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Yeah I'm obviously a hater but this was absolutely worth doing. Took advantage of the fact that their recent free agency moves have vastly exceeded their value and cashing in at the right time


the whole point of collecting assets is to be able to spend them on a player that can level you up, and they did that


Sam Presti: “no you can just keep hoarding picks.”


He's never gonna trade those picks lol


Other GMs Trying to get Caruso: ‘Here’s four 1sts.’ Sam Presti: ‘Hold My Picks’


he will… for more picks


Part of me truly wants to see what's the limit on picks he can hoard


He's going to draft an entire draft class himself


They really need to make their move. They are a way tougher matchup for most teams. I think okc gives us a 6-7 game series.


They’re playing it cool! No one really available to splurge on and they’re contenders via internal growth alone. I’m sure they’ll spend their firsts at some point but are in no rush


You better be in a rush in the nba. Contracts are short and prime's don't last forever


>You better be in a rush in the nba. As John Wooden said, "be quick, but don't hurry." Presti has been willing to make moves (he literally just made a major trade less than a week ago...), but OKC has so many picks specifically because he's been deliberate and hasn't rushed the process.


All while getting better year in and out in a small market. Dude knows his splash is coming or he can package them in a bunch of small moves to better fill out the roster around SGA and Chet with what whatever happens to be a weakness as the deadline approaches. Not to mention, they could let this team grow one more year. And then see where these picks land a chase a truly big fish and possibly land their next stud for when some od this core prices themselves out.


Presti has plenty of urgency to improve the roster and he has constantly done so. I simply mean he is in no rush to cash in his horde of draft picks to go all in on a guy for this roster. Hes not done tinkering. I feel like you’re misconstruing the statement


They really need some facilitation.


Bah gawd that’s Giddey’s music


Yea, but a good one.


Talent wise for sure but I don’t think they were gonna do that this year. They just didn’t have the kind of playoff experience to avoid beating themselves this year


Maybe Presti is the Joker... just burns up that pile of cash and let the world burn


If you get Caruso without giving up a FRP, why not continue hording?


Sam Presti ends every game with 99 X-potions still in his inventory


And I love how the Knicks did it this time. In the past we would hoard assets with no tangible pathway to success and hope for a savior. That’s why the Melo Knicks had such a short window of relevancy. Now we have a team just 1-2 players away from true contention and still have those assets. We have a solid core of stars within their roles with two all-nba caliber players, and we just added one of the most versatile players in the league


I don't think they're 1-2 away. It's more of a health issue at the moment.  I could picture this current squad, when healthy, beating the Celtics. The fact that they still have a chance to upgrade is a bonus.


Oh yea, I also think we can be considered contenders now. I was looking at it from the framework prior to the trade yesterday. If we add another piece, it would cement the contender status, especially if we can stay healthy


Ah..Knicks were second seed in East IIRC. Pretty sure that makes them contenders. Go ahead and pump those tires.


They are squarely in the some injury luck away from going to finals. Full health i still think Boston clears them. I’m not sure what they do if Giannis is healthy and I’ll hold off judgement on sixers til they actually have a roster. But Knicks did good


In terms of Giannis...  https://youtu.be/HTAj_LGHw50?si=p-rOZdKVGmDVVZvY


Knicks GUTTED themselves to get Melo


Also the Nets turned down offers of 4 first round picks from Memphis and everyone said "well those could have been late firsts".....well these could be late firsts too


Lol difference is mikal forced the issue here, nets probably didn't even want to do this deal


Idk, this Nets ownership seems more forward then the old regime. Why not make trades with certain teams because of an ancient rivalry that means nothing to you. Both teams are better off.


Sorry I was not hinting the nets didn't want to send him to the Knicks, I was more speaking on the idea the nets probably were in no rush to even trade bridges at all but him demanding it pressed the issue


I think the second deal they made, with Houston, was the catalyst. Without that Bridges isn't moved imo. I was shocked they traded him when they couldn't even tank this year or next. They solved that issue. Ownership would've been much more comfortable tanking when they actually have a pick to tank.


