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NFS No Limits and it's not even close


Put alot of money into that game.Sunk.cost type of money.6/10 final answer.


U generenous give tha score lol. Me give big 0/10 .


Tbh with u I only had it when I heard nfs heat wasn't getting any more updates.thats the ONLY thing that gave me a reason to play that.


Damn I forgot about that game lol


And for good reason. Game is hot garbage.


I agree that NFS No Limits is the worst version of NFS game ever made. The experience of playing it is like having sand in your underwear. Very unpleasant.


Can you describe it? Never played it. EDIT: Just checked a gameplay video on YT. Feels like half the time was spent in various menus and overall looked the same as Asphalt 9.


Payback mobile.


Like sand in underwear


Same as NFS Payback but 10000x worser. And Yes. You spend most of your time in menus instead of racing because they're too short, there's a restrictive fuel system, it's full of RNG bullshit and it's riddled with predatory monetization schemes to ripoff your money.


A racing game with a fuel system is automatically bad, idc who came up with this trend, your trying to get people to play your game longer, all that is doing is boring your player base.


Exactly. A fuel system is a massive red flag and a nonsense. Hence why i avoid mobile games with that crappy system.


It's practically impossible to do that, even simpler games like hill climb racing (their Lego Collab) has a fuel system. Not only for racing games, but for almost everything in the app stores in general.


Yup. Except I pretend they don't exist in my eyes. I have other things to do rather than waste my time on games with fuel systems which also includes MTXs at the same time. Also, i always watch at gameplays beforehand. This is why I prefer games without any fuel systems which allow me to get into the action without waiting. I am of course talking about the fuel system present in mobile games in the first place; not the one where you go to a gas station in the game itself to get a quick fill-up and you go off afterwards.


Definitely not a NFS


No Limits, I don't get how ppl can play it


I don't get it how people got op cars with spending no money in NFS no limits, it's like asphalt 9 but you need much, much much more luck to get the car blueprints you need than skill while driving . Also driving in this game is worse than driving a dragster, when you drift u feel like u don't need to touch the screen but the car steers for itself... I'm not gonna talk anymore Abt nfsl cuz it's not worth how bad this game is


That horrible mess that is Undercover. The only good thing is the ost, the rest is completely awful. I really don't understand when people have the audacity to say that's underrated. Any rate over 3 is overrated. Completely hated it especially after Prostreet.


Rose-tinted glasses and Stockholm syndrome is behind the "rise" of undercover. I guess people just fetishize the BB-era NFS so much that every game they made was a 7/10. IMO there are only 2 games that deserve anything higher than an 8 from the BB-era.


Which one do you think deserve more than 8? I mean I loved almost all of them but Undercover is horrible. My favourite always will be most wanted and prostreet. Still have to play The Run.


U2 deserves an 8 imo, would have been a 9 if the game only had 4 stages instead of 5. HP2 (PS2) deserves an 9 because it is truly one of the most difficult NFSes of all time. We never got a harder NFS, and given by how much winging there is about Unbound being hard, we never will. Only thing holding it back from a 10 is the racer AI rubberbanding, and unlocking some cars can take a very long while. Most wanted is so repetitive after blacklist 6 ( I have been wanting to play it again,but i beat it 4 times i am not going to have fun anymore), and ProStreet would have been an 8 if it released in 2024, but it gets a 6 because setup is a bitch and it ran poorly in 2007 standards, and that is coming from a guy who beat it 20+ times (also i hate the drift event they are a borefest)


The first NFS is unbeatable on the PS1, most races won't even let you make 3rd place


I personally still reckon for a time when NFS was rather difficult. If anyone is designing a hard+ mod for Unbound, i would totally try it out


All of the initial five games are quite difficult. It's actually quite easy to drive faster than the AI opponents, especially with manual shifting, since you can really overrev the cars and just get way more power than the opponents, but the way the AI weaves left and right on the track is really frustrating. In NFS High Stakes they added car damage and the AI are quite unapologetic about slamming into you. I also played the game on a wheel and for some reason the force feedback is quite weak in normal conditions, but really strong if you have suspension damage. Like, it actually is tiring to finish a race because of how you have to fight the wheel.


