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NFS Rivals: *Allow me to introduce myself*


Broooo Rivals cops got trained by Batman lol


*Proceeds to use ESF on you by ramming you while going 330KPH*


PTSD intensifies


Haha fr


I swear I wouldn't try half the shit I do in unbound in RedView County.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I know right? But I still play Rivals to date because unlike in Unbound, the Heat multiplayer multiples the speed points you earn.


Those cops are carnivores IS, never felt more scared in a nfs game; and more relieved when I managed to escape them. Still playing to this day too, itā€™s the only recent nfs that I have currently that allows me to properly feel like an outlaw. Hoping to get unbound later on.


Unbound can be stressful as shit at higher levels and you'll be at higher levels most of the time. Not only are they a pain in the ass during a chase, the helicopters stay out looking for you. And if you get busted or destroy your car you lose all of the money you made that day. And the SWAT trucks can go 200mph and flip you by barely swiping your side. Got busted three times in a row trying to get back to a safehouse because I got stuck on the other side of the map in my damn near stock B-tier Cuda. Lost like 100k total, about $30-35k each time. Idk how they compare to other recent games but coming from MW2005 they're a HUGE step up. I rarely got busted in that game.


Yeah Iā€™ve seen a lot of chase gameplay, Iā€™m so happy that they took influence and brought back a lot of what worked from the golden era games. Also yes those raptors are terrifying, canā€™t wait to get flipped by those bad boys.


It's much less awesome when you just used a gas station to repair and get hammered into critical hp and now have to survive for 3 minutes or whatever, which feels like a damn eternity. I love it though. I haven't had a game make me feel this stressed in a long time.


Yeah it can be unfortunate in some cases, but I personally donā€™t mind it. The cops should be difficult and stress-inducing since thatā€™s the main enemy of street racing, and it makes you feel more alive when you finally escape. In Heat the game mechanics were broken and it felt unfair, but in here it looks like thereā€™s more balance which is great. And yes Iā€™m happy that we can actually have fun with the police again and that we arenā€™t punished for wanting to be punished by the police. Definitely know what Iā€™m spending the majority of my game time on.


>Definitely know what Iā€™m spending the majority of my game time on. Not by choice lol Yeah it's great, they do what they're supposed to do. I was worried that I'd be able to just outdrive them. Nope, gotta think now! Although the lower levels are pretty weak, I've had to slow down a few times.


Definitely by choice ;) Also I have seen some discrepancies when it comes to the maxed out cars, on some gameplays that Iā€™ve seen; youā€™re able to whisk past them and lose them immediately like on heat. but on some others, Iā€™ve seen the corvettes and raptors stay on them for quite awhile and they really had to outmaneuver them to escape. So I really hope that theyā€™re not that inconsistent when it comes to higher lvl cars.


2005 cops were easy to take out, but extremely unforgiving if you make a mistake since they instantly box you in with no chance of escaping.


They turn into fucking stones when they box you in. That's the only way I ever got got. Felt like I was the ball during a children's soccer game with 20 cops surrounding me.


Cops in Rivals are certified psychos


They are out for blood and blood they shall have


**Average NFS HP 2010 Cop Chopper casually deploying spike strips into 240mph Bugattis and causing a genocide on the highway**


*NFS HP 2 CHOPPER BURSTS INTO ROOM* Allow me to introduce myself!


Dropping literal bombs on civilian roadways, the psychos


cant be street racing if theres is no street left


I lost it on genocide


Bro on heat level 10 one wrong u-turn and some mf in a Bugatti rams me at 450kph šŸ’€


At those breakneck speeds, it is hard af to avoid colliding into anything as is and if by some luck you do, a fuckin tank of a car rams you, sending you flying like a fidget spinner. The PTSD is real but I still love that game!


doesnt help that bugattis weigh as much as a truck šŸ’€


Facts šŸ˜‚


Thank god Turbo and ESF tech exists


How do you even manage to use Turbo in Rivals? With so much shit going on and so fast, it is a challenge just to maintain focus to not crash into anything.


You need pure control of your hands body and spirit.


