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6.3 rebounds a game for a player with an negative wingspan is crazy. He really is a good rebounder, regardless of his position


Rebounding has been his most underrated skill since the day he was drafted. Kevin Love used to talk about some guys just having a sense for the bounce when it comes to rebounding, and Tyler definitely has that.


He was one my favorite players in that draft class because he was so well rounded offensively as player but lacked the physical tools to be a superstar. I always thought at worst, any team he goes on would get a key starter or 6th man of an contending team with the ceiling being all star caliber player. I just wish he had a bigger frame and longer arms lmao


I think he’ll continue to get bigger and stronger; players never peak physically at 22. But yeah I agree, there’s definitely a ceiling to his physical frame and athleticism. The good news is that his game isn’t really predicated on that; I don’t think it’s going to prevent him from having an all star level career.


I do too but I personally believe he’s almost near his physical ceiling. He just doesn’t have the frame but he’s such an fluid athlete with a tight handle and the ability to change his pace and create that separation that offensively it won’t hurt him. It’s defensively where it’ll hurt him and he’ll needs to continue to work on his hands and awareness to be on of those pesky on ball defenders who can play the passing lane.


If he can stretch the defense to the logo his offensive impact will be huge regardless of any physical limitations


Well if there’s anyone who can teach him disciplined defense and how to play passing lanes, it’s Jimmy and Dipo lol


Jimmy has the same wingspan as his height which is short by nba standards. But yeah Herros 6'3 wingspan is crazy in the NBA...might be the shortest wingspan in the league


I think Chris Paul made multiple all defensive teams at a 6'4" wingspan so ...


why do you think udonis is still on the heat team? him and jimmy are taking tyler out back every night and stretching those arms a bit longer. he'll be 8'0 wingspan by his 6th season




I don’t think it’s that hot of a take if I’m being honest but if I’m wrong I don’t really mind if am. He’s an already a good athlete, a really good one at that. He’s ability to decelerate and accelerate is one of his best physical traits. He’s extremely fluid, transitioning in and out of moves effortlessly with such great body control and stopping on a dime to get to his next move or to get a shot off. Most 28 years old can’t do that let alone someone who is 22. That’s really good athleticism. But I don’t see him getting much faster or stronger than he already is without affecting his quickness is what I’m really saying. I’m not saying he can’t put on more muscle because of course he can, I’ll be an idiot to think he can’t. But they have access to maximize their bodies at such a young age that I don’t see a big jump coming in the next 3 years when compared to his physical growth from his first 3 years.




Cleary I’m hella wrong about this , so I’ll shut up. My bad


I wouldn’t say you are wrong, just looking at it through a more average lens vs the 1% of the 1% of the population. Think its super dope though that you listened like a normal human being should and heard out their points instead of just trying to berate.


I was laughed at for saying he had all star potential


People love to compare Herro, Poole, Simons, and Maxey. While I don't think Hero is the best of the bunch, he is unquestionably the best rebounder.


Some of his rebounding games have been huge in an already undersized team. I remember this season he got 15 rebounds for us when we couldn't rebound against the raptors.


Who do you think is the best, out of curiosity? I feel like Herro has a pretty strong case honestly, and I say that as a big Poole fan.


I think Poole is easily the worst of the bunch. TS%-wise Herro and Simons are basically tied, but I give the nod to Simons cause I honestly think he is a top 5 shooter in the league. He is second in the league right now in made 3s per game and was putting up pretty bonkers numbers when Dame was hurt. He is putting up close to 24 a game. But Herro isn't too far behind. Maxey I honestly haven't watched enough of so Sixers fans feel free to chime in but I still feel like he isn't as good as Simons or Herro. Poole, while very fun to watch, I feel has benefited a lot from Curry's gravity both on and off the court.


I think Herro and Maxey are probably 1a/1b. They have the best consistent playmaking ability of the bunch. Haven’t watched enough of them this year though to see who of the four is best defensively which is the biggest concern for 2 guards like them


Hes a good rebounder but he’s no Payton Pritchard.


A fair amount of offensive rebounds too. I love when he takes a shot and immediately starts chasing the rebound because he instantly knows he put too much on it. He tends to win the ball back those times too


There was one play in the Thunder game where he started running right to the spot where the ball ended up after the ball left his hand on the shot attempt. Pretty wild.