They got 5 firsts here and a swap tho. And mikal played another year and his contract is up sooner. So this was way bigger offer than grizzlies


Way bigger is a stretch given it's one extra pick and a swap but I hear you.


Mikala value is also lower. So when you factor that in it’s a lot bigger return.


He is a year older and has one year left on a below market deal as opposed to two so can't say much lower. However we are wandering into semantics now which isn't relevant. I do agree with your premise


I would disagree, that’s a significant difference. If the Knicks had mikal this year for example that would’ve been huge for them. That’s worth at least a 1st imo


Plus, this was basically their last chance to make a big trade, since they are gonna have to deal with the new CBA penalties in future seasons.


I mean it makes sense because they had picks to trade, but 5 firsts for Mikal is still an overpay. Will it hurt them? No, probably not. Does it make them better now? Yes. But 4 unprotected, 1 protected, a swap and a second is normally what you pay for a superstar, not Mikal Bridges.


Did the Knicks overpay? Yes of course. Rivals tax plus nets holding out. No one can say it wasn’t. But was it worth it have have bridges slotted into their starting lineup and still have assets left over? Yes. Bridges can be the 2nd best player or 5th best player without having shitty night in that lineup and that’s why they did this. Versatility is what they’re looking for and trying to match the Celtics. 2 scorers 2 good defenders and a center(who tf knows what’s happening there)


Yeah I mean the haul seems crazy in abstract but all the Knicks fans I’ve seen have been cool with it because there is a time and a place to overpay and you don’t really need to “win” every trade if you’re building something bigger.


Yea a lot of us have already prepped ourselves for this. So many conversations with friends and also people on the Knicks sub about being willing to trade away the farm for Bridges. He’s just the perfect fit for this team. Another hard nosed tough it out player who can both handle and shoot the ball and can be an all defensive type of player. That’s even before the chemistry with the Nova boys.


Yeah, and I think it's an easier pill to swallow than for someone like PG or Butler, who in a vacuum are better players but more expensive, older with injury concerns, and a less obvious fit.


Yeah short of getting a superstar I don't think there's a better fit. He's a great cutter and spot up shooter, so he can play off the ball and let Bruson do his thing. Then if Bruson is benched or if it's the end of the shot clock, he's alright at self creation. And that's not to mention that he's genuinely one of the best in the league guarding 1-3 as long as he doesn't have to expend all of his energy on offense.


It’s not even really like selling the farm. It’s selling your second farm.


Part of the selling point for Bridges is that he’s universally liked and having good vibes is a fun thing to root for. In a vacuum he’s value can be analyzed but feeling good after a deal is dope


Knicks also know they're likely gonna be a second apron team soon. Little-talked-about second apron restriction - "A team's first-round pick is moved to the end of the first round if they remain in the second apron for three out of five seasons." So those 2027, 2029, maybe 2031 picks are gonna be 25-30 range pretty much no matter what.


This needs to be pinned for everyone to see. Great point.


Forreal? That's some 4d chess right there Leon.


predicting a team that far out to be 25+ is a bit bold


The CBA says if a team is second apron for 3 of 5 years, their first round picks are automatically sent to the end of the round. Record doesn’t matter then - you can see if the Knicks are keeping their team together, they’re gonna have to pay into second apron soon.


It means management knows ownership will spend money without blinking an eye.


it's literally not an overpay. Knicks gave up no useful players and gained the best 3&D player in the league. A hypothetical better trade would only endanger the team culture and chemistry (imagine if they saved those picks for, say, Devin Booker—firstly theres no guarantee they get him and 2ndly it would be risky because he doesnt fit the team— ditto with many of the superstars you could name). If knicks kept the picks they could theoretically find someone as good or better than Bridges with one of those picks but it's a low chance, and it would likely be 7 years minimum for that player to come to fruition. Bridges is in his prime now. edit: typo


You have a better 3 and d player on your own team. OG is better than mikal


OG is better on defense and worse on offense. They both have a lot of value to the Knicks


Og isn’t worse on offense tbh. Mikals natural role is around 14-15 ppg on above average efficiency. Thats very similar to OG.


