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I mean, Paul George is like the only star who is a candidate period right now. Everybody else is a tier below. There’s a lot of good players but it’s kind of a thin list when it comes to just all-out talent.


Even then Paul George is on the decline, his defense wasn’t as good it used to be (understandably as he ages), and his game that’s based off tough jumpers looked more inconsistent in the playoffs. It’s tough justifying 200+ million for him if you’re not one of the top 5 teams.


and yet hes still head and shoulders the best player available. There are teams like Philly and Orlando who basically HAVE to pay somebody. Philly especially because i doubt Embiid is buying another season of Morey’s flexibility nonsense.


How is it nonsense? He turned Simmons into Harden. If he lands PG, the entire salary cap plan will have worked.


He’s saying punting another year is bad if they don’t land pg


Also, we need to be real that Chris Paul on a $30 million contract is not at all a valuable trade asset. He's a buyout candidate no matter where he winds up. Nobody actually wants him to play for him this year at that price. So unless the Warriors are gonna throw in some valuable picks or a promising young player or two, CP3 is not attractive to any team at that price tag. So the people I see saying the Warriors should trade CP3 for Brandon Ingram or whatever, y'all need to calm down.


Cp3 was just to get the salary figured out since they could garaunteed as much or as little of his contract as they needed to get the trade to work


With PG off the board, my guess is the Warriors will now just not guarantee CP3's contract and he'll become a UFA.


Chris Paul you are a Los Angeles Laker when we dump Reddish and Hayes


I’d want him on the blazers. I thought they should have done a grant and Brogdon for cp3 and stud package last year. Off the bench mentor for scoot get assets and gets off the books


He’s not a tier above Harden


yes he is


Oh, honey…


The consensus among Clippers fans is that they would rather keep Harden over PG. Now realize these are people who have watched both players the most this season and wonder why that is


100%. Harden was so important to the highs of the Clipper season. The playoff series against the Mavs also turned a lot of Clipper fans off of PG. For a while now he has just disappeared against ball pressure, but it was particularly discouraging watching him just give up against DJJ while simultaneously handing off the responsibility of guarding Luka or Kyrie to Harden


That’s the consensus of fans who are just bored. PG had a far better season than Harden.


Imagine discrediting people who actually watched the games lol. PG just had one of his most efficient seasons bc he had Harden taking over playmaking. And Harden is still a 38% 3 pt shooter off of strictly isos


PG didn't even guard anyone in the playoffs. The idea of PG is better than the reality.


Harden isn’t currying $212M offers, can’t imagine why the Clippers fans would prefer keeping him over PG.


Because you didn’t watch the games my friend


Nah, it’s because Harden will be immensely cheaper and an easier contract to move if they have to move him. It’s that simple, mijo.


We’re taking about fans not front offices. Fans don’t think like that


They absolutely do, mijo.


Lol just go over to r/laclippers and see for yourself


They can still get Lavine. Not exactly the defensive player that they need but he’s great on offense at least. He should fit their system. 


I mean Zach apparently is being shopped for a pair of old shoes so if they have a way to absorb that contract they can get him. He sort of like Klay if Klay had bad knees and didn't play defense.


I feel like that might just work for both parties, they wanna get off that contract and warriors don’t wanna give up much


What salary do warriors have to match Lavine? What do Bulls actually get? A future warriors first? That’s actually not a bad haul if it’s like a 2029 Edit: can CP3 involved in this as salary dump?


Klays defense is not good anymore. Healthy lavine would prob be a wash on D


Golden State trying to stay relevant for Curry’s sake. Will soon be like most teams in need of a rebuild


If curry asks out we could get like 5 firsts and a couple prospects. We had an amazing run can’t last forever


Curry’s not that player anymore. If he could garner 5 firsts they still keep the band together


The fuck are you on Rudy gobert got 5 firsts and mikal did as well. Curry would def fetch that


Good luck with that


Just giving up on Markkanen feels weird.


They'd be dealing with Ainge. He saw the Bridges trade and said "I want that!"


'take that and double it!'. The Ainge special.


Yeah honestly I don't blame any team for not trading with Ainge. A good trade should be a "Win-win" he would rather the trade be more win for him and you get fucked. Unless he's dealing with the Lakers I feel like


Rob Pelinka outside the WB trade has done a good job getting returns. Ainge and him seem to be open to good faith deals, interesting to see if OKC doesn’t want to part with their arsenal of picks if Lakers 3 FRPS + 3 FRP Swaps gets any momentum for Markennen. I’d assume we’d have to include Knecht + Reaves + whoever they’d want.


Throw away the future for ~2 years of hoping LeBron James stays elite and healthy? Because LeBron staying at a top 10 level is the only shot Lakers have at winning a ring with their current depth.


isn’t that the point of getting another all-star level player with Lauri Markennen so you can build around him and AD


It is, but in this scenario, you’re staking your future on an aging, 39-year-old star remaining healthy and elite. The timeline is much stricter and riskier compared to when the Clippers or Timberwolves threw it away. Also, 6 seasons of Lakers draft controlled by the Jazz is a ton of control.


we are staking that even without the trade


What are you guys trading 3 picks for?


not 3 but Prob around 2 for DFS/Cam Johnson to boost the wing rotation or Jerami Grant


I wouldn't want to give up Reaves if I'm a Lakers fan but I agree him and DLo are kinda the same. I agree Larui is a baller but idk if the line up of AD-Bron-lauri-reaves-Dlo(or bronny?) Actually it might slap Lauri is like a thinner not as good rebounder as KLove


Ainge would want all their picks AND Kuminga for Lauri.