> takes a shot and immediately starts chasing the rebound Bro thinks he’s FlightReacts


In most cases chasing your shot is a horrible thing to do, but at this level you know if you missed and usually have the best idea of where its going.


Rebounding is really mostly about heart, hustle, and instinct. Granted, size does help.


Don't forget positioning. A lot of guards rack up rebound numbers just by being in the right place at the right time.


Isn't that what instinct is about?


instinct is the unthinking reaction, but being in the right place is positioning. so instinct would be something like someone bouncing in the right direction when the rebound's an awkward angle.


To me you're describing a reflex. The instinct is just having a feeling, like in the back of one's head or as a snap judgement, that this is a good place to position oneself.


oh yeah, that sounds more right than mine tbh


I’d say anticipation and timing would be a better description.


I would say instincts, being able to track the ball off the rim and toughness are bigger factors to rebounding. Length plays a role too with beating other players to the ball and cover more ground


Size does help *a lot* though. Shitty 7 footers with no particularly great technique or ability can still pull down a Per 36 of 10 rebounds just by virtue of being 7 feet tall and standing near the basket. A genuine guard has to absolutely work their ass off to reach that level and very few still ever reach it.


As someone who watched Meyers Leonard play for two years, I’m not convinced


You have to have a certain amount of aggression and toughness that a lot of Centers lack


True. But just look at KD and Turner who are terrible rebounders


Not heart, but Hart!


His reach is actually fine. His shoulders are really narrow iirc so the wingspan is really low for his reach. His reach was 8 feet 4.5 inches, which was an the same as Jarett Culver and an inch longer than Jordan Poole in his combine. Their wingspans were 6 and 3.5 inches longer than him for reference.


That’s actually interesting, didn’t know that. Is that his standing reach?


I remember in the bubble he cooked the cetics especial off offensive rebounds at timely moments. It's defs one of his underrated talents.


Rebounding is more about instinct, positioning and effort than pure size. KD is 7ft and has a crazy wingspan and yet is a terrible rebounder.


Tylerasaurus Rex.


Or he's the only Heat player not getting boxed out lol


You could say that about many guards and they’re not averaging 6 rebounds a game. So I don’t get this comment


Of the top 75 in the league in rebounds per game, Herro has the lowest percentage of contested rebounds.


Didn’t know this, thank you. How many other guards are in the top 75?


This doesn’t match my preferred narrative so I’ll simply ignore it.


It's the American way


He’s already caught up to Luka. Herro called it so early on.


What was it?


Why dont people want to give him a little respect? You don't have to call him a star but the dudes been balling tf out. Hes improved every year hes been in the league.


He’s a borderline star.


21 ppg with bad defense isn’t a star lol. It’s a starter level player considering he’s Doing exactly what he’s asked and carryinthe offense.


He’s averaging 21/4/6. Those are numbers that put you in contention to be an all-star. There’s a bunch of offensive players who are considered stars and even superstars with bad defense. Look at Trae Young.


Trae averaged 30 and 10 as a starter please stop trying to use elite offensive players with bad defense to justify why above average offensive players shouldn’t have defense count against them. By your reasoning jaylen brown is a superstar with his offensive production and defensive ability. Or you just don’t care about defense at all when judging a star.


I think two guards like him, Beal, Booker, Lavine etc are always a bit hard to rank because they often don’t offer much outside of scoring (I’m noting of course that Herro is actually great at other things so he’s breaking that mold). Compared to stars in other positions who contribute a lot more in other aspects of the game it’s hard to get a sense of if you want a dude like Booker or Paul George for example who’s so much more of a two-way player. They also create some composition issues because point guards are already undersized and often score-first in this era so you now have two guys who aren’t offering much defensively on the court. That being said I love Herro and I’m glad he’s balling out.


Because he snarled that one time


It's because he looks like an asshole and has the whitest name in the union. But he evidently can ball.


Tbf, his %s went significantly up after his last two games. His 3pt% was around 38 right before if I am not mistaken.


He’s better than Poole.


This shouldn't be controversial to anyone but GS stans. He always has been and Poole hasn't done anything this year to prove otherwise.


He’s at Trae’s level already and has been lol. If not now, but soon, Luka’s shivering in his boots.