And now we have 2 of the best 3&D players in the league. If not THE best 2. I ain’t complaining about that at all.


You have to spend the picks eventually. Every trade for a star level player is going to be an “overpay” according to experts on reddit and twitter


Versatility and availability, esp given this past end of season (don't jinx)


I have to agree. It can be an overpay and worth it. They got a guy they highly value plus the chemistry could already be there being that 4 of them already played together at Villanova. Bridges is not being asked to be the guy but I think that helps his game more. Forget stats a bit and think of the fit, picks be damned. Knicks have put themselves in contention for the next 3-5 years barring health and some luck.


They can still trade like 3 FRPs and 3 FRP Swaps for any finishing pieces at the deadline. Hopefully the team can just stay healthy, which is a big IF considering the hospital year they just had


The playoffs were just brutal with those injuries. They just kept piling up.


And that’s why Bridges is such a perfect piece. Not only is he an iron man who never misses games but he’s a perfect fit for our style on the court plus a great addition to chemistry off it. And so worth overpaying a little now to keep the core together and improve before crossing the second apron when we extend guys and lose flexibility


I also don't think you mortgaged your future, you have picks every draft still, maybe missing one? Overall the team has assets and room to make more moves or just keep adding young players every year via other teams picks and their own.


We basically have Detroit’s whenever it converts, two this year, then every other year. We also have some rather good seconds too including two from the Nets. Which is fine since we have a team that’s able to be a serious title contender and pieces that can be flipped for assets if everything goes sideways somehow


Exactly, that's why although it feels like an overpay, that's what teams should do when they have a surplus like this. You aren't going to add 3 rookies a year every year, so trade some picks!


“Not only is he an Iron Man who never misses games” Thibs - and I took that personally.


Tbf I think Indiana’s offense was essentially just a kamikaze attack


I mean, the brunson injury inflates the numbers a bit.  They had already lost the season by the time he broke his hand.  That's why you don't trust stats


Directly correlates with Thibs minutes and coaching style


Look at the actual stats before regurgitating stuff you see. We didn't have that many players in the most amount of minutes played prior to injuries to Randle (which was a freak elbow injuries) changing the rotation


This guy just doesn't watch bro lmao


Not really, Randle had a fluke-ish injury colliding with Jaquez. Mitchell Robinson is injury-prone in general and was on borrowed time because he was supposed to be out for the season. Bogie also had a collision injury. Those frontcourt injuries really compounded. OG was pretty well rested going into the playoffs due to his elbow-injury. But he had to play a lot of minutes due to the front-court injuries. Then when he was out, even more minutes were on Hart, who played through his abdominal injury. Not saying Thibs is a master of load management, but this is a bad take from someone who wasn't paying attention.


I like Thibs but I always find this take pretty bad. When you’re physically drained, a simple knock up on the court can turn into a season ending injury simply because you’re more fragile due to fatigue. To say that collision injuries are independent of player exhaustion never seemed right to me. It’s not a coincidence that these ‘fluke’ injuries piled up as soon as everyone’s minutes exponentially went up


I'd say 50/50 at best. Brunson's hand & Bojan's foot are freak accidents. OG's leg and Hart's ab strain could be minutes. Mitch has been hurt off and on all year and then got wrapped up so that one could go either way.


They just got Mikal who has played 83 games in the regular season before. That was def part of the intrigue.


Which picks? They have 2 in THIS draft. 26 and 30 can only be a swap. 2028 already is a swap to BKN. The WAS and DET picks have heavy protections, WAS pick likely won't convey and will be a 2nd rounder. DET at best becomes a 10th overall pick in 2027 or else it's another 2nd rounder.


ah you're right, they can trade whatever prospects they draft tonight though


Weak draft though. Lot of teams holding out for next year.


