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check your local noise laws and see if you can report them.


Have a neighbor just like him. She is as renting her pool out on Swimply. Basically turned into giant parties every weekend because she made friends with a party promoter and they worked something out where she gets a cut of the door. Made thousands at the expense of nearly every neighbor on the street. Cars parked everywhere, blocking driveways. Party goers peeing in our yards, having sex wherever they felt like, and trash left everywhere. So. Much. Freaking. Noise. Cops were called every weekend multiple times. We also called city code inspectors. You’d think between the two they would get tired of dealing with her and all of the calls. We all fought back. We put up no parking signs up and down the street. Started having cars towed that blocked driveways. One of the neighbors put up signal blockers that made cell phone and internet usage SUCK. Lots of us made rounds with our cameras taking pictures, getting faces in them as much as possible posting them in social media when we caught them urinating and/or having sec on our property. Eventually - this took about 6 weeks - word got out that parties at her place sucked because of her “pain in the ass neighbors.” So the promoter moved on to another victim. Whenever we tried to speak with her, she would yell, give the finger, and slam the door in the person’s face. She wouldn’t listen to reason or be respectful, so we showed our respect right back. She had her chance… Whatever trash got picked up - we dumped in her yard. Bulk trash week all of our bulk trash was thrown in front of her house to stare at until the city got around to picking it up. (Talking branches, leaves, old furniture.) The neighbor kids used her yard as a thorough way when riding their bikes and ripped up her grass. She finally exploded and would watch for neighbors to walk past her house. She would step out and yell at them about being disrespectful of her, property that doesn’t belong to them, and dealing with all of the trash has become a nuisance. This let us know she got a taste of her own horrible medicine and we stopped. Sometimes you have to beat those neighbors from hell at their own game.


I'd be up very early in the mornings making as much noise as possible to wake his kids up.


Dang, every neighborhood must have at least one


Perhaps start doing something noisy in the mornings- weed whacking or mowing as early as is legal. (Right under their bedroom window)


Check your areas curfew times, and then call the police and report the noise after the time allowed by your area. Keep doing it until they get the point, which I doubt they will, they seem overly self entitled and selfish tbh, so it's not going to be easy. Also, check with your areas noise ordinance. Some towns and cities have noise or decibel level cut offs for daytime noises in between the quiet times for curfew. My town is 11pm - 7am in the summer, 10pm in the winter months, and we don't have any decibel level cut offs for daytime in my town, so, that sucks for us when it comes to reasonable noise. Police in my town won't even talk to people when it comes to unreasonable noise during the day! Won't even consider the noise pollution law, but, everywhere has one, so look into that as well. Good luck! 🤞


Doctors have to sleep sometimes, be a shame if he was kept awake.


Wish i were rich so i could help . I’m full of fun ideas


The way lots are you could have a few acres and still have the same problems. I have a constant beeping I think it’s an electric fence with batteries on discharge. I don’t mind the screaming and yelling too much. You can’t have everything. I thought I was losing my mind before I moved. I was always hearing voices in the house but they changed when I moved. I like the ones I have better now.


If you have a standalone house it shouldn’t bother you right?


Huh? Why wouldn’t this bother someone in a stand alone house?


What? It was a question, also if you live in a standalone house and you are on NFH I will be under your bed tonight


I’m just confused. The lawnmower is noisy, the kids are noisy, it’s late at night…I would hate that. I don’t think it matters if you have a stand alone house.


Bruh sound doesn’t penetrate houses like that


I hear my neighbor children shrieking outside. We have larger lots, minimum of 1/2 acre. They have a double lot, so the kids are the equivalent of three houses away. You totally don't know how houses are built.


i cant imagine having nothing better to do than be mad about the neighbor kids 3 houses down


Who said I was mad at the kids? I said you don't know how houses are built if you think you can't hear sounds from outside.


Do you live in a fallout shelter?


No I live in paper thin apartment that’s why I’m here


Houses are basically the same with sound.


It does. Our new across the street neighbors are insanely loud. They woke me up from a dead sleep at midnight one night having a screaming brawl in the middle of the street. Sound can penetrate houses just as easily as apartments.


yeah it does.... bruh!


I’m sorry, I have an AH neighbour aswell and I’m still in shock that people really don’t have any self awareness.