Strongly agree. When I saw this thread the first game I thought of was undercover. I've completed all the NFS games I owned. All except undercover. Garbage. Even Maggie Q couldn't save the game




what pissed me off about undercover it's the reused assets from previous games like the map from most wanted and the menus from carbon and of course the bugs. But I really enjoyed the art direction of the game and the story


I like it, it works great, music is fire, graphics is ok with some mods


Dude, I LOVED undercover as a kid because my brother introduced me to it.


No Limits, not even close.


Probably just the mobile one. A lot of the nfs games feel like such their own game that I like know which one someone likes and why.


Yeah, and it's pretty hard to control


Payback, the Speedcards just ruined the experience for me.


I kinda liked the grind for parts, it has the best story in my opinion, the map kinda sucked thou


I really enjoyed the story as well, it’s definitely up there. But doing max builds and especially going for the best triple perks is a nightmare and imo not fun at all.


"Ah, yes, gambling, this is definitely what the people needed." The only enjoyable things the game gives are the racing experience, off-roads, drifts, customization and all that.


Yeah it definitely had some good qualities but the others definitely effected the overall experience


no limits, huge cashgrab Undercover, story was great, gameplay felt like the real version of the burgers you see in ads.


NFS Most Wanted DS


Lol DS was so popular but psp was much better especially for racing and sports games. It has the ps2 version of tdu on psp with 100 cars and a massive map to free roam in. That's insane even today let alone like 2006


Shift 1 and 2 for their amazing attention to detail, and sense of speed Pro street for their cool ass cars, builds, and car scene that it showed, and the music was great too Edit: Damn im fucking high as hell, but fuck no limits ig


Definitely the mobile games but on consoles it will be MW2012. MW2012 is a good game but as a NFS, it sucks but it is a very good Burnout Paradise sequel.


Yep, you will enjoy it if you take it as a burnout paradise with licensed cars instead of core NFS


every need for speed has something that justifies liking it... except no limits


Undercover and specifically the PS3 version with its motion blur


There's no point considering No Limits, it's not even a proper game I'd put Most Wanted 5-1-0 and Payback at the top of the shitlist Payback is so, fucking, bad. The map is bland and full of nothing. The upgrades system is a fucking joke even after the patch. Offroading sucks ass and you can't skip it, you're locked to some low speed and the cars drive like boats. Speaking of which, it somehow has worse drift handling than 2015. Every single car constantly redlines and or wheelspins, the tach is unreadable for manual playing. It has a screen filter which makes all the colors look desaturated which lessens the visual appeal of the song. Has a stupid meta (flaw shared with many modern NFS) 5-1-0 is just absurdly unfun to play. They picked the worst possible layouts for an unresponsive driving model. Roadblocks that are solid walls. Insane rubberband, I literally couldn't beat some blacklist opponents if I didn't swap my car for the best available one. Blacklist has changed cars compared to PC even if the correct ones were available. Underground Rivals is somehow an excellent PSP game , carbon OTC isn't half bad either, this, this is a turd


Heat, for the sole reason of someone's dogshit idea of "drifting", but fr tho it's no limits...


As someone who doesn't rate Heat that high, I was gonna say it's a bit harsh to say it's the worst NFS game but if you like (or hate) drifting that's totally understandable.


Drifting is basically my entire life lol been drifting in games since gt1.


why in hell did you think nfs had good drifting mechanics in the first place?


I don't... heat is just the worst one at it imo, it's the only one that made me instantly uninstall the game, completely put me off playing the rest of the game, petty I know lol


NFS Shift and Shift 2 because of ridiculous driving mechanics.




