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Giannis has his trash ass brother on team Got bucks to hire Adrian griffin and then got him fired after starting season 30-13 lol Giannis escapes all criticism because people just don’t care about him enough like LeBron


Firing a coach after starting 30-13 is wild


To replace him with doc rivers of all people Giannis is biggest dumbass superstar in league imo


LeBron vetoed a Pelinka Hield trade from Sacramento to throw all the assets at westbrook, tweeted 'Keep the same narrative energy!' and deleted it once it bckfires on his as s. Lol. You can't beat that double downing in terms of biggest dmbas s superstar.


> deleted it once it bckfires on his as s. Lol. > > You can't beat that double downing in terms of biggest dmbas s Really takes one to know one huh


That dude’s takes in our sub are equally bad.


Sick burn, bro.


Giannis should be criticized more for this. I’m not sure why he’s not. He acts more entitled than any current NBA player. Look at the incident with the game ball against the Pacers.


Giannis lowkey a hothead. The ladder thing and even the whole “failure” rant. It was funny for sure but seemed a bit mean-spirited to the reporter


Giannis hired a professional coach, bruh. LeBron hired his podcast buddy and his literal kid. Lol. what kind of cmparisn are you making?


Not just the coach. He got his brother on the team and just his attitude in general. Like the game ball incident. Even him losing it on that reporter when he asked about failure. Ok Lebron might be more entitled. But Giannis is up there, too.


He got his brother who legitimately got drafted 2nd round by some other team not related to Giannis. LeBron drafted his kid who wouldn't even smell a NBA locker room, nor have any article about him, probably polishing shoes at a local Nike store if his name isn't LeBron James Jr. Like how blind are you to this? Lol.


but Thanasis averaged 1/0/0 this year!


Giannis trash bro got legitimately drafted to the Knicks as a 51st pick. Bronny got picked on the same team as LeBron because for some reasn, they got lcky as hel he fell to them instead of getting picked by any one 1 of the 30 teams, I guess.


Yes he was picked by Knicks, who were terrible and he still wasn't good enough to come back. He went back to Europe was only brought back to NBA by MIL in a Giannis pairing. The guy averaged 1/0/0 this year and is a blooper reel on the court. You can't offer that narrative without including reality. Thanasis is the perfect example b/c we've already seen how it worked out.


Exactly. And LeBron James Jr. is drafted by his literal dad. You see the obvious difference now? Or are you that blind?


Yes one case of nepotism was a complete failure and the other we have to wait and see what happens. Nice job on that one!


You’d think Bron fucked your mom with the amount of posts you’ve made about him. It’s borderline stalking.


This is actually bronny's account


It’s a mental illness at this point


Let him cook over here, please. It means less of his shitposts on our team's sub.




This is why I always say Bron haters are the weirdest people in sports. Like you hate this guy but you’re so obsessed with him, can’t stop talking about him, and actually glaze him like crazy by acting like he’s some puppet master mafia boss pulling all the strings behind the scenes… mental illness straight up


If you can bring up his 'Year 22' like 1000x in 1 off seasn, why can't you bring up his nepotism? Lol. Is there some exclusive crap you subscribed to or something?




Nah op just has a crush on bron


Bronsexual is the preferred term for OP


If you can bring up his 'Year 22' like 1000x in 1 off seasn, why can't you bring up his nepotism? Lol. Is there some exclusive crap you subscribed to or something?


not my proudest comment to


Lebron is a player who deserves all the pull he is getting, who’s gonna argue what a player like him wants for his team?


“deserves all the pull” - how’s that worked out after 2020?


So you’re saying he doesn’t? If so I’d like to know why ?


The Westbrook move nuked their future, and every coach on this team is hired as a scapegoat. The JJ hiring is literally about bringing in a Bron inside guy and drafting Bronny at 55 was clearly done to appease Lebron. Since the 2020 chip, they’ve lost in the first round twice (which, fine, 2021 gets a pass cause of injuries and that roster had genuine upside), made the conference finals once which is great but also missed the playoffs entirely once. To add to this, generational talent =/= generational off the court decision making, let’s not forget Jordan’s history too.


Not good enough, leGM can do what he wants, and it pisses people off like you who can’t do nothing about it lol


He can do whatever he wants. But when he does something stupd, its not right for people to put the blame on somebody else. Thats the issue here. Lol. Thats like you paying 500 quid for a piece of trash, that 'surprisingly' turns out trash then blames your parents for not stopping you.