Yeah, and rookies drafted in the 20’s generally have relatively low trade value 


They can't trade those FRPs because of the Stephien rule (can only trade picks every other year) but yes they can trade the swaps I still think this was a fantastic trade for them. Fuck em picks. The trading flexibility does go down though but they got the piece they needed


they own the Detroit and Washington picks which are both tradeable, and they can pick 2 rookies tonight that they can trade at the deadline


The DET and WAS picks will likely be 2nd rounders though, I'd be surprised if teams wanted to trade for those so I wouldn't count those as assets. Player drafted with a pick don't have the same value as an unknown pick and rarely rookies are traded at the deadline. They don't make enough salary so putting them in a trade is difficult I wouldn't consider their picks as trade assets but it doesn't matter imo. They got a great team and Knicks needed health and injury insurance too


No they can’t


Are there any good centers they could acquire using Mitch and a first since it sounds like Hardenstein is leaving?


I think we keep mitch, limit his minutes. He was very effective against Embiid during the series. We need to take our 1sts and try to move up in the draft and get a center. I doubt we can go high up enough for Edey, but maybe move up into the 17-20 range.


Not sure on cap but best available is probably Jarrett Allen


Yup and depending on what happens with Randle and Robinson, they may get another first soon to replenish their stock.


They made a big sports medicine hire a few days ago, they know health is a problem and they’re spending to solve it


I think we might like our guys enough to go into the second apron and think this is the team. so that might not be possible


It doesn’t matter if they did mortgage the future. Jalen Brunson, OG, mikal, Julius randle, donte, hart, mitch, McBride??? They are completely stacked, the fact that they still have draft capital is impressive They overpaid for mikal, yes. Only critique u can make.


Yeah man anybody hating on knicks moves are crazy lol. This is what building around your star is about


They did the best with who their star is. Like he's still a 6'1 guard. He needs as much great defenders around him as possible.


they signed Brunson, IHart, and Randle in FA, and didn't use any 1sts to get OG. When you look at it like that, I'm okay with us giving 5 picks for Mikal


Everyone shat so hard on Gobert and the wolves, and they were cheeks that first season but then they were the darlings this last playoffs until they got Luka'd


Seeing it written out now I don’t even know if that team is that stacked lol


It’s stacked if you consider the fact that Brunson is a true 1A, Randle is an elite B, and OG/Mikal/Donte all are fantastic options to have as your third best contributor. And that’s just focusing on offense. Rest of the gang are top tier role players too. We may not have 3 All NBA guys, but our depth is pretty nuts. Plus, no one is old, if they find a way to pay these guys we’re set for the next 4-5 years.


When has Randle ever proved to be an elite B? Brunson has one great year when he’s a huge surprise to everyone and all of a sudden we need to treat him like he’s a top 5-10 player in the league? OG has injury issues and Mikal should be good for y’all obviously, but he doesn’t move the needle that much. The team is deep and obviously is better, but I’d hardly say it was worth everything y’all gave up imo.


Randle is a multiple time All Star and has made All NBA. Most teams 2nd best player does not have that resume. Brunson was literally voted 5th in MVP voting, and he’s been steadily improving ever since your owner fumbled his bag. Mikal is literally insurance for when/if OG gets injured, and he’s 27 on a great contract for 2 more season, plays elite defense and can hit a 3 reliably.


Top 5 mvp finisher all nba all star and the best guard in the east; all nba allstar power forward, two of the best 3 and d wings w all defense capacity and shot creation abilities, the best rebounding guard in the nba, a sg who was 3rd in the nba in 3 point shooting, the best offensive rebounding center in the nba how are they not stacked…


yeah idk if stacked is the right word. I think they're just very deep and balanced The first 8 players are legitimate starting-caliber players, they have a couple of All-NBA players, and a couple of All-NBA defenders It's just a well made team, but it's not "stacked". Thats a word I would only use for like the KD Warriors


What qualifies as stacked then? Not trying to be a dick but you just said it, a couple All-NBA players and a couple All-NBA defenders. How many teams in the league can say they have that currently?