Cars feels like 18 wheelers instead of agile race cars. Steering is horrendously bulky. When I play Racedriver GRID from the same era, I can control the car like it's a part of my body. In NFS Shift and Shift 2, I could never feel like I had full control of the car. When I apply steering input, the car turns 3 business days after. Driving an 18 wheeler in American Truck Simulator is more easier. I tried with many different controllers but the result is the same.


Fr man i thought i was the only one complaining about shift 2 driving mechanism


It's a toss-up between Most Wanted (2012) & Payback. Let me preface this by saying that neither game is awful or even bad. But both these games, through their marketing or other games coverage media, promised things that we're not met. Like the fact that Most Wanted (2012) is almost nothing like Most Wanted (2005) despite having the same name. Or the fact that in Payback upgrading your cars and making them faster is complete AIDS. Nowadays, I can appreciate and enjoy aspects of these games. But the initial disappointment will stick with me forever.


If only could the characters in Payback STFU for a while. Bunch of edgelords with expensive cars.


Have you played unbound? Compared to that the characters and dialogues in Payback are like a Shakespeare play


Possibly hot take despite current games although don't get me wrong the newer games are getting better, but the worst NFS in my view is NFS Undercover. It was such a step backwards from prostreet. No new game is as bad as undercover. (Edit haven't played many old NFS games, the oldest NFS game iv played is HotPursuit 2 on ps2, HP2 is a great NFS both versions mind you are great)


Need for speed no limits is the absolute trash. 90% of the reason is mandatory ads after every race. Other than that i love almost all nfs games. Especially the older ones.


Why is everyone in the comment section bullying no limits...... Without me?


In all seriousness, why is it the big companies that put the least amount of effort into mobile games, phones are practically one of, if not, the most owned device ever. Even kids have that stuff with them nowadays. Hardware limitations aren't that big of a deal either, because we have stuff like genshin impact being mobile compatible. The mobile gaming industry has some huge potential but people just call it "inferior" and say that all the bad games are only on mobile. Mostly because almost none of the good games are on the app store/apple arcade store (there could be good games on the apple arcade, I really don't know because I use android, don't bully me for this).


There’s no reason that we couldn’t get ps2 era NFS titles on phones. Especially when you can play GTA San Andreas on phones.


I think It would've been better if EA officially emulated the blackbox era nfs games for mobile on each games 10 year anniversary or smt. It would definitely do better than what they ended up doing in 2012.


Payback and no limits. I think you can guess why




Isn't asphalt decent? At least when I played it a long time ago


Nah, hasn't been for about 5 years at least. Both Asphalt 8 and 9 are heavily P2W, I'd argue just as bad as No Limits


Yea I rember good ol days when cars in Asphalt 8 were 10x cheaper than now... the best car in last class was 30k, now its 250k


There's CSR2 which is alright, but has really high quality models for the cars, and a lot of factory customization, so I almost prefer to use it for that lol There's Assoluto Racing, which is sort of like Gran Turismo/Forza, but the customization is limited and the physics are a little jank. There's also always emulation


Just fuck Payback, I swear to God.


No limits. Only way to play that game is to fucking hack it to have infinite resources.




I actually hate unbound the art style wasn’t my favorite thing but the story was bad


NFS most wanted 2012 cars handle like shit they are fragile and those god damn fucking crash cams make me want to fucking hang myself


Nono handling in the game is good but yea the cars are fragile as fuck and the crash cam is annoying


I really don't like Heat that much though I certainly want to like it. The drift physics are ass, once you unlock everything there's no incentive to race at night no more, and it feels - no - IS unfinished.


Other than No Limits, 2015. I wasn't a fan of the story, and I didn't like how limited the customization was. Oh, and let's not forget about the dog shit handling model. And one more thing, you can't even drive around in the city; just the outskirts.


