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Haslem, Udonis - questionable - old age


Would’ve been good if haslem was the only player not listed in the report


Udonis "Let Me Solo Them" Haslem


Is this and Elden Ring reference in my NBA sub lol


You must be new here


I guess I am


Tarnished driving around frantically asking Morgott (thru texts) for Melanias address


Wearing his jersey as a loin cloth and a pot on his head


I can’t stop thinking of Haslem 1v5 the Celtics right now and fucking crushing them.




You sir have a lot in common with me


This was the way


>Udonis Wait didn't he retire 5 years ago?


> Udonis Haslem more like Udonis with your career. -some YT video I saw like a decade ago


You take that back, hater.


Haslem, Udonis - questionable - already played this month


Haslem got a 30 day cooldown lmaoo


Heat waiting at the computer for the button to go from grey to green


I used to laugh at the "over 35" portion of the rec leagues. I'm 36 I quit playing years ago. These guys really are the best athletes in the world.


Pretty sure the Spurs did this with Tim Duncan. Edit: they did https://www.sbnation.com/nba/2012/3/25/2902424/tim-duncan-old-did-not-play-box-score-spurs


Looks like he got got Robert Horry with an “DNP Old Age!” once too


I remember when Pop did this with Duncan a few years back. Though I don't think he was actually on an injury report just "DNP - Old"


He got so much blowback from that he said he wouldn't do it again lol.


Why?! Fans don’t have a sense of humor?


Questionable - what is it he does here, exactly?


Questionable - “Is he alive?”


So what he does here is he takes the specifications from the coaches and brings them down to the point scoring engineers?


He has people skills


Haslem, Udonis - Unquestionable - OG, too tuff for this.


Haslem, Udonis - Unquestionable - Choking Hazard (but not for the Heat)


Haslem, Udonis - Unquestionable - too old


Unquestionably old.


Questionable - stood up from the couch too quickly


Wait, fuck off, he is still playing? Is Juwan Howard flying down after Michigan games too?? I'm so happy I learned this. He was literally a Sophomore when he played my Michigan State Spartans in the National Title Game in 2000. Matt Ishba, a walk on on that team, is now worth 16 billion and, on our current team, I'm not sure if anyone was even born.


Blows my mind too. I feel like he's more of a mascot at this point than a player but it's cool he's still in the league.


Dude he started last game.


Heat bout to rest themselves out of the playoffs


Wemby time


I honestly don't care which of you guys get him. Just keep that guy out of Western Conference. We're full.


why don't you get him ;)


Blazers can't be trusted with a big man, we have the big man injury curse


Whoever picked after you would have a generational talent though. Last two top 3 picked big men y'all took mj and kd went next😂


Yeah if the blazers end up with Wemby Henderson will win 6 rings, including beating us in the finals, and say “thank god Portland didn’t draft me”


Oh man if Wemby goes to Portland he will be out of the league in less than two years


More intent on making the playoffs than playing lottery.


I wish, spo the goat!!


Just please don't waste his talents to whoever gets him honestly


So he shouldn’t go to the Hornets is what you’re saying ^I’m ^sorry ^Charlotte


Yeah I’d rather not see Wemby turn into a hardened criminal lol


Jail Hornets had nothing on Jail Blazers though. When young Zach Randolph was considered the meek one of the group, you know shit was wild.


Never know, could pair nicely with LaMelo


Typical West Coast NIMBY. Thinking high rises will ruin the character of your neighborhood.


Pelicans gonna be stacked


Lowry to Wemby the reverse Magic and Kareem.


I’m so torn about this. When we lose (especially from team below .5), yeh, let’s Wemby. But if we win (especially from teams above .5), yeh, we winning the chip.


If the Heat need a backup player, I'm available for a ten-day contract!


Same, my YMCA teammates can vouch for me. Real sneaky athletic kinda guy, always setting my team up for success, making the smart plays. First guy in the gym, last guy out. Sure I only put up 3-5 points on average, but my playmaking and gritty effort on defence and smart passes puts me in a class of my own. I’ll see you at the FTX arena #JusttheMidfromcanuckland


You sound like a real lunch pail kinda guy!


He just does everything the right way!


This guy is white.


If lovin' big boy John is wrong, I don't wanna be white


He’s from Canuckland. Was there any doubt?




It's still called FTX?


