all the idiots


Wheelchair jimmy :(


Embild has entered the chat…


who the fuck cares


Celtics having a bad game is literally Miami fans Stanley Cup


Tatum has had a lot of bad games in the finals though


I count 1 this season. Where he was still one of Bostons best players.


Eh, he has not been good in these finals. Celtics fans can try to convince people otherwise, but anyone with two working eyes see that he has not been performing well.


Anyone who knows basketball can see that the entire game is focused around tatum whenever the celtics have the ball. He has been double-teamed consistently the entire series and has been playmaking at a high level and scoring at a decent level despite it


Especially if those 2 working eyes are solely focused on fg% and nothing else




1) I mean I had no argument that Tatum was bad this past game, but if the argument is about the first 3 games then including the stats from this past game where there were no arguments about his performance is just skewing data 2) do you really think the appropriate response to “there’s more to the game than how well you shoot” is “but he shot poorly”?


No other leading star player has this luxury.


aside from Gianni’s what other leading star has an all around game like Tatum does? The more you bring to the table the more leeway you have if one part of your game isn’t going amazingly well.


Dont worry we are actually going to win the stanley cup 🤣


It’s funny. Quit acting all high and mighty


Seeing as 150+ people upvoted it, quite a few people care


Lmao I suppose the hate pendulum had to swing the other way


Nothing like freshly cherry-picked, unbiased propaganda.


Cherry picked? Na man. He's been chucking worse than westbrick. His side step three has to be one of the worst basketball moves of any star ever and he spams it like he shoots it 60%


Basketball is way more than scoring. His playmaking has been elite. Not to mention a majority of his 3s have been wide open not step backs. Do you even watch the games? Edit: the hate for the Celtics has blinded you all.


Tatum following in KOBE's steps fr!! he bouta become 5 time champion lol


Tatum has won 3 more finals games than Jimmy butler has


Its wild the Mavs are getting gentlemen swept with Tatum performing this poorly.


Everyone wants to say they idolize Kobe but Tatum really walks that walk


The heat have never even won a legitimate championship. Isn’t that crazy


12 is legitimate. 06 is illegitimate


Hes still the FMVP


What a weird way to spell Jaylen Brown


Do you know how to read?


It would diminish the greatest of this team tbh