I'm gonna be controversial but underground was trash. It was a massive departure from the nfs games I used to play. The comic book cutscene I find to be tacky... Car choice was ass cheeks... Progression was awful due to the fact u have to do magazine shoots and rice your car... Lack of cop cars


Out of the ones I’ve actually played, undercover is by far the worst. Incredibly trivial and undercooked story. Empty map. Terrible car selection. Terrible handling. Terrible art direction. Terrible performance. The game just felt like it was a pre-alpha build. Especially coming after Pro Street, the ONLY cool thing it did was having visible damage similar to Pro Street, which even then was a downgrade. This was their chance at something fresh and new and instead they wasted it on that…


Terrible car selection? You sure?


*Need for Speed: Nitro*


You know I honestly forgot about this game 🤣


honestly when i mentioned the game i didn't presume that many knew of it


Dunno maybe Need for speed Shift (PSP) not because it was a porting considering the Underground one


Need for speed Payback. It's Micro Transactions were somehow worse than need for speed World.  Edit: I meant payback not heat 


Undercover. Most boring modes and story. The buggy textures and flickering buildings were the cherry on top. But hey, there was a Supra in it and the tuning was alright.


NFS Unbound


NFS Unbound Simply cause my PC cannot run it lol


NFS Nitro on Nintendo DSi.


Limits is hot trash. It’s a shame, it controls well enough and the game looks good for a mobile game, but the gameplay revolves around loot crates and paying money. Need for Speed Most Wanted DS is a steaming mess. Everything looks like trash, the physics and steering are garbage, and the music is a garbled mess. Hot Pursuit Wii looks like dog shit and controls like dogshit, while having 0 polish at all. Hot Pursuit mobile is super watered down, controls like ass and looks like trash. Undercover’s story isn’t too bad, but it has a super strong piss filter, controls are wonky and has bugs out the wazoo. Need for Speed 2015 is tedious and online only garbage. Payback is so dull and empty. The main character is the most annoying asshole ever, and the slot machine mechanic sucks.


Unbound or Pro Street. Unbound locks you into too many races at a time and the cell shaded characters suck. Pro street wasn’t street racing so it just didn’t have that need for speed outlaw vibe. Unbound has taken a step forward with the matchmaking playlist but there’s not a competitive option so that sucks, even though you could just make the user cars non-corporeal so people don’t just start smashing into each other but can still hit regular traffic. I miss the crew vibe from carbon, that and the taking over the city aspect.


I know it's got a pretty good reputation around here these days, but ProStreet killed my interest in the franchise almost entirely for a verrrrry long time. The legal street racing combined with absolutely despising hearing them constantly call me Ryan Cooper just killed my motivation to finish the game. To this day, it's the only NFS game I started but never completed.


No limits othere than that remaining every nfs game was enjoyable


Actual titles wise, its a tie? I dont reañly hate any of the games, i just dislike some of them the same way


Least favorite is either underground 2 or most wanted 2012 they are both boring the open worlds are boring it's tedious to drive around


No Limits if we could phone games as well. And it goes by far. But if we don't, I say Shift and Shift 2. NFS has always been about that sense of street racing. Shifts have been way too organized and legal for my liking.


I haven't played them all, but I don't enjoy Unbound as much as I thought I would. I just don't like the day-night setup it has. It's very possible that it's a time and place sorta thing, but that doesn't change the fact that I had more fun with the others.


Honestly a toss up between Undercover and No Limits


No limits is the clear and decisive champion of worst nfs game


I ragequited Payback, last f*cking drag race with Dymond block leader is trash.


Payback, it's actually really great street racing game with fun races but speed cards ruin everything


Payback and Criterion's Most Wanted First one was very grindy, had a ridiculous RNG-based uprade system, entirely scripted chases and annoying characters. The second one is just forgettable


best is underground 2 worst is payback🫡


Of the ones I played definitely most wanted remake.


Need for Speed: No Limits VR it is not even works.


