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Yea that is gross but is it something that is ending up in your yard? can you smell it? You cant tell anyone how to live their lives. But you could say something out of concern. Like hey Ive noticed this and are you ok?


This, are you ok? Someone might be struggling with bulimia


Maybe they have a drinking or heroin problem. Maybe they have GI issues. Maybe it's something else. You can only be sure of two things: 1) it's not your problem. 2) it's none of your business


Why would you think you need to do or say anything?


Nothing. Let your neighbor live their weird life in peace.


Exactly. When you say you're "dying" to say something it comes off as gossipy/mean. You didn't say their behavior, odd that it is, was affecting you in any way.


I mean- gross… but, they’re vomiting in their yard, right? Is it connected to your yard? If there is a fence or barrier between you guys and you have no chance of accidentally stepping in it or having a pet step in it, I’d ignore it. If it’s a shared space… I would go under the guise of health concern rather than disgust. In person (a note is too weird)- “hey neighbor, I was out on my porch and I’m so sorry but I heard you vomiting in your yard. Are you ok? Do you have a health issue?”


Yes it is their yard, that is the thing!


Then what's your problem? Mind your own business.


Ugh. I think it’s overstepping to tell them what to do in their own yard even if it’s gross. (I’m now thinking- would I say something if I saw them pooping in their yard in the same spot?! lol) I don’t think there is much you can do. Although if he’s doing it often enough that it starts to smell (god forbid) I would say something. But it’s not impacting your life at all besides just noticing that it’s weird as hell.


Sounds like an eating disorder this person is hiding from other family members. Confronting them, or telling the rest of the family, could make things worse. Or better. I dunno. I’m not saying don’t do anything, just try to be kind and understanding when you speak to them.


Whole lotta nunya. Keep quiet


Nothing for you to do (or say), they’re puking in their own yard. It’s gross and weird, just let them be.


It's not an issue because it's none of your business


My dad does this. Not anywhere near this frequency, but I am absolutely SHOCKED that someone else does this on our planet. I don’t get how you’re noticing this tho, tbh. Like, do you live on top of each other? You mention the word garden, so maybe you’re in the UK, where you are indeed on top of each other. Plant some trees and live your life.


Why does he do it?


I dunno! Partly embarrassment, partly not wanting to draw attention to himself, partly not wanting to have to clean the toilet after I would guess.


I think the question was more so asking why is he throwing up? I apologize if this comes off invasive, I hope it's nothing too serious.


It’s none of you business I mean unless you have this fetish? Yuck


Are you dying to do or say something because you’re concerned if this person is okay? Or is it because you want the tea on what’s going on with them?


As an emetophobe, I would simply *pass away* if I were in this position


Same here.




Might have some digestion issues after a meal maybe? Could hold off directly asking them about it until you become friendly enough to ask them about it. Slow approach


my wife has chronic IBS /IBD and vomits every morning, quite violently. it doesnt matter what she eats- we're in the process of figuring it out still but its either linked to her IBS or colitis, which may be what he has. ask him politely if hes in an uphill battle with collitis / IBS and ask if theres been any sort of remedy to help his situation- say you know someone whos wife does it too, and shes still new to it. report back with findings. smokers do it too, but with bile


If it's happening several nights each week and you can clearly hear it from inside your home or smell it (ugh), then there must be a polite way to bring up those factors. "I'm sorry you're feeling so unwell, but I've noticed your vomit pile is attracting pests. Perhaps there's another place you could vomit INSIDE your home?" No, there's just no way to address this. I'm so sorry.


Yeah, that's gonna pick up stray dogs.


I would check in on them. Are they OK? Do they need community assistance?


Does he have family? I don't think you should broach the subject, he may be dealing with something serious like stomach cancer or something, and going outside could be an attempt to hide his suffering from those inside. Or he may just be a drunk, I didn't throw up much from drinking, but I always preferred to be outside when I did, especially when you can get some nice cool air that helps you feel a little better.


I have to be really honest with you I know you think it’s gross but I’m pretty sure he’s not doing it intentionally so if you said something you’d look like a tedious crazy neighbour Have you tried getting anyone to ask the person or yourself, if the person needs caring and love and to ask what’s happened the exact same time several time a week, yeah ? Sounds deliberate but it also sounds like someone has a sickness and they probably get back from the place or go places in the morning and spew Take a deep breathe, Cool down for abit take a new approach to this situation Compromise and make a deal with your partner leave a support letter or care letter stating what I’ve written also ask your partner what do you know about this situation on the side note maybe she’s seen some things and the person might be an alcoholic and coming home drunk and is spewing on your lawn that would add fuel to the fire because your already bothered and alarmed And I have to raise the bar , yeah. same spot several time weekly? Are you having sex with your partner as often or are you work focused because that can be seen as self centered by the other person Where’s the time for sex and making love because thats important theirs difference and I don’t mean just that what about foreplay, I’m not talking about once a week and you think your putting effort into it * cough * I don’t mean to do this on reddit, but is there another person ? Is she cheating on you I don’t mean to stir the pot but you’ve made it seem like this scenario seems tedious and you come off as tedious and maybe I dunno loud about anything I’ve heard that it’s called nitpicking and nitpicking makes others annoyed and bothered and sometimes which become anytime makes you unbearable causing frustration, and bluntness and laughter it’s a coping mechanism don’t let it fool you their laughing cause their brain wants to murder you and emotional fallout, And the people that are this meet other people with fuck you attitude So is that happening if you do your research you probably should just incase


What are you dieing to say to them?


If it’s in their yard it’s their right even though gross to think about.


If it's their property you really can't do anything about it


How awful. I would absolutely speak up. In a situation like this, I don't think you have too much to lose (unless of course your neighbor is one of those vengeful types who retaliates in response to reasonable requests). Somehow, you need to communicate to this neighbor that their habit is audible and visible to you, that it's very unnerving, and you would appreciate it if they could do it indoors. Because the vengeful neighbor risk is real (especially when someone is already demonstrating anti-social behavior), It might be worth doing this anonymously, in a polite, respectful letter. Maybe include a small bottle of Pepto as a gift, so the neighbor feels that whoever wrote it is trying to help him.