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UD would have died if he had to play tonight


Business decision by the Heat.


OSHA would’ve had to get involved


Damn it. I burst into laughter


DNP: Age-related decreased lung perfusion




Holy shit. I can notice a huge difference going from sea level to 4000 feet…


It’s exponential too. Each thousand feet feels a lot worse than the last


Yup, one of my more humbling experiences was going to independence pass in Colorado. I was in the peak of my cardio, and had been up plenty high in elevation with no problems... But when I got there I felt like I was suddenly a pack a day smoker lol and that was just walking/hiking!


I was on a family trip to Pikes Peak just before Covid, which is like 14k ft above sea level. When I was there you had to take a shuttle to get to the very top. My ass almost passed out just walking in the parking area pre-summit. Absolutely terrible


And just wait until the NBA expands to Bolivia


For those not in the know. The Andes fuck around in the 9-11k ft elevation range


and in what elevation range do they find out?


Lol this is so innocent and funny


Depends. What’s the elevation of your moms house


Yep, Cusco and Puno fucked me up. Mexico City is a cake walk compared to them.


I literally couldn’t run more than 30 yards without getting winded up in urubamba


I think I adjust better because my father comes from a high elevation town, honestly I never had problems in Bogotá or Mexico City, but Peru was another beast.


You reminded me of football world cup qualifiers in Bolivia. We sometimes have great games because since some big teams aren't used to this the game become more even than expected


Start of the cocaine era part II


Players will need to chew coca leaves and take viagra before games so they don't stroke out.


That would just dilate their blood vessels then constrict them, effectively canceling each other out


I had no idea, that's absurd


That's why the Mexico City Olympics in 1968 were ridiculous. Sprinters and long jumpers thrived and distance runners sucked


>Sprinters and long jumpers thrived Wait why would they thrive?


Less air resistance at higher altitude making it easier to run faster. 10 second barrier in the 100m was broken at that olympics


Bob Beamon also set the long jump Olympic record that Olympics as well


Didn’t know this was about elevation. Thought he was just gassed. Science, B!


That makes me feel way less bad about being exhausted doing a small hike at ~9500ft


To be fair playing basketball is much more strenuous than hiking.... I've done a few 14ers in Cali and Colorado and even walking at a slow pace it is rough towards the top


Alright let's move the nuggets to Leadville.


Similar elevation to Santa Fe, NM which is at 7200ft.


Sea Level Jimmy


lmao everyone looks freaking done


I genuinely feel sorry for them they all looked gassed af


the iwf world weightlifting championships were recently held in bogota, which is at an even higher elevation. it was crazy how all of a sudden, being acclimated was a big factor since a lot of the lifters chose to fly in only a few days prior




They did, and multiple players threw up


Bogota is Colombia, but yeah, FIFA has had issues in the past with Bolivia's home stadium in La Paz, Estadio Hernando Siles, being at 11,932 ft.


Good lord, that's 700 feet higher than the peak of Mount Hood. Which [looks like this](https://www.kxl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/hood-640x400.jpg).


doesn’t help that every street in the city is a steep ass hill, so you get gassed trying to walk to the corner for a soda while a bunch of old ladies make fun of you while they’re zooming right by.


Photos of the local golf course are insane. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/worldnews/3539980/La-Paz-Golf-Club-The-highest-golf-course-in-the-world.html](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/worldnews/3539980/La-Paz-Golf-Club-The-highest-golf-course-in-the-world.html)


My favorite mountain.


Does elevation have a huge impact on weightlifting events? I'm surprised since those are explosive movements done over the course of seconds, not aerobic like basketball.


its not a big factor, but you also warm up with increasing weights up until you go on stage. then you lift with near maximum effort 3 times, with sometimes just 2 minutes of rest in between. then you repeat the whole process again because the snatch and cnj are different sessions. around 60-90 minutes of lifting. it kinda affects the competition aspect in terms of choosing when and what you lift making sure you had enough rest in between lifts


Dude I just went to Mexico City from a coast city and holy shit it was crazy. I would randomly just start huffing and puffing walking around bc my body would get a realization that I need more oxygen.




There used to be a big debate about things like these in the World Cup Qualifiers in South América (conmebol), because playing in Bolivia and Ecuador was a pain in the ass. And there were better teams that didn't qualify because of those games. Some National teams were asking to play games in other places but never happened. At the end of the day, Bolivia was so awful that they couldn't even qualify with that and Ecuador got better. One issue is the oxygen and the other was that the ball doesn't behave the same way. There was a famous quote "La pelota no dobla (ball doesn't bend)", you kick the ball and it becomes a fucking rocket going straight.