Yep the price would be like 5 firsts. No one wants the ainge curse


lol Kuminga is better than Lauri


If the Jazz ever get serious about moving Markannen, I assume OKC would top all other offers.


Lauri is overrated as hell


Ingram. He’s certainly a tier below George, but he’s worth a shot


I’d love Ingram but not sure what they would want


Kerr benched Ingram for Josh Hart at worlds


So? He’s prob the most talented free agent left


BREAKING NEWS: Warriors could get PG and add a star player. Warriors will not add PG. thanks


This relates to other free agent/trade news in general as well though, not just Paul George.


DeRozan could move the needle... a lil bit... maybe...


On what, the min-MLE? The vet min? He's not taking that.


Getting Derozan in a sign and trade is probably the next best option out there


Oof no




You’ve got 4 rings in your recent term memory bank. Suck it up champ and welcome to life of the majority of NBA fans


The majority of NBA fans have teams that actually try to get better and don't fall in love with young mediocre volume scorers. Well, the Charlotte Hornets, I guess, but at least they don't know what a good team is like and thus have no point of comparison.


Well fuck you too then.


There is always a price to pay for success. Very few teams pivot from one epic run (4 rings in 8 years) to an immediate great next iteration. With the new CBA’s restrictive 3 nd apron rules, the massive deals you’ve had on payroll, and the misses/bad luck in the 2020 and 2021 drafts, it’s just reality that they have very little means to pivot to another contending iteration. The 2020 draft is especially painful because outside Edwards, it was just so bad. I guess you could have taken Haliburton at 3 but that would have been ridiculed at the time


Lamelo Ball was available at 2.


Boo hoo


I haven’t seen a nuggets fan since the playoffs lol


Why should the warriors kill themselves over a constant playoff underperformer? People acting like the clippers are losing prime Shaq in Orlando


that playoff underperformer is better than anyone you can even think of signing for the near future. Steph is aging, I doubt he wants to tank and try to hit on a pick..he saw what happened last time he did with Wiseman


Wiseman pick made sense at the time. People said taking Lamelo etc would have been stupid. It’s all about the price though, I won’t shed a tear if the warriors couldn’t get PG because they didn’t want to give up Kuminga, the first team all rookie player and multiple firsts. Hopefully something pops up for us but I doubt it


I know Steph is a franchise icon, if you’re Steph so you stick it out or ask out?


Honestly it's hard either way. If Steph was in a decline then you could argue him slowly fading away with the team. But no, he's still really freaking good. So imo he should go somewhere else. Another team... with a blue logo.


Team with a blue logo? Do you mean the Grizzlies? Wolves? Magic? Sixers? Knicks?


No... someplace as hot as California, but also a change of pace. Somewhere... lower.


Bay Area not really that hot tbh. It’s very moderate climate wise. It’s fairly different from the Central Valley or southern counties


santa cruz warriors?


Clippers it is then




Orlando is both lower and hotter.


He means Denver I think. And Denver would probably do it. Jamal Murray and Steph is like for like except Steph is like turbocharging your team


He is clearly in decline, but he is declining from so high it doesn't look bad yet. He has 1-2 years left at an all star level. I don't think he'll make another all NBA team.


He definitely was worse this year than previous years. He very well could be in decline


This would never happen bc half of the warrior fanbase are just Steph fans. They lose more than just the on-court product if they trade him.


This is not even true, warriors have always had a very good fanbase they’ve rarely had the team though. roaracle was always a thing and I do miss how loud they were. Oakland fans are very devout


Oakland fans are, but there are a lot of warriors fans outside Oakland and it is mainly bc of Steph


All the SF techies are out as soon as the team is really bad or when Steph leaves. These are people who didn’t grow up watching the Warriors win 20 games a season for a decade. They’re only Warriors fans because it’s the hip thing to do


I can tell you right now, if Steph leaves, the Warriors will lose a fuck ton of fans from most of Asia.


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He should ask out given how the front office has conducted itself, but he won't because he's too loyal and probably has too much of a bond with the region. Instead he'll stay and allow them to use him to sell tickets and merch.


> He should ask out given how the front office has conducted itself Yeah worst office in the league getting to six finals in ten years.


Now you're about to watch my point become consensus


You do realize that they've changed management, right?


Good, wish the worst for Draymond


rent free


Ok fine but then you’re not gonna keep Klay? They could do cp3/looney/a protected first and a second for LaVine or try a sign and trade for DeRozan


With all due respect i don't think gsw would want Lavine for free, it's not like he's highly coveted by any teams rn reports are saying bulls will need to attach a pick and even that might not be enough for teams to trade for a player with that injury history and one of the most expensive contracts in the league


Glad they tried, but kinda glad it didn't work out too. I'm happy watching the young guys get more run this year.


Bruce Brown isn't a star?


Incoming Bridges package for Brown.


Warriors are officially cooked. Back to the bottom of the barrel where they belong lol


PG is a bitch, doesn’t want to win fr 🤷🏾‍♂️


If they turn Klay CP3 Wiggins and Looney into Paul George, that’s still a win