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Mid 3 going crazy


East is a clusterfuck and no clue who is gonna make it at the moment lol besides Celtics and Bucks.


Cavs are a lock.


Cavs a dark horse, but probably still too young. E: I meant a dark horse contender peeps.


A dark horse for the finals, but they should absolutely make playoffs.


Thats what I meant.


Locked first round exit


Hey that's not fair, sometimes Donovan loses in the second round...


MID is actually an acronym for Motherfuckers Is Deadly


if I don't make it, tell my wife I said "hello"


Do you like this team better or the fourth seed Knicks two seasons ago


This team. Nobody on that old squad had the kind of game sense and composure that Brunson has. He totally changes the whole dynamic


For you https://i.imgur.com/tLsbjTz.jpg


I think this team has a higher ceiling due to having more playmakers, the big problem with the 4 seed year was that outside of randle and rose no one could create plays and all the shooters like bullock were strictly catch and shoot, now we have brunson, randle, rj is better at playmaking, grimes can attack closeouts, IQ Obi and Hartenstein can help off the bench etc.


I mean having Brunson at PG instead of Payton should make this team easily better, but we’ll see how things go. Idk if everyone remembers, but the reason we finished as the 4 seed was that really good win streak we went on towards the end of the season. We won like 9 straight and that sent us up towards the top of the standings. Before that, we were just playing around .500 ball. So we’ll see. On paper this team should be much better.


That team went on a run once they picked up Rose and had at least one threat at the point guard position. These Knicks are a lot deeper.


This team, 10 out of 10


I don't know if this team is better. If thibs is supposed to be the coach he thinks he is, let's see what the knicks do when Brunson is locked down / double teamed / etc. Can Randle and Barrett put it together. Watching Randle go from superstar to ghost because of a few playoff double teams just makes me feel like the knicks aren't rounded. Their offense is spotty and looks really bad at times. And their defensisve rebounding is begging for a player trade (or coach) to solve. They play so intense on defense but it leaves the door open for a lot of offensive boards.


Brunson signing was massive


Knew it would be. I'm hoping we can keep most of this team together and grow with playoff aspirations. I know the east is stacked and there's little chance beyond the first round but I still consider this progress untill we snatch a superstar from somewhere


Tbh I don't think it's enough but it was a very good signing and your team still has a lot of assets to keep adding to this core.


Absolutely agreed. Brunson will continue to develop and grow as a leader. Unless he makes an astronomical leap though we'll need a bit more.


Every time I watch a Knicks game I come away wondering why no one ever talks about Jericho Sims, kid is like a 22 y/o super athletic footer, he’s def gonna be a big asset eventually.


Knicks have a lot of good big men. The depth means some of the bench guys don't get that much time.


Sims is a monster but still very, very raw skills-wise and in basketball IQ. He’s a project.


part of it is we signed our best 2 players as free agents we didn't pay a bunch of draft picks to get them also they nailed the crap out of the 2021 draft despite not picking higher than 25th, at least one NBA starter potentially 2. three rotation guys grimes looks like he can be really really good, if there was a redraft of 2021 he should go 15 spots higher at least there are guys that are literally out of the league already that were picked ahead of him. amazing pick


This is the first time we’ve had even an above average playmaking PG since what, Ray Felton?


Argument can be made for Old Man Kidd for overall talent but realistically we haven't had a lead guard with this much production since the GOAT Vaseline-Eater Starbury


Yeah but Kidd was almost used as a glorified 2 guard that season and was cooked by the end of it. Ray Felton was actually pretty good before he got morbidly obese instead of his normal chubby self.


Mavs lost their shit too. They are headless chickens


Knicks get their draft pick this year btw.....old Porzingis shit


Real greaseball shit


Real bing bong shit


The trade was so bad they couldn’t even air the drafting of the pick they received back.


Add insult to injury


Brunson and simons contracts way better than pool


Remember when Jordan Poole was a better signing than Jalen Brunson?


Pepperidge Farms remembers...


above average 3


"The B team"


[we got the chant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fcD84pIl7Y)


Shoutout Thibs


Man that penguin nice


In his Cobblepot bag


Everyone's talking Jalen but at the end of the day this team is far outperforming its individuals' talent and for that the coach is always deserving of a ton of credit. We may have no big stars, but we've got great chemistry, great rotations, great teamwork. If we could put a real star on the team (and maybe now we finally have a chance), the team has a real shot.


i know there isn’t an actual rivalry there but i hope we get them & brooklyn in a 4/5 or 3/6 matchup this year


Yeah who wouldn't want seven home games?


