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Embiid has all time bad body language. He finished with 31 and this was a fairly close game but if you were watching him the whole time you'd think he was losing by 40


Him and Kat aren't so different after all.


I fuckin love Embiid, always supported him, but his body language is atrocious and it makes me like him less


He’s trying his heart out but the coaching sucks, cut him some slack. The guy used to be so funny and charismatic. Ig that’s what 2 seasons of Doc does to a mf


He clearly has not been trying his heart out so far tyis season.. He pouts when he doesn´t get the ball. He´ll still get 30 in his sleep but he needs to step up the rest of his game.


Bro I hate doc SO MUCH. I agree with you. FUCK DOC SUCKS SO MUCH.


Nah if he can’t lock in & play hard then fuck him


The Sixers in general are front runners. When things are going well they are celebrating and yukking it up. When they are going poorly they look like kids who's dog just died. They absolutely have the talent to be a title contender, but makeup does matter to a certain extent unless you are good enough to just crush every team on almost every night even during the postseason. Doc doesn't help matters, but I think this was an issue with Embiid even before he came around and the team mostly follows his lead. Imagine if he were the kind of dude to give max effort and fight to try and win every possession regardless of the score? If his team saw him doing that they would follow suit. Love him as a player, but the lack of that characteristic would irk me if I were a Sixers fan. I want my best player to be a sweaty tryhard.


him and Ben but at least embiid can do something. ben is perma-shook.


Ben is who Embiid looks like he is body-language wise


Other team’s GMs popping their heads up out the ground in unison.


Harden been working out with Embiid on D


A lil early to phone it in buddy


What’s up with Embiid this season? Why is he so timid on both sides. He’s a 7 footer with 5 rebounds in the middle of the fourth. So weird.


he had surgeries in the offseason and had plantar fasciawhateverthefuck so he didnt train much. big dude like that prob wont be in shape for a minute after that


Yeah I’m not clear why people put so much stock in how guys look in the first few games. It’s October, let’s see if he’s still like this in March.


Agreed but for me it’s late November-December I start judging more


everyone is 12 here. a week is a large percentage of their lives lol


Usually if you don't prepare before the season or can't prepare, you do worse during the season. 🤷🏽‍♂️


it depends on what it is. embiid is so much better than 99% of the league it won't really matter once he's in shape. the real problem is the coach has to go.


Especially for Embid who is a historically slow starter


So many ways to keep fit without contact. I’m an embiid fan and that’s a shit excuse. O


Hard to keep in shape when it hurts to walk or run


for a player making 50mil? no. get in a pool


I'm not an olympic swimmer but i've competed. The fitness asked of you in the pool and the court are very different... I could swim a couple of km at good speed like it's nothing and then get tired at the end of a game with my friends. This is especially true if you have an impaired feet (i just twisted my ankle once running and i felt it the hole time i was in the water). I guess it's the same for static mountain climbers. Like, he's able to play an nba game. it's clear his conditioning is not "i was in the sofa three months" levels of bad but coaches always say that simulating an nba match enviroment is hard


swim, bike, row, etc.


Can’t really bike much with plantar fasciitis, rowing might be ok. Swimming is really the only thing that would definitely work so yeah I guess he should’ve been swimming


Swimming, cycling, elliptical training are all fine to do when healing from planter fasciitis


Man, with all the Los Angeles Lasers fail drama and Nets soap opera, I didn't know he had even more surgeries!? Even when we heard about Embiid, it was all about his citizenship shopping adventure.


He’s recovering from surgeries + maybe not happy with how Morey built the team to be the rockets but 5 years older and built around harden


That’s just not true at all, this is the team he’s always wanted lmao and he loves morey


God he’s like twice as big as he was coming into the league. Or so it appears. Plantar fasciitis gonna act up putting on lbs and not staying loose/active.