The Knicks won 7 playoff games this year and then added Randle, OG, and Bridges


I'm biased but I think they would be lucky to make to 6 games against a healthier Celtics and I just don't see a world where a Thibs team is the healthier team in a playoff series unless it's vs the Sixers.


The Wizards, and Pistons first won't convey. The 2026, 2028, and 2030 can't be traded for players, only as swaps


I'd say it's way more likely at least one of the wizards or pistons first conveys than neither of them convey


It’s hard seeing the Wizards 1st rounder conveying. Top-10 Protected in 25 & Top-8 Protected in 26, I think every Wizard fan knows this rebuild is going to be long and about not skipping steps. I do think this Pistons 1st rounder probably has a solid chance of conveying, just because the protections go on for longer. Top-13 in 25, Top-11 in 26 & Top-9 in 27. If it ended in 2026, then I wouldn’t be as confident in it conveying.


My thoughts as well, Pistons in 2027 is MAYBE the only pick that conveys. Very unlikely Wizards does.


Why is OP flexing these picks lmao? I’m so confused.


Yea it's two mid 20s picks in a bad draft, 2 picks that might not convey, and a 2028 pick that BKN has the swap rights to. All the other picks they have they can't trade because of Stepien rule. This post literally means nothing lmao.


The post only means nothing if you're looking at these picks as strictly being trade assets. All things considered though the fact that they'll still have opportunities to draft young cheap players is completely relevant and does matter.


But that's literally true for every team. Nobody is allowed to trade away the picks every year. Having a pick every other year is literally the bare minimum for the NBA. So really Knicks are looking at the additional pick this year and having control of 26 and 30 not as swaps. Which aren't nothing but not drastic. I think where the post is misleading are the two other FRPs that are unlikely or iffy to convey and could end up simply as 2nd rounders.


Is it misleading if OP has included the protections on those picks? Seems fairly transparent to me. Those picks can technically convey earlier as well, but OP listed them at when then the odds of them ACTUALLY conveying were highest. In a discussion about what assets the Knicks have left, you can't very well leave those off entirely. It's not exactly a reach imo to imagine at least one of those picks conveys. Also have full control over some of your picks vs having swaps can be a very big deal if things go really badly


Different Cs fan but I do think the OP is a bit misleading. It says they have the 25th pick in next year's draft when that's actually in this year's worse 2024 draft. That makes it look like their picks are a bit more spread out than they are. It also omits the fact that Brooklyn has swap rights on their 2028 pick. That said, I do like the odds that the Knicks end up getting a first with least one of those protected Pistons / Wizards picks. With all the bites at the apple they're getting, it's hard for me to imagine that e.g. the Pistons will keep picking in the top half of the lottery in each of 2025 + 2026 + 2027.


> Yea it's two mid 20s picks which is exactly what our picks will be that we just traded?


The 25 picks yea, by 27-29 the team will be very expensive and could look very different, and nobody knows wtf is gonna happen by 2031, when Brunson, if he's even still on the team will be 35 years old.


Trying to flip the narrative by saying the Knicks still have assets knowing people won’t actually look into it.


If everyone's complaining about us losing picks because we might become bad, then those picks are literally assets. We would just use them to draft, not trade.


It's pure cope from the Knicks fans who don't want to admit that they got fleeced out of picks. Sometimes a fleece is ok if you get the guy you want and he takes you to the next level


I swear some of yall use the word “fleece” like it’s the only word in your vocabulary. We did overpay but this isn’t a fleece by any metric


Yea the whole we got fleeced thing is relative. sure the 29 and 31 picks have the potential to turn into high value that would be ROUGH for us. But the whole objective of the nba is to win a chip right so I’m happy we went all in. If we win a championship it’s worth it and if we don’t then it’s better than looking back in hindsight and all the punters saying well they had these 6 picks that they didn’t do anything with they could have gone all in


Because Nets have a great history with drafting players. The best player you guys have drafted in the last 10 years is Jarrett Allen. Once you get past pick 15 it is complete luck for any team. Draft picks main value is via trade and the Knicks time to use them is now


The highest position the nets ever drafted from in the past 10 years was like 22nd because the nets had a fetish for giving away all their picks. Considering that all Marks had to work with were late first rounders and 2nd rounders I think he's done very well so far. Allen, Thomas, Clax were steals for their position. Noah Clowney and even Jalen Wilson (as a 2nd rounder) look very promising.