Happy to fill in to meet diversity quotas: - 5'7 - Filipino/Australian


I will join you too! I'm a mean shooting guard that can score from any corner as long as no one defends me. And I mean no one. Not 2 not even 5 feet away. In fact if someone is even thinking of coming to defend me, I'm missing the shot. If you can guarantee me wide open plays I'm your guy!


I can play wing, I'm as pesky as Pat Bev with 200% of the heart and none of the height, skills or lateral movement


They set a precedence with this. Every single NBA team will have players on the injury report just so they can rest them when they want to.


It's why I think it's pointless whenever a post pops up that's like "the NBA has to be harsher to teams that rest their stars." The minute the NBA starts doing that then teams are going to get around it easily. Just say a player woke up feeling nauseous and dehydrated, the NBA can't make him play through that.




that and there's back-to-backs in the NBA. they only play maybe 2 games a week out there.


there are many times where soccer teams play 3 games a week, 4 even but much rarer (mainly happened because of covid) because of multiple competitions and scheduling getting hard when a team progresses in each of their comps. A soccer player could play over 360 minutes a week because of so (but of course don't cause managers know its so unhealthy), imagine nba players/teams having to manage that many minutes its ridiculous to assume, even half of that for nba players of the shorter games is a lot but i feel bad for both sports because players are playing at such a high level and destroying their bodies for our entertainment yet we get angry if they have to take time to rest




I understand what you're saying, but speaking as a Wizards fan, we don't exist.


I understand what you're saying...and you're right.


I think the difference is that European soccer fans are much more so fans of the team than a specific player. So it’s less about watching a specific player play than seeing your team win (not counting the Ronaldo fanboys here because they ain’t real soccer fans lol). Whereas in the NBA you have Giannis fans, Bron fans, etc. a lot more. I also think another difference is (in my subjective opinion) American fans want to see “greatness” more so than a win. I almost feel like most NBA fans would want to see a close game with both superstars on both teams duking it out till the end. In soccer, I feel like a lot of fans would prefer a solid, boring 2-0 win over a nervy 4-3 win


I think the weight of games matters a lot more too. 38 league games doesn't leave a lot of margin for error, if your team loses 3 or 4 in row they could drop right down the table. Lose a cup game and you're out the competition. A few bad games in Europe, you don't move on to the knockout rounds, or a bad leg and you have to play perfectly to progress. In the NBA a few losses in a row in January don't mean anything, you can still make the playoffs. Who cares if the Warriors lose and end up with like 21 losses instead of 20 when you could see Curry get 35 and drill 8 3s?


Yeah, no. Only week where it happens is boxing day in the Prem and literally every coach and player complains about it. Then you have Brazil where they go crazy with games. Rest of Europe you play like Saturday - Wednesday and that's not every week, only for teams that have European competitions and when you have the cups, but even there every round you have teams being bounced. And I'll even add, the highest number of games an european team plays over like some 40-45 weeks is 60-65, and that's when they reach every final of every competition. That's not even 2 games a week. In the NBA you play 82 games in six months, so 26 weeks. That's more than 2 games a week. PS (there are the international games, again not for all players, that would amount to like 10 a season over what we're talking about, a bit more every two years depending on how far the national team goes in the tournament of course). I'll even add more to the resting times. It's quite well known now from studies done with football teams, the physical benefits of rest are very noticeable until 72 hours between games, after that it's marginal gains and the differences are much smaller. None of this is to say that football is not a physically taxing sport compared to the NBA, the sports are completely different. I'm just saying all this because half of what you said is not quite true and a lot of people here wouldn't really get a true representation of the facts.


>there are the international games, again not for all players, that would amount to like 10 a season over what we're talking about, a bit more every two years depending on how far the national team goes in the tournament of course And it's very common that international players will just miss club games or club competitions will altogether pause when this happens.


Or in any other north american sport you can rest players


Except the NHL, where the only time they really rest players is when they clinch a playoff spot, and even then it isn’t a standard practice. 82 games a season before a gruelling post season. Although usually a player will only be on ice like 15-20 minutes a game.


They don’t in the NFL either. Even if a team goes undefeated and clinch a playoff spot as early as possible the starters still play at least a half to stay in game shape.