Joel Embiid in help defense is barbecue chicken with mac&cheese


joel "not my assignment, not my problem" embiid


A great combo?


homie literally stepped aside to let him in 💀 tf he doing out there


Didn’t wanna foul


if u watch it back he has plenty of time with his eyes on achiuwa, could have easily contested cleanly but just didnt lol https://imgur.com/a/wgIWjQZ


Didn’t want to get dunked on


He finished with 2 fouls…


He was in the restricted area


Which means you can’t contest?


He could and looks like he thought about for a second but realized it was too late. Probably didn’t want to risk the poster plus and 1


Embiid's defense has been one of the most baffling things to start this season


Complete Sieve on Defense.


Sixers fans really tried to argue he was better than Giannis last year... Giannis may not have stopped that drive, but at least he would try.


Wasn't he supposed to be good at defense?


Did you see the part where a guard was on him and it wasn’t an instant bucket?


In Denver that doesn't happen.


Sixers can make the excuse of the Fascia minor surgery. But his attitude has been at an all time low for a bit. Is there something else going on with him?


Yeah, he's a frontrunner with zero mental fortitude


Isn’t this how he often looks?


Sixers look cooked


This reminds me of MLB fans and talking heads who are mad that a wild card team is in the World Series, shouldn’t the best teams simply be awarded the trophy? It’s a long season and Embiid, Harden, and Maxey all are putting up great numbers. I think they’ll be fine




Yeah funny we aren't hearing the same arguments about defense right now. Jokic doesn't get tons of blocks but he is a massive rebounder and has above average steals and rn Embiid is doing none of the three with much gusto


LOL good effort Embiid. Almost looked like you cared for a second, thanks for taking yet another play off though.


Embiid must've bet on Toronto.


Maybe he regrets how things went down with Ben and he's missing him right now.


Embiid and Wembanyama twin towers will be a formidable line up until they both miss the playoffs with injuries.


Daryl Morey needs to blow this roster up.




He’s the current whipping boy. Negative posts and comments only.


Rivers needs to be fired


As much as I enjoy making fun of the 6ers, what is actually happening here? Embiid is a top 5 guy and Harden is playing like his old self from what I have seen. Why is this not working?


No one is playing defense.


The answer is Doc


~~Doc~~ GLENN


Oh yeah my b


The coach is garbage and no one has confidence in him


how the hell is Rivers still the coach


The fact that no one is criticizing Danuel House, who actually fucked up, says a lot about how little this sub knows about defense.


It’s not about who fucked up though, Embiid rotated over properly and then just got out of the way


Why did Embiids not simply take the ball from the other player? Isn’t he come supposed to be good at defending?


It’s because they hate Embiid. Somehow he should have guarded Vanvleet under the rim and also prevented Achiuwa from getting a running start in the lane.


forreal, he looked like Ben Simmons right there


Any given play you can be late to a rotation, or mess up... you play hundreds, and even thousands of them on a nightly, weekly, and yearly basis. But this one, isolated, is a baaad look.


Trust the Process


The one time embiid really tried on defence he got a chase down block although it was a foul. If he was consistently doing that I bet players would think twice before going at the rim. Man’s gifted offensively, and I kind of like his thing where he casually walks around like he doesn’t plan to play and then goes beastly when he gets the ball. But his effort defensively lately has been questionable.


how is no one realizing this is on house, not embiid?? didn’t want to pick up another foul and made a business decision at the last second. are we all watching the same clip??


flashbacks to last year when raps fans let the regular season matchups think they had a chance in the playoffs 😭😭😭😭


philly hasn’t made the ECF since they hit the pentagon


kawhi carried those bums


Raps got one top 10 player and immediately won a chip, Sixers have the back to back mvp runner up and can't make it out of the second round 😂😂😂


seethe harder


I don't think raptors fans care since he got them the ring.


Yea he helped us get a ring


bounce bounce bounce bounce


That's a layup. Straight to jail.


That man doesn't even know what country he's in, whose team it is or what citizen he is this week. He's lost on offense, defense and special teams, and basketball doesn't even have special teams.


Nobody wants to face Toronto in the Playoffs. They're the Grizzlies of the East.


Are you forking kidding me. How does anyone justify an MVP-caliber player acting like this?


what doc rivers does to a mf