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the sole reason we need a new game engine for nfs


Fr frostbite can hardly run battlefield now which is what it was made for🤦‍♂️


Supposedly the new Frostbite logo is supposed to signify that EA properties can move away from Frostbite.




They stated that developers under EA can now make game on whatever ever the fuck engine they wanted. And me hoping with Criterion as the lead development team those mfs can now dig the Chameleon/Renderware engine back from its grave after MW2012 where every EA titles after BF4 more or less all ran on Frostbite.


reviving that engine would be so much work I doubt we'd see it in a release within the next five years.


Yeah that shit sounds impossible since it already a decade since the last Chameleon’s title releases. The most viable scenario right now is for them to shifted NFS development to the Ego engine. Since Dirt Rally/EA WRC had already changed to UE4 it would stupid for them to putting all that previous techs in the trash again. If that the case then Codemaster Cheshire counterpart should be the head development then bring the original Criterion Guildford up to speed with the engine. Wouldn’t mind the next NFS to handle similarly to Dirt 5.


This has been an issue for a while now


It was an issue i encountered in the early access, im amazed it still exists


Perfectly cut crash xD


Porpoising maybe


for that to happen the game would have to have an aerodynamics simulation. Which it doesn't.


Oh my god i hate this so much, I don't understand if the problem are my upgrades or it's a skill issue but it happens constantly


It’s neither, it’s the Battlefield engine freaking out cause it has to do suspension physics for a car going 200 mph, for some unholy reason the curbs in the middle of the road raise your car significantly, so shit like this happens


Try driving at 200mph over a curb in real life and see what happens


Good point, but do you know what Need for Speed isn’t


You tried to make it seem like you understand physics but failed to realize that this is a bloody arcade game. Secondly, your car wouldn’t twerk if it hurt the curb at 200 MPH.


I don’t understand physics. Your car won’t twerk but your ass end can get air


Once or twice, but it shouldn't keep doing it after touching the curb once. Especially on cars with stiff af suspension. If anything you'd lose control horizontally rather than vertically


Genuinely curious about this too. Do you know of any irl clip of a car doing this?


When it happens you lift off the throttle and the car will settle. If you stay on the gas the car will bounce and bounce forever








That curb in the middle of the road is bugged. Your car will clip there so you should always avoid it, stay on the left or the right side of the road. Touch the centre bit and your car starts to gallop like that


Its engine was battablow when you were battabus


Collision bugs are the reasons of bouncing/twerking cars.


You hit the bump, you lost control. Doesn't really matter that it's a "bug" and not a simulation. I personally find this hilarious, some people find this frustrating. The solution is just to race lower classes or avoid bumpy zones of the tracks that induce that behavior from cars. Kinda part of map knowledge, since this porpoising is pretty reproducible.


it's fustrating because it makes S+ street races stupid twitchy. An entire class of racing shouldn't be dogshit for an entire class of vehicles. Especially not in a franchise with a focus on *street racing*.


It's not dogshit, it just requires taking risks thoughtfully. It is reproducible, it is avoidable. Brake button exists for a reason. Is it intended? Probably not. Is it a big enough problem to overhaul an engine Ghost and Criterion spent a decade learning? Definitely not. God knows even competitive games [have seen](https://youtu.be/WVry84ACu0k?si=fUdW4JK2RTIz8Uq2) worse.


What car is that? Can't really recognize it


Mclaren F1 with the second Speedhunters body kit.


They made suspension too stiff on all cars and they don't even allow to soften it


Certified Unbound Classic


Ah this section.


Remember when the devs died that they fixed this when unbound released? I'm surprised no one does.




Listen to it with your eyes closed. Yes.


They need to add a speed dependence in the damping. So that the oscillations do not turn in to resonance and not sure if the shock rebound being a setting would be enough. Frostbite was amazing in The Run I think more tuning is in order.


NFS shenanigans idk


now do yo thang


We really need a new engine for nfs


This was one of the prime reasons I left this game after completing the story and some online races. The animations and other changes didn't bother me much, I got used to it(plus in the last patch update they gave an option to turn it off completely), but THIS just made high speed racing unbearable for me. Why even release the game when you can't fix cars wiggling and jumping all over the place at high speeds. I thought maybe it is how it is supposed to be and it's just me, but after seeing that OP and others are also there who experience the same thing, I am now even more sure about my decision to not return to this title.


From what I experienced, it regularly happens with the supercar types. I've never got something like this with my other vehicles while speeding way over 300 but It might be just me idk.


Gotta love how many children don't realise a cars suspension on normal street roads aren't meat to go all out.. you will buttom out and have your car hip and lose control in real life. It's actually preety immersive but yall can keep crying


Do people not realise certain road will upset your car depending on your suspension and downforce lmaoooo look at these children thinking it's a glitch lmOoo you can litterly see the bumps and why the car reacts that way I've litterly tested it where certain cars lose control.. the devs even mentioned there new suspension that will react dynamically... so many idiots here man


Bruh I know about how this stuff works in real life. I was just shocked because it happened it Unbound which a game that clearly doesn't care much about real life car physics. The title was already a satire lmao But if it is really is a thing in the game, Im fine with it. It creates a skill gap and forces you to focus on controlling your car better.




Bruh it’s not a thing. It’s literally a bug it happens on certain roads in the game, you have to brake to stop it


I usually let go off the accelerator during the curbs ,it helps.And judging by the way you're car is unstable,you need to tune it more for a grip builds .Its like in driveclub,when you drive on the steep slope,you're suppose to let go off the acceleration, otherwise you'll start flying


beacause IRL physics when you go fast. You dont know?


IRL physics? sure in Unbound? naah




I’m laughing


People just take anything seriously. You know what they say. People taking shit seriously dies early.