I think my least favorite Need For Speed (at least for my arcade oriented taste) is NFS Most Wanted 2010. Despite the fact that everyone knows about the failure of Undercover - i would consider nfs mw 2010 is the naughtiest uglies cash grab from ea. My second least favorite is the Payback, and i hate it just because i cannot comprehend the tunning sistem, the cards the matching colours brands etc for jumps etc? 😂 ewwww what is this?? And only this problem kills my whole interest in Playing it.


All brake to drift titles. + The Run and honestly it’s only this way because of the handling, but ProStreet. (I only drive with default settings)


No limits is shittiest NFS game


Most of the olds NFS are superb. These last, new shits not worth it at all!


NFS No Limits. Do I really have to explain why?


Except for the obvious no limits, Undercover from console titles... Never felt like an NFS game, felt like a B grade Gran Turismo knock-off handling-wise, and the graphics was worst of all games...


Since I never played No Limits I can't really comment. Personally, it's Unbound. It plays okay and has cool customisation and open world gameplay options, but the day-night gameplay loop starts to feel a bit restrictive after a while. On top of that, I'm admittedly not a fan of the cel-shaded style (particularly the goofy NoS effects), but it's more frustrating that they went with that art style for characters but a realistic looking city and vehicles. Personally, it looks so weird. Either go all-in and cel-shaded everything, or stick to realism. I only played Payback recently, and that game has plenty of flaws, but part of what kept me playing to the end was not being completely unimmersed every time characters were on screen.


NFS Shift. It's just not my cuppa coffee besides that Unbound all the way. My feelings about the game are purely based on single player campaign which is in my opinion terrible along with the characters, music, "art style" and driving in general to me feels like it's dice throwing whether you oversteer or understeer


Excluding no limits, i honestly dont know, rivals onwards (except 2015) were all games i didnt like but its not like they're bad, no limits is bad bad


payback and heat.


Probably Undercover, because of the physics and driving mechanics. It feels like the cars are on rails. That said, I never tried no limits, from what I have heard that one is bad as well.


NFS Undercover for the DS


Most wanted 2012… it’s barely even a game for me


Saying no limits is cheating I feel. Are we counting Shift games, I liked Shift 1 but second one I found cars were made of glue and stuck on contact and handling was just too out there for me (closely followed by NFS 2015). I bought it and returned after about a weekend with it.




Payback should be lost media.


Most Wanted 2012 It wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't the game I expected either


I haven’t played all of them, but Rivals is the one I started and I decided I didn’t like immediately.


The Run, specifically the Wii version


Heat because the cops feel unfair and the rubber banding is broken. Start of game I'm in a bone stock car that can't outrun the cops, in order to upgrade car I need rep and money, I get money easy enough but rep requires night races which seems to almost guarantee a cop chase which results in me getting busted then most if not all of my money being confiscated. Rinse and repeat. It's just frustrating The actual racing isn't hard even on hard difficulty, but the cops lightly touch your door mirror and there goes 50% health. Finally I get faster car, but then cop rubber banding kicks in and I have a crown vic tailgating me at 200mph and then in races I hit the nitrous and don't gain any lead on the car next to me at all making nos completely useless. The game just feels too unbalanced and inconsistent with rubber banding and cop damage. Oh then the map, the amount of times my car just randomly gets launched into the air and then proceeds to do a thousand barrel rolls at mach 3 speeds. Or gets stuck in some random corner so I can't move. The whole game is just frustrating. By far my least favourite nfs.


Payback I hate gambling for upgrades and I hate the terrible physics


Most Wanted 2012. A massive disappointment.


NFS nitro on the Wii was my least favourite by probably a light year


NFS Rivals : Massive setback with the physics and the thrill when coming from playing NFS HP and NFS Rivals NFS Undercover : Specifically PC version, because the PS2 Version had great physics.


Going by what I've actually played it would have to be the newer version of most wanted. It just felt too easy and too bland, granted I didn't spend a lot of time on it.