Easy now


Just agreeing with Herro


pass the crack pipe


Sure sure


Idc, he's better than Poole and Barrett


Easily, before the Grizzlies lucked into the Morant pick we were aiming for Tyler Herro. Dude is a stud.


Also it was amusing that Zion was quoted saying tyler was the most underrated prospect. He knew.


I think the Celtics owned the grizzlies pick that year unless it was top 4 right?


No, I think it was top 12. Could be completely wrong but I’m 99% positive it was conditional based on it being not higher than a low double digit pick.


[looks like it was top 8](https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/sports/nba/grizzlies/2020/08/20/memphis-grizzlies-convey-no-14-pick-boston-celtics-nba-draft/5589599002/)


Lmao we were both wrong but yeah we really wanted Herro. I don’t see us taking Herro as high as 8 but I that doesn’t matter because the basketball gods actually blessed us for once.


I think ainge would’ve taken herro anywhere from 8-12 if he had the chance. There were a ton of reports that they loved herro


We were taking herro but Miami won the tiebreaker coin flip to pick ahead of us




Herro’s pretty much as good as both Zion and Morant


barrett is not good lol


In the summer the majority consensus seemed to me that rj is better than herro


A person is smart. People are dumb panicky dangerous animals, and you know it.


Thanks, K.


He has more defensive ability and versatility, but Herro is clearly better on offense


Narrative =/= reality regarding RJ’s defense. Prior years he was a pretty good on ball defender, but he always struggled off ball. This year his defense has been suspect to say the least. Much improved the past month, but really really bad to start the year


Just his size and athleticism makes him switchable and versatile, even if he's not that great


It was really only Knicks fans and overly optimistic Canadians (we have too many busts now).


Thanks for your rj hate purchase. Here is your receipt


Fuck ya lmao


"but he's still 2 years old" And in 4 years in the league still can't shoot for shit and has never even gotten close to league average TS%


This can't be an actual debate. Barrett has flat out plateaued from the day he stepped foot in the league. And I'm just not seeing the full appeal of Poole - feels more like an ideal career 6th man. Inefficient feast or famine, plus it's tough to even keep him on the court against a good offensive team as he's so easy to exploit on D. Herro is a very good well rounded player who is still finding his NBA legs a bit and clearly has even more potential to develop into. I'm expecting All-Star by next year. Wouldn't even rule out this year if he keeps up this level of play.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/vz2epo/tyler_herro_or_rj_barrett/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Months ago this sub said rj was better


> this sub Bro it's a +0 thread with 45 upvotes on the top comment I swear to god some of y'all on this website have an outrageous victim complex


Tbh it’s just delusional knicks fans tricking themselves into thinking RJ is good lmao


They really said they can’t give up RJ for Donovan Mitchell lmao




I wasn’t talking about just that thread. Knicks fans all summer said they should keep RJ in a Spida trade.


No way man. The real Knicks fans know RJ sucks.


I remember a thread from a year+ ago where it was "Morant/Bane/JJJ or Quickley/Robinson/Barrett" and it was not unanimous lol.


And in the span of 1 month when rj barrett has a similar scoreline to these past 2 from tyler herro a knicks fan will quote your comment and say " Weeks ago this sub was saying tyler herro is better". As seems to be the trend for every player comparison




I mean, the poster couldn't even bother to use capital letters. There's a nephew for every topic imaginable on the Internet.


Ehhh idk about this year even if he keep this level of play He's not getting votes over Garland, Kyrie, Young, Mitchell, Harden, Brown and probably not even Haliburton either I just named 7 guards right off the top it's rough for an all star bid in the east for guards


This is a fact


My guy, Barrett isn’t even in the same tier as those guys.


Yeah the people that said he was worse than Barrett are delusional and don’t know a thing about basketball.


who the fuck said barrett was better lmao


Barrett sucks. Wish people would realize this and trade him before before he’s worth nothing


Lol Barrett was never in the convo. I agree that he's better than Poole though, and that was only ever in question for like that two week span when Poole was killing it in the playoffs without Steph. Simons better though :)


As of now, absolutely


Herro has been very underrated the past couple years. He's no star, but he's a talented young player and certainly starter worthy. Whenever there were all the trade talks about Donovan Mitchell, I got downvoted for saying that Herro + whatever picks the Heat have was better than anything the Knicks could offer, and that was including RJ


Barrett absolutely. Poole probably too, especially with how Poole's looked so far this season.