Less air density. The bend is caused by the gradient between regions of high pressure and low pressure around the ball. Less density (air molecules) the lower the gradient and less bend on the ball.


Why are they playing here? Who thought this was a good idea?


Money. Silver wants to tap into the Mexican market. Mexico City is the sixth largest metropolitan area in the world.


Everyone should listen to Marc Spears on Windy's podcast from a few weeks back - basically bribed with a 5-star vacation and was jizzing all over the place for Mexico City to get a team.


Yeah, it sounded like he was a lobbyist.


I mean it's a business idk what y'all are expecting lol


I'd bet if they put a team in Monterrey or some other city with a more reasonable elevation, they could still tap into that market.




Close to same elevation as Denver, so not a perfect solution but doable.


Lower and closer to the border, but not as glitzy as a team in Mexico City, so likely not.


Put a team in TJ and the players could live in San Diego


I don’t want to shit on a place I have never been, but the city with the highest murder rate in the entire world seems like a questionable choice to put a bunch of young millionaires, even if they live elsewhere


Yeah there are better markets in Mexico to tap into before Tijuana


It's funny too because they sent one of the youngest teams in the league and a team known for their strict conditioning requirements and they're all still like "Fuck this"


This isn't the first time. The Nets played a few games in Mexico City a few years ago.


Also this great moment before a Mavs v Pistons game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoCHrTh0FQo


Nba has been doing Mexico games for 30 years this isn’t anything new. They want to make money and increase their fanbase. Simple


So I was curious and checked: Highest NBA city altitude: Denver at 5279ft Mexico City altitude: 7349ft


What's crazy is that the FIFTH highest elevation arena is...Atlanta! At like 750 ft or something.


The chart I looked is like Denver, then Utah at about 4000ft, and then everybody else is clumped together from 1000ft and below.


That's kind of what I mean. There are a couple pretty high ones and then that's it. ATL made it onto the graphic even though it's not exactly a high elevation.


Probably cause Atlanta isn’t coastal. Lot of arenas will be like 100 feet maybe.


Sixers stadium is only 20ft lol


As someone who has stayed in a Colorado AirBnB that was ~7000 ft up for 3 nights - the shit is no joke. I remember being gassed just by walking up and down the stairs 3-4 times getting luggage from the car.


That sounds exhausting without elevation tbh.


I went to Breckenridge which is 9600 feet above sea level and one of the bags of chips we had in the car popped because of the air pressure lol


Oh frick, that's not feasible.


Yeah that’s nuts. I’ve done a lot of hiking in my time and 5000 is nothing compared to 7000+. That’s where you reaaaally start to feel it. Couldn’t imagine hooping at that elevation.


I can remember staying in Addis Ababa (7700 ft above sea level) and literally waking up in the middle of the night trying to catch my breath like I had sleep apnea or something. It can be a brutal adjustment.


I wonder what the difference is for people to really start feeling it. I live at 4500 feet and do a lot of hiking in the 7000-8000 range and I never have any issues. I went to Colorado and was hiking at around 10,000 feet and I was dying. Altitude is a weird adjustment.


Interesting. I just got back from a week long trip in Breckenridge which is 9,000 something ft and my friends and I who are from Denver had no issues adjusting to Brecks elevation. My buddy from anchorage had a hell of a time adjusting tho. I had some moments where I certainly had to catch my breath but 2 deep inhales was all I needed to get right again.


I visited Cusco, Peru a few years back. It has an elevation of 11,200ft. I actually had no problems adjusting. My mom on the other hand got altitude sickness. Could be different for everyone but to be fair I wasn't playing sports.


Not to be a one-upper but to share one of the most miserable experiences of my life: food poisoning at 13,000 feet. In a place without Western-style toilets.


My god. Wtf. Where was this?


Near Tibet. Amazing place, just bad luck with one meal.


Ive shit my guts out at sea level in the Philippines off of street vendor slop, you aint special


It's over for pagpagcels


Playing plenty of hoops here in Durango, CO @ 6700'


I've been to Bogota Colombia, which is 8600 feet, and let me tell you it took about a week for me to even begin adjusting to the air there. Nevermind the fact I went up Montserrat which is over 10000 feet. I thought I was going to die from oxygen deprivation.