They’ve had the same amount of games for decades. Just extend the season like 2 weeks to eliminate b2b. Also fucking play games on days where there’s football. Fuckin losers


I think the complaint is valid when it comes to individuals buying tickets to see star players, which the league has particularly marketed themselves around, for their families. I get really tired of going to Wizards games and seeing kids showing up wearing Ja Morant jerseys when they play Memphis, only to find out he's resting after playing a perfectly fine game the night before. There's not really any recourse for fans, they often don't have any means of knowing it's coming until the day of, and I get that redditors will say, "avoid back-to-backs", but fans in attendance buying tickets for their kids might not know about that, think about it and shouldn't be expected to. The product is absolutely \*not\* the Memphis Grizzlies; it's Ja Morant. It's never going to be the Pelicans; it's Zion. I'm not saying the players should be forced to play, but the league needs to seriously visit how they present themselves as a "players" league or find ways to give fans the option to exchange their tickets or something. It's really sad and disappointing to see, and I don't feel it holds the same weight in soccer with teams that can be over a century old and have fanbases that bleed the colors of the club at a far more extreme rate than they follow players.




Yeah I agree fully. Resting players is going to be part of the game, and the league probably just needs to eat that cost until the value of teams exceeds the pull of players. Doing some kind of buyback program for max players on rest or something could be a vague idea to work around, pushes the league to put their money where their mouth is: if the product is truly that great even when the stars sit, then families won’t sell back tickets if a star is out, they’ll want to be there regardless to see the game. Then at that point the idea of people getting “ripped off” will be mitigated to an extent and the whole process can be normalized, or the league will finally visit the idea of reducing the number of games


I agree so much with this. It's like going to a concert and finding out the lead singer is resting for the night. Like why the fuck am I going?


It’s insane to me (an American fan who is more into football and baseball) too. Just shorten the regular season if it’s an issue.


Not that crazy. There’s precedent for it. https://amp.theguardian.com/football/2010/feb/18/mick-mcarthy-wolves-fine


It’s almost like they should play fewer games or something


"They" did not, Pop did this shit many years ago lol The NBA needs to figure out how to keep the same revenue, players getting the same $ and have less games in the season.


Never forget the nationally televised heat/spurs games of like 14 or 15 where one game Spurs rested their starting 5 and then the other game in pretty sure the heat did the same


Never forget the complaints about that too. Like, the league ain’t doing this for no reason. Lol. Hell, usually the ticket prices differ on what team is coming because of their stats. If you buy your tickets to Lakers/Warriors and suddenly, the day of, you learn they aren’t gonna play LeBron or Steph? Oh yea. I’m pissed. Write a letter to the league pissed. You know how pissed you have to be to take time to write a letter?


This is the only solution. You can’t force guys to play, everyone has some soreness they could legitimately sit out for if they wanted. If players are sitting out, let’s say 5 games a year healthy, shorten the season by 5 games next cba, you’re getting a new tv deal soon anyways, no one would miss those games.


I dont think anyone would miss 10 games. I love watching games but I dont need 7 games on some nights, I cant watch them all.


I wouldn't miss 20. Maybe 30. Most of the last 30 games any team with an actual shot at the title has already oocked in a playoff spot. From a competition stand point, you simply don't need them.


Yeah it’s some bs by teams for sure. Slim Silver needs to address this asap


We haven’t even been resting players “because we want to” tho, this is in response to the fine. We’ve literally been hella injured all year


Yeah we've literally just been beat up what is this shit lol


The problem is nba fans buy tickets expecting to watch stars. Tickets are priced high, with no discounts when stars rest. An accurate injury report is one of the few public pointers to fans. TV too markets schedules around stars The NBA is in the middle of negotiations with the players association for a new CBA. This will come up there. Both nba and nbapa are follow the money organizations., the nba more so. No one wants to go direction of nba doctors checking for injuries (which they can now do for career ending injury scenarios etc). The season length and injury report rules won't get diluted


Soccer matches have expensive tickets too but nobody telling pep guardiola he has to start erling haaland every game. The problem in the nba is all because the majority of fans have become fans of individual players rather than clubs. People fly across the ocean to go watch psg and rarely do mbappe neymar and messi all play.