Poole has a better resume of performances, so no


I don't really think you can compare him and Poole. Herro is mostly playing with the starters. Poole is anchoring the second unit. Herro has dudes around him that hide his defensive flaws. I look at defensive raptor, they have Poole and Herro rated the same. Herro has had a much better offensive season, better pure shooter, but Jordan has just not lived up to his microwave scorer role. We'll see how he looks playing with the starters with Curry out. Barret on the other hand...


Herro was anchoring the 2nd unit last year and got 6moty


and it should have been Poole, who torched the NBA and had the best shooting second half in the NBA. Poole also got a larger contract. My guess is the NBA is pretty evenly divided between these two in terms of long term potential.


Herro averaged higher ppg, rbg, and tie in assists. While only playing 2 more minutes than Poole Miami was 1st in the East as well. Herro was the clear frontrunner


and Herro shit the bed in the playoffs while Poole helped a team win a title. Poole was probably the hotter commodity coming into the off-season. things have flipped this year. they will most likely be compared to each other their whole careers.


Im just arguing the 6moty award. Poole was much better in the playoffs i agree


we will see in 5 years.


Remember people in the offseason getting mad at me for saying Herro, Maxey and Poole were at the same level


The disrespect to Simons. Unless of course, you think he's better?😎


Ya as a Heat fan I love Herro but I’d personally rate Simons a bit higher than the Poole/Maxey/Herro trio that usually gets grouped together. From the games I’ve watched him play he just looks so good playing both with and without Dame. Out of the young guard talent in the league rn, I’d say that he’s only behind Haliburton, Garland, Fox and Bane (excluding obvious guys like Luka and Trae)


which bucket are you putting Shai in. he's the same class as Luka and Trae :eyes:


I'd put Shai at about Trae's level right now (assuming Shai keeps up this production for the rest of the season). Possibly even above Trae considering Trae's really poor defense. Shai is the truth


Yeah if we're talking purely a 1 to 1 trade, I don't think OKC would give up Shai for Trae. I think Atlanta would think about it if OKC approached them


Can’t believe I forgot SGA, but ya I would definitely put him in that superstar tier with Luka and Trae. Honestly if we’re just looking at this season then Shai is only behind Luka, he looks unstoppable right now.


Simons is better


Simons has Dame as a back court partner...Tyler has the ghost of Kyle Lowry


Simons averaged 30ppg on 61%TS in the games Dame was out. He puts up way better numbers when Dame isn’t playing


Fr, without Dame, his numbers are better and I feel like he's more consistent too (which also results in a higher average efficiency)


Simons plays way better without Dame though


Simons is the best scorer of the group but herro is a better player overall. Better rebounder, passer, and defender.


Ant’s proved he can carry games by himself. The others have had such games as well but at much less frequency. Dame being out put Simons on the fucking MAP


Herro has never had more than a game or two when he was the primary guy, We have always had someone else that was in front of him. Dragic, Bam, Butler, Lowry so we have never seen what Herro could really do. I love Herro but I think we wont see what he can really do to carry a team with the Heat any time soon. Simons really proved a lot of people that he should be in the category of the other young guys.


Poole and Herro are the same archetype and level to me but I still like Maxey a bit more. Still pretty close tho.


Nah, that’s a trash statement. Herro is leagues above those dudes.


League above is a stretch


Just repeating what Herro said, and I believe him, he’s in Trae and maybe even Luka’s league


except in the playoffs where he chokes and the other guys step up lmao


Maxey is way better than the two


Hard disagree. Herro is a more well-rounded player, has better size, and is a much better natural shooter. He's going to be dangerous soon - already is, but people have been underselling this kid for the last 3 years and he just keeps growing by leaps and bounds.


What does more natural shooter mean? Maxey shoots a better percentage on a couple less attempts per game mostly due to the fact he shares the court with Embiid and Harden. He shoots more and somehow at a even better percentage when they both sit.


Do you watch the Sixers? Maxeys shots are mostly open thanks to Embiid and Harden. He is terrible on defense like Herro. Better in transition and faster, but less skilled and way worse ball handling. Brunson and Herro are better. Obv Simons and Hali as well, but Maxey is the most fun to watch tho. Poole is somewhere in there.