Ok, great example…so what..same thing happens when the actual GM makes the decisions when shit backfires right?…why not let it just be a guy who’s actually on the court with one of the highest basketball I.Q’s in history? I’d take his say over a regular Gm ANYDAY, how bout you?


You tell me, Bronsxual. Lol. The only 3 things that bckfired in Lakers moves since LeBron got there are: 1. Hiring JJ and drafting Bronny 2. westbrook trade 3. THT glazing over Caruso all of which LeBron is at work as LeGM. Thats not to mention he is a player and isn't supposed to be doing GM sht, while the actual GM is the GM.


Like I said Lebron can do what he wants, the GM couldn’t have done any better…at the end of the day nobody cares what you think about the whole situation, it’s Lebron team not yours


Such a hypocritical omment from you considering the actual GM right the wrong of LeBrons westbrook push by swapping him for DLo, sign Austin Reaves and DLo to cheap contracts and supposedly is 'the best GM in the league last off seasn and should have gotten Executive of the Year' according to Laker fans, things that LeBron never had the smarts to pull off at any point as LeGM. 'Nobody cares' when the entire Laker fanbase starts shtting everywhere once JJ flops and Lakers miss the play-ins? You sure nobody cares? Cause you just have to click r/Lakers right now and they be caring.


so how does his dick taste?


Like 4 rings and most points ever in nba history with quite a few mvps, oh and no accusations off the court in 20+ years, and a side of savannahs sexy ass


Exactly. So why should Pelinka have stopped him from trading for westbrook, according to Laker fans? Should he have stopped the JJ and Bronny hires as well once it bckfires in the locker room?


Who has confirmed that was Lebron's idea? I think it's more reasonable to say that he was okay with it but I don't think anyone has evidence it was his idea.


Do you seriously think it’s all a coincidence?


I think he was the best available coach, it's like people don't consider who is available right now They tried to wait for Ty Lue, he got extended. They leaked they were interested in Kidd, he got extended, they wanted Hurley and that was bullshit. What do you want them to do, the draft was days away.


What makes you think the JJ and bronny “hires” will backfire?


This is exhibit A of people believing what they want to believe and then creating conspiracy theories for their "evidence"


Dude, come on now. Name legit one reason bronny should have been drafted otherwise, or JJ hired for that matter. His kid shouldn’t have even played in college.


Look at comment history, exhibit a, b, c… of mental illness


Your conspiracy theory is LeBron has no hand in hiring his fellow podcaster and his own kid?


JJ was interviewed for head coaching positions in the past, he hasn't taken assistant positions even though he has been offered over half a dozen times. You're acting like he is a normal podcaster, dude was coached up by the greatest college basketball coach and obviously knows the game very well. To label him a podcaster when he had a 15 year NBA career is so dumb.


So he got interviewed in the past, never gets hired because he only coaches his kids team as his only experience, but somehow gets hired by the Lakers that has an elitist culture of all franchises? 2 weeks after starting a random podcast with LeBron out of nowhere when LeBron never does podcasts? You're telling me of the hours spent on podcast every week and 4 more hrs each week behind the scenes discussing what to do on the pod, LeBron never once talked about head coaching the Lakers to JJ? And it only happens during that 1 hour interview session with Pelinka? who you think you're lying to, lad? Lol.


So you think the lakers suddenly let Lebron have the final say on coaches when they NEVER DID BEFORE? You have literally no proof for any of your claims you just talking out your ass. Do you also think Lebron had some friendship with Frank Vogel and chose to hire him over his actual friend Ty Lue?? You are genuinely making things up based on NOTHING but your own hate for a single dude lol. I’m sure you have proof that Lebron was best friends with Ham too was that why he was hired? You think Lebron was friends with the bucks assistant coach? Or how about this, do you think Lebron is also the one that tried to go after Dan Hurley? He offered him 70 mil?


So you think LeBron meeting and talking to JJ hours every week, goes on media live hours every week has never talked about head coaching the Lakers with JJ? You want some candy for your reward, kid?


What does him having any conversation about head coaching have to do with him having the final fucking say on him getting hired? Are you missing the part where the lakers have to agree to that? And actually interview him? And you clearly don’t understand that HE DOESNR HAVE THE FINAL SAY, if he does, TELL ME why we didn’t get Ty Lue.