When you got teams who clearly charge higher when certain teams come to town it’s a issue because we know it’s based on the players the other team features


Most fans that are able to watch games constantly get cheap tickets. For big games millions may want to attend but only club members are allowed


If NBA wants teams to NOT rest stars, they need to align incentives with this. Right now, it’s valuable to rest stars if you think you’ll comfortably make it to the playoffs. If your team is not close to make it, it’s also good to rest your stars for next year success. So right now, only middling teams have an interest to play hard. I think the solution is national TV revenue split. The NBA should split revenues based on wins. The more wins a team have, the more money they make. There could be a minimum threshold but there should be no theoretical max. Teams roughly make $100M each on national TV money. This system could potentially pay team $30M if they lose a lot. I imagine no owners would tolerate missing out on $70M even if it guarantees them a top draft pick.


"Hey guys, I have a great solution. What if we made the worst teams in the leauge make less money, AND incentivised them into getting a worse draft pick for next year! I'm sure that's the best way to increase parity!"


Well thats how it always has been in Europe, without a draft system too, thats how you get teams to prioritize their youth systems but i don't know how that would work in US.


I imagine it's easier in Europe with leagues at each level. With the US it's pretty much the top or bust.


The product is simply better with more parity, small market teams literally cannot do anything because of the average income in the location.


Europe also has promotion and relegation. If you suck you get kicked down and make less money.


Then that incentivizes rich owner like Steve Ballmer to pay ridiculous money in luxury tax and straight up buy top players.


Clippers already pays almost $200M in salary, that’s well above the cap. They are way deep in luxury penalties as well. They are already doing it today.


I’m a perfect world there should be less games. 58 games. Home and away vs each team. Teams would rest less when every win matters more.


It would make meetings so much more significant. “Yay Rockets won 1/4 games they’ll play vs them Mavs this season”, not much bragging rights or significance in that.


I like this. Thinking outside the box


Or they stop doing back2back games and make the nba season a little shorter and spaced out. If players are given enough rest, they wouldn't have rest management games. They would garner more views, if players were less likely to get hurt and put out a better product.


Parity makes a better product than any of these would. Blowouts are incredibly boring competition is what glue people to the TV. This is just nonsense.


I don't know what action could be taken here. The Heat have plausible deniability and I don't think the NBA can "inspect" the veracity of an injury report. This is being petty to your boss 101 though. Make your point while maintaining the ability to deny that you were trying to make a point.




Ahhh, my neck, my back… my neck and my back


My Michael Doleac


Think the heat will sign 10 day Tony?


Ron Magill would be a better pick up.


Velvet buzzsaw*


Doctor says I need a backiotomy


We’re definitely resting dudes a lot this year, but are we wrong for it? 36 year old Lowry was like 2nd minutes leader in the whole NBA. The only other dudes being given rest from time to time are Dedmon, Jimmy, and Bam who have all been dealing with knick knack injuries. I get why the NBA would be pissed, but it’s probably best for us. Especially during what is the easiest stretch of our entire schedule rn.




Well there are many responses the league could take. It could fine them for improperly using the injury report. It could forfeit their next game since they don't have enough healthy players to field a team. It could suspend the GM There are options for showing up your boss. To think they can simply do this and get away scot free is naive. Will Silver do something? Who knows.


The only actual response that would be reasonable would be to shorten the season enough to make every game important. Teams can’t rest their players and players should need less rest if there are less games. However, less games means less money for the NBA so they will never do it. They want lots of games with lots of stars playing for the most revenue possible and just isn’t going to happen.


Yeah that's probably how the league will respond


Shorten the season so that they'll use the injury report correctly?


The league is to do something about load management….I’d be pissed if I spent a shit ton of money to take my kids to a game and all of the stars were sitting, like the Nets did the other day.


[Woj]: The Miami heat have been fined 50k for faking injuries


Thank you Clark!


Bros username is just his name what a chad


the L is an uppercase i, lol


Very insightful!


An insightful fraud! Clark’s comment has been edited! Tsk tsk!


Yes I agree


Jesus Christ Clark those are big words


I dont think u should say that here…


Take it back you piece of shit


No Haslem wasn't alive back then to fight of an actual Raptor. Just the basketball team.


i mean, idk bro .


What is happening in Miami? 🧐🤔


We hospital


Isn’t Florida just God’s waiting room?


I don’t blame them, we just saw what happened to Curry on a back to back. Just stop doing back to back, extend the season if needed. It’s just dumb.