Vail is like 8000ft. It's like playing a game actually in the Rockies


I had a work conference in vail. Told all my coworkers that altitude is no joke and that alcohol will hit you way harder. So many pukes. No one listened


Try Leadville at 10k


And running 100 miles there lol.


Buddy of mine did the Leadville 100, he finished, but like 15 minutes before the cutoff (30 hours lmao...). The year before he did the 50 miler and finished first in his age bracket, he said the 100 miler was a completely different monster, and truly insane. He mentioned periods of true utter hopelessness out there. At one point it broke him entirely mentally. I honestly can't even imagine it. I do a lot of trail running at 7-8k feet, and after 3-4 miles I am absolutely toast.


I’ve never met so many freak outdoor athletes like in colorado. Cannot believe people run races that long at such high elevation


That altitude is no joke


I’m really active, biking, rock climbing, yoga, and i hoop, and when i went on a trip to peru, i damn near threw up taking the stairs up to my hotel room.


That’s why they give you the coca leaves at the airport to chew


Wish they explained that properly lol me and my dad went on a trip to Peru and didnt know what to do with the leaves. Told my dad I guess we eat the leaves in the bowl? Just chewed a bit but my dad straight up swallowed a few and ended up sick. Kinda funny memory


No correlation between how fit someone is and their acclimatization afaik. Did the everest base camp trek saw 50+ yo overweight ppl smoking that made it saw young fit folk struggle and bow out. And Cusco def a big diff than cdmx. CDMX = slightly out of breath on stairs Cusco = everywhere gots oxygen on hand because it can get dangerous just being there for the unlucky


People really underestimate altitude. Shit is for real. Every time I go to Colorado the first day it’s like trying to suck oxygen straight out of Odin’s dick.


And you are constantly cotton mouth, have to drink water non stop all day


That’s that Colorado “Altitude”


So specific yet hits the nail on the head


I went skiiing last year but no1 passed me the duck wtf 😩


He has a legendarily narrow urethra. It is known


i was absolutely gassed just walking through the airport there on a layover last year


That airport kinda sucks to navigate too


It’s around this same height at the grand canyon and even crossing the parking lot can make you breathe heavy until you’re used to it


who’s home game is this? lol


The NBA’s


Spurs Tickets in San Antonio aren’t selling for obvious reasons not only including the team’s play


Lmao, spurs ticket sales are down but they’re playing there because they’re one of the most popular teams in Mexico


Los chavos


Players acclimatized to playing with no air would dominate in any other city.


The air up there is a tad bit different




Super dense aint he?!


Super winded ain’t he?!?!


Bruh I spit my tea 🤣


Nah, natural acclimatization is only really an advantage when the air is thin. You need an unnatural amount of red blood cells (read: doping) to get an advantage at sea level. But at high altitude, being acclimatized is a huge advantage. Nuggets and Jazz are typically 1 & 2 for home court for exactly this reason.


Also the reason they are good regular season teams but they tend to underperform in the playoffs. I have very little doubt about it and I'm sure it can be proven.


Why the Nuggets and Jazz consistently grade near the top in HCA metrics


What’s HCA?


Knowing this sub, HCA is the 13th man on the Pacers lmao. Yall stay expecting everyone to know some obscure-ass acronyms.


I swear a few weeks ago someone made a post that kept calling someone JB, and people didn’t know if they meant Jalen Brunson or Jaylen Brown


We just gonna disrespect Jimmy Butler and James Bouknight like that?


They're simply on first name (well, first and middle name) terms with the Cavs coach


I can still remember someone casually referring to OO and everyone was like "who the fuck is that?" lol


My favorite is r/nba using “FRP” for “1st Round Pick” when you could just say “a 1st” and everyone knows what it is


**H**ome**c**ourt **a**dvantage.


You lose your acclimitization quicker than you think you would.


Weeks not days


A long road trip would do it.


Yup. Just ask Cain Velasquez.


Sea Level Cain




Sea level Miami


Mexico used to schedule their World Cup Qualifiers against USA in the middle of the day(on summer fixtures) and the U.S would have to deal with the heat and altitude. This changed in recent years as more of their players play abroad and can't adapt themselves. The heat, altitude and atmosphere of over 100k Mexican fans made it a fortress.


meanwhile, rather than schedule their WC qualifiers in milder climes like Toronto, Canada went to Edmonton where the snow was already pretty thick. ​ Lol it gets worse with worse countries. I remember the Philippines playing a qualifier for the Asian games in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Tropical island boys had to wear cold weather sports gear for the first time in their life, plus it was also pretty high up (4.5k elevation). ​ International soccer outside of the world cup is pretty wild.