Got em


its sad how a subway series hasnt happened the entire time the Nets have been here. Knicks have been terrible most of the time


To be fair, the Nets were also pretty garbage for like half that time


Hey now :( You’re right but it still cuts me deep


It could easily happen IMO A lot of the teams that were supposed to compete for the spots after the Bucks and Celtics look horrible Despite all the Nets drama and Knicks clowning hard to say that 8 teams would make it over either Pretty sure Nets are in 4th and Knicks in 6th right now so one seed off a matchup


More like 1/2 conference finals, hottest teams in the East


Nets and bucks are hottest teams in the east. 8-2 over their last 10




Damn that's actually really cool, didn't realise they were on this run. For Knicks fans, how has Randle been lately? His stats look even better than that Mip season lately, does having a playmaker in Brunson next to him really help?


Better offensively than his MIP season. It’s not based on midrange shots and mostly him getting into the paint. Playmaking is down, because he has Brunson to playmake for him, which eliminates him from doing too much/careless turnovers He is doing everything the team and Knicks fans want him to do


Wish they would go away from the Julius isos down the stretch in the 4th, but that’s mostly a thibs issue. Everything else has gone as well as you could have hoped so far offensively for him


This was the only game we closed with Randle when Brunson closed for the past 3 close games and didn’t finish. Maybe they wanted to try something different but I prefer Brunson closing too. Glad Brunson pulled it out in OT


this is what that was. the last few close games brunson was given the ball and couldnt come up with the bucket. No harm in trying something different here, it was a very low risk situation with the clock where it was.


Yeah I'm not really sure what Thibs was thinking there. We've seen that same play fail so many times while we've seen Brunson consistently get good looks late in games.


Don’t worry he’ll figure out in a year just like he did with the rotations


except for his excessive isos as per usual


Taking primary playmaking responsibility away from Randle for the first time since he signed with us and giving it to an arguable All-Star Point Guard cannot be understated. Randle is an All-NBA talent when he plays to his strengths, Brunson is paving the way for him to do so.


The Knicks have needed a true (and healthy) PG for so long. I’m so happy with Brunson so far this season.


JB made a world of difference to this team. Gave them a floor general to run through. Randle has said multiple times in post-game interviews this season that the teams surge all comes down to Brunson.


His last two point guards are Alec Burks and Elfriid Payton, who I'm not sure is even in the NBA currently. It's night and day seeing him with an actual starting point guard, but I'd really love to see him in a more creative system.


Yes, 100% yes


Randle is back to his all star self offensively, even better than 2021 imo. He’s not taking crazy unsustainable mid range jumpers like he did two years ago, and his offense has evolved into him being aggressive in the paint and looking like Steph curry from 3 every other game. Defensively, not going great. Overall, happy to see Randle bounce back.


Yeah for sure. Jumper's been getting better and better this year too. Reverted back to some iso-ball late in this one but that's been kept to a minimum for the most part


he had a solid game, 31-13-7 very nice


Monster game for sure


not perfect but he fought hard the whole game made some big shots even that last second shot in regulation wasn't the worst thing, they clearly wanted to burn the whole shot clock. you'd want a lob to mitch but randle has really never been comfortable throwing those lobs probably shoulda kicked it out but meh


Randle has been awesome all season, and anyone who is still shit talking him is just a delusional hater.


Brunson has been making everything easier for randle. Not just getting him open looks but Brunson is actually a threat on a pick and roll/fade forcing switches which gives either randle or Brunson a mismatch


He’s bringing a lot on offense when he’s locked in but he still holds the ball to long, gets tunnel vision, makes questionable decisions, and has defensive lapses. The full Randle experience


He's been a beast as of late. Occasionally still makes bad decisions but he is scoring a lot and efficiently.


r/nba crying and shitting rn


83 on good efficiency for the “mid 3”


Idk man we got a lot of chaos fans in here 🤷‍♂️


>Chaos fans Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!


Those 90’s Knicks were definitely Khorne worshippers


Charles Oakley, Champion of Khorne


Lot of people here said with a straight face that the pistons were better than us before the year lol


Let's be real, no one here was saying that with a straight face. They were saying it with gay, possibly bisexual faces.




Never forget the monkeys on here saying the pistons would be a play-in contender lmao this place is filled with brain rot Damn now everyone’s gonna act like this is a racially charged statement. This place is actually filled with brain rot. Y’all need to touch grass


Monkeys is nuts


Apes stronk




That caused me to say “ayo” just reading it out loud


This sub is 80% young white males lmfao idk why they got so bent outta shape over you calling em monkeys.


