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I’d get an alarm app on my phone like noonlight, Can keep your finger on it if you feel afraid or threatened. Once your finger is off the app button ,or phone drops or anything, it silently dials 911 and tracks you. If you don’t respond it calls the police and notifies your preset emergency contacts that you are in danger. And I’d carry some mace. Hit the record button on your phone if you are about to cross paths or he gets in the elevator. Just always be polite, no way to predict how he’ll react.


That's a very cool app!


Get some pepper spray just in case he decides to attack you


They also have a pepper spray but in gel form and it is as strong as bear spray. I have one. Very reasonably priced.


Kimber makes a little pepper gel gun. https://www.kimberamerica.com/pepper-blaster


Be safe. Guy sounds like the one's who are sucker punching women in NY. Full of anger, dangerous, enjoying making you feel unsafe but also pissed that you do feel unsafe around him because "you must be racist". If you have any neighbors who also leave around the same time you could adjust your schedule to leave when they do so you aren't alone. Find a trusted neighbor and create a sort of buddy system.


Are there cameras in the building?


Only in the lobby and elevators


This is a tough situation. I liked the buddy system and the gel mace advice above. My suggestion is going to be cumbersome but may help. Big shades, hat, mask, and headphones (turned way down or off). If he gets on an elevator you’re on, get off no mater the optics. If you’re not able to avoid him completely, hand on mace the whole time. He may be a bit unhinged but he also seems manipulative I wish you the best…


I would file a police report. This is harrasment and unsafe living environment. Then also involve property manager, landlord. Dealing and using is illegal in NYC and so is disruptung the peace. Stay safe!


New York doesn't even prosecute violent crime anymore, WTF good do you think a police report will do!


Buy some drugs off him. He'll be more friendly after that.


Do you have a male friend that can hang out with you while you do laundry? Safety in numbers. Also, get the Simplisafe alarm system for your apartment. It is customizable so you only buy what you need (for your apartment I would say you only need a keypad and a front door sensor (assuming you live higher up - if not, you will need window sensors) and maybe one motion sensor. Also, get a gun.


Have you seen him deal drugs or this is an assumption?


I saw him do it two times. But like I said, I don't care. I mind my business. I just want to be left alone.


Oh please 🙄


I’d report him to the landlord honestly. I know if you posted this on NYC group it could be taken differently because many new “woke” people only believe whites can be racist but if you actually LIVE in NYC you obviously know that isn’t always the case. Stay safe.


I would still move out. Why would you live in a place that is obviously so stressful? Move out of the city if necessary to a lower cost area. There are hundreds of low cost cities across America where employers are just begging for help.




Do you interact with everyone you get into an elevator with?


I don't get this pathological need for some people to be friends with every person they happen to interact with. I have never said hello to a person in an elevator. Minding your own business is by far the best way to avoid bullshit, and saying "you should have been nicer" in response to unhinged behavior is weird. So weird.




Aw man, that was mean. I still have a quest for you tho


This was during Covid first of all and second of all as soon as he stepped onto the elevator he immediately started ranting. So relax.




Your stupid question was answered and you’re still fishing for a reason to judge. What a dick.


These days it’s best to trust your vibe about people


They live in NYC.


Oh, we got a live one!


Ahhh yes. Random dude starts talking in a threatening manner in an elevator. “u kOuDda juSt sED helLo an avoidEDd ALL of this. AlSo I iS vaRy smart which is Y I hOld u acCountAble 4 oTHEr peEEpleZ ChoiCes n BeehaVyUreZ.”


Tell me you know nothing about living in a big city without telling me you know nothing about living in a big city lol