So LeBron making stupd reads, thinking the sht players around him are actually good and pushing at FO as a result, threatening them that he wouldnt re-sign if they dont do what he says is right, but FO not saying no is wrong?


It’s a conspiracy theory because you have literally nothing to base it on. They did a podcast so lebron had him hired is a perfect example of a conspiracy theory.


I love they provided no evidence to this.


So you think LeBron meeting and talking to JJ hours every week, goes on media live hours every week has never talked about head coaching the Lakers with JJ? You want some candy for your reward, kid? Thats like saying 1 + 1 = 2 is a conspiracy theory because you've seen it everywhere but refuse to believe its true.


Lol….no in fact it’s nothing like 1+1 = 2. That is a fact. Where as Lebron hiring the lakers coach is a theory and a bad one at that. Because you have zero evidence to back it up.


So it’s a conspiracy and a theory. So what? It’s a totally plausible theory.


It's plausible that Lebron fucked your mom. I mean are you truly *certain* it never happened?


Do you think it’s a coincidence LeBron was in the city his mom lives near twice a year the last two decades?? That’s the extent of the evidence OP has given so both cases are now closed.


Go look up the definition of plausible.


> (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable. Did you see Bron during national women's day? Bro is spitting game with the milfs.


That’s true. But it’s still not plausible that it’s my mother.


Because he can. And good for him. We all wish we can do the same to McDonald's


Idk trading all their assets and good players for Russ Westbrook was pretty egregious by Lebron as well


Laker fans did their best to cover it up due to no 100% evidence. But this is just double downing way worse. Lol. But I guess you might be right, because they are still delusionally covering up this as well based on what LeBrons very own agent feeds to the media. They're that blind lol.


The 55th pick in a draft this bad barely even registers.


A head coach with experience coaching his kids is barely even registers either.


I don't think the JJ hire is a valid attribution. He looked at JJ but they tried to hire someone. That person turned them down, so they went with JJ.


No, OP is judge jury and executioner and his crystal ball has told him how everything already played out. I think he deleted the post and went off for his 7th anti-lebron post of the day.


Yeah, because JJ wasnt their 2nd choice over Nouri, Adelman, Kenny, Borrego etc. right after LeBron mystically starts a podcast with him 1 week ago after never even being a podcast guest anywhere else.


LeBron is the best decision maker in LA in their existence I think.


Yeah, because he talked to the media right after the westbrook trade and exclaimed 'it was fun being massively involved in decisions this off seasn' and tweeted 'Keep the same narrative energy' about his westbrook, Melo, Dwight team then deleting it once they fail to make playins. Such great decision.


They aren't all winners. His decision to play for LA is the best decision anyone has made in that organization's history, though.


It’s almost as if nba franchises cater to their star player, who would’ve saw it coming?


Well it would be one thing if Lebron straight up asked them to hire JJ. But he acts like the idea never crossed his mind. He’s the king of finding ways to not be accountable.


He’s not accountable it’s not his job, the same way pat riley didn’t let him call the shots in Miami lakers can do the same.


So if he gets it right, who takes credit? If JJ flops and Lakers miss play-ins, who takes credit, Mr. Bronsxaul?


Can the season play out? Goddamn why do people want to assign blame or credit before free agency even starts. I’m a Bron sexual yet you’re posting about the man’s son which has already been posted a million times since yesterday. Get help


The seasn played out for westbrook. So who takes the credit for LeBron's 'it was fun being massively involved this off seasn' in the westbrook interview and 'Keep that same narrative energy' deleted tweet? Get help to answer that from your fellow Bronsxuals while you're at it.


But the Lakers are spineless. Lol


Well, since he’s not the GM and even if he has influence he still does not have final say in these things, no. People freaking out about JJ is dumb because he’s 100% the exact type of player who makes a great coach, and who else are you gonna take at 55 in the draft that’s not a dude you are taking a huge chance on anyway, so why not take the player who has learned the game from one of the best players to ever play? Edit: Fixed a typo.


LeBron is GM when you want to criticize him, but not when you want to credit bringing titles to three cities.


4 titles in 23 seasns as LeGM with him on the team as well is hela wack, bruh. Lol.


4 titles is a negative thing now lmao?