Canada played Mexico in -20 in a World Cup qualifier, and the US played Honduras in Minnesota in similar temperatures I believe.


I legit don't understand why we did that to Honduras. Costa Rica maybe, Mexico definitely, but Honduras?




Bolivia is the ultimate example of this, stadium at over 11,000 ft and they just run non stop for 90 minutes until your players are puking on the field. Their entire playstyle is designed to tire you out, so if you dont score early its fucked.


The good Asian teams have to learn to show up in the Middle East in 40 degree heat otherwise they're going to struggle against half the teams making the final qualifying groups. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, etc, all schedule some crazy game times if they rely on talent playing locally.


Don't forget the precipitation from the stands! Is it beer or some other yellow liquid? Who knows!


Yeah, Mexico City’s not happening.


Wtf is Silver talking about, no way they can have an expansion team in Mexico City, the players are gassed this is fucked


Just imagine the conditioning


Just get a team of 12 Steph Currys.


How far up is this? 7349ft? Ya'll can have the paint. I'm logo chucking until my legs give out and then I sit.


Embiid will fucking die


Talk about home court advantage


If Toronto has trouble attracting players as an international team because it’s cold I can’t imagine players lining up to play for a team further from the border that they would probably need to learn a new language for and has insane altitude


Canada in general and the US are two of the most culturally similar countries on the planet as well. Same language, same culture, all major Canadian city’s are extremely close to the US border. Mexico City has none of those working for it.


>same culture My man, a thousand québécois now want to shit hatred and gravy fries right down your throat for that comment.


It would never work, altitude, travel distance, players wanting to be there, and customs.


Even Jimmy is gassed and this dude is no stranger to playing 48 minutes a game at a time


I can't believe they held the Olympics there


as i recall, the results for sprints, jumps, throws were insane, but the distance events were a complete slog


I think the air pollution was pretty severe as well.


probably comparable to the los angeles olympics, id imagine


Wait wait how did high altitude help sprints jumps and throws tho?!


The air is thinner so there’s less resistance. These are also all anaerobic exercises so your performance isn’t impacted as much as a longer run where your body needs more oxygen


I believe thinner air means less air resistance, so you literally move faster/throw farther


Crazy how much taller than Denver it is there.


Just wait until the Nuggets move their stadium to Leadville.


They should just put it on top of pikes peak. There's a railway and a road to get there


If Silver expanded to Mexico, any games scheduled here would need extra days. Denver altitude ain't nothing compared to Mexico City, everyone be gassed af.


Keep in mind the heat are known for constantly being one of THE BEST conditioned teams year in and year out. If they are suffering like this imagine what would happen if a team that doesn’t take the conditioning as seriously faces off against the home team that lives at that altitude.


Man, i’m a midwesterner that one day decided to go on vacation with friends to a ski resort in colorado that was 8000ft above sea level. Bro. Altitude sickness is *no joke*. i was sick the whole first two days i was in colorado. issues breathing, intense stomach and body pain, phew. i’m feeling jimmy on this one.


Was the sickness solely from being at that altitude and not being used to it? Or was it a combination of physical activity along with it? I’ve never been up that high. I went to college in a town that is about 2000ft up in the Appalachians but I know that doesn’t compare to the Rocky Mountains


It was the summer time, we were just hanging out to get away, my friends parents owned a timeshare out there so we used it. it was my first time being that high up, and when i went to las vegas to visit twice i also had altitude sickness, just not as bad as when i was in Colorado.


Oh wow, I gotta think about that. I’ve always wanted to visit Denver, one of my favorite ideas of a city in my head. But I don’t wanna be sick during the trip lol


I was out there last month & I was getting my ass KICKED walking all over. I had an easier time in Denver lol


Didn't stop Jimmy G!


Feels great, baby!


I doubt the NBPA has any influence on the future expansion cities, but sounds like most players would be against a Mexico City expansion. For one probably would be hard to convince players to play in Mexico, and then you also deal with the home team having a crazy advantage.


Can someone eli5 to me why its harder to play for the players here?


Air is thinner, so each breath gives you less oxygen.


High altitude so decreased air pressure so less oxygen.