Draft picks outside the top 15 have roughly a 10% chance of becoming a useful player. So three of the firsts you received will likely be in that scenario, one is a pick swap, and the other 2 have better odds of being higher draft picks. Obviously anything can happen but people hear 6 firsts and act like they all have tremendous value when in reality you’d be lucky if one turned into an all star.


You explained exactly why nets have decided to stock pile on picks and why it's a good thing they managed to get so many from the Knicks. They currently have 9 total and can get even more by dealing people like Johnson and DFS. The thunder did this and look how it worked out for them. The more number of picks you have the better the chance of getting an allstar Tbh this just sounds like cope because you gave up so much to get Bridges. 6 FRPs is huge no matter how much you downplay it. It's ok lol the Knicks will be good and contenders for years to come and the nets will have a treasure horde of picks to draft their next star. Both things can be true and that's ok


The question is: how many of them can they actually trade? - They can't trade 2030 - They can't trade 2028 - Will the Wiz and Pistons picks even convey? The ones they can trade don't have a lot of trade value.


I think they can basically trade 3 picks, 2 of those being the Wiz and Pistons picks (which are relatively low value as they may not convey). It's those two and the 2025 pick (assuming they use their 2024 pick, which would have less value than their 2025, probably). AFAIK they can't trade their 2026 either unless they somehow acquire another 2027 pick (the Detroit pick isn't guaranteed to convey that year).


Yea, Knicks seem to be in a position where it looks like they have a lot of picks, but in reality there isn't much there to further improve the team. The other issue is the hard cap if they ever take on more salary than they send out.


I mean, it’s not all about trading those picks. You’re going to want to gradually add cheap talent over the next few years to bolster the end of the bench/rotation especially in this era of severe cap and apron restrictions. So having a solid number of first round picks to actually draft guys with every other year will be great.


Yea but most of the picks we traded don’t have much value to improve the team either. There’s maybe 1-2 picks that are truly likely valuable.


They traded their 2025 tho. So as far I can tell, they don't have any tradable picks outside of the 2 that might not convey. I think OP messed up the title, they have 2 picks in 2024.


> They traded their 2025 tho. You're right, yeah. And I think they do have their own 2024 plus the Dallas pick, was going off OP's title. I doubt they get another blockbuster deal done before the draft, so looks like it's those 2 picks plus swaps. Not that much value tbh


why do we need to trade them? The point is we still have picks to use for us.


Why would we be trading those picks and not using them to infuse young talent


Porzingus trade ugh


to be fair he basically missed 2/3 of the playoffs they made the finals without him, and it’s entirely possible they would have won anyway


I think it’s more of an ugh to the price Mavs paid for a player that ended up not being close to what was expected. I believe the first we’re giving them this year is the last piece of that trade and he hasn’t played for us in years now.


So correct me if I'm wrong here - the two picks they can move after the 2024 draft (assuming they don't move the 2024 first for a future pick anyway) are the two protected picks, right? As with the protections they can't guarantee that those convey on the target dates? If so, those two picks probably aren't too highly valued given that they turn into 2nds if they don't convey. All that said, the roster has been very well built. Trading Randle is probably the obvious route for an upgrade, and obviously OG and the center situation need to be addressed, but it's a very good squad.


The reason the Nets didn't take the Detroit or Washington pick is because those likely won't convey. And the Knicks can only offer pick swaps for their own picks after this year.


why waste time use lot punctuation when no punctuation do trick


Those Washington/Detroit picks will never convey into 1sts for Knicks unless a miracle happens with either team's roster.