NFS Automotive Warfare


Heat cops are way more agro imo. Those dudes will not hesitate to send it at Mach Jesus into your door, every cop encounter feels like a dark sounds boss battle. Realistically tho the Unbound cops feel more realistic, the maneuvers you can use to escape are a lot more effective/versatile


Don't forget the rhino and getting esf'd when you're running at crit with 2 mil RP


The cops in heat really does feel like a string of escalating boss battles Someone should clip Elden ring music on a heat 5 chase


Unbound cops are tough but fair with an intelligent AI... Heat cops are tough and fucking bullshit tough...so difficult it feels artificial. Then there's rivals cops.


Aka, other players


Not just that, the ai cops are no joke


Trained by batman himself.


even the ai cops seem like they are out for fucking blood


I feel like a poor destitute bum in my VW bug with 3whp. Shits the slowest hot pursuit in the history of NFS, come, I'll paint you a picture. No shit there I was, Just finished a race and won by a hair. Cut scene ends and I gotta finish this pursuit. So the game gives me back control and I PUNCH it bro. The trigger on the controller is about to implode, I'm near missing ALL the hoes on this road for that sweet nectar of the gods, I fist the A button with my cock, the car shits flames, I look down at the speedo, and it says 78mph my boy. I look to the right and the fucking charger there in the flesh, casually pacing me and for a moment I swear I saw the cop laughing at me - no shit bro! This level of early game humiliation and desperation is superb. 10/10 will sweat over running from cops in a shitty VW tomorrow. Gosh I love that car tho. Did the Herby paint job... Really pops, yeah.


>I fist the A button with my cock This is what too much NFS does to your brain and I love it


Oh 100% bro. I've been a NFS nerd since I was a kid lol. It's probably not healthy hahah.


Is the Beetle overpowered like in Payback and Heat? (Ofcourse with the right parts)


Not sure yet. Just about to cap 300hp buuut I doubt it. The highest hp that I think I can get is from the 2.0 i4 at about 463? Hp. Sure it's a super small car but I remember that limit being higher in Heat. Don't remember tbh.


Technically, the boxter 6 swap should be possible.


Right!! Didn't see it there.


I feel like the devs themselves would say Heat. If you look at how both games are structured, you can kinda get a feel that Heat doesn't even want the players interacting with high level cops until the mid game considering how aggressive the earlier cops and the fact that early story missons would reset your heat level. You'd have to go out of your way (or be really unlucky) to get Heat 5 cops in the early game. In Unbound, within the first week it becomes clear how easy it is to get high heat and I think the designers expect the players to bite off more than they can chew that first go around and then start being more choosy about the number of events they do everyday.


I never felt such ammount of fear for cops in any nfs game like unbound cops. it probably is because im driving a A class car but its really intense. heat cops i would just do any tiny jump and they would all die.


They're more annoying than scary. I can't stroll peacefully without 10 units spawning on every street nearby


I'm still afraid to raise heat level more than 3-4 driving A class


I feel no fear for them, only a level of frustration that they're preventing me from playing the damn game


Same after the first time being busted they just become a nuisance especially during races when they try to pit maneuver you near the finish line


honestly just slam into them first, they lose it really easily or atleast dont try to ram you back for a bit




Its like they know your gps rout. I wonder if I go to destination without gps will be easier.


Just get the "Undercover Racer" auxillary and you can literally drive past them.


From my experiences, if you know where to lose the cops in Heat, you can escape them in a shitbox. But with Unbound? Does it have a ramp where it can obliterate whatever's chasing you?


Not really no, they follow you well though jumps. It's a lot more tactical and using your brain, which is better tbh


So this time, they don't die when you jump. whelp, you're all screwed.


That's how I'm feeling with it at this stage. Heat had that abandoned mall you could jump to, which got you away from all ground units, then you just had to wait for the chopper to need to refuel, then jump down and make a quick dash for the nearby safe house. Granted, I haven't got too far in Unbound yet, but I haven't found anywhere that lets you cheese the cops like that yet.


I posted a video of me escaping a level 5 heat in a near-stock Datsun Skyline. Took about 5 minutes IIRC. I'm not saying I'm all that, I'm saying that if I can do it anyone can.