Rivals, I didn't like the whole you can be a cop against racers or a racer against cops. The AI was kinda jank too


So I'm gonna keep it mainline and say Rivals. Now it's not that I outright hate the game or anything, I just remember wishing for a more diverse car list for so long by the time that game came out and as much as I enjoyed Hot Pursuit 2010 and MW2012 (even though it was basically licensed Brunout Paradise), i really just missed being able to drive some lower end sports car and actually customize it. I also like the more relatable cars. I like supercars but not all the time lmao. Im a Black Box guy at heart and Rivals just felt like it was 2 years too late, it was HP 2010 with free roam. And as an entry NFS for the at the time, next generation console, I was super disappointed. I think its good for what it is but it came out at a bad time, which made 2015 all the more better when the beta dropped. (R35 was the only japanese car in Rivals btw) Payback gets runner up because of the literal slot machines and nerfed decal editor.


It would've had a more diverse car list if EA didn't rush the game out unfinished after only 9 months development time.


Yeah, common bronze age NFS issue.


Need for speed heat, such a terrible game in any way.


Hot take. Most wanted 2012, The idea of driving the fastest car in the very beginning and having no real customisation made it really suck for me


In no particular order. -No Limits: barely feels like an NFS game. Horrible monetization. Even the Asphalt games are better than this shite -Rivals: My least favorite online experience. Cops are stupid hard spawning literally every time you're close to lose them. Pursuit tech is borderline Mario Kart shit. -Undercover (PS3/360): barren wasteland of a game. You know you fucked up when the last gen version is more content rich.


Pretty much any of the games from Pro Street to 2015 Didn't finish any of those games and have 0 desire to revisit them. Hell I didn't finish 2015 either but I liked the directing it was going. Also hated payback but I feel like that's been beat to death already.




nfs no limits it has limits


Anything mw12 foreward


The second most wanted


Need For Speed: No Limits because it describes EA in every way. Everyone saying rivals needs to understand that the game only had 9 months development time, if you understand how long it should take to develop a racing game, you'll know why that isn't a long time for a game of that caliber. EA clearly rushed ghost into making a game that, for the most part, was unpolished. Idk if this is true, but I'm pretty sure NFS Heat was meant to have a third arc in its storyline, but EA decided to rush ghost into the deep depths of EA Hell, just like BlackBox was. Though respect your opinion, if you don't like rivals, you can at least respect that the game was left unfinished the moment it set foot on store shelves.


haven't played all of em, i got out of the loop years ago but imma say Heat. i love everything, except for the driving. feels like you drivin a block even with drift setups on


No limits, pro street and hot pursuit. Most wanted and heat are my favorite


From NFSU1 AND 2, CARBON, PRO STREET, SHIFT 1 AND 2, 2015, PAYBACK, HEAT AND UNBOUND. 2015 and Unbound are tied, I greatly enjoyed both but hated them both for different reasons. 2015 the handling model is just insufferable and some of the races atleast early into its life span, were hilariously difficult. Good vibe though. Unbound, same weird handling but not as bad imo, but at that point it's stale, mostly the same cars and customization since 2015. But the worst part....I couldn't lower the c6 vette enough, it looked stupid, it was fine in the previous games....what changed? Unite mod is a God send to every game that has it.


obviously rivals


Need for speed unbound I don’t like the comic art style.


for me it's a tie between 2015 and Heat. they were very meh and forgettable imo. I would say Payback but at least that game is extremely fun WITH UNITE MOD.


Unite mod? What is that


Unite mods are mods which enhances NFS games since 2015. It includes an handling model overhaul (arcade or simcade), adds hidden custom parts for some cars, gameplay tweaks, an adjusted stance, a new UI and better visuals.


Payback is the only game I rushed through so most likely that.   I despise the tuning system and the characters (apart from Marcus Weir). 


Payback. God that was so bad. Unbound comes in second. The story was so CRINGE and the soundtrack was nails on a chalk board.