They overpaid, but assuming OG resigns and they keep Randle, that rotation will be on par with Boston imo.


Boston has 2 All Star caliber players and a bunch of rotation guys who are all S tier role players and could potentially be featured on a less deep team. Now you can say the same for the Knicks as well. I’m not sure why your opinion is so adamantly denied by the community


Boston obviously has the stronger starting 5. I’d give them the edge overall. But yeah, I think a Knicks bench with Hart, DiVencenzo and Robinson would be pretty fuckin awesome, especially in the playoffs.


Look at those protections as well as which picks they’re able to trade. First round picks are so valuable because of the flexibility they allow first and because you can use them to draft a player second. The Knicks still have picks they just have no ability to make any major moves for the foreseeable future


Yeah but there's a reason why the Nets didn't want their surplus picks and wanted the long term unprotecteds. Most Knicks fans are happy. Im happy. We can acknowledge that it's also absurdly risky to give unprotected picks 5 and 7 years down the line when the roster is likely completely different. In 5 years when the core here are approaching mid 30s and may not even be on the team, this trade may set our rebuild back 3ish years. That's what people say when they say mortgage their future. Most teams won't give up unprotected picks 7 years down the line. It's actually crazy.


I mean the Knicks DID give up the farm, that's just a fact. But imo it's a fantastic trade regardless A part of me is salty because where was this "oh it's just going to be late firsts" or "they still have picks every other year to draft or swap" energy when the Wolves traded for a 3X DPOY? Instead that was coined *worst trade in NBA history* and the clowning was incessant 😑 But I don't want to repeat the hater cycle just because I'm salty lol. Fuck em picks, this was a good trade tbh. Knicks got exactly who they needed


The Piston one won't convey it turn into a second rounder


There are 3 full seasons on that one. I know the pistons are bad but you’re not even seeing a chance of being better than 9th worst in the NBA in 2027?


Not likely 😅


I'd hope so for their sake. In the last 15 drafts (I'm counting today's draft), the Pistons have drafted in the top 9 in 10 of them. 2 of the remaining 5 they lost their FRP (one had the 8th best lottery odds and the other 12th).


It was a very good trade for both sides


how did the knicks get so many picks?


This man is asking the right questions. In Leon we TRUST


The point of hoarding 1sts is to pay out to acquire key franchise pieces, and they got one in his prime that’ll fit this squad for years. Bonus, they might even be able to retain players better if the squad truly enjoys playing together. They spent wisely to fit their team needs and timeline. Mikal is another guy they can throw at their rival’s wings on defense. And he gives them a solid option outside of Brunson, Randle, Divicenzo


If you have the picks why not go get the guy who’s going to come in and be a valuable piece towards contention and will immediately slot in with the team chemistry it was an overpay they could afford and was the right move for them


Celtics in 5


As a Bucks fan seeing this makes me sad.


That's the big thing with this trade, it's not as if the Knicks have completely abandoned the draft. Even after all they've lost they're STILL picking in the first round until 2029? Okay, so what's the worry? The Knicks have made deep playoff runs two years in a row. They were fucking 2nd seed and only lost to Indiana after half the team died. This is the perfect time to go into WIN NOW MODE. And when you're in that mode you use accumulated assets to add missing pieces, not to hoard just in case you flame out. Mikal is the perfect missing piece. It *was* an overpay, I'd rather have had that 2031 pick back, but oh well, that's business. We're not completely helpless with the draft, clearly. All we need now is to secure OG, and MAYBE Ihart or a new backup big, and we're ready to go to war with anybody.


Yeah, my Sixers literally couldn’t afford to do this because they had no extra picks like NYK. It’s an overpay that they could afford but many teams couldn’t.


Help me out here, how is next year's pick known to be #25? What am I missing?


typo. the 25th is this years (tonight’s.) they have back to back picks


I mean they did overpay though


Nets' tax. It was expected by all parties involved. If Mikal Bridges was a Chicago Bull 3 days ago, maybe the Knicks could have gotten him for 1 pick and the pick swap less.