Why does his shooting percentage go up when they sit? Do you watch the Sixers? Also weird way to try to equate their defense I cant ever recall Maxey being hunted like Herron. Do you watch the heat?




Watch how Poole does without Curry. People will go back to calling him better


You’re right, steph is known for being such a hard teammate to play with ….


He's not. Poole averages like 27+ in games without steph tho


On 40% from the field tho He just hasn’t been the same this year, whether it’s from getting the bag, less chemistry from the Dray stuff, or just a bad stretch is yet to be seen


Rather than post another "But People said Maxey, Poole and Barrett were better", let me try to Hypothesize on what I think they each bring to a role. Maxey - Downhill Slashing Guard with tons of rim pressure, struggles to create his own shot as a 1 on 1 creator, but Ridiculous in the open court and great off the catch. Built to be the perfect No. 2 or 3 option on a Contendor. Tools to be a good POA defender, and great in passing lanes. Poole - Great Pullup & Catch & Shoot threat, good 1 on 1 creator but struggles massively with turnovers, very suspect defence and no idea how he would do for a full season without Curry drawing double teams everytime down the court. He has shown ability without him, but very inconsistent. Can't guarantee 20 points every night, but when he's hot he could get 40. His ceiling is No. 1.5 option on a Contendor, and floor is being stuck as a 6th man bench option. No idea where he goes. Herro - Elite One on One ability, from the Mid range, the three and now even his paint scoring is getting better. Improved on the playmaking end. Doesn't really affect passing lanes a lot but probably one of the best Guard rebounders in past 2-3 seasons now. Also like really clutch tbh, dude has ice in his veins. Needs to learn to get to the line better eventually. Ceiling also No. 1.5 option, Floor probably No. 3 option, when you just got done averaging 21 as a bench guy, and are now moving 22 PPG already as a starter and multiple game winners in first 30 games, with your guys in and out of lineups, you deserve respect to be considered atleast the bonafide No. 3 on a Contendor. Barrett - No comment.


Tyler has actually created some great deflections and steals on defense. His arms aren’t crazy long but he’s still really fast laterally. He’s still gonna get “attacked” because who else would you want to target on defense Jimmy? Bam? But he doesn’t get beat off the dribble as often, and contests really well. Overall he’s not the same defender as he was last year and the year before What’s crazy about the whistle the heat get is the only people who can get to the line constantly is Jimmy. He just doesn’t get those


He needs to learn through the Jimmy Butler school of offense lol. I would actually love a Tyler game with 35 on 11/15 shooting and 13/14 from the line. That would be way more enjoyable to be compared to 41 on 10 threes. I feel like shooting stretches can come and go, but the ability to go the line always remains there.


He needs to learn how to flop, straight up


His dribble penetration is the weakest part of his offensive game. He doesn’t have an electric first step. He can grow most there by keeping building his reputation as an elite 3 point shooter so defenders have to stay right on his hip, allowing him to more easily blow by them. As his reputation in the league rises he should probably get more respect from the zebras too.


The guard spot in the East is stacked. Tyler wouldn't even get into the convo until he starts averaging 25 for the season. I feel like Zebras respect All stars a lot more than non all stars.


Actual basketball analysis? On /r/NBA?


Yeah. He's freaking good. People hate him for God knows what.




boi I tell ya hWhat


But this sub told me Maxey and Poole were way better


Lemme pull up Poole's numbers when he starts **Error : This file is corrupt and cannot be opened** /s JK..hope Poole's shot selection improves now since Curry won't be there. I hate that zero displacement relocation that he does


He’s got a chance to turn it around for sure


That punch knocked the good shootin' right out of him.


Maxey is better


It’s ok to be wrong sometimes


I'm a Heat fan and agree that Maxey is better still. He's not as good a shooter but still a shooter and way better at driving. Great handle.




Dude shooting as efficiently as Herro but way faster lol. Try not to be a homer.


Speed doesnt make a player better lol Herro has a lower usage, more rebounds, more assists in lower playing time and as you said Maxey is shooting roughly the same efficiency. So what makes Maxey better than being way faster?


