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Give them Snow Crash first. Cryptonomicon is a bit of a brick of a book.


Depends on the kid. Cryptonomicon/Baroque Cycle/Anathem people are really distinct from the Snow Crash/Diamond Age people. And then, there are also non-NS people. Obviously, he wouldn't get all the details of the book at that age but nothing stops him from rereading later on. I know I would absolutely love reading Cryptonomicon at that age myself. I started reading NS with Snow Crash. I loved the big picture but hated the story and the way it was told. I almost gave up on NS after that but read Anathem just to give it another shot. I loved it so much and then I read Cryptonomicon, and I am reading the Baroque Cycle now but I am forcefully pacing myself (one book/year). I also read Diamond Age at some point and it gave me the same flavor as Snow Crash. I talked to others who either love what I consider to be the cyber punk trash and hate what I love or the other way around. (I am so glad I gave another shot after Snow Crash but I usually don't do that.)


Wow I feel old. I remember when crypto was his latest novel when I was a 14 year old boy and thrilled he had a new book out.


Really? It was my first NS book and I found it to be the lightest, except for maybe Reamde


Cryptonomicon has thousands and thousands of very subtle references. Even if they might be able to handle it, I don't think they'll get maximum enjoyment out of it.


There’s also a whole chapter that talks about a man’s fetish.


Right the captn crunch chapter.


I think they’re referring to the Van Eck Phreaking bit with the Gomer Bolstrood furniture and stockings?


And yet both chapters are great


After I typed that comment, I realized that both chapters were both pretty fetishistic. *shrug*


Yeah pretty much. But honestly I thought they were hilarious




No. In fact, I recommend against Stephenson at all until you know the kid can read serious books. Everyone else is suggesting Snow Crash. It’s short and fast, sure. It’s also complex, with heavy ideas and long conversations about complex topics. It has a nonstandard style that can be difficult for even experienced readers to appreciate. And Snow Crash is easier than the rest. If this kid really is a brain rot, start with something simpler, both in content and in form. Something that was actually written for adolescents. He’s not ready for Stephenson and trying to make him read it could turn him off reading forever.


Can start with Seveneves maybe? Somewhat less heavy ideas and long conversations. It’s closer to The Martian or Project Hail Mary, although longer. A lighter read


That’s probably the easiest for new readers. It flows very well. However I would still recommend actual young adult books for a thirteen year old who isn’t a big reader before Seveneves.


Maybe Andy Weir’s The Martian would be an easier starting point, if they haven’t already seen the movie? And I’d recommend Project Hail Mary to basically anybody, even (or perhaps especially) if they weren’t previously in to sci-fi


My 10yr old LOVES Hail Mary and has read it several times….perfect for young reader


Robert Heinlein?


Probably a little better, though the old school dialogue might turn off youngsters.


Honestly if they find it interesting I think you should do the exact opposite. Try and get the kids to challenge themselves to see if they can get it


The OP described the kid as having “brain rot” which I take to mean short attention span and likely screen addiction. If that’s the case, they will fail this challenge, feel frustrated and come away with negative associations towards reading. You’d have better luck explaining Hylean theorics to a sline. Stephenson is not for new readers. I know plenty of old readers who can’t handle him.  I’ve given his books to several teenagers over the years. My little brother enjoyed it, but he’s a genius who grew up to become a physicist. The others all gave up before finishing, and those kids were readers. The books in question were SC and DA. One of them (my neighbor’s daughter) finally read them a few months ago … about five years after receiving them.  Challenging kids is good, but to inspire healthy growth, we should challenge them in appropriate ways. We shouldn’t risk turning them off from learning and growing.


I suppose that’s fair


Diamond Age might be the better choice.


I have the mind of a teenager and I love this book! >!Except for the weird underwater orgy/data exchange thingy!<


I thought that bit was fascinating


Maybe even "Zodiac" will be more interesting. More suitable for a protesting teenager.


I’m not sure what “brain rot” means cos I’m an old. That said, I was reading the Dune series when I was 11. However, Crytonomicon is so dense in historical details, that if you’re not families with them, you’d get lost, as compared to Dune, where it depended more on established sci-fi tropes. If the kid can read at that level, then I don’t see why not, but tell him to have Wikipedia ready to look stuff up. Even as a Tudor historian, I needed to look up stuff about the Continent cos Continental European history is crazy.




Imma gonna be that "well actually" person, but Snow Crash didn't invent the meme. Richard Dawkins actually coined the term with his book, The Selfish Gene in 1976.


Start with charles stross laundy files and move up to cryptonomicon if they like those?


My 13 year old LOVED Snow Crash (enough to read it twice almost back to back) but couldn’t get into Crypto. I have him trying REAMDE now.


Honestly? Probably not. It's a slow burn. On the other hand, Snow Crash is perfect for the brain rot generation.


It does bring a tear to my eye though when they tell me the worst parts of Snow Crash were the tie ins with Sumer and the Mesopotamian history... those were my favorite parts of the book.


Mine too


Maybe the audiobook


Probably not Stephenson, yet. I have had success with a 12-13 year old on: - Revenger series by Alistair Reynolds - Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson




I would have loved it at that age. Probably best for fast readers, though.


My 12 year old loved Snow Crash, but Cryptonomicron jumps around so much I don't think he would enjoy trying to follow the intertwined stories.


I loved it at 13 but that was because it was a  5 minutes into the future thriller about hacking. I think kids today will probably need a reset on it because they won't understand why people just use their cell phones to fix like 90% of the problems.  Snow Crash or diamond age might be better. Or do something like the quantum thief. 


Maybe. Even if you miss some context, there's still an entertaining WWII adventure and a modern hunt for buried treasure. The novel works on a number of levels, so it's great if you can follow the math (or at least enough to understand the explanation of it) and the birth of the computer. It would help to know that a large part of the novel is a satire (and documentary) of late 90's tech business practices. Then if you're a history nerd, you can figure out who are the real historical figures and who is based on a historical person.


Depends on what else that kid has liked reading. I barely recommend Stephenson to adults, most don’t have the patience for his writing style. I was an avid reader at that age but I wasn’t interested in an adult’s opinion. I spent a lot of time in the adult scifi section of my library and first read Snowcrash at 17 or so. I had read a LOT of other dense scifi before it.


gonna go against the grain and recommend it because when i was about that age i read it and enjoyed it immensely. that being said, it took me a lot of work to read the first time, but i think the work was what made it enjoyable/satisfying. also to the person saying theres a lot of references that you might miss, it doesnt matter. read the book again later. ive read it 3 times and every time i pick up on something new


I tried getting into Cryptonomicon, but I got barely to the section with the bank workers and just DNF. It's like my brain went numb.


As always with NS, the writing is fantastic, characters compelling as hell and think about the relatability of the various characters [avoiding spoilers], it can even spark an interest in the related history of ww2 and the tie into cryptography and computer science. Highly recommend, I would have eaten that book up if it had been written when I was that age.


I read Cryptonomicon when I was 12 or 13 and actually *before* Snow Crash, in like 2006 or 2007. Fun times


Reamde is probably the best for a 13 year old. It’s like Neal Stephenson writing an Alex Rider book