Exactly any GM wins 4 titles in 3 cities they are a goat GM. Lol. Such a stupid argument. It’s a compliment!!


6 titles in 6 is a negative thing? Lol.


What are you talking about? I never mentioned anything about out 6 rings


I don’t like Lebron but that’s a lame argument.


Laker fans themselves push this argument. Lol. LeBron set them bck 12 yrs with the westbrook trade else he would have more chips.


Yeah as a GM he’s terrible and yes Lebron fans milk the longevity thing way too much. My point is that winning 4 rings is pretty great. You can’t be contending every year. Jordan is probably the GOAT but look at his Wizards years.


Better than most GMs in the history of the league, so not really.


lol not only is 4 titles bad but looks like 27/7/7 is bad now too!


For real. I’m not even a Lebron stan(don’t get me wrong, I respect his resume, he’s just not blindly my favorite player) and even I find myself feeling like I have to defend him, when he’s arguable the best player who has ever played in this league. Lol Like, are we really trying to say Lebron hasn’t had enough success to warrant some influence in the FO? Significantly worse players have influence with their GM.


We gotta wait and see with both JJ and Bronny. My hopes aren’t high at all but Thanasis put up 1/0/0 last year and this person is defending them lol. Agreed this is earned. And what, is Jeannie Buss above supporting nepotism? The Lakers are all about nepo/fam as an org. But on the real Good luck to the Rockets next season, really dig what y’all are putting together there, was rooting for you on that run end of year.


Lol. For Bronny’s sake I hope he does better than that, but also, Thanasis was never on track to being projected as a potential lottery pick in high school, so Bro my has at least that going for him. I think people hold his college season against him, but the kid literally almost died before the season started and missed most of the season after that. It’s pretty unreasonable to think that season really showed anybody what he’s potentially capable of. I don’t think JJ is going to struggle. I mean, Kerr wasn’t an assistant before he became a coach. Pop never played at a high level in the league. Like, people overrate needing to be an assistant before being a head coach because there have been players who have gone from being a player to a coach and done it very poorly, but generally those are all-time great players, with a very small handful of exceptions to that, and the role players are the ones that end up being good coaches. Bro, your lips to god’s ears. I’m all for the Baby Nuggets meme becoming true. lol. Really interested to see what we do in free agency, because the team is too deep at the wing for all of the young players we have to get proper time on the court, so it’ll be interesting to see who we trade away and for what.


Most GMs dont step on the court averaging 27/7/7 either. If they can + their actual ability to build rosters, they have easily more than 4 in 23 attempts.


Sure, man. Okay


Good boi.


lol. I know you’re 100% not brave enough to talk like that to people in person.


The Atlanta Hawks have existed for like 70 years and have 0 chips. Seems to me 4 in 21 seasons is pretty good


The Atlanta Hawks also dont have a LeBron James the player for 23 yrs.


How many GMs you know that have 4 rings?


How many GMs average 27/7/7 themselves while controlling the managment?


This person has now claimed 4 titles and 27/7/7 are both bad things when both are insanely high praise.


Thats exactly how I feel. But Lakers fans told the world that Pelinka has the final say so he should have stopped LeBron from trading for westbrook which also means he should have stopped LeBron from hiring JJ and Bronny when they fail.


It only doesn’t make sense if you are assuming Pelinka isn’t a bad GM. If you look at the transactions the Lakers have made since getting AD(the biggest thing Pelinka gets credit for) it’s all been terrible except for one or two moves that improved the team slightly by mitigating the damage if the team’s previous mistakes. Pelinka is not good at this, and he’s safe in his job because Jeanie Buss and the Rambis’s like him. Also, again, Lebron did not hire anyone or draft anyone. Having influence with the front office as a player is not something only Lebron does. Also also, assuming JJ and Bronny will fail is just showing you have made up your mind on this and you’re not here to actually engage in a good faith conversation.


Pelinka supposedly 'fleeced the market' 'should have been Executive of the Yr' 'best off seasn of all teams' just last off seasn, after the DLo trade and the Austin Reaves, DLo cheap extensions + Gabe Vincent finls starter FA. These are all actual Laker fans words. so what bad is that? And what bad is all the other moves that LeBron 'helped him do' since its obvious he has the Laker franchise and fanbase on a leash?