Monkeys on typewriters would result in better discussion than /r/nba I'm pretty sure


Calling people monkeys is crazy but not completely inaccurate with the takes i hear


Plus we are indeed apes 🦍 #science


You’ve got an ugly hate boner going on rn


Yeah I do but at least I have a team to root for


Relax. It’s just basketball.


Oooff. Bad choice of words buddy


I've seen a version of this comment on like 15 different teams win streaks


Go into every single team sub and I'm sure you'll find fans whining about how mean /r/nba is to their team


At least for the Knicks, I actually think it's pretty fair. This sub used to dog the living shit out of them. Although as a whole, you're right. The only teams that I think get to rightly claim about r/NBA hating them are the Knicks, Suns, 76ers, and Nets. Every other team is either liked, meh, or irrelevant.


Also we have the misfortune of ESPN milking us for content by tying every disgruntled star to us and then blaming it on the fans every time we don't end up with them, making it seem like we are the ones who "set our expectations too high" They gave us a reputation that doesn't exist.


Kings and wolves always catching strays


Bullied but not hated.


Lol I think you forgot one


Nope. Lakers have way too many supporters to be 100% hated. When they went on that winning streak, this sub was excited for the Lakers. Same goes for the Celtics. You both fall into that middle category where, when things are good, /r/NBA likes you, and when you are bad, they don't.


I actually love it. The chaos in both conferences this year is as hilarious as it is exciting.


They said Brunson would never be an all star 😂😂


but he won't be an All-Star this year, not sure what guard he's replacing


Guards from the East last year: Trae, FVV, Garland, Derozen, Lamelo, Lavine, Harden I’d argue he should make it over Trae, FVV, Lamelo, Lavine without question. Derozen and Garland are probably pretty much even as far as making it. Murray made it last year in the West and moved over to the East but I’d take Brunson over his season. DMitch is an absolute lock. Jaylen is a lock (not sure if he’s a guard or forward). With all that in consideration, if the Knicks are a top 6 seed at the break he 100% deserves it.


don't forget about Tyrese. Pacers have a similar record rn and Tyrese looks to be the same/better in every stat line.


True he’s pretty much a lock at this point


Any of the guards that are below the Knicks in the standings lol


Man, I wanna see the Knicks win a championship in my lifetime. Just to see the chaos that would ensue in this sub and on the island of Manhattan


I'd literally cry tears of joy.


Sometimes I envision it and I don’t know what I would do


I’m also curious what this sub would do if Ja and the Grizzlies won a championship. I hope I get to see it in my lifetime but my favorite sports teams aren’t usually that lucky. (Live in Michigan so my other favorite teams are Detroit sports which are all pretty down lately. Lions tho… 👀)


Less than two weeks ago yall wanted Randle traded, Thibs fired, and Reddish to be getting big minutes.


Most of us have been very mad at Thibs for not rewarding the players who were playing the best basketball, and more playing who was paid the most. Fournier, Randle, and Rose were useless on defence yet guys like Deuce, Obi, or Quickley would be pulled immediately on any mistake. After our dismal start, there were more cries for Thibs to get the axe, and he heard those and tightened his rotation to 10 men, 9 after Obi got injured. Brunson/Grimes/RJ/Randle/Mitch/Quickley/Deuce/IHart/Jericho. The young guys who he wasn't playing are our saviours, just like we've all been complaining


He actually reduced the rotation to 9 before Obi got hurt. Simms wasn't playing




Wanting to move randle when he is averaging 23/9/4, is shooting at his highest eFG% as a Knick, averaging 28ppg in December (including a game he got ejected halfway through), RJ has still not been able to step up into the offensive expectations, his contract is cheap, and after we just acquired our first great PG in countless years is baffling to me. Do y'all remember he only makes 40% more than Derrick Rose who literally isn't even being played? I get that the Knicks have been searching for a true "star" since Melo but I think the fans are a little optimistic about how easy it is. We could very easily end up with a Lakers Westbrook situation


I usually scroll through Reddit while on the toilet so you are half right


Nah. I want the Knicks to be better. Spark up that old rivalry. Plus, it makes the Nets look even worse.




Hes very good. Young too, knicks got a fantastic 2nd round pick in him. Fits in just fine with all the other young talent


Defensive Player of The Year so far, but likely won't win it because of media coverage. It is what it is.