True to both statements


Fantastic post, OP. This was a great move considering the context of how many picks the Knicks had


overpaid for Mikal but you look at this roster top down and they bring back OG and hartenstein and knicks are top 3


Realizing that 2030 is 6 years away makes me fucking sick. I’m gonna be 30.


30 isn’t old


Sure but it’s kind of a scary milestone


I remember feeling the same way (32) but you still have 6 more years. I didn’t graduate law school and start working until 25. Still not married. I’m not panicked just yet


Broke boys don't get it 😂😂😂


We have 8 1st in the next 7 years, and 3 out of the 5 picks/pick swaps we gave up are going to be outside the top 20. If we ended up giving up 1 or 2 top 15 picks, oh well, I think r/nba has some brain rot from seeing some absolute fleeces recently that they don't understand that you have to give up something of value for players of value. You can't get all star or fringe all star players by giving up a bunch of 2nd round picks, the other team in the trade is usually not a bunch of morons lol.


The way people have talked about this trade and the recent Caruso trade, saying they aren't shit, makes me wonder if people think that a team only gets sizable improvements to their roster if they trade for someone like fucking Steph or Dame without regard to fit or correctly valuing the player in question. So many casuals everywhere...


Just a bunch of clowns who don’t know or play basketball. That’s it.


What do you mean? I saw KOT4Q swap Alec Burks and four seconds for Donovan Mitchell. Why didn't they just do that? /s (No shade to Kenny. That's my dude.)


I remember getting downvoted to oblivion on an old account like 4-5 years ago when I said the best move the Lakers could make at the trade deadline was to give up a late 1st/2nd for one of the Morris brothers to address their need for an additional shooter. Then a week later the Lakers ended up doing exactly that, after that realized most users on this forum have no thoughts in their heads.


Mikal Bridges isn’t even a fringe all-star though? he’s never been all-nba.


people acting like we have any lottery luck ... if those picks were ours even with the worst record we'd be at #3


Brunson committing to re-sign for less money likely pave gave them the flexibility to make this move and re-sign OG when they complete that deal.


Never thought I'd see the day where people were defending the Knicks for being well managed and making good trades and FA signings


Right, but after tonight's draft - they can only trade 1 pick in 2026 (WAS or NYK) and 1 pick in 2027 (DET or NYK) per the Stepien Rule assuming both the WAS and DET picks convey (which is a decent chance they don't). The Knicks are locked into this roster effectively


Not 100% sure but I think we have both our picks in tonight's draft.  We also have a core 4 that will most likely leave room in the salary for each other and team success. We got 4 guys that are focused on winning.


That 2026 wizards pick is easily a lotta pick for new york


Damn. Didn’t know they had all these picks. This was totally a good deal for them


The key to this is still keeping OG, if they lose him it won’t matter. Gotta agree to a contract with his weekend. The juxtaposition is the Thunder, they got Caruso straight up for Giddy and they kept their picks.


Can someone repeat what picks they actually have? I can’t make heads or tails out of this chicken scratch title


How do we know the 2025 pick will be #25? I see this kind of thing a lot and don’t understand it.


add to that fitting their championship window perfectly, being the perfect guy to give boston trouble, being able seamessly transition into the team, and likely developing futher under Thibs. All the context makes it worth those picks I'd rather do this trade than give up 5 picks for mitchell


They're not getting that Detroit pick lol.


You're making too much sense.


Jeez Mav fans, that Zinger trade is the gift that keeps on giving isn't it?


We made the conference finals and finals in two of the last three years. Sure we would like more picks but I don’t think we’re mad about what we’ve done. If the Knicks don’t atleast make the conference finals after this trade it’s a failure.


They still overpaid. Reportedly Bridges said he wanted to be a Knick and would tell other teams he didn't want to sign anywhere. They had some leverage and still decided to pay the highest possible asking price.