You’re asking about a Laker’s fan perspective from a Rockets fan and stating it as if that’s the general consensus, when most fans would disagree that Pelinka is good at his job.


we know Rockets fans are clueless about the Lakers. So no need to elaborate and keep that thing shut.


You’re the one who came at me like that. lol. You’re bad at this, bro. Take a nape and be better when you wake up.


Literally what evidence at all do you have of Lebron having the final say? Do you realize how dumb you sound saying all this with nothing to back it up? Like why do you think the lakers are controlled by Lebron when they do things that have nothing to do with him like pursuing Dan Hurley? Why didn’t the lakers trade their future firsts for someone at the trade deadline when Lebron was clearly unhappy? I thought he was the one that has the final say?


what other players hire their podcast buddy and literal kid in 1 off seasn? what other evidence do you need? Like LeBron James Jr. father is actually Robert Pelinka?


LeGM also drafted Dalton Knecht!! someone stop LeGM


Rumors are he is also Dalton's father.


Same vibes as when he praised the f out of Talen Horton Tucker. Lol. 'watched him when he was young, knew he was this good'. Then prefer keeping him over Caruso. 🤷‍♀️


FR LeGM is so overrated he couldn't even sign Ty Lou, PG, Kawahi, or Kyrie


Facts. Not everyone likes to be controlled by LeBron. JJ bout to find out.


Oh man, he shouldn't praise up and coming players in the league, especially on his team. That's a bad look /s


Yeah, he shouldn't. Laker fans listen to anything LeBrons agent says down to him not having a hand in drafting his kid, but nobody should listen to his vision about a rookie and should tell the rookie to fk off.


What…? Do you think Lebron is actually choosing which prospects to draft? Do you realize how good our scouting department is?? Do you think he cares about a mid round draft pick that much?? When has this ever been the case?


Yeah, LeBron has absolutely no hand in drafting LeBron James Jr. He would have joined the spineless Lakers and their fanbase for averaging 5 PPG and 27% shooting in NCAA easily anyway. For sure, Mr. Dildo.


LeBron isn’t going to notice you, no matter how much you endlessly talk about him. Get on meds, you need them.


But Lebron is noticing you for defending his honor?


Point out where I defended his honor.


Your comment which I replied to. I’m obviously exaggerating a bit.


Like I said, you do not know what white knighting is. Glad we got that completely figured out.


Well you’re fighting his battles for him. I’m not sure which is worse.


Oh, you’re a week old account. I’m wasting my time. ✌🏻


I guess so


Hes never noticing you ever. Lol. You dunnid to start white knighting.


You don’t know what white knighting is.


You would know, Bronsxual.


You should learn how to spell basic words.


Not gonna spell anything right for an illiterate Bronsxual.


For real. Many other stars have their podcast buddy and their own kids hired in the same off seasn. u/goldyacht




I do agree. Love watching it unfold and bckfiring on him.


I mean its won him two championships lol


You're the first mofo I see who said westbrook got them 2 championships. Are you ok bro? Lol.


Youre the first mofo that claims they don't like lebron while still posting about him on a regular basis. Get a life


Easily first mofo who said I claimed I dont like LeBron lol. Can't even dig out any sentence of that with your Jordan Poole IQ.


Can you read or no? Im saying Lebron won 2 championships while controlling the team. never said anything about Westbrook. Good try though kid


Your interpretation skills are sht. He got 4 out of 23, lad. with the 2nd best player all-time on every of those teams. Lol. Thats a sht GM hit rate. He also set the team bck 12 yrs with that westbrook decision that could have gotten him more.


Did you forget that Lebron has won while doing what you claim is “controlling the entire team” when in reality it’s more like just wanting good players. And the team doesn’t even do it, did he get Kyrie on the lakers???


So why are you Laker fans crying about westbrook trade setting you bck 12 more yrs? Lol. Should LeBron not have gotten more chips without that trade? He sabotaged you.


This is a dumb take. LBJ knows more about basketball and about business than people in charge. They are basically getting his services for free. The more he gets involved the better. Not going to say anything disparaging about Lakers ownership or management, but they don't know any better than him about coaching, playing, and managing the financial aspects. He wasn't born into team ownership and owning an agency so he earned everything he has.