Phones ringing as we speak


Execute order 66


Adam "I Am the Senate" Silver about to fire the King's beam and destroy Miami like Alderaan.


Silver bout to deploy Scott Foster on every Heat game now


Hilarious, love shit like this




I hate the Heat, but this is god-level. Good for them.


Pat you son of a bitch it worked


PETTY PETTY PETTY if you ask me!!! Sad!


PATHETIC Miami Heat organization looked DISRESPECTFUL, nipples protruding, in front of the NBA today. Sad!


Jesus, I can hear that in the orange orangutan’s voice.


Sleepy Miami Heat need a break! Low energy team folks!!


They’re old and washed up folks, I’m telling ya, they’re old and washed up. Crooked Riley has gone too far.


I was like why the fuck is Jokic on this list. Damn you Jovic.


I feel like everyone in the comments section isn't getting it. The Heat weren't fined for resting guys that are healthy. It's the opposite. They were fined for playing guys that were reported to be injured. As has been pointed out, the league average of "questionable" players that end up being available is about 50% (per league rules), while the Heat's number of "questionable" availability is in the 90% range.


This why I love Heat 😂




Damn right


I fucking love this


Lmao can’t beat Pop he started this shit haha


Funnily enough, it was vs the Heat when Pop was fined (and the bench players nearly won).


This is hilarious. Good work Miami


This is one of the funniest things I’ve seen a team do to get back at the league office lol


It's time to seriously consider shortening the season


I think the league can easily reduce 5-6 games per season by adjusting the number of games you play the teams that are ‘not in the same division, but in the same conference’. As of now, it’s very weird where you randomly play either 3 or 4 times. For example, Miami and Brooklyn (who aren’t in the same divison but in the same conference) could play each other 3 times this season but 4 times next season. Why not just settle it to 3 games.


Money is the reason


Money for both the players and teams. Players with smaller contracts will never vote for it. And let’s not act like 5-6 games would stop all of this resting. They’d still rest during games


...or just accept that not every nba player is built to play 82 games. Like injuries are apart of the game. Might get me down voted but yea it's there.


20% of the league intentionally try to lose as many games as they can get away with yet some fans lose their minds about players resting 10 games a season.


This is fantastic.


Pat Riley is going to leave a horse head on Silver's desk


With a note " Horse - Out - Injury/Illness - Body Gone , Major Headache "


general soreness leading the troops into battle


We all know the injury reports are only pertinent because of gambling. It's bs


Your move nba 😅


Heat culture


Omg what do we do it's so awful? Extend the season by two weeks in either direction and schedule accordingly with more days off and rest time. You want your stars on the floor more? 2-3 games per week instead of 3-4. And cut the fucking idiocy scheduling where a team is in LA on Monday and Boston on Wednesday. You can and logistically make that almost disappear. While we're at it your can revamp these divisons too. Stop being stuck and compact them more. There is zero reason for Memphis to be in the west.


I’m so proud of my guys for this level of malicious compliance.


This may be an unpopular idea, but the post-season is too long; It devalues the regular season. For any team hoping to contend, it extends the season by a few months— of course you need to conserve energy to get there and do your best. Teams that go deep into the playoffs don’t get a proper off-season to recuperate, so they take time off during the regular season. They should go back to fewer rounds and shorter series. Getting into the playoffs would be harder and spur greater effort in the regular season, and it would also mitigate the impact of injuries on championship series.


I would like to think that regular season is so long that it devalues itself. For play-off games the stakes are much much higher. For a contending team a weekday regular season game in the middle of the season means nothing, apart from being a glorified friendly to prepare for play-offs.


The regular season has been 82-games since 1967, but for the bulk of that time, teams didn’t slack off. But now the post-season (including the play-in tournament) involve 2/3rds of the league. It doesn’t take much to get into the playoffs. The better teams have every incentive to coast during the regular season.


[The Heat have resorted to thuggery!](https://youtu.be/UXds7oOCdTw)


Major W for Heat.


Did Larry David write this? Why don’t the Clippers get fined?


NBA should be petty back, and fine them 50k for this


Why do people “love” this I understand it but as a fan who wants to watch the best players play I don’t love it Why do y’all dickride the players so much. Lol


I love this. Every team to get punished should get extra petty since the Clippers get a pass doing this all damn season




This is hilarious 🤣


What a cupcake league. Not even a real sport anymore.