He's drive game. Remember vs us how easily he got in the paint. His first step is comparable to DWade. Obviously Wade was a lot bigger than Maxey which is why his speed was so incredible. His style translates better in the playoffs imo. Herro makes tough shots during the regular season but against playoff defenses he was getting blitzed and didn't effect the game as much as he should. If Herro played with Embiid and Harden his rebounds and assist would go down too. We aren't a great rebounding team but Herro has a knack for crashing the glass. He isn't like DWade or Maxey running up ahead for the fast break outlet pass. Maxey is better at getting higher percentage shots inside. I only have Maxey edging Herro. Hopefully Tyler plays better in the playoffs like Jimmy he seems like a clutch player but outside of bubble Herro it's been underwhelming playoffs for him in his early career. But another user mentioned Herro's advantage in the iso. If he can iso in the playoffs like he does in the regular season id put him over Maxey.


Herros ts% is three percent high lol What are you talking about lol


Okay? He's a better free throw shooter. And he's a better 3 point shooter. But 3 point shooting is still a strength of Maxey. And what ts% doesn't show is the difference in athleticism. Maxey killed us in the playoffs with his drives and we're lucky Harden took the ball out of his hands. I'd like to see the ts% during the post season when Herro shit the bed. That style of play of making difficult perimeter shots is much more difficult to sustain vs Maxey's ability to get to the rim consistently.


Hamidou Diallo was one of the most athletic people I have ever seen Still sucked at basketball, what’s your point


Maxey doesn't suck at basketball and is close to the shooter Herro is. And he knows how to use his range, skill and athleticism to get to rim. The areas you can argue Herro has an advantage over Maxey are marginal while Maxey possess physical advantages and knows how to use it.


I'm a sixers fan, and I know Maxey ain't better. Herro's ability to create his own shot in iso alone makes him better.


Maxey has insane speed, but I think Herro is an all around better player. I still like Maxey a lot tho


>way better


They’re all around the same level right now, but ya, people calling herro trash were just dumb as hell.


I haven’t gotten to watch a lot of him this year, how has his defense been?


Obviously not a plus defender, but still significantly better.


No his defense is still bad but i mean it’s not because he doesn’t try lol


His arms are short, he's not that strong, and he's not that quick laterally, so he'll always be targeted, especially when he shares the floor with a bunch of good defenders. Any Heat fan trying to convince themselves that he's a good defender now is kidding themselves. But I do genuinely think he's made significant improvement in his defensive IQ (good sense for interrupting passing lanes, knows how to funnel a player towards the help, solid timing on blocks at the rim on occasion for a guard) and he certainly tries hard for the most part. He's found ways to impact the defense in small ways despite his limitations. He'll likely never be a plus defender but he can certainly keep finding ways to improve in such a way that he won't get played off the floor in important moments. That's certainly better than some of his comps who are terrible at defense and don't even try.


His defense has improved enough that I think if the heat had any actual size to pair with Bam, it could be covered up enough that it wouldn’t be a major problem. he would still be targeted, but he has actually been making impactful defensive plays this year.


Another thing I noticed is that he's been better at forcing his man to the help defense, which is pretty effective because that's bam. In the celtics game jaylen brown kept targeting him in OT but he managed to push all the drives into the help


Baby Goat , Boy wonder , he is a Bucket !


I clicked on the thumbnail and thought he was averaging 14 (his jersey number)


Miami is a team that I would consider to be dangerous loomers. Jimmy Butler came back better than last year, Herro got better, Bam is fine, and Lowry is a solid point guard. They just got Oladipo back who is a solid role player too. Guys like Strus, Dedmon, and Duncan kill the team with their bad play, but it has to be encouraging that the main guys are playing well. The real needs a trade to fix the supporting cast, but their top guys are more than good enough.


Never heard of her


Yup, this guy is definitely at Luka’s level already.


I think he is *above averaging*.


It’s a bad joke but I love bad jokes so here’s an upvote!


why don't the heat bring him off the bench? he's kind of redundant in the starting lineup with lowry, butler, bam.


Jack harlow was on to something🙃


He is getting better ngl but my gut feeling telling me until december only mode.


Substainable or nah ?


Easily, Herro’s already at Trae and Luka’s level, has always been, just like he said a few years back lol.


Wow, what a quick season that was. I can't believe it's over already. I guess they're really taking load management seriously now.


That shirt is racist