Then why have people in charge made decisions not named Lebron James resulted in more playoff success and championships across Bron’s whole Lakers tenure? (i mean yeah, 2020 was huge but Bron’s decision making 2021 onwards only hurt the team more since)


The rules changed. The Lakers can no longer buy who they want and outspend the rest of the league. The other owners decided not to have the old Yankees in the NBA anymore. Now there is parity in the NBA.


For sure. Knows so much about basketball, he traded for westbrook and sabotaged the franchise setting them 12 yrs bck according to Laker fans.


Dawg tell me you ain’t actually 36 years old?


Kobe also had a lot of control. Lakers cater to star players, it's what they do


what the gentle boy is trying to say is that the the 55th pick in the draft is perhaps the strongest pick in most drafts. these players for the most part have long lengthy careers and wasting one of these picks might do the lakers in. to use a 55 pick like this is not only wrong, but sick


which is crazy considering a classic 55 pick is still 10x a better player than LeBron James Jr. and his 5 PPG + 27% FG in NCAA.


55 picks rarely make the roster, that said. apologies for my rude comment


But Bronny gets to get a pro contract? Thats what I'm getting at lol. Theres more layers to this nepotism crap.


lakers front office are doing a bad job for sure. i agree, they could have even just signed him


Could have easily told LeBron to shut up about westbrook too.


LeGM has been alive and well for the past 10 years - of course, when Bron alone makes you an automatic contender it makes perfect sense. At this stage? imo he’s his worst enemy. LeBron was never a great GM and a lot of the success his teams had has more to do with knowing how to build around himself as the unquestionable best player in the league. At this stage though? yeah, it ain’t gonna work cause Bron, while still amazing, isn’t a top 5-7 player anymore so LeTeam isn’t an automatic contender anymore. I think this time it straight up comes off as more egregious and annoying is because it isn’t really resulting in winning. They’ll be mediocre as long as Bron’s tenure lasts then they’ll prob suck for the following 3-5 years afterwords


Bill Russel coached the Celtics will still playing. That's gotta be up there.


He delivered results. LeGM set Lakers bck many years with his decisions, then double down on it this yr.


JJ wasn't the first choice


He wouldnt have been any choice if not for the podcast.


Giannis got his head coach fired mid season while having Thanasis on the roster. Jordan got paid more than entire teams rosters. Bill Russell demanded to not be drafted to Saint Louis, demanded a salary increase to top wilts, and was a player coach. A retired Bob Cousy who was a head coach (not a good one) subbed himself into a game (and sucked + cost the team the game). Probably many more stories, but this one isn’t even top five for LeGM.


Giannis hired a professional coach. LeBron hired his podcast buddy and literal kid.


if they are GMs LeBron has 4 titles and Giannis has 0 since becoming GM. Love how that keeps getting skipped over in all this. Say whatever you want but just know no matter how much time you spend on Reddit you will never tear down what these people have accomplished. and they will never know or care that you existed on this planet.


What about all the coaches he's gotten fired and players he's gotten moved. Also all the players he's moved. And now also this. It's all been the most egregious shit ever lol


Dont tell that to Laker fans bud. Pelinka has had the final say to drafting LeBron James Jr.! What is Pelinka doing?!


You do understand the history of this franchise right? It's very incestuous, very nepo.


There have been many instances in NBA history where a player is also the coach at the same time. Bill Russell won a ring as a player-coach 


Exactly. They proved the decisn right. LeBron just proved it wrong with the westbrook trade, now he still gets to do this 2 more times. Lol.


Do understand the history of LeBron as well. LeGM isn't a term used overnight.


I mean, one of his nickname is LeGM.


LeBron needs to fire pelinka for not able to find any good teammates.


For sure. Heck of a great teammate in Bronny James Jr. and his 5 PPG in D1 + podcast buddy. Championship tier teammate and coach.


Just to stress team control. He might as well be the gm.


Lakers organization has no spine.


Their own fans are easily the most spineless, till JJ flops and Lakers miss play-ins and they've got the spine to go at Pelinka again.




Didn't you hear? Lebron didn't tell the Lakers to hire JJ and he didn't tell the Lakers to draft Bronny.


Only way he makes up for it is to sign on a cheap deal to allow lakers to make a move with a backdoor agreement that they sign Bronny to a 4 year or something.


Hes never doing that. Lol. He owns these spineles Laker franchise and their fans on a leash.


Yes. But are you surprised? This is LeBron.


This is also the Lakers.