The air is less dense at the extreme elevation of Mexico City, this means your body gets less oxygen per breath leaving you exhausted if your not conditioned for it.


Question for the scientists. If I lived in a reinforced glass bubble like sandy (or LeMickey) at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that had oxygen pumped in, would each breath give me insane amounts of oxygen? Prolly be instantly fatal I’m sure


It depends on the pressurization of the bubble. If it has the same pressure as the trench you're just a bloody stain, but you could theoretically create a submersible that neutralizes the pressure, and then have a ton of Oxygen pumped in. The problem is that CO2 is heavier than oxygen, meaning in this scenario you'd have a ton of oxygen, but each breath means that less makes it to you, until all of the O2 gets stuck in the pipe and you suffocate.


No because said bubble would need to be pressurized at 1 atmosphere (an “atmosphere” unit is the measurement of pressure an individual feels at sea level) for you to not be crushed by the force of the water above you. Not sure how it would work if you stood next to the Dead Sea, which I believe is the lowest terrestrial point on earth. That’s actually why ocean travel is so difficult. In explored space the pressure differential is 0 to 1 atmospheres. In the explorer ocean it’s 1 to over 1000 atmospheres.


Damn that point about deep sea travel vs space travel makes so much sense but it still kind of blows my mind.


as others have pointed out that habitat would have that pressure stabilized to be sea level air pressure. If you've ever been in a plane you'd know that air pressure inside a metal tube can be regulated. ​ However, air pressure is a concern for even recreational scuba divers. Every 33 feet is one more atmosphere, so at 33 feet, which isn't very deep, you're inhaling 2x the air with every breath. ​ Because of this, you're also breathing 2x the nitrogen with every breath. Too much nitrogen in your bloodstream leads to nitrogen narcosis, or getting "narked". This leads to a feeling of being high, losing motor function and brain function. ​ This is why we have dive tables or computers tell us how long we can safely stay at certain depths, and how much time we need to "gas out" in between dives. ​ Oxygen can also be toxic at high levels but it takes far more time and depth than nitrogen so we don't really track it with regular air, not sure what happens with different air blends that people use to prolong dive times (such as nitrox).


Extremely high altitude (over 7,000 feet above sea level)--at least for a place of dwelling, let alone conduct a physical activity. Take it up a notch, they're playing a 48-minute basketball game at the highest level of competition in the world. The high altitude makes for thinner air, and with less oxygen, the more you exert yourself, it's that much harder, even, to breathe.


Less oxygen since it’s so damn high up


It's a higher elevation than Denver. Denver is over 5k feet, Mexico City is over 7k feet.


I think people are overstating how much this concern would stop them from operating an NBA franchise there. ​ Not saying it isn't a real issue, or that the athletes don't have a tough time dealing with the altitude, but Mexico city does have professional sports, and that includes teams from other cities in Mexico with lower altitudes playing there. ​ Plus, they had the Olympics there. They're gonna co-host the World Cup 4 years and for sure some of the games will be played in Mexico city. They're not the first athletes to deal with this issue.


Can't compare the NBA schedule to events like the World Cup or Olympics where athletes can arrive early to get acclimated. NBA players would have no time. Professional sports in Mexico is different in part because many of the teams already play at high elevations. For instance, 14 of the 18 teams in Liga MX play above 3500', 13 play above 5000', 11 play above 6000', 7 play above 7000', and 1 team plays above 8500'. Compare to the NBA where 28 of 30 teams play below 1200' and the remaining two play at 4200' and 5300'. The highest team in the NBA would rank in the bottom third in Liga MX.


Even in the NFL, when they have games there smart teams will practice at a place with a high elevation in the week leading up to it. No such luck for the NBA with the way scheduling is.


What I’m thinking about is, do any NBA players have sickle cell? I’m a Broncos fan and remember some opposing players not being able to come to Mile High due to having Sickle Cell Anemia, like Ryan Clark. I assume the concern for those guys would be even higher in Mexico City since it’s even higher. Would also prevent a potential team from signing any of those players. Just something to think about. I think globalizing the NBA is a good idea but not sure Mexico City is the best place with these factors


the ultimate home court advantage if Mexico City got a team lmao.


Home court advantage gonna be huge for the Luchadores


Jimmy needs Buckets of oxygen


Mexico City can only get a franchise if B2Bs are eliminated. It's already ridiculous that the NBA hands certain teams automatic losses by having their second night of a B2B be in SLC or Denver vs. a rested home team.