NFS MW 2012, I completed it and it wasn't very good, I didn't hate it but I didn't like it that much


Out of all the ones i played id say mw2012, It felt like a fever dream .  Payback is a contender too because upgrading is so boring and weird


I've tried to enjoy shift 1 but I just couldn't, the physics are horrendous


The easy answer is No Limits... but the answer that im actually gonna give is Unbound. I first got into Need For Speed when I was little with Most Wanted and Carbon at my dads house. Wasn't able to play anything for quite a while til I got my own console and got back into the franchise with Rivals. Then took another short break and came back with Payback, then played Heat and Unbound. Definitely not as much as some others have played but it's safe to say I love the franchise. As far as unbound goes, I'm just not a huge fan of what the game has to offer. The story was alright but towards the end, no matter how good i drove, it just felt like I didn't have a chance at first. I really dont like the soundtrack. (I know, just play spotify. Which i do, but it doesnt change the fact that the soundtrack is part of the game and should be judged as such). Not a huge fan of the visual effects on my car while driving, though I can understand why people like it, it's just not for me. And I absolutely cannot stand the downtime between cop chases, or lack thereof since there's pretty much no way to actually avoid them on the road at higher heat. Until I can figure out how to get Most Wanted to work again, I've been back on Heat and having the time of my life.


hot take but aside from the obvious choices; it's rivals for me


I literally am 100%ing the game (buying all cars, upgrades, liveries, doing all jumps, etc.) and I can tell you with confidence: It's pretty bad compared to other nfs games.


2012 Most Wanted. Absolute trash


The last threee payback heat and unbound lack of story while ea trying to make you think otherwise by putting stupid things into game for me the series died after nfs 2015 witch also didn’t had a story but it still is far better than the last three


The shift games, they suck assssss


NFS No Limits,Rivals,Payback - i hate super late steering


Rivals was the last one i played. Never touched a newer one after that.


Why is the run missing of the image?


Besides from the mobile shit, Payback, zero questions. I hate that game with every fiber of my being It's set in a desert, I don't like the story, I hate the card system, the power level system is horrid, it's just straight dog.


I love NFS Heart & NFS 2015


I hate ProStreet. I play NFS to take a break from reality. I want a fun, arcade-style racing games, and I expect every NFS to act like it. When I first played PS with this mindset, I was so frustrated. Why the hell was the controls like this? Why won’t the car move like I want it to? Why does it feel so heavy to drive?


It's a tie between NFS No Limits, NFS Payback and NFS Unbound imo. All of these 3 games are massive cashgrabs. No need to explain why.


Payback. Not because "grr microtransactions" although it's definitely one very valid reason. It's an okay game and has some decent b2d physics but it's my least favorite mainly because of it's setting. I REALLY don't like deserts. They freak me out whenever I drive through one..


For me is definietely Pro Street.What a shitshow.Well at least on PS3 ,dont know if PC version was different or not.


Payback, heat


The "remake" of most wanted. Was so hurt when I realized that it wasn't the actual most wanted game. When I really think about it, it was just a rebranded version of burnout. Yes I'm aware criterion and put their hand in that but it just didn't feel like a need for Speed game.


ProStreet. Don't get me wrong, I like the graphics... but the way they went away from that kind of story that MW and Carbon had going, as well as sticking to that bland official racing style (which with all respect, Ford Racing 2 and 3 nailed better than ProStreet did) were major turn offs for me. It wasn't until Hot Pursuit and MW2012 that I liked them again. Not counting World as IIRC that one was just MW05 and Carbon fused together into a sort of open-world multiplayer. EDIT: I quite feel dumb because I actually liked Payback. It felt a bit like a mix of the stuff I liked NFS for, with slight pints of Burnout, GTA San Andreas, GTA 5, Ford Racing 2 and Hot Pursuit 2010.