Nah dude, they follow you on jumps, on rail roads etc. The only way to take a jump and escape is when you're not in their vicinity and when you are juking them


Heat: extremely aggressive cops that just don't leave you alone, but extremely vulnerable to the few jumps where they simply die mid-air. Also fuck Rhinoes. Combine that with having only a limited amount of repairs per night. Unbound: less aggressive cops but you can't lose them just by hopping over a body of water. Meanwhile you can get your car repaired infinitely every few minutes. Heavies do feel a tad overtuned though. Maybe make them less nimble than they are atm?


Heatā€™s cops are only intense because they damage you so much. Without that theyā€™d be hopeless. Hate to say it but MW and UC, they were more intense because of volume and tenacityā€¦


MW and UCā€™s cops are only intense because they literally send the whole of China after you. Without that theyā€™d be hopeless. Hate to say it but Heat and Rivals, they were more intense because of them actually being able to do shit to your car.


Rivals maybe, but Heat just had unfair (not to say bullshit) damage detection, because you would always lose a set amount of health no matter how strong the impact with a cop was. Extremely artificial and not fun at all, you were basically playing against police AI using God mode. > MW and UCā€™s cops are only intense because they literally send the whole of China after you. Without that theyā€™d be hopeless. I can't speak for Undercover, but Most Wanted's cops had much more advanced tactics and AI than anything Ghost Games ever made, so this is just wrong.


That's because the MW, Carbon and UC cops handle like RC cars and have superhuman reflexes. It's nearly impossible to fool them by suddenly cornering into another street for example (unless you use speedbreaker). They follow your trail like a heat-seeking missile.


> It's nearly impossible to fool them by suddenly cornering into a street for example The same thing happens in Unbound if the cops chasing you are not in front of your car. The only units that seem to struggle more with it are the Explorers and Raptors.


So you say Unbound's cops can't damage your ride?


Unbound just doesnā€™t really feel intense compared to Heat and Rivals. Intense is when youā€™re dripping with sweat and trying not to smash your screen after you die brutally.


Real shit hahaha.


Undercover reformed mod cops just magically spawn right in your path. Itā€™s absolute pain


Heat and rhinos the same. Devs were do last about spawning them often times you could drive right through them


Nfs heat and unbound is top, but in Heat Police is more imbalance force but I think in Nfs Unbound will have a balanced police force


Wait till u come to MW 2012




Crazy that every single one of these really creative and interesting cutscenes was followed by a very normal police chase lol


The armoured SWAT cars absolutely decimate you if you don't have Ram Chassis. Also when they do that head on tactic it can absolutely ruin your momentum and get you caught pretty easily.


Unbound gives you more of a chance survivability wise (nobody one-shots you), but Unbound cops are also much less suicidal - so there aren't as many situations where you can butcher everybody chasing you. You can make a Raptor fall into a lake though, which is pretty hilarious


Unbound cops are definitely the most annoying, not because of them being intense but just the amount of cops there are in the game, it's like you can't drive for 3 seconds in a row without having at least one on the radar


Meanwhile cops in rivals: BLOOD FOR BLOOD GOD


Unbound cops arenā€™t hard at all.


I still haven't played unbound yet, but I think that the best police system was rivals's because the chases weren't there only for fun but they could give you a LOT of money. They also use a shitton of different cars that scales on your heat level. Not to mention the superpowers they had. The Grand Tour was terryfing for this reason for me: 47 km of police madness


What do you mean Unbound cops are super easy, heat 5 Unbound cops are pretty much as hard as escaping 2 or 3 stars on GTA


We definitely don't have the same cops, because the cops in my game are completely useless


Cop chases are ruining this game for me right now. The cops are EVERYWHERE.. Like I missed my chance to drive a buggati last night cause I started the night with level 5 wanted level. I had no chance to get to that mission. In fact I lost 8k because I evaded them so many times when they eventually got me the money I had on me was strictly earned from evasions... The game is borderline unplayable and I'm getting pissed off driving around in the minimap staring simulator instead of enjoying the world and driving. Cops should be limited to after certain races and during certain missions. Having them chase you around a dozen times while you're just trying to get to a race/mission is exhausting, repetitive, frustrating and demoralizing. I might have to put the single player down for a bit it's so infuriating. I consider myself above average too, I've only been busted once and it was ludicrous. Cop cars were driving into me at 170mph like I was standing still. I get it's an arcade game but this was after I'd evaded them 5 or 6 times while trying to get to the first mission that night.