People like to look at his box score and say we overpaid but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Some of the offensive rebound tip outs and defense he provides is irreplaceable at times. That’s showcased whenever he gets in foul trouble and Hartenstein has to come in lol. The only thing I wish Big Meech would do differently is stop being so emotional on social media all the time lmao. If you follow him there’s time where you don’t know if it’s Robinson posting or a 14 year old freshman that just got cut from the team


When Mitch is in, a lot of teams just abandon going in the paint. Then when he sits down, everyone challenges Hartenstein. Hart has been really good on defense, but he doesn't put the fear in drivers like Robinson does.


Why doesn’t Thiba play him 30+ minutes a game though. He’s on my fantasy team and I need it!




I am going to watch the old Sidetalk videos just to get hyped!








Me irl


Thibs haters in shambles


Weren‘t people calling for Thibs to get fired?


Lots of us were. His rotations were ass and he kept forcing shit that didn’t work. He fixed that, though.


Every time Thibs is 30 seconds from getting fired, this roster seems to play harder.


The Ole special


sure, some were. i've been defending Thibs and Randle for years though. it's not Thibs's fault our roster has been whack as fuck with badly timed injuries and players randomly turning to shit. it's also pretty obvious Randle was looking terrible and stressed because we didn't have an actual point guard, and he was basically tasked with doing *everything* on the team while being booed by his own fans for it.


Exactly. I never turned on Randle because it is tough as fuck to play in New York and Kemba being washed out a ton of a lot more pressure on Randle. Team is a lot better constructed now even though we could use more 3PT shooting


I don’t really watch the Knicks. What changed? I know y’all benched Fournier. Was it as simple as that?


We have a point guard this season. Last season we did not have a point guard.


I was asking compared to earlier this season. I heard a lot of buzz about thibs even as recent as a couple weeks ago


They benched Fournier, Reddish, and Rose, then played McBride, who's a much better defender. Turns out, that's what the team needed.


Makes sense. Let the young guys run


Early in the season, Grimes was also hurt/recovering. We heard for a couple weeks that he had "foot soreness" and woulds see him play garbage time minutes at most. But he's in the starting lineup now. Beyond that it's what the other guy said and just added time to help the team gel. Also RJ is playing a bit better, hopefully that holds.


If by people you mean me, yes I was. More than happy to have been proven wrong though.


He has completely changed his rotations since that time. No more reddish or EF at all and it’s a nine man unit with no major defensive liabilities. It lets us slow the pace down and lightens the offensive load against high scoring teams


We here?


Y’all here!!


Both conferences are wide open right now. Everyone is like a game or 1/2 a game away from each other


4 seed incoming sadly


Jalen Brunson was such an underrated pickup, honestly worth the tampering


10/10 would tamper again


No damper on the tamper.


Respectfully I must ask who the fuck is Grimes and why does every team have some role player like that who torches us from deep


Grimes was one of the main players who we refused to trade for donavon Mitchell. He’s our most pure 3 & D guy and while he’s never gonna be a super star he is consistent and plays hard every game with great attitude. Randle and RJ can be good but neither are consistent for long. Brunson and Grimes start bringing consistency to our team.


>while he’s never gonna be a super star Maybe not this season, but next year he's coming for that mvp


It’s funny because us Knicks fans think the same thing about other teams’ role players. Always getting lit up by players like uhh idk Zeke Nnaji


Jarrett Jack, Ramon Sessions


The brunson burner has been HOT!


Not so mid 3


Looking like we might be on the right side of mid


I's not sustainable but I'm hyped with Randle making it rain from 3 as of late.


Let’s go Mids!!


I got randle of Julius over Tatum rn


Hook me up with whoever sells you weed, he’s got some good shit


These boys tripping


Big time Knicks fan. You gotta chill with that take tho…


It’s facts


Based fuck tatbum


Crack kills...


Tatum playing was playing like a 10 day contact player for a minute.


you mean two games when he’s on a big west coast trip and came back clutch as fuck last night on the second night of a back to back against the clips?




This sub eating so much crow over RJ Barrett.


Sidetalk bout to get hype again.


Aren’t they 2.5 games back?


Knicks had a better flow and clicking against Bulls. Bulls was like playing street ball.


We are also like 3 games back from the 11th seed. I don't want to enter the cycle of getting my hopes up, then being disappointed a few games later


Clique Productions going slightly mad now as we speak.


Someone should tell the mavericks that Brunson is really good


We’re not doing this again.


I can't be hyped until they start firing lasers into the sky from MSG


Brunson money well spent


Hey I'm just along for the ride


Randle has been playing amazing. The Brunson addition has done wonders for him


Is this just a fancy way of saying they are a 6 seed?




2 games back from 4th seed but also only 2 games ahead of 10th. It's the east, there's no separation from 4-10.


Sorry but..how lmao