I played yet only heat, payback, rivals, undercover 2 and shift, I liked the NFS shift the most but hated payback for it's stupid physics, mechanics for getting parts, money methods, tons of glitches and I always get disconnected from online for no reason, I have 0 ping in any of games but can't even play one time for 30min without a "lag" that kicks you automatically to offline mode. The liveries editor was as usual as any other decal editor in NFS games so I didn't have a problem with it


Probably NFS Most Wanted 2012. That's when Criterion took the reigns of the game, modeled it based on their 2009 hit Burnout Paradise and brought in some of the same elements. That's when the franchise really started to get f\*\*ked up!


Excluding the mobile games, Rivals or the Run is probably the worst in the series.


Most Wanted 2012. Not because "hurr its not a REAL Most Wanted sequel" but because it's Burnout with licensed cars. Also, fuck them for locking the Airport behind DLC. I will never let go of that


I might be the only one with this opinion, but Hot Pursuit 2010 just feels empty and boring to me. Also have the same kind of experience with Rivals and Most Wanted 2012.


Aside from the mobile game there isnt an entry in the series I really dislike. Id have to go for ds carbon tho. I liked it but probably my least favouritetitle


I found shift very bland, uncreative, unfun and absolutely disappointing


Unbound is honestly dog poop


Controversial take but the original Most Wanted. While I know a lot of people have fond rose (or piss) tinted memories of this game. This was the turning point for the game engine when cars felt disconnected from the road, the handling felt like sliding a brick on tile and the game no longer understood advanced driving maneuvers like reverse 180s. This was due to the fact that they were forced to make a new game engine in, I believe, 9 months and the franchise never recovered. If you go back to the PS2 versions of Hot Pursuit 2, Underground 1 and 2 you'll see that the vehicle physics actually still holds up even to today's standards for driving games. Most Wanted was a huge disappointment for me and that was probably because I wasn't a child when I played it. Most of the people I talk to who love Most Wanted were super young when it came out and it's typically their first NFS. I understand why it's iconic and shy the BMW is iconic, but I just felt like a huge step backwards in the gameplay department. I would love to see an actual Sim'cade NFS again, but it seems like NFS is just an arcade racer now. If you can, go play Hot Pursuit 2 on PS2 (or emulation I guess). On Alpine there's a water wheel with a parking lot type area off the track. This is a great spot to do some doughnuts and you'll be quite surprised with how the game handles.


1. NFSMW DS : No words to say. 2. NFS No Limits : The gameplay is just the same with Asphalt. Which I'm tired of it. 3. NFS Prostreet (vanilla handling) : Mainly bc of the handling. I always hated the tank handling when i played for the first time on emulator. Which is just turns me off everytime. I always switched to medium difficulty especially on drift & grip. But recently i found a mod that would change the handling and my opinion changed to from worst NFS to one of my top 5 fav NFS games.


It’s between Rivals and The Run. I will give Most Wanted 2012 & Undercover a pass


Really unpopular opinion I think, but I would have to say HP remastered. I just can't deal with the handling, it's so imprecise, evading obstacles/traffic (or trying to squeeze through the gap in the roadblock) seems like a complete gamble. Possibly a skill issue, but that's my take.


I like a lot about payback, but the rng upgrade system ruined it for me, and it felt really grindy at some points. The lack of police in free roam didn’t help either




Favourites: NFS 1, NFS III, High Stakes Worst: NFS Underground 1 & 2, Carbon, NFS 2015


Hey hey!!! You guys forget.. to added in the picture NFS CARBON WHAT THE HECK GUYS !!!! NFS COMMON GUYS ... REALLY.. SKIP ONE TO PRO STREET REALLY NFS..


NFS Heat Is Terrible


No limits, best is MW2012(mostly sentimental to me)


Least favorite and why 😅 Pro Street, not so much that it was a bad game, it was great, BUT it’s when we started to see this bigger shift towards super/hyper cars and the introduction of unrealistically powered classic cars too. The games started to become less about accessible cars / tuner cars and the actual street racer scene, and more about a ‘rich kid’ 1% vibe, that grew after pro street. not complaining but worth noting that every game before pro street is called a ‘classic’ 😅