I'm having absolutely no issues with the cops in this game, no matter the car class. All I do is constant u turns, jumps and Offroad, then go into a tunnel to lose the chopper. The cops only become dangerous if you try driving away from then in a straight line, if you keep switching it up they can't hit you.


Man that isad video really stained a lot of people's opinions on unbound




Unbound cops are pretty easy to take down from what I've seen


All AI in general is brutal in Unbound. You have to be *perfect* to get a win, or hope the other cars crash.


NFS rivals cops are the real shit


This is suppose to be my smooth brain game break from COD relaxed game mode is not relaxed ! Lol


Heat cops are murderous compare to Unbound


Heat cops acting cocky until you use a ramp or just anything to make a slight jump


I think Heat ones just ruin the experience, they are too agressive and mostly itā€™s not even fun because of the damage


Early game, itā€™s heat for me. Since it could get really brutal. Though Iā€™m only in midgame, unbound seems to be a more balanced experience. Like I could survive a heat 5 with an A Evo IX that doesnā€™t have any aux. But again when you get down to the tricks like the oval track in heat or tunnels in ubound itā€™s a cakewalk. I also like the new cop classes in unbound. Except for raptors tho.. All my homies hate raptors.


I already hate raptors because people who drive them are small dicked humans who ride up asses and canā€™t change lanes or judge traffic for shit. This game makes me want to blow up raptors. Iā€™ve literally modded them into gta iv just so I can watch those pieces of shit burn Edit: NOT ALL raptor drivers. But 9/10 are


Heat cops are like heat-seeking missiles that launch with frightening accuracy. Unbound cops feel far more fair imo.


I don't like police chases after Carbon in NFS. I prefer optional police chases in NFS15, NFS15 police is perfect for me, if I don't want police chase, only play races and tuning cars. NFS PB police is pure optional, "event cops", but if you want chase, so cops are aggressive. This is reason, why I don't enjoy, haven't fun from police chases, when I don't want next police chase, just play races, chill in MP and tuning cars.


This is so true lol


From my experience, the cops in heat were just really fucking annoying and aggressive for the sole purpose of discouraging you from getting into chases. I canā€™t even count how many times Iā€™ve spent like 15 minutes trying to escape the cops because theyā€™re literally like a magnet and surround you. Combined with the ā€œinstant detectingā€ itā€™s almost impossible at heat 5. Unbound is much more laid back and realistic, as I can have 5 cops chasing me and if I take a sharp corner, they donā€™t have time to react and start losing me. It feels a bit OP, but who am I to complain. They also seem to not like ramming you into walls and actively suiciding into traffic because they want to put maneuver you. In the end, both new games have their pros, and ultimately a mix between the two systems would be preferred, but definitely the ā€œai technologyā€ of unbound is superior


Unbound i reckon


They are more annoying when they are not in persuit. Like thetly have your gps rout. I wonder if i go to my safe house/meet it will be easier without gps.


OG MW cops continue to be goated. AI intelligent enough to box you in/pit you will always beat the damage model chases of the new games. If we could only have a modern game implement the best chase style, and do without the old admitted flaw of spawning cops right in front of you. It would be so awesome... it would be so cool...


Unbound cops are very flashy but ultimately harmless.


Heat definitely has the more difficult cops, but there are other factors that play into the difficulty like how much health your car has and being able to repair infinitely as long as you're able to survive to the next charge vs. Heat's set number of repairs.


Cops in unbound are so fucking easy. in my 26h playthrough they only got me once in the first few hours when i accidentally reached heat 5. Theyre honestly nothing more than an annoyance that goes on way too long most of the time.


Payback cops: hey put that box